ajax request for real-time monitor - ajax

We have to monitor the cars of our company which have the GPS installed and draw their position on the map.
We use google map,and render the car with the google.maps.Maker with a custom icon.
Once the position of the car changed,we re-set the position of the marker.
Now we have problems to implement the real-time.
In order to make the position of the car real-time we have to refresh the car position in a small interval.
We try to use this kind of solution:
function refresh(){
Now how to set the delay?
In the clients's opinion,the small the better. Since it will make the car in the map move smoothly. For example,set the delay to 500 mili seconds
However, this will cause the Frequent requests to the server. Can the server and the browser afford this?
Is there a alternative to implement our requirement?

It would be best to use Websockets or Meteor stream and maintain a connection for a while, if you're going for high resolution updates.
As for whether your server can afford this, that's for you to say. A typical MMO is sending way more data much more often; but they use a data center. So it depends on how much infrastructure you have, how many clients you're expecting, and how much processing the serverside needs to do to compile the data before sending.
It would be advantageous to use an event-based server such as Node.js if you don't have much processing. Even if you do, I'd still serve it from Node or EventMachine, and delegate heavy lifting to other processes.
Look into socket.io if you're going for Node.


AJAX or WebSockets for a Heartstone-like game?

Game is a one-vs-one turn based 2D card management game to be played in a browser.
It is very much like Hearstone where a player plays a number of cards, observes effects and then passes turn to the opponent.
Game mechanics and prototype are ready and I need to decide on technology.
Server is PHP + MySQL, heard of node.js but have no experience with it.
I cannot have loss of packets, so need to use HTTP I guess.
Initial idea is to have scheduled AJAX call every 5 seconds to get game state for each client to check for:
end of turn
change of game state (and render animation based on it)
Obviously I would also need to validate every action of an active player on the server.
I am concerned of the number of calls to my server (not an expensive hosting) and how many calls would a modest server be capable of handling...
As a plus of Ajax I see guaranteed packet delivery and no issues with proxies involved (which may cut persistent connections).
Websockets reduce latency and server workload ( no need to open a new connection, meaning a key exchange in case of https), provided that you interact frequently.
A great advantage is that you are able to 'push' a message to the client (as opposed to having to 'pull' via Ajax every few seconds.
The server language shouldn't be a problem, but if you plan to maintain / extend it, you should choose carefully (I'm guessing you're a rather new programmer, thus gaining experience in a better suited environment would not be a huge amount of work).
Edit: just to clarify, I would recommend the usage of a websocket for your use case

Is the mux in this golang socket.io example necessary?

In an app that I'm making, a user is always part of a 'game'. I'd like to set up a socket.io server to communicate with users in a game. I'm planning to use http://godoc.org/github.com/madari/go-socket.io go-socket.io, which defines the newSocketIOfunction to create a new socketio instance.
Instead of creating one socketio instance, I thought it might be possible to create a map that maps game id's to socket.io instances, and configure them so that they listen on an url that represents the game id.
This way, I can use methods such as broadcast and broadcastExcept to broadcast to all players ithin a single game. However, I'd have to start a new goroutine for every game, and I don't know enough about their performance characteristics to know if this is scalable, since the request rate for a single socketio instance will be very low, about 1/second at peak times, but the connection might be idle for tens of seconds at other times (except for heartbeat, and possibly other communication specified by the socket.io protocol).
Would I be better off creating 1 socket.io instance, and tracking which connections belong to which games?
I'd have to start a new goroutine for every game, and I don't know enough about their performance characteristics to know if this is scalable
Fire away, the Go scheduler is built to efficiently handle thousands and even millions of goroutines.
The default net/http server in the Go standard library spawns a goroutine for every client for instance.
Just remember to return from your goroutines once they're done working. Else you'll end up with a lot of stale ones.
Would I be better off creating 1 socket.io instance, and tracking which connections belong to which games?
I'm not involved in the project but if it follows Go's "get sh*t done" philosophy, then it shouldn't matter. You can find out what works better by profiling both approaches though.

what's the skinny on long polling with ajax and webapi...is it going to kill my server? and string comparisons

I have a very simple long polling ajax call like this:
(function poll(){
$.ajax({ url: "myserver", success: function(data){
//do my stuff here
}, dataType: "json", complete: poll, timeout: 30000 });
I just picked this example up this afternoon and it seems to work great. I'm using it to build out some html on my page and it's nearly instantaneous as best I can tell. I'm a little worried though that this is going to keep worker threads open on my server and that if I have too big of a load on the server, it's going to stop entirely. Can someone shed some light on this theory? On the back end I have a webapi service (.net mvc 4) that calls a database, build the object, then passes the object back down. It also seems to me that in order for this to work, the server would have to be calling the database constantly...and that can't be good right???
My next question is what is the best way on the client to determine if I need to update the html on my page? Currently I"m using JSON.stringify() to turn my object into a string and comparing the string that comes down to the old string and if there's a delta, it re-writes the html on the page. right now there's not a whole lot in the object coming down, but it could potentially get very large and I think doing that string comparison could be pretty resource intensive on the client...especially if it's doing it nearly constantly.
bottom line for me is this: I"m not sure exactly sure how long polling works. I just googled it and found the above sample code and implemented it and, on the surface, it's awesome. I just fear that it's going to bog things down (on the server) and my way of comparing old results to new is going to bog thigns down (on the client).
any and all information you can provide is greatly appreciated.
OK, my two cents:
As others said, SignalR is tried and tested code so I would really consider using that instead of writing my own.
SignalR does change some of the IIS settings to optimise IIS for this sort of work. So if you are looking to implement your own, have a look at IIS setting changes done in SignalR
I suppose you are doing long polling so that your server could implement some form of Server Push. Just bear in mind that this will turn your stateless HTTP machine into a stateful machine which is not good if you want to scale. Long polling behind a load ballancer is not nice :) For me this is the worst thing about server push.
ASP.NET uses ThreadPool for serving requests. A long poll will hog a ThreadPool thread. If you have too many of these threads you might end up in thread starvation (and tears). As a ballpark figure, 100 is not too many but +1000 is.
Even SignalR team say that the IIS box which is optimised for SingalR, probably not optimised for normal ASP.NET and they recommend to separate these boxes. So this means cost and overhead.
At the end of the day, I recommend to using long polling if you are solving a business problem (and not because it is just cool) because then that will pay its costs and overheads and headaches.
I agreee with SLaks - i.e. use SignalR if you need realtime web with WebApi http://www.asp.net/signalr. Long polling is difficult to implement well, let someone else handle that complexity i.e. use SignalR (natural choice for WebApi) or Comet.
SignalR attempts 3 other forms of communication before resorting to long polling, web sockets, server sent events and forever frame (here).
In some circumstances you may be better of with simple polling i.e. a hit every second or so to update... take a look at this article. But here is a quote:
when you have a high message volume, long-polling does not provide any substantial
performance improvements over traditional polling. In fact, it could be worse,
because the long-polling might spin out of control into an
unthrottled, continuous loop of immediate polls.
The fear is that with any significant load on your web page your 30 second ajax query could end up being your own denial of service attack.
Even Bayeux (CometD) will resort to simple polling if the load gets too much:
Increased server load and resource starvation are addressed by using
the reconnect and interval advice fields to throttle clients, which in
the worst-case degenerate to traditional polling behaviour.
As for the second part of you question.
If you are using long polling then your server should ideally only be returning an update if something actually has changed thus your UI should probably "trust" the response and assume that a response means new data. The same goes for any of the Server Push type approaches.
If you did move back down towards simple polling pullmethod then you can use the inbuilt http methods for detecting an update using the If-Modified-Since header which would allow you to return a 304 Not Modified, so the server would check the timestamp of an object and only return a 200 with an object if it had been modified since the last request.

Using server-sent events with cubism.js graphs

Can cubism.js graphs be populated with data received from server-sent events? If so, would this be easy to implement?
Thank you,
As far as I can tell, Cubism wants to poll — and seems to be designed completely around polling, not event-driven pushes. A custom metric is simply meant to fetch data the context decides it wants, so you'd really have to write a custom context designed with things like server-sent events and long-polling/_changes feed architectures.
Why not write a custom metric that fakes it? Basically, provide a context.metric request function that's closed around a buffer. As you get events, put them in the buffer. Then when Cubism's context gets around to polling your metric fetch function (you can set the clientDelay lower since now it won't actually increase network traffic) you can ± just shift the buffer out right away.

Distributed time synchronization and web applications

I'm currently trying to build an application that inherently needs good time synchronization across the server and every client. There are alternative designs for my application that can do away with this need for synchronization, but my application quickly begins to suck when it's not present.
In case I am missing something, my basic problem is this: firing an event in multiple locations at exactly the same moment. As best I can tell, the only way of doing this requires some kind of time synchronization, but I may be wrong. I've tried modeling the problem differently, but it all comes back to either a) a sucky app, or b) requiring time synchronization.
Let's assume I Really Really Do Need synchronized time.
My application is built on Google AppEngine. While AppEngine makes no guarantees about the state of time synchronization across its servers, usually it is quite good, on the order of a few seconds (i.e. better than NTP), however sometimes it sucks badly, say, on the order of 10 seconds out of sync. My application can handle 2-3 seconds out of sync, but 10 seconds is out of the question with regards to user experience. So basically, my chosen server platform does not provide a very reliable concept of time.
The client part of my application is written in JavaScript. Again we have a situation where the client has no reliable concept of time either. I have done no measurements, but I fully expect some of my eventual users to have computer clocks that are set to 1901, 1970, 2024, and so on. So basically, my client platform does not provide a reliable concept of time.
This issue is starting to drive me a little mad. So far the best thing I can think to do is implement something like NTP on top of HTTP (this is not as crazy as it may sound). This would work by commissioning 2 or 3 servers in different parts of the Internet, and using traditional means (PTP, NTP) to try to ensure their sync is at least on the order of hundreds of milliseconds.
I'd then create a JavaScript class that implemented the NTP intersection algorithm using these HTTP time sources (and the associated roundtrip information that is available from XMLHTTPRequest).
As you can tell, this solution also sucks big time. Not only is it horribly complex, but only solves one half the problem, namely giving the clients a good notion of the current time. I then have to compromise on the server, either by allowing the clients to tell the server the current time according to them when they make a request (big security no-no, but I can mitigate some of the more obvious abuses of this), or having the server make a single request to one of my magic HTTP-over-NTP servers, and hoping that request completes speedily enough.
These solutions all suck, and I'm lost.
Reminder: I want a bunch of web browsers, hopefully as many as 100 or more, to be able to fire an event at exactly the same time.
Let me summarize, to make sure I understand the question.
You have an app that has a client and server component. There are multiple servers that can each be servicing many (hundreds) of clients. The servers are more or less synced with each other; the clients are not. You want a large number of clients to execute the same event at approximately the same time, regardless of which server happens to be the one they connected to initially.
Assuming that I described the situation more or less accurately:
Could you have the servers keep certain state for each client (such as initial time of connection -- server time), and when the time of the event that will need to happen is known, notify the client with a message containing the number of milliseconds after the beginning value that need to elapse before firing the event?
To illustrate:
client A connects to server S at time t0 = 0
client B connects to server S at time t1 = 120
server S decides an event needs to happen at time t3 = 500
server S sends a message to A:
S->A : {eventName, 500}
server S sends a message to B:
S->B : {eventName, 380}
This does not rely on the client time at all; just on the client's ability to keep track of time for some reasonably short period (a single session).
It seems to me like you're needing to listen to a broadcast event from a server in many different places. Since you can accept 2-3 seconds variation you could just put all your clients into long-lived comet-style requests and just get the response from the server? Sounds to me like the clients wouldn't need to deal with time at all this way ?
You could use ajax to do this, so yoǘ'd be avoiding any client-side lockups while waiting for new data.
I may be missing something totally here.
If you can assume that the clocks are reasonable stable - that is they are set wrong, but ticking at more-or-less the right rate.
Have the servers get their offset from a single defined source (e.g. one of your servers, or a database server or something).
Then have each client calculate it's offset from it's server (possible round-trip complications if you want lots of accuracy).
Store that, then you the combined offset on each client to trigger the event at the right time.
(client-time-to-trigger-event) = (scheduled-time) + (client-to-server-difference) + (server-to-reference-difference)
Time synchronization is very hard to get right and in my opinion the wrong way to go about it. You need an event system which can notify registered observers every time an event is dispatched (observer pattern). All observers will be notified simultaneously (or as close as possible to that), removing the need for time synchronization.
To accommodate latency, the browser should be sent the timestamp of the event dispatch, and it should wait a little longer than what you expect the maximum latency to be. This way all events will be fired up at the same time on all browsers.
Google found the way to define time as being absolute. It sounds heretic for a physicist and with respect to General Relativity: time is flowing at different pace depending on your position in space and time, on Earth, in the Universe ...
You may want to have a look at Google Spanner database: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanner_(database)
I guess it is used now by Google and will be available through Google Cloud Platform.
