Windows phone 8 gps / altitude problems - windows-phone-7

UPDATE: using the sample from here - and adding an altitude readout I get the same thing as my code. Poor accuracy is being off by 50ft. Going back and forth between 720 (correct) and 300 ft means something is wrong. I just can't see where...
I'm starting to make a GPS tracking app for windows phone 8 but something is going haywire. In my app, (and in the sample location app) i get some readings that are correct and others that are not. In general, the altitude jumps back and forth between ~95 and ~215 (with 215 being correct). The distance I'm getting is hugely inaccurate as well, quickly jumping to several miles while sitting at my desk or walking around outside.
I'm not sure what code to post, as it is identical to the sample code. If you think there is another relevant section i should post let me know and I'll add it.
double maxSpeed = 0.0;
double maxAlt = -9999999.0;
double minAlt = 9999999.0;
double curDistance = 0.0;
GeoCoordinate lastCoord = null;
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
if ((bool)IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings["LocationConsent"] != true)
// The user has opted out of Location.
if (App.Geolocator == null)
// Use the app's global Geolocator variable
App.Geolocator = new Geolocator();
App.Geolocator.DesiredAccuracy = PositionAccuracy.High;
//App.Geolocator.MovementThreshold = 1; // The units are meters.
App.Geolocator.ReportInterval = 1000;
//App.Geolocator.DesiredAccuracyInMeters = 50;
App.Geolocator.StatusChanged += geolocator_StatusChanged;
App.Geolocator.PositionChanged += geolocator_PositionChanged;
geolocator = new Geolocator();
geolocator.DesiredAccuracy = PositionAccuracy.High;
//geolocator.MovementThreshold = 1; // The units are meters.
geolocator.ReportInterval = 1000;
geolocator.StatusChanged += geolocator_StatusChanged;
geolocator.PositionChanged += geolocator_PositionChanged;
* */
logging = true;
startTime = DateTime.Now;
public static GeoCoordinate ConvertGeocoordinate(Geocoordinate geocoordinate)
return new GeoCoordinate
geocoordinate.Altitude ?? Double.NaN,
geocoordinate.AltitudeAccuracy ?? Double.NaN,
geocoordinate.Speed ?? Double.NaN,
geocoordinate.Heading ?? Double.NaN
void geolocator_PositionChanged(Geolocator sender, PositionChangedEventArgs args)
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
if (lastCoord == null)
lastCoord = ConvertGeocoordinate(args.Position.Coordinate);
DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now;
TimeSpan totalTime = currentTime - startTime;
timeValue.Text = totalTime.ToString(#"hh\:mm\:ss");
GeoCoordinate thisLocation = ConvertGeocoordinate(args.Position.Coordinate);
if (true) //units check true = standard
double speed = (double)thisLocation.Speed;
speed *= 2.23694; //m/s -> mph
speedValue.Text = speed.ToString("0");
double alt = (double)thisLocation.Altitude;
if (alt > maxAlt)
maxAlt = alt;
if (alt < minAlt)
minAlt = alt;
double currentAlt = (maxAlt - minAlt);
currentAlt *= 3.28084; //m -> ft
* */
alt *= 3.28084;
altValue.Text = alt.ToString("0");
double distance = thisLocation.GetDistanceTo(lastCoord);
curDistance += distance;
distance = curDistance * 0.000621371; // m -> miles
distanceValue.Text = distance.ToString("0.00");
distanceUnits.Text = "(mi)";
speedUnits.Text = "(mph)";
altUnits.Text = "(ft)";
EDIT: I didn't mention, but the speed is perfectly fine as an fyi. the lat / long is pretty close in general to where i am as well, so I don't think it's a hardware issue.
UPDATE: When stopping in the debugger to check the value instead of just printing it, it gives this:
Altitude = An internal error has occurred while evaluating method Windows.Devices.Geolocation.Geocoordinate.get_Altitude()
I tried to search for this, but the error is nowhere to be found on the internet...
The documentation states that altitude and a few others aren't guaranteed, but it also says that the value will be null if it isn't there. I check, and it's never null. It always prints a value, either correct or ~400 ft off.
UPDATE: Sample code:
void geolocator_PositionChanged(Geolocator sender, PositionChangedEventArgs args)
if (!App.RunningInBackground)
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
LatitudeTextBlock.Text = args.Position.Coordinate.Latitude.ToString("0.00");
LongitudeTextBlock.Text = args.Position.Coordinate.Longitude.ToString("0.00");
Microsoft.Phone.Shell.ShellToast toast = new Microsoft.Phone.Shell.ShellToast();
toast.Content = args.Position.Coordinate.Latitude.ToString("0.00");
toast.Title = "Location: ";
toast.NavigationUri = new Uri("/MainPage.xaml", UriKind.Relative);

You might be seeing a different issues (too) but GPS altitudes are not very reliable. I have a few Garmin devices and they all jump about all over the place. You really need a barometer for decent altitude accuracy.
Here is a link on GPS attitude inaccuracy GPS Elevation


How do the obstacle detection sensors work in the DJI Windows SDK?

I want to get the distance of the obstacles in the back and front of the Mavic Air.
I'm using the VissionDetectionStateChanged and it returns values in the 4 sectors, but all of them change only with obstacles in the back. If I put my hand in the front, nothing happens.
The VisionSensorPosition is returning TAIL always and when I put my hand very close to the tail of the aircraft it changes for NOSE.
Shouldn't be the opposite?
Right now I just display the information, but I'd like to be able to detect obstacles in the back and front of the aircraft to try to keep it in the middle of two objects and avoid collisions.
This is my code in the event:
private async void FlightAssistant_VissionDetectionStateChanged(object sender, VissionDetectionState? value)
if (value.HasValue)
if (txtPosition.Dispatcher.HasThreadAccess)
txtPosition.Text = value.Value.position.ToString();
for (int i = 0, count = value.Value.detectionSectors.Count; i < count; i++)
ObstacleDetectionSector sector = value.Value.detectionSectors[i];
TextBox txtWarning = this.FindControl<TextBox>("txtWarning" + i.ToString());
if (txtWarning != null)
txtWarning.Text = sector.warningLevel.ToString();
TextBox txtObstacleDistance = this.FindControl<TextBox>("txtObstacleDistance" + i.ToString());
if (txtObstacleDistance != null)
txtObstacleDistance.Text = sector.obstacleDistanceInMeters.ToString();
await txtPosition.Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
txtIsSensorBeingUsed.Text = value.Value.isSensorBeingUsed.ToString();
txtPosition.Text = value.Value.position.ToString();
for (int i = 0, count = value.Value.detectionSectors.Count; i < count; i++)
ObstacleDetectionSector sector = value.Value.detectionSectors[i];
TextBox txtWarning = this.FindControl<TextBox>("txtWarning" + i.ToString());
if (txtWarning != null)
txtWarning.Text = sector.warningLevel.ToString();
TextBox txtObstacleDistance = this.FindControl<TextBox>("txtObstacleDistance" + i.ToString());
if (txtObstacleDistance != null)
txtObstacleDistance.Text = sector.obstacleDistanceInMeters.ToString();

winforms, help needed to create a dynamic tablelayoutpanel with buttons

I am trying to create a dynamic tablelayout which creates adds a skill and gives that skill 1 level and a increase decrease button. I am struggling with having the buttons access the level label. I thought about finding the location of the button that was clicked, but could figure out how to do that.
In advance, Thank you.
this is what i have so far:
private void skilladded(object sender, EventArgs e)
int i = 1;
int[] position= { 0,0};
bool test = false;
//string select;
int k=0;
for (i=1;i<=skillstableLayoutPanel.RowCount;i++)
Control c= skillstableLayoutPanel.GetControlFromPosition(0,i);
if (c!=null&&addskillswin.selected==c.Text)
test = true;
k = i;
else if(c==null)
k = i;
if (test==false)
Label newskill = new Label();
Label newskilllvl = new Label();
TableLayoutPanel buttontable = new TableLayoutPanel();
Button up = new Button();
Button down = new Button();
buttontable.ColumnCount = 2;
buttontable.RowCount = 1;
buttontable.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent,100f));
buttontable.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent,50f));
buttontable.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, 50f));
buttontable.Margin = new Padding(0,0,0,0);
buttontable.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
buttontable.Controls.Add(up, 0, 0);
buttontable.Controls.Add(down, 1, 0);
up.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.up;[enter image description here][2]
down.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.down;
down.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch;
newskill.Text = addskillswin.selected;
newskilllvl.Text = "1";
up.Margin = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 0);
down.Margin = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 0);
skillstableLayoutPanel.Controls.Add(newskilllvl, 1, k);
skillstableLayoutPanel.Controls.Add(buttontable, 2, k);
skillavaillabel.Text = (Convert.ToInt32(skillavaillabel.Text) - 1).ToString();
skillpointlvl = Convert.ToInt32(newskilllvl.Text);
up.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(skillup);
down.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(skilldown);
if (test==true)
skillstableLayoutPanel.GetControlFromPosition(1, k).Text = (Convert.ToInt32(skillstableLayoutPanel.GetControlFromPosition(1, k).Text) + 1).ToString();
skillavaillabel.Text = (Convert.ToInt32(skillavaillabel.Text) -1).ToString();
private void skillup(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void skilldown(object sender, EventArgs e)
Instead of this:
up.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(skillup);
down.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(skilldown);
Try something like this:
up.MouseClick += ((o, me) =>
int currentLevel = Int32.Parse(newskilllvl.Text);
newskilllvl.Text = currentLevel.ToString();
down.MouseClick += ((o, me) =>
int currentLevel = Int32.Parse(newskilllvl.Text);
newskilllvl.Text = currentLevel.ToString();
Your skillup or skilldown event handler could potentially process each sender and see from which button the click originated, but you'd have to uniquely name each button and do a lot of string comparisons to see which button corresponds to which skill level label. The code above adds an anonymous handler to each button, which allows us to essentially tie the button being clicked to its corresponding skill label.
Personally though, I would not store all these values in labels like you have done. I would either store them in properties on the form, or better yet in a class of their own. I would also put all this logic somewhere else beside the form, like in a Presenter or Controller (or class library), and follow a design pattern such as MVC or MVP. This will make maintaining and changing the application easier in the long run.
Also, consider using camel case and Pascal case for your variable names. All lowercase variables are harder for experienced programmers to read.

How do I change the speed of an AnimationTimer in JavaFX?

I'm trying to change the speed of an AnimationTimer so the code runs slower, here is the code I have so far:
AnimationTimer timer = new AnimationTimer() {
public void handle(long now) {
if (upOrDown != 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
snakePositionDown[i] = snake[i].getX();
snakePositionDownY[i] = snake[i].getY();
snake[0].setY(snake[0].getY() + 25);
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
snake[i].setX(snakePositionDown[i - 1]);
snake[i].setY(snakePositionDownY[i - 1]);
leftOrRight = 2;
upOrDown = 0;
How would I make the AnimationTimer run slower?
Thanks in advance!
You could use a Timeline for this purpose. Adjusting the Timeline.rate property also allows you to update the "speed":
// update once every second (as long as rate remains 1)
Timeline timeline = new Timeline(new KeyFrame(Duration.seconds(1), event -> {
if (upOrDown != 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
snakePositionDown[i] = snake[i].getX();
snakePositionDownY[i] = snake[i].getY();
snake[0].setY(snake[0].getY() + 25);
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
snake[i].setX(snakePositionDown[i - 1]);
snake[i].setY(snakePositionDownY[i - 1]);
leftOrRight = 2;
upOrDown = 0;
// double speed
An AnimationTimer's handle() method is invoked on every "pulse" - i.e., every time a frame is rendered. By default, the JavaFX toolkit will attempt to do this 60 times per second, but that is not in any way guaranteed. It can be changed by setting a system property, and it is possible that future versions of JavaFX will attempt to execute pulses more frequently. If the FX Application Thread has a large amount of work to do, then pulses may occur less frequently than the target rate. Consequently, the code in your handle() method needs to account for the amount of time since the last update.
The parameter passed to the handle(...) method represents the current system time in nanoseconds. So a typical way to approach this is:
AnimationTimer h = new AnimationTimer() {
private long lastUpdate; // Last time in which `handle()` was called
private double speed = 50 ; // The snake moves 50 pixels per second
public void start() {
lastUpdate = System.nanoTime();
public void handle(long now) {
long elapsedNanoSeconds = now - lastUpdate;
// 1 second = 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) nanoseconds
double elapsedSeconds = elapsedNanoSeconds / 1_000_000_000.0;
// ...
snake[0].setY(snake[0].getY() + elapsedSeconds * speed);
// ...
lastUpdate = now;

EWS The server cannot service this request right now

I am seeing errors while exporting email in office 365 account using ews managed api, "The server cannot service this request right now. Try again later." Why is that error occurring and what can be done about it?
I am using the following code for that work:-
_GetEmail = (EmailMessage)item;
bool isread = _GetEmail.IsRead;
sub = _GetEmail.Subject;
fold = folder.DisplayName;
historicalDate = _GetEmail.DateTimeSent.Subtract(folder.Service.TimeZone.GetUtcOffset(_GetEmail.DateTimeSent));
props = new PropertySet(EmailMessageSchema.MimeContent);
var email = EmailMessage.Bind(_source, item.Id, props);
bytes = new byte[email.MimeContent.Content.Length];
fs = new MemoryStream(bytes, 0, email.MimeContent.Content.Length, true);
fs.Write(email.MimeContent.Content, 0, email.MimeContent.Content.Length);
Demail = new EmailMessage(_destination);
Demail.MimeContent = new MimeContent("UTF-8", bytes);
// 'SetExtendedProperty' used to maintain historical date of items
Demail.SetExtendedProperty(new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(57, MapiPropertyType.SystemTime), historicalDate);
Demail.SetExtendedProperty(new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(3590, MapiPropertyType.SystemTime), historicalDate);
if (isread == false)
Demail.IsRead = isread;
if (_source.RequestedServerVersion == flagVersion && _destination.RequestedServerVersion == flagVersion)
Demail.Flag = _GetEmail.Flag;
_objtask = new TaskStatu();
_objtask.TaskId = _taskid;
_objtask.SubTaskId = subtaskid;
_objtask.FolderId = Convert.ToInt64(folderId);
_objtask.SourceItemId = Convert.ToString(_GetEmail.InternetMessageId.ToString());
_objtask.DestinationEmail = Convert.ToString(_fromEmail);
_objtask.CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
_objtask.IsSubFolder = false;
_objtask.FolderName = fold;
if (counter == countGroup)
Demails = new EmailMessage(_destination);
Demails.Service.CreateItems(_lstdestmail, _destinationFolder.Id, MessageDisposition.SaveOnly, SendInvitationsMode.SendToNone);
counter = 0;
catch (Exception ex)
ClouldErrorLog.CreateError(_taskid, subtaskid, ex.Message + GetLineNumber(ex, _taskid, subtaskid), CreateInnerException(sub, fold, historicalDate));
counter = 0;
This error occurs only if try to export in office 365 accounts and works fine in case of outlook 2010, 2013, 2016 etc..
Usually this is the case when exceed the EWS throttling in Exchange. It is explain in here.
Make sure you already knew throttling policies and your code comply with them.
You can find throttling policies using Get-ThrottlingPolicy if you have the server.
One way to solve the throttling issue you are experiencing is to implement paging instead of requesting all items in one go. You can refer to this link.
For instance:
using Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data;
static void PageSearchItems(ExchangeService service, WellKnownFolderName folder)
int pageSize = 5;
int offset = 0;
// Request one more item than your actual pageSize.
// This will be used to detect a change to the result
// set while paging.
ItemView view = new ItemView(pageSize + 1, offset);
view.PropertySet = new PropertySet(ItemSchema.Subject);
view.OrderBy.Add(ItemSchema.DateTimeReceived, SortDirection.Descending);
view.Traversal = ItemTraversal.Shallow;
bool moreItems = true;
ItemId anchorId = null;
while (moreItems)
FindItemsResults<Item> results = service.FindItems(folder, view);
moreItems = results.MoreAvailable;
if (moreItems && anchorId != null)
// Check the first result to make sure it matches
// the last result (anchor) from the previous page.
// If it doesn't, that means that something was added
// or deleted since you started the search.
if (results.Items.First<Item>().Id != anchorId)
Console.WriteLine("The collection has changed while paging. Some results may be missed.");
if (moreItems)
view.Offset += pageSize;
anchorId = results.Items.Last<Item>().Id;
// Because you’re including an additional item on the end of your results
// as an anchor, you don't want to display it.
// Set the number to loop as the smaller value between
// the number of items in the collection and the page size.
int displayCount = results.Items.Count > pageSize ? pageSize : results.Items.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < displayCount; i++)
Item item = results.Items[i];
Console.WriteLine("Subject: {0}", item.Subject);
Console.WriteLine("Id: {0}\n", item.Id.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Exception while paging results: {0}", ex.Message);

In Selenium, how to compare images?

As i have been asked to automate our Company's website using Selenium Automation tooL.
But i am new to Selenium tool to proceed with, but i have learnt the basics of Selenium IDE and RC. But i am very much confused with how to compare actual and original images as we usually do in other automation tools. How do we come to a result that there bug in the website? Its obviously through image comparison but i wonder as selenium is one of the very popular tools but it doesn't have image comparing option. On the other hand i doubt whether my way of proceeding with the automation process is correct! Could somebody please help me out..
Thanks in Advance!!
Sanjay S
I had simillar task. I needed to compare more than 3000 images on a WebPage.
First of all I scrolled page to load all images:
public void compareImage() throws InterruptedException {
JavascriptExecutor executor = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
Long previousHeight;
Long currentHeight;
do {
previousHeight = (Long) executor.executeScript("return document.documentElement.scrollHeight");
executor.executeScript("window.scrollBy(0, document.documentElement.scrollHeight)");
currentHeight = (Long) executor.executeScript("return document.documentElement.scrollHeight");
} while (, currentHeight) != 0);
after I compared size of all images with first image(or you can just write size):
List<WebElement> images = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector("img[class='playable']"));
List<String> errors = new LinkedList<>();
int imgWidth, imgHeight, elWidth, elHeight;
int imgNum = 0;
imgWidth = images.get(0).getSize().getWidth();
imgHeight = images.get(0).getSize().getHeight();
for (WebElement el : images) {
elWidth = el.getSize().getWidth();
elHeight = el.getSize().getHeight();
if (imgWidth != elWidth || imgHeight != elHeight) {
errors.add(String.format("Picture # %d has incorrect size (%d : %d) px"
, imgNum, elWidth, elHeight));
for (String str : errors)
if (errors.size() == 0)
System.out.println("All images have the same size");
Since you mention knowledge about Selenium RC, you can easily extend Selenium's capability using a library for your chosen programming language. For instance, in Java you can use the PixelGrabber class for comparing two images and assert their match.
imagemagick and imagediff are also two good tools to use for image matching. You would require Selenium RC and a programming language knowledge to work with it.
Image comparison on C#. To get exact results I recommend to disable anti aliasing browser feature before taking screenshots, otherwise pixels each time are a little bit different drawn. For example HTML canvas element options.AddArgument("disable-canvas-aa");
private static bool ImageCompare(Bitmap bmp1, Bitmap bmp2, Double TolerasnceInPercent)
bool equals = true;
bool flag = true; //Inner loop isn't broken
//Test to see if we have the same size of image
if (bmp1.Size == bmp2.Size)
for (int x = 0; x < bmp1.Width; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < bmp1.Height; ++y)
Color Bitmap1 = bmp1.GetPixel(x, y);
Color Bitmap2 = bmp2.GetPixel(x, y);
if (Bitmap1.A != Bitmap2.A)
if (!CalculateTolerance(Bitmap1.A, Bitmap2.A, TolerasnceInPercent))
flag = false;
equals = false;
if (Bitmap1.R != Bitmap2.R)
if (!CalculateTolerance(Bitmap1.R, Bitmap2.R, TolerasnceInPercent))
flag = false;
equals = false;
if (Bitmap1.G != Bitmap2.G)
if (!CalculateTolerance(Bitmap1.G, Bitmap2.G, TolerasnceInPercent))
flag = false;
equals = false;
if (Bitmap1.B != Bitmap2.B)
if (!CalculateTolerance(Bitmap1.B, Bitmap2.B, TolerasnceInPercent))
flag = false;
equals = false;
if (!flag)
equals = false;
return equals;
This C# function calculates tolerance
private static bool CalculateTolerance(Byte FirstImagePixel, Byte SecondImagePixel, Double TolerasnceInPercent)
double OneHundredPercent;
double DifferencesInPix;
double DifferencesPercentage;
if (FirstImagePixel > SecondImagePixel)
OneHundredPercent = FirstImagePixel;
OneHundredPercent = SecondImagePixel;
if (FirstImagePixel > SecondImagePixel)
DifferencesInPix = FirstImagePixel - SecondImagePixel;
DifferencesInPix = SecondImagePixel - FirstImagePixel;
DifferencesPercentage = (DifferencesInPix * 100) / OneHundredPercent;
DifferencesPercentage = Math.Round(DifferencesPercentage, 2);
if (DifferencesPercentage > TolerasnceInPercent)
return false;
return true;
