How to reload a part of web page using ajax - ajax

I am trying to refresh the image part of the webpage after upload the image.
But not get success.
I need your help.
plz help me in reload the webpage using ajax.
Thanks in advance.

This code shows the ALERTS - before image loading and after image loaded.
You can process you data wherever you want using this.
function imageLoaded() {
// function to invoke for loaded image
alert("image loaded......");
$('img').each(function() {
alert("image loading......");
if( this.complete ) { this );
} else {
$(this).one('load', imageLoaded);


Vue.js : image displayed using require() cannot update

I'm displaying an image like that:
<img :src="imageUrlAlt(this.form.logo_image)">
I tried many ways to display image, and only require() works with data bind.
My script:
data: () => ({
form: {
logo_image: null // data will be mounted when load page
methods: {
imageUrlAlt(type) {
try {
return require('../../../../../storage/app/public/'+ type)
} catch (e) {
return require('../../../../../storage/app/public/images/organization/alt-image.png')
When I'm load the view and inspect, the image source is something like "/images/logo.jpeg?b0c864c0f180003c61d83266b55df0c6", and an image look exactly the same with my image will be created in public/images, so I understanding that this one has been displayed instead of the original.
However, when I'm create a function to upload image, after refresh page, the image displayed still the old, because image in public/images still not updated or delete. How to fix that? Thanks a lot. And sorry if my english is bad.

Removing images from a page before they load

I'm developing an extension using Crossrider and want to block certain images before they load. Currently, I'm trying in the extension.js file using the code below, but it only removes them after they have loaded and does't catch AJAX loaded images. How can I do this with Crossrider?
appAPI.ready(function($) {
This is best achieved in the background scope using the appAPI.webRequest.onRequest.addListener method to catch image requests and block them before they load. For example:
appAPI.ready(function() {
// The list of image file types you wish to block
var fileTypeBlockList = 'jpg|gif|svg';
appAPI.webRequest.onRequest.addListener(function(details) {
if (details.method == "GET" &&
details.requestUrl.match(new RegExp('.'+fileTypeBlockList+'$','i')) {
return { cancel: true };
[Disclosure: I am a Crossrider employee]

simple modal loader

I am new in using jquery. I am trying add in the simplemodal.js (Eirc Martin's simple modal) a function called 'jBox' that will take the data (ie link) and options and using ajax will load the content into the modal container. This way I want on my pages in several places easy call this function
jBox = function(address, options){
$.get(address, function(data) {
The code is working fine, but i would like to add a loading image before the content is fully loaded. There is a lots of similar posts about loader/ spinner in simplebox but none of the works for me.
I was trying following code
$('#test').load('<img src="loader.gif">').html(data);
But, some way, it doesnt work for me. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Thanks
I use the ajaxStart and ajaxStop events.
ajaxStart: function() {
$(this).addClass("loading"); // so page knows it's in loading state
// .. your modal code
ajaxStop: function() {
$(this).removeClass("loading"); // not it loading state anymore
// .. What you should do if loading is done. (eg. hide modal)
In this case I set the body class to 'loading'. So you can do some magic in css if you like.
I tend to use it to disable forms as well.
body.loading div.some-class {
// your special style for during loading

Loading images with ajax (in rails) [duplicate]

I want to load external images on my page asynchronously using jQuery and I have tried the following:
url: "",
success: function() {
error: function(r,x) {
But it always returns error, is it even possible to load image like this?
I tried to use .load method and it works but I have no idea how I can set timeout if the image is not available (404). How can I do this?
No need for ajax. You can create a new image element, set its source attribute and place it somewhere in the document once it has finished loading:
var img = $("<img />").attr('src', '')
.on('load', function() {
if (!this.complete || typeof this.naturalWidth == "undefined" || this.naturalWidth == 0) {
alert('broken image!');
} else {
I came accross usecases where the onload handlers were not the right choice. In my case when printing via javascript. So there are actually two options to use AJAX style for this:
Solution 1
Use Base64 image data and a REST image service. If you have your own webservice, you can add a JSP/PHP REST script that offers images in Base64 encoding. Now how is that useful? I came across a cool new syntax for image encoding:
<img src="..."/>
So you can load the Image Base64 data using Ajax and then on completion you build the Base64 data string to the image! Great fun :). I recommend to use this site for image encoding.
processData : false,
$("#IMAGE_ID").attr("src", "data:image/png;base64,"+b64data);
Trick the browser to use its cache. This gives you a nice fadeIn() when the resource is in the browsers cache:
var url = 'IMAGE_URL';
url : url,
cache: true,
processData : false,
$("#IMAGE_ID").attr("src", url).fadeIn();
However, both methods have its drawbacks: The first one only works on modern browsers. The second one has performance glitches and relies on assumption how the cache will be used.
Using jQuery you may simply change the "src" attribute to "data-src". The image won't be loaded. But the location is stored with the tag. Which I like.
<img class="loadlater" data-src="path/to/image.ext"/>
A Simple piece of jQuery copies data-src to src, which will start loading the image when you need it. In my case when the page has finished loading.
$(".loadlater").each(function(index, element){
$(element).attr("src", $(element).attr("data-src"));
I bet the jQuery code could be abbreviated, but it is understandable this way.
$(<img />).attr('src','');
Should be better than ajax because if its a gallery and you are looping through a list of pics, if the image is already in cache, it wont send another request to server. It will request in the case of jQuery/ajax and return a HTTP 304 (Not modified) and then use original image from cache if its already there. The above method reduces an empty request to server after the first loop of images in the gallery.
You can use a Deferred objects for ASYNC loading.
function load_img_async(source) {
return $.Deferred (function (task) {
var image = new Image();
image.onload = function () {task.resolve(image);}
image.onerror = function () {task.reject();}
$.when(load_img_async(IMAGE_URL)).done(function (image) {
Please pay attention: image.onload must be before image.src to prevent problems with cache.
If you just want to set the source of the image you can use this.
This works too ..
var image = new Image();
image.src = 'image url';
image.onload = function(e){
// functionalities on load
AFAIK you would have to do a .load() function here as apposed to the .ajax(), but you could use jQuery setTimeout to keep it live (ish)
$(document).ready(function() {
cache: false
$("#placeholder").load("PATH TO IMAGE");
var refreshId = setInterval(function() {
$("#placeholder").load("PATH TO IMAGE");
}, 500);
use .load to load your image. to test if you get an error ( let's say 404 ) you can do the following:
//alert("img not loaded");
//some action you whant here
careful - .error() event will not trigger when the src attribute is empty for an image.
//Puedes optar por esta soluciĆ³n:
var img = document.createElement('img');
img.setAttribute('src', element.source)
img.addEventListener('load', function(){
if (!this.complete || typeof this.naturalWidth == "undefined" || this.naturalWidth == 0) {
alert('broken image!');
} else {
$(function () {
if ($('#hdnFromGLMS')[0].value == 'MB9262') {
$('.clr').append('<img src="~/Images/CDAB_london.jpg">');
$('.clr').css("display", "none");
$('#imgIreland').css("display", "block");
$('.clrIrland').append('<img src="~/Images/Ireland-v1.jpg">');

Help me understand how google maps show images?

With firebugs net tab open i stated zooming in and out of google map and i found its making requests for the png images.
Ok with this i understood that we can request the images using the Ajax. but wait ? i always used to request html, jsox, txt and xml. Image ........ its strange for me ? Can some one please elaborate on this ?
Also i would like to know if text is downloaded we add it to some DOM element and it show up. How images retried from the ajax can be accessed ?
Any help or pointer will be great help :)
GMaps doesn't make XMLHttpRequests to get the images. They instead use a normal <img /> element that is injected via javascript.
They then use the "onload" and "onerror" events to detect if the image was loaded correctly.
They retry a download of the image if it times out. This is achieved by setting a timer and once it expires re-setting the src property of the image.
var tile = document.createElement('img');
var url = 'http://sometilehost/X.Y.Z.png';
var downloadTimeout = 10000; // Retry in 10 seconds
// Tile downloaded successfully
tile.onload = function (e) {
alert('tile downloaded');
// The tile couldn't be downloaded. 404, 503 ...
tile.onerror = function (e) {
alert('tile not downloaded');
// This will fire if the tile doesn't download in time
tile.downloadTimer = window.setTimeout(function () {
tile.src = url; // Start the download again
}, downloadTimeout);
tile.src = url;
