ruby debugging user prompt - ruby

I need a way to pause the program's flow because there are a lot of print statements that I want to check first. is there a way to do this with ruby, stop the program's flow and continue only if the user has entered yes or stop if it has entered no ? thanks

Yes. In your code, put gets. Then the code will pause at that point until the user inputs Enter. You don't need to do anything special to terminate because, if you want to, you can just do Ctrl+C.

Don't forget to chomp off the newline from the return value of gets.
n, m = 0, 1
repeat = 10
loop do
repeat.times do
print "#{m}, "
n, m = m, n + m
puts "\nContinue (yes/no)?"
answer = gets.chomp
exit if answer == "no"
Also check out Pry.
# test.rb
require 'pry'
class A
def hello() puts "hello world!" end
a =
# start a REPL session
# program resumes here (after pry session)
puts "program resumes here."


How to jump to a line in ruby

I'm doing a pwd generator in ruby and when I get to a certain point of the code I need to return back if the user says that he want to retry to generate the pwd.
print "do you want to retry to generate the password? [y/n]"
retrypwd = gets.chomp
if retrypwd == y
(code to jump to some lines ago)
elsif retrypwd == n
print "Ok, It'll be for the next time"
The trick is to use a loop and break it or repeat it according to your expectations:
def try_again?
loop do
print "Would you like to try again? Y/N"
again = gets.chomp.capitalize
case (again)
when 'N'
return false
when 'Y'
return true
puts "Huh? I don't know what that means."
Then you can incorporate this into your main program:
end while try_again?
You will keep trying passwords until try_again? returns false, which happens if you type "N".

Ruby coinflip simulation (head or number)

Hey guys i need to do a program that simulates a coinflip and give out head or number.I did that
a = rand(1..2)
if a == 1 then
puts "HEAD!"
puts "NUMBER!"
enter = gets
if enter == "\n"
a = rand(1..2)
if a == 1 then
puts "HEAD!"
puts "NUMBER!"
but how can i include everytime you press enter it should continue and continue simulating coinflip like ... HEAD (enter) HEAD (enter) NUMBER (enter) and so on.
You need some kind of loop, not just an if. Here's a short way to do it:
loop do
puts ['HEAD', 'NUMBER'].sample
break if gets != "\n"
Or if you're ok with stopping by pressing CTRL-C:
loop do
puts ['HEAD', 'NUMBER'].sample
Using a post-loop test (i.e., do the gets and possibly break after printing the flip result) is more appropriate here, as it avoids the code duplication. Also see this popular Ruby style guide:

Ruby: edit thread program to enter function upon termination

Basically in my search for code which will loop, and terminate upon user input, i managed to find code here, and after some alteration, produced this:
#desired destination method, however loop persists!!
def desired_method
print "method entered"
end do
while line = STDIN.gets
break if line.chomp == "" # code detects user input
# program will loop here until user presses enter
loop do
puts "foo"
sleep 1
This code is brilliant, and will enter the method 'desired_method' when i hit enter, however the loop persists!! printing 'foo' perpetually after "method entered"!!. I have done some research prior to posting this question on how to kill threads, which i believe may hold the answer. My attempts included naming the thread and using the 'thread.exit' function to kill it, however these techniques have remained unsuccessful.
Can anyone illustrate how i might enter the 'desired_method' method without the persisting "foo" print?
Thanks in advance, and greatly appreciated.
An easy solution here is to use semaphore, signalling between threads with a variable access to both places:
# This will be out stop flag, for signalling between threads.
#time_to_stop = false
def desired_method
print "method entered"
# Here we want the loop in the other thread to stop.
#time_to_stop = true
end do
while line = STDIN.gets
break if line.chomp == "" # code detects user input
# program will loop here until user presses enter
loop do
puts "foo"
sleep 1
# only continue if the stop flag is not set.
break if #time_to_stop
Hope this helps.

Beginning ruby example produces no output

I am learning from the book beginning ruby on rails by Steve Holzner, and am trying out some of the code in the book:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
until($_ != "q")
puts "Running"
print "Enter q to quit: "
When I run the Program, nothing happens!
$_ is nil when the process starts. So, the until condition is immediately satisfied, and doesn't even run the loop once.
Since you want to repeat until the letter entered is q, your first line should be;
until($_ == "q")
Right now, $_ is not set to q when getting there the first time, so it will immediately exit the loop.
Needs to be until($_ == "q")
The way you have it is suggesting that it runs until anything except "q" is inputed. So it will quit when anything is typed and if q is typed then it will continue.
$_ is going to return nil when you run this program. Because nil is != to q, the program doesn't even run at all. It will exit with nil.
Fixed your code, brah
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
foo = ''
while foo != 'q'
puts "Running"
print "Enter q to quit: "
foo = gets

How do I listen to STDIN input without pausing my script?

I have a while loop consistently listening to incoming connections and outputting them to console. I would like to be able to issue commands via the console without affecting the output. I've tried: do
while true
input = gets.chomp
puts "So I herd u sed, \"#{input}\"."
#Commands would be in this scope
However, that seems to pause my entire script until input is received; and even then, some threads I have initiated before this one don't seem to execute. I've tried looking at TCPSocket's select() method to no avail.
Not sure where are the commands you want to "continue running" in your example. Try this small script: do
loop do
s = gets.chomp
puts "You entered #{s}"
exit if s == 'end'
i = 0
loop do
puts "And the script is still running (#{i})..."
i += 1
sleep 1
Reading from STDIN is done in a separate thread, while the main script continues to work.
Ruby uses green threads, so blocking system calls will block all threads anyway. An idea:
require 'io/wait'
while true
if $stdin.ready?
line = $stdin.readline.strip
p "line from stdin: #{line}"
p "really, I am working here"
sleep 0.1
