Filter by Date Difference in LINQ using EF - linq

I need to filter a record set like
OrderShippedDate - 20 days <-- Get all orders with a ShippedDate 20 days ago
var orders = ctx.Orders.Where(p => p.OrderShippedDate == 20) <---??? not sure what I need here .ToList();
How do I do a date diff in EF / LINQ?

I would suggest you work out your parameters locally, and then pass those in. It's not clear from your description whether you mean exactly 20 days ago, more than 20 days ago, or less than 20 days ago, which makes it hard to give you concrete advice, but if it's "more than 20 days ago" you might use something like:
var upperBound = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-20);
var orders = ctx.Orders.Where(p => p.OrderShippedDate < upperBound);


Laravel Eloquent - Get a record every hour

I have a table that stores statistics every 3 minutes with a cron job.
I want to display a chart with this data but I want the chart to have an interval of 1 hour otherwise it looks ugly as hell and is too much resource demanding.
The table has the created_at and updated_at columns.
How can I do this with eloquent?
EDIT: I want to query the records from the last 24 hours but that gives me around 480 records which is too much for a chart. I'd like to have only 24 records instead (one for every hour).
Thanks for your help!
Thanks Tim!
For anyone reading through this later, here is the solution:
Model::where('created_at', '>=', Carbon::now()->subDay())->get()->groupBy(function($date) {
return Carbon::parse($date->created_at)->format('h');
This will allow you to get data 1 hours ago base on current time.
//Get all data for the day
$all_data = Model::where('created_at','>=',Carbon::today()->get());
//Recursive to groupBy hours
while ($all_data->last() != null)
$hourly_data = Model::where('created_at','>=',Carbon::today()->addHours($i))->get();
$all_data= $all_data->merge($hourly_data);
return $all_data;

Get a Specific WeekDay date after a date

I am trying to implement a delivery process that occurs at specific days of week for each region. So, in a Region that delivers on Tuesdays and Thursdays I need to be able to get next eligible date based on the date the product will be available. So, if I will have it read on the 5th, O need to get the date for the next Tuesday or Thursday.
I started implementing it on Carbon, but I and creating a lot of loops through dates, testing dates and checking if its valid. something of getting product availability date and checking each day after it if its a monday Tuesday or Thursday ... etc ///I am sure, using Carbon, will have a better way to do it.
Any hint on how to do that ?
Thanks for any help!
Define a date:
$date = Carbon::now();
Now you have to get the day:
$day = $date->dayOfWeekIso
If $date is monday, then you will get a integer and that would be 1. That is because: 1 (monday), 2 (Tuesday), ..., 7 (sunday).
Now that you have this number you just need to apply some simple logic.
If the number you get is a 2 (Tuesday) then you will need to add two days to your $date in order to get the delivery date:
$delivery_date = $date->addDays(2);
If your day is equal 4 (Thursday), then you need to add 6 days to your $date so that would give you the next Tuesday:
$delivery_date = $date->addDays(6);
I think that's what you want! I hope it helps!

VBScript DateDiff month

I am having a problem about getting the month datedifference between two dates.
Here is a sample:
The above code returns 0 months since it is less than a month. But,
returns 1 which should not be since it is still 15 days.
My problem is I want to see if these two dates already exceed a month but it seems that it calculates 1 month only when the month part of the date is changed.
DateDiff calculates the span between two timestamps with the precision defined in the first parameter. From what you described in your question and comments you rather seem to be looking for something like this:
ds1 = "2014-10-17"
ds2 = "2014-10-30"
d1 = CDate(ds1)
d2 = CDate(ds2)
diff = DateDiff("m", d1, d2)
If diff > 0 And Day(d2) < Day(d1) Then diff = diff - 1
WScript.Echo diff & " full months have passed between " & ds1 & " and " & ds2 & "."
You can calculate day difference between two dates using 'DateDiff("d",date1,date2)'.
Then calculate number of full-month by dividing 30 days.
Following is an example.
monthDiff = int(DateDiff("d","2014-10-17","2014-11-01") / 30)
As you know, days of months differs by month. For example, November has 30 days and December has 31 days.
If you wish to use 30 days a month when first day is on November, and to use 31 days a month whe first day is on December, the code need a table of days of months and routine to handle month information.

List Array of Days Between Two Dates

I would like to list an array of days between two dates. I can list an array of months with the code below. How might I change this to show every day between two dates?
require 'date'
date_from = Date.parse('2011-05-14')
date_to = Date.parse('2011-05-30')
date_range = date_from..date_to
date_months = {|d|, d.month, 1) }.uniq {|d| d.strftime "%d/%m/%Y" }
puts date_months
I don't know which day you meant, thus I have shown all the ways.
#wday is the day of week (0-6, Sunday is zero).
#mday is the day of the month (1-31).
#yday is the day of the year (1-366).
OP's actual need was not much clear to me. After few comments between us, I came to know from OP's comment, the below answer OP is looking for -

How can I create DateTime object based on the day?

I want to create an Datetime object based on the number of day in the year.
This number is from the 365 days of the year (for example it can be: 123 or 23 or 344...)
How can I do that?
Use the DateTime.ordinal method. Here's an example to get the 100th day of year 2011.
require 'date'
year, day = 2011, 100
DateTime.ordinal(year, day)
# #<DateTime: 2011-04-10T00:00:00+00:00 (4911323/2,0,2299161)>
If you want it as the number of days from now you should do the following:
time = + (60*60*24)*(numberOfDaysFromNow)
If you want it as the number of days from the start of the year you should do the following
time = + (60*60*24)*(dayOfTheYear-1)
