CakePHP Cache Not Writing File - caching

I cannot figure this one out ... that means it's got to be an easy one, right?!
Problem: Cake not writing files to file cache.
Configure::write('debug', 0);
Configure::write('Cache.disable', true);
Configure::write('Cache.check', true);
Cache::config('default', array('engine' => 'File'));
//app/Controller/CategoriesController.php, 'view' method:
public function view($id = null) {
$this->helpers[] = 'Format';
$this->helpers[] = 'Cache';
$this->cacheAction = "3600";
Perms on the app/tmp/cache/* are 0777. world writable.
But still not files being written to cache .... what am I missing??

Configure::write('Cache.disable', true);
You don't know why the cache is not being written...?


TYPO3 9.5 Extbase plugin cache implementation

I am trying to get a cache working in my plugin.
In ext_localconf.php
if (!is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['caching']['cacheConfigurations']['myextension'])) {
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['caching']['cacheConfigurations']['myextension'] = [];}
if (!isset($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['caching']['cacheConfigurations']['myextension']['frontend'])) {
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['caching']['cacheConfigurations']['myextension']['frontend'] = 'TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Cache\\Frontend\\StringFrontend';}
if (!isset($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['caching']['cacheConfigurations']['myextension']['options'])) {
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['caching']['cacheConfigurations']['myextension']['options'] = ['defaultLifetime' => 0];}
if (!isset($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['caching']['cacheConfigurations']['myextension']['groups'])) {
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['caching']['cacheConfigurations']['myextension']['groups'] = ['pages'];}
In my controller action :
$cacheIdentifier = 'topic' . $topic->getUid();
$cache = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(CacheManager::class)->getCache('myextension');
$result = unserialize($cache->get($cacheIdentifier));
if ($result !== false ) {
} else {
$result = $this->postRepository->findByTopic($topic->getUid(), $page, $itemsPerPage);
$cache->set($cacheIdentifier, serialize($result), ['tag1', 'tag2']);
The first time the page with the action gets loaded all is ok and the entry has been made in de database (cf_myextension and cf_myextension_tags}.
But the 2nd time the cache gets loaded and I get an error. Even DebuggerUtility::var_dump($result); does not work:
Call to a member function map() on null
in ../typo3/sysext/extbase/Classes/Persistence/Generic/QueryResult.php line 96
protected function initialize()
if (!is_array($this->queryResult)) {
$this->queryResult = $this->dataMapper->map($this->query->getType(), $this->persistenceManager->getObjectDataByQuery($this->query));
A normal var_dump works and spits out the cache entry. What is the problem? Do I forget something? Can't a QueryResult together with some other variables not be stored as an array in the cache? I also tried VariableFrontend cache, which produced the same error.
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sudo snap install e-tools

How to load datafixtures with files in symfony3

I want to load datafixtures with DoctrineFixturesBundle with images but I don't know how to make it work.
I tried this one :
public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
$imageGrabTail = new Image();
$imageGrabTail->setUpdatedAt(new \DateTimeImmutable());
$file = new UploadedFile($imageGrabTail->getUploadDir() . '/63.jpeg', 'Image1', null, null, null);
My method getUploadDir():
public function getUploadDir()
return 'uploads/img';
But I have an error :
The file "uploads/img/63.jpeg" does not exist
My file 63.jpeg exists on this folder.
Is there someone who can explain to me why it's not working ?
Thanks !
This object UploadedFile is for file that are upload through a request. Here there is no request, so you have to use get_file_contents() function in order to access your data.
Try this function and tell us the result of it.
To solve it I've just followed this thread
How would you add a file upload to a Symfony2 DataFixture?

Storage Path not writeable in laravel with Intevention?

I'm getting a little confused here with this Storage VS Public paths in Laravel 5 > ... My understanding is one should use Storage:: instead of File:: for writing files to the Storage folder foresighting the use of cloud services like Amazon etc. So I am trying to put a jpg into a the storage/app folder using Intervention and this code:
public function apply(Request $request)
$user = Auth::user();
$path = '/users/'.$user->id;
if (!Storage::exists($path))
Storage::makeDirectory ($path, $mode = 0755, $recursive = false, $force = false);;
->resize(600, null, function ($constraint) {
->resizeCanvas(600, 600, 'center', false, 'ffffff')
First of all I am not sure the !Storage::exists($path) will do anything as the API for storage tells it won't check for directories so how should I check if a Directory exists??
Second dd(is_writable($path)); return false, and indeed running that code results in
NotWritableException in Image.php line 143:
Can't write image data to path
so how should this be done?
The "trick" that I used was manipulate the image directly in the temp path, and then save it in the storage folder using the Laravel storage method.
$tempFile = $request->file('image')->getRealPath();
->resize(100, 100)
->save($tempFile); // Note that we are saving back to temporary path
// Now we can proceed and send the manipulated file to it's final destination
// in '/storage/app/public/uploads'
$path = $request->file('image')->storePublicly('public/uploads');

Writing Logs from Console Shell

I have been using CakePHP 2.4.4 to build the interactive web part of my app and that is going very well. CakePHP is awesome.
I am now doing some supporting background processes. The Console and Shell seems to be the way to do it as it has access to the Models.
I have written the code and have it working but I am trying to write to the same log that I use for the Models. In the models I have an afterSave function to log all the database changes and I just used the $this->log("$model $logEntry", 'info'); to write to the log.
That doesn't work in the Shell but I thought the CakeLog::write('info', "$model $logEntry"); might work but it doesn't either.
Do I need to initialise the CakeLog to point to the correct log files?
App::uses('CakeTime', 'Utility');
App::uses('CakeLog', 'Utility');
class ProcessRequestShell extends AppShell {
//Need to access the request and monitor tables
public $uses = array('Request');
private function updateRequest($data){
$model = 'Request';
$result = $this->Request->save($data);
$logEntry = "UPDATE ProcessRequestShell ";
foreach ($data[$model] AS $k => $v){$logEntry .= "$k='$v' ";}
if ($result){
//$this->log("$model $logEntry", 'info');
CakeLog::write('info', "$model $logEntry");
} else {
//$this->log("$model FAILED $logEntry", 'error');
CakeLog::write('error', "$model FAILED $logEntry");
public function main() {
$options = array('conditions' => array('state' => 0, 'next_state' => 1));
$this->Request->recursive = 0;
$requests = $this->Request->find('all', $options);
//See if the apply_changes_on date/time is past
foreach ($requests AS $request){
$this->out("Updating request ".$request['Request']['id'], 1, Shell::NORMAL);
//Update the next_state to "ready"
$request['Request']['state'] = 1;
$request['Request']['next_state'] = 2;
Did you set up a default listener/scope for those log types?
If not, they will not get logged.
// Setup a 'default' cache configuration for use in the application.
Cache::config('default', array('engine' => 'File'));
In your bootstrap.php for example
You need to setup default log stream writing to file, eventually, in app/Config/bootstrap.php.
CakeLog does not auto-configure itself anymore. As a result log files
will not be auto-created anymore if no stream is listening. Make sure
you got at least one default stream set up, if you want to listen to
all types and levels. Usually, you can just set the core FileLog class
to output into app/tmp/logs/:
CakeLog::config('default', array(
'engine' => 'File'
See Logging → Writing to logs section of the CookBook 2.x

Delete files in applicationDataDirectory

In titanium, what is the best way to delete -specific- files in the applicationDataDirectory?
The best way will be simply:
var file = Titanium.Filesystem.getFile(Titanium.Filesystem.applicationDataDirectory,filename);
if ( file.exists() ) {
For complete details Titanium.Filesystem.File.
Deleting a file is this simple ,
var f = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(Ti.Filesystem.applicationDataDirectory, 'delete_me.txt');
// make sure there's content there so we're sure the file exists
// Before deleting, maybe we could confirm the file exists and is writable
// but we don't really need to as deleteFile() would just return false if it failed
if (f.exists() && f.writeable) {
var success = f.deleteFile(); == true) ? 'success' : 'fail'); // outputs 'success'
One of the best material on FileSystems in simple:
