Leak in Xtify iOS SDK 2.06 - xtify

I am using the iOS SDK 2.06 and I noticed a leak when an alert is received. The leak seems to start in XLappMgr at
-(void)appDisplayNotification:(NSDictionary *)pushMessage withAlert:(BOOL) alertFlag
lastPush=[[NSDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary:pushMessage];
where lastPush is never released
i have tried to release that but crashed the app...
I noticed that when I commented out the XLMetricMgr requests everything is works fine.
Is there a solution to this behaviour?

2.0.6 is quite old (http://developer.xtify.com/display/sdk/iOS+SDK). Upgrade the library to 2.26.


Ajax call fails on iOS 10 but works fine on previous versions for Cordova application

I am using the latest iOS platform and plugins in my cordova application. The app works fine on older versions of iOS but not on iOS 10. I am getting timeout error. Tried removing platform and adding again. Also created a fresh project. Still no luck. The app works fine on Android as well.
I ran into the same Problem and apparently there is no fix at this time. Here is the current thread with this bug in the apple forum: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/64526
This is a similar issue to this one : Cordova whitelist iOS 10 SSL error: Failed to load resource: An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made
I found that it solved my problem with API calls and WebViews that broke when iOS 10 came out.

Run debugging on device cause Xcode 6.0.1 to crash

Yesterday i updated to the latest version of Xcode, since the update i experience a very strange glitch:
When i try to run the app on a device the Xcode start with the process and say "finish run the app on iPhone" and then the Xcode crashes.
what could cause this problem?
before the update everything worked perfect.
I was seeing this same issue and even trying to view the device from Window -> Devices would cause Xcode to crash. I updated the device to the latest version of iOS (8.0.2) and that seems to have fixed the problem (for this afternoon at least).

Xcode 6 Memory Leaks Instrument doesn't work

I am trying to use Instruments to find leaks within my app. I do it in the same way as I did before updating to Xcode 6.x. Since updating, it won't take any snapshots: the leaks instrument status displays "Analyzing process" and will never change.
Both Xcode 6.0.1 and 6.1 GM 2 exhibit this problem.
Any workaround?
Seems like is a bug on iOS8 and not on Xcode. I have Xcode6.1 and the memory leak profiler seems to work on iOS7.
As a workaround until Apple fix this (already reported the bug and was marked as duplicate) you can profile your memory leaks using a simulator.
This issue seems to occur only on my iOS 8.x devices.
I also submitted a bug report but in the meantime I have it working with the following configuration :
Xcode 6.1
iPhone 4 with iOS 6.1.3
This is still a workaround though as you can hardly debug any iOS 8 related feature and analyzing leaks on an old device like that is a real pain.

IOS 8 with IBM Worklight

I am using IBM worklight 6.0 for building a hybrid application. My application is running perfectly on IOS 7. When I migrated the same code to Xcode 6 beta for IOS 8 build, only the splashscreen with loader came up and the app hangs. From the logs I saw that the application goes to skinLoader.html. None of the events are called.
To my curiosity I created a dummy worklight iphone environment and ran it on IOS8 and again the app got stuck on the splash itself.
I had a deviceready event on the html which was not called. So I am curious to know if there are other issues other than the userAgent issues with the worklight for IOS8.
It is a known bug in iOS 8 beta 1 in Cordova applications and it is expected to be fixed in upcoming releases.
Applications that use Apache Cordova/PhoneGap are broken due to a bug that causes the window.navigator.userAgent object to become undefined when window.navigator is replaced by a pure JavaScript wrapper object.
and it is already answered in this forum.
A fix for the stuck-at-splash is provided in an iFix release from September 18th via IBM Fix Central.
For more information please see this question: Worklight 6.1 and iOS 8
If a user has already upgraded to iOS8 and the application got stuck on the splash screen, AFAIK the way to handle it is to either:
Uninstall/re-install the application from the App Store.
Install a newer app version (see below) from the App Store.
If a user did not yet upgrade to iOS8, it is best to use the fixed Worklight Studio to generate an updated app, increment its version and re-publish it. Then, Remote Disable the existing version and direct users to install the fixed version from the App Store; the fixed version should then continue to work after upgrading to iOS8.

XCode 3.2.4 iOS 4.1 (Final) and CoreData Crashes in Simulator

I've got 2 applications using Core Data with a sqlite persistent store. I've got a data loader routine that I run to populate the CoreData DB from csv files. During development, when my data changes I run the routine from the simulator to generate new databases and copy the new one into the project.
This has been working quite well for XCode 3.2.3 and iOS 4.0. It even works in the XCode 4 Preview 2 and 3. I just installed the final version of XCode 3.2.4 and iOS 4.1. Now my db loader fails. It gives me no message, no warning, no nothing. It just dumps out to the spring board and XCode gives me the "Debugging Terminated" message. It will fail at different times during the load so I'm pretty sure it's not a data issue. I'm not doing any threading. I assume the issue has to do with either Core Data or sqlite, since that's when the crash occurs, but with no info reported I can't tell for sure.
I uninstalled everything. Xcode 3.2.4, Xcode 4 preview (assuming it was an issue caused by XCode 4) and reinstalled XCode 3.2.3/iOS 4.0. Things returned to normal. After getting some work done I attempted to upgrade to 3.2.4/iOS 4.1 again. I uninstalled 3.2.3/iOS 4.0, rebooted. Installed 3.2.4/iOS 4.1, rebooted and tried again. No luck. Same hard crash. Same lack of messaging as to the cause.
I have determined that this only happens with the Simulator with XCode 3.2.4, the device is fine as is XCode 4 and 3.2.3. I've tried playing with the target OS selection (3.0,3.1,4.0,4.1). I've tired adjusting the Compiler from GCC 4.0, GCC 4.2,LLVM GCC 4.2, LLVM 1.5. I've tried setting the Base SDK to iOS Simulator 4.1. Interestingly enough it will work in the iPad simulator when using the 3.2 SDK. So I've at least go that as a work around.
I guess there is one of 3 issues:
An issue with my code that has been uncovered by 3.2.4.
Bug in 3.2.4.
A configuration issue that I've missed.
If anybody has any troubleshooting ideas or answers I'd love to hear them. I've been doing iOS full time since V 2.1 and I am seriously stumped.
Thanks in advance,
I figured out my issue. It looks like the CoreData/Sqlite connection was a total red herring. Following a tip I read on SO, I used OSX's Console application and got a critical message "Failed to launch in time" that was not being displayed in XCode's debugger console.
It looks like the process was being killed due to what is essentially a timeout error. The iPhone will kill an application that takes too long to complete "didFinishLaunching." That's where I was kicking the data load routine off from. The new version of XCode must have adjusted it's timeout values.
So my takeaway is give OSX's console a shot if XCode isn't telling you everything and watch out for those red herrings.
When I upgraded I ran into troubles in the simulator when saving the managedObjectContext. I finally deleted my sqlite CoreData store file and have not run into similar problems. Try deleting your data file (well save a copy of it before deleting to see what is different).
