Adding notification of USB (add/remove) in JNI (OSX) - Fails - macos

I used the following code:
How to know when a HID USB/Bluetooth device is connected in Cocoa?
and added it to my jni library. Notification methods never gets called.
Then I tested the code in a small app (without in java / mostly C code). I works all good.
My guess is that Java is preventing the notification to take place.
Any ideas on what I can do ?

I believe this is because no run loop is being run in the Java/JNI environment.
Take a look at how javahidapi is implemented, specifically how it creates a separate thread to run hid_runloop_thread(), which then calls CFRunLoopRunInMode() until it returns a finished/cancelled status.
Note that run loops are thread-specific, so you need to do your CFRunLoopAddSource () and IOServiceAddMatchingNotification() calls from the same thread before calling CFRunLoopRunInMode().


Detect UI operation which will "hang" the application if running in service mode

Fellow experts!
I have faced the following dilemma: some of our tools (executables) are started as scheduled tasks, some are started as services and others as usual desktop apps with interactive Windows user. We are using the code sharing strategy for source management (this is not debatable for this question).
So the solution I want to find is the following:
Detect UI operation at run-time which leads to hanging service/background task (such as say call to Application.ShowException, ShowMessage, MessageDialog, TForm.Show etc.). And when such an action detected I want to raise the exception instead. Then the operation will fail, we will have stack trace etc. but the process will not hang up! The most problematic hang up is when some event processing is done in transaction and then in some of the code used to process event suddenly (because of error in code, design, whatever) there is UI code executed then the process hangs and the DB parts can be locked!
What I think I need to do is: Use DDetours library to intercept WinAPI calls to a certain routines and raise exception instead (so that the process does not hang, but just fail in some method). Also I know that the creation of forms and windows does not hang the app, but only the tries to show them to the user.
Is there some known method of handling this problem? Or maybe there is some list of WinAPI routine set which hangs in service mode?
Thank you in advance.

Logging Windows Syscalls in the kernel Level

Windows Syscall logging from the kernel
Hi. I'm trying to log specific system calls (win32k) that are called in Windows 7. I've tried a couple of ways already. The first thing i tried was drstrace. It's the exact kind of output that I need ( Function Name, Paramters, and return value ), but not all the system calls are getting logged. I'm not 100% sure why this happens but system calls like NtGdiSet~ types are called at once using NtGdiFlush, so these system calls cannot be captured at the user level.
Next I tried logman and xperf, and these seem log those functions drstrace couldn't but they do not resolve system call names (this is not such a big deal actually), and they don't log parameters. And also it does log the return value of the system call but it does not match from which call the return value came from and this is kind of a big deal.
I've thought of building a driver to hook functions at the kernel level, but I've never developed a driver and it didn't work out very well..
So I want to ask if there already is program that can do this or how can i build a driver that can log what I want?

Receiving DMLERR_POSTMSG_FAILED when calling DdeClientTransaction() with XTYP_POKE

Put on your wayback hats...
I have to use DDE (sorry, absolutely no choice in this) to communicate with an industrial control system. The control system is the DDE server and runs on the same Windows 7 PC as my DDE client. The client uses MfcDDE as it's interface which in turn makes calls to the DdeClientTransaction() functions.
The DDE advise operations work as expected after calling MfcDDE to establish them with DdeClientTransaction(XTYP_ADVSTART). All data points of interest are successfully read through the advice mechanism.
Unfortunately, attempts to write data through the DdeClientTransaction(XTYP_POKE) function fails. Within my client, DdeGetLastError() returns DMLERR_INVALIDPARAMETER (16390 0x4006). Interestingly, DDESpy (yes, I am that desparate) is reporting DMLERR_POSTMSG_FAILED (16396 0x400C).
The client worked in its initial NT implementation, but rebuilt and running under Win7, the XTYPE_POKE is failing. I've contemplated both security and threading as possibilities.
I've been unsuccessful finding a pointing gun for DDE security changes between NT and Win7.
If it matters, the DdeClientTransaction() call is being made in a thread started with WinMain() calling through to AfxWinMain() and CDialog::DoModal() to get to client's functional code.
Thanks for any help you can provide...
Confirmed that DdeClientTransaction(XTYP_POKE) can only be called on the same thread upon which DdeInitialize() was called. The restriction may actually be the same thread upon which DdeConnect() was called, but my money is on the DdeInitialize() since the returned DDEIdInst is passed to DdeConnect(). I could be wrong.
Thanks for letting me work through this with you guys... :)

How to override an application's single instance limit in Windows?

I am trying to override the singe instance limit of an application for which I don't have the source. I know that the app is using the good ol' trick of using CreateMutex to determine whether there is another instance running. (If the mutex is created successfully it proceeds, if getlasterror says that the mutex has been created it quits immediately). I found that through sniffing the Win32 api calls.
I thought using Detours would do the trick, but it doesn't quite work out. I am intercepting CreateMutexW, but for some reason, it doesn't catch the first four calls to it. (Again I know what these calls are by sniffing win32 calls and looking at the name of the mutexes). I do get the fifth one intercepted, but the one I actually want to intercept is the first one.
I am using detours through the sample application withdll. I wonder if the problem is that detours is kicking in too late or because of some kind of protection these calls may have. Is detours the best approach? Perhaps using something else may be a better idea?
There might be several reasons for the situation you describe. Here are the most probable of them:
The CreateMutexW call you need to catch occurs within the DllMain
method of one of the DLLs that are imported by the process, and you
are using the DetoursCreateProcessWithDll() function to inject your
code. Detours injects your DLL by placing it at the end of the
process executable import list, and hence all the DLLs that are
imported by the process would be loaded and initialized within the
process prior to yours. In order to overcome this, try using
CreateProcess(CREATE_SUSPENDED) and CreateRemoteThread()-based
injection, although this method raises its own challenges.
The API that is used in the first call is different. Have you tried
overriding CreateMutexExW? Are you sure ANSI methods call Unicode
Hope this helps.

Catching child process exceptions on windows

i'm developing a multi-platform C++ fuzzing application. The app spawns a child process and checks whether it stopped unexpectedly. I've already managed to do this on linux, however, windows exception handling mechanism is making things hard for me.
My code right now does the following:
- Call CreateProcess to spawn the process.
- WaitForSingleObject to wait for it to terminate.
- Then call GetExitCodeProcess and check if the exit code corresponds to an exception.
Everything works as it should, i've tested it with a null dereferencing test application, and i can catch the exception gracefully. However, each time i test this, a Windows error message box spawns telling me to Send or Not Send the error report. Since the fuzzer is supposed to be an automatic testing application, i'd need to somehow disable this notification, so that even if an exception is caught, the fuzzer can continue testing.
I've already tried installing a SEH handler, but had no luck(apparently these handlers aren't inherited by child processes). I've read something about using vectored exception handling, but suppose it would be the same, i believe vector handlers aren't inherited.
Could anybody help me with this problem? I don't know what to search for, i've already googled a lot and haven't found anyhing.
Debug API is one option. Here is a starting point in MSDN.
Following on frast's answer, you can spawn the process as a child of a process with a suitable SetErrorMode. This (inheritable) setting determines which errors will result in dialogs popping out - I found your question while trying to achieve the exact same thing for an automated testing application.
To avoid any error dialogs, use
Injection is probably overkill - better to use a wrapper process.
Try to inject the following code into your child process:
Lookup the details of SetErrorMode in MSDN.
Read about injection technique here:
Injective Code inside Import Table
