How can I debug the SQL generated by EF5 during runtime? - debugging

So I am pretty new to EntityFramework, actualy in the POC stage right now, and one of the questions I am trying to answer is how can I visualize the query generated by EF through the debugger or other process attachable tool?
The case I am trying to solve is while trying to debug a QA, or production issue, the developer needs to be able to attach to the process through the remote debugger, and needs to visualize the query created by EF to see if it's framed in the most effective manner.
The same can be said during development, where I need to be able to visualize the query made by EF.

You can either:
Use Sql Server Management Studio Query Analyzer to see the traffic that goes to the database (probably the least invasive)
Attach VS to your process and use IntelliTrace is should show commands sent to the database
Try using EF Tracing provider (
For queries you can do .ToTraceString() on ObjectQuery object and .ToString() on DbQuery object when debugging.
EF6 contains a new feature that allows you log the traffic to the database


Couldn't find the Oracle Data source in visual studio 2012 while adding the Entity Model

This is my first time with MVC. When I am trying to add an entity model then while creating a new connection I couldn't see my oracle database in the list of data source name. Only different type of Microsoft server is listed. What should I do to get the oracle database listed there too. When using simple database connection in the desktop application I could see the oracle database listed but not in this case.
The main problem is I couldn't connect entity data model to oracle database
I think you need to install the Oracle Developer Tools, which is a surprisingly complicated process.
This is a rather old article, but I think this is still useful

Linq DataContext.CreateDatabase on Azure

This came up once before: Use DataContext.CreateDatabase in SQL Azure
The answer accepted was "maybe it's not possible". Didn't seem like a full answer.
I have a set of classes fully defined and I am wanting to create a database on Azure for this. It's not working because the USE statement does not work:
So, the database gets created as blank, and internally Linq generates a USE statement to move to that database and start adding tables. This fails and it throws an exception.
So how can I create my database? Can I use Linq to add tables to an existing database? Can I enable USE on Azure somehow? Seems ridiculous this does not work.
After messing around for a while on this, I ended up creating the database against a local SQL Server instance. Then used SQL Server Management Studio -> Tasks -> Script Database, and turned on the export type to be Microsoft Azure. Then I had the script file needed to run on the Azure server. I'll leave the question open for a day or two because I am curious if this can work with Azure directly somehow. If I don't hear anything, I will close it.
The USE statement does not switch between databases in Azure SQL Database. You will have to connect to the database to create a table on that database.

ArcSDE Database Refactoring Tool options

We are using liquibase as evolutionary DB change management tool in our applications, it works great when we use it in "common" database schemas.
But we also work with GIS applications using esri arcSDE 9.3 platform over Oracle and in this case, all (or almost all) tables (both GIS and 'alphanumeric' tables) in the schema are managed (create table, grants, etc.) through arcSDE. So when we want to create new feature classe now we use arcCatalog, and this way, it's not possible to manage the feature classes’ changes directly through SQL using liquibase or other automate refactoring tool.
So if we cannot use liquibase to manage changes, at least we want to execute the management operations over our features through command line.
We’ve started looking for tools that avoid the use of arcCatalog, and then try to automate the changes using scripts, we are investigating these possibilities:
Try to capture the SQL that arcCatalog/arcSDE is executing each time we make a change in one Feature Class monitoring the oracle connection. It outcomes us a too complex set of SQL instructions that involves indexes, versioning tables, etc. so we give up this way.
Use the sdelayer and sdetable admin commands installed on arcSDE server.
Use the data management tool: a python based library to manage the feature classes, but it has to be executed from a machine with the desktop version installed.
These last two options will provide a way to manage features from command-line, but our target is to find/develop a tool to manage changes similar to the way liquibase do. But with these tools we will have to find a tool that let us map each SQL DDL operation to an arcSDE command, and currently no db refactoring tool provides this (currently we have check liquibase, dbdeploy, flyway).
Anybody had solved this problem of evolutionary change management with arcSDE? Any insight of another way to face this problem?
I'll take a stab at this, although I'm unfamiliar with one of the products you mention (liquibase specifically - I have used Oracle and I'm very familiar with ArcGIS (ArcMap & ArcCatalog).
Here's just some additional information that may help and my interpretation of your question.
My interpretation - "What's a simple way to manage or enable us to automate the management of our tables of GIS data in our Oracle database without having to use ArcCatalog all the time?"
So - I'll throw this concept back in the ring - I know SQL Server has spatial datatypes "geometry", etc. and that you can bypass SDE and let ArcGIS directly connect and interpret this data without even installing SDE. I also know Oracle has compatible spatial types. So I would possibly consider migrating my data from the managed FC's that ArcCatalog creates and push them into oracle-native geometry based tables. This way you can treat them like regular tables, cut ESRI out of the solution, and manage them with liquibase, etc. Hopefully that helps.
I would also consider upgrading to 10.1 or at least 10.0 (I promise I'm not an undercover salesman), although that will require your users to come with you on the client side ( because the newer python APIs are much easier and faster to use (arcpy vs. the GP model), if you do choose to use Python to manage your stuff. (Regardless, either API isn't very well developed and isn't intuitive to code in or fast.)
Good luck.

Trace MS Access DB activity

I have an Access application with a SQL server back-end, mixed with quite a few DB objects local to the Access app. I've tried running SQL Profiler, but I got very little except a cryptic sp_execute 2,4288,4289,4290,4291,4292,4293,4294,4295,4296,4297.
I would like a trace tool that is local to the Access DB, so I also pick up any activity that doesn't go back to the SQL server.
As far as I know there is no such facility within Access but, depending on your case, you could try these few things:
Write a wrapper against SQL executables: that would mean replacing all calls to Execute, OpenRecordset etc within your VBA to an alternative version that would log the query.
This isn't going to catch everything obviously but it could help.
Move your local tables to another database and use ODBC to relink them to your original Access application. You can then use ODBC's logging facilities.
This could be the best altenative as it's fairly easy to setup for debugging.
It's not the best solution for a production environment though as all your calls to local tables will in fact go through ODBC, but again, it's a temporary solution for debugging.
Use ShowPlan and ISAMStats to view how Jet/ACE interprets your queries and get other database activity stats.
It's easy to setup by writing a key to the registry and you'll end-up with a log describing how your queries are analysed.
It's more useful for optimisation than logging but again, it could help.
Use Flextracer, a shareware, free for 30 days or so. My colleague here has just found this for us as we were going through a similar situation. Problem solved.
Pedro Carneiro Jr.

Linq To SQL caching VS multi-user application

We develop Win32 application that access to SQL 2005 database through Linq to SQL. The issue is when 2 users access to same record (View and Edit)… User 1 update record (DataContext.SubmitChanges()), User 2 will continue to see old information until he restart application. So, we would like to update context of user 2… The solution that appears right now is to call DataContext.Refresh to sync object with SQL table… We wondering if other solution exist ?
Thank you
I've noticed that Refresh can be really nasty depending on the data you've already grabbed from an entity, another solution is to reset the context you are using to a new instance.
context = new MyDataContext(ConnectionString);
This, at least in the scenarios where I am using it is less overhead and less DB calls.
