Command prompt opening multiple windows on wshShell.Run - windows

Hi I'm trying to run following command in VBA
Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wshShell.Run "cmd.exe runas some commands"
It's opening multiple command prompt windows.
If I run
wshShell.Run "cmd.exe"
Only this then it opens a single window.
Am i doing anything wrong in the 1st scenario.

Try using the /K switch and keep the quotes aroung cmd.exe before you run the rest of your commands
wshShell.Run " 'cmd.exe /K' 'commands here'"


How to make a start-up file launch a Command Line command on Start-Up?

So I've been working on a project, and I want the program to run a file that executes a command when I start-up my computer.
Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell") "cmd.exe" ""
Set oShell = Nothing
I do not know what to write in "" to make the start-up VBS file launch the Command Line and execute a command on start-up. Can someone help?
The following VBScript code opens a command window, changes to the path to C:\ , and executes the DIR command. "cmd /K CD C:\ & Dir"
CMD /C Run Command and then terminate
CMD /K Run Command and then return to the CMD prompt.
This is useful for testing, to examine variables
More information:

CMD in vbscript

I want to write a simple vb script to automate shutdown in windows.
the code I am using is :
Dim ti
ti=InputBox("enter time in minutes")
Set objShell=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.Run "cmd shutdown /s /t "& ti & " "
but when I enter the time and press enter , all I get is an command prompt window and nothing happens
I even tried by setting a default value for time and specifing the complete path for shutdown.exe ,but nothing seems to be working
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Command = "C:\Windows\System32 shutdown.exe -s -t 600 "
WshShell.Run Command
can u please correct me and guide me towards the right code ....
It looks like you're missing a backslash in your path:
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Command = "C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -s -t 600 "
WshShell.Run Command
If you want to run commands in cmd you have to use either /k (keep cmd window open after command finishes) or /c (close cmd window after command finishes). Here's the canonical way to do this:
ti = InputBox("enter time in minutes")
ti = ti * 60
CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "%COMSPEC% /c shutdown -s -t " & ti
%COMSPEC% is a system environment variable with the path to cmd.exe.

How to write to the same command prompt with vbs in windows?

I have vbs script and that creates folder, make archive and copy to that folder, upload to ftp and so on. I want it to write status to cmd after each step of execution( after creating folder, zip...)
The following opens cmd.exe and writes there "creates folder". That's exactly what I want.
Dim objShell, strCmd
strCmd = "%comspec% /k echo creates folder"
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
objShell.Run strCmd, 1, True
But, how I can write to the same cmd window that just opened? If I use this
strCmd = "%comspec% /k echo starting zip"
objShell.Run strCmd, 1, True
it opens new cmd window, but I want to write "starting zip" to previously opened cmd.
How I achieve this?
To print to the command prompt use wscript.echo.
I want to point out that the behavior of .echo is effected by how the script is loaded. For instance, if I run it from command prompt, like this: test.vbs, then the echo lines show up as pop-ups due to running wscript by default. However, if instead I load the file like this: cscript text.vbs all output goes to console as expected.

Running script on elevated cmd.exe

How do I ran a script after I open a command window using the below script?
Set objSh = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
objSh.ShellExecute "cmd.exe", "uac" , "", "runas", 1
For example, how do I run ipconfig as an admin using the above script?
If you specify the /c switch, then cmd.exe will carry out the specified command and then terminate.
So, for example:
Set objSh = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
objSh.ShellExecute "cmd.exe /c ipconfig", "uac" , "", "runas", 1
Alternatively, you could use the /k switch, which works exactly the same way, except it keeps the command prompt on the screen once your command finishes executing.

How to keep the VBScript command window open during execution

When I execute a VBScript, the command window that it creates closes quickly before the user gets a chance to read the output. How can I get the window to stay open without modifying windows registry?
This is the code:
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("")
objShell.Run "SyncToyCmd.exe -R", 1, True
You can send your execution command through the cmd.exe command interpreter, along with a pause command which will give the user a Press any key to continue . . . prompt to close the window. "%comspec% /c ""SyncToyCmd.exe -R & pause""", 1, True
Or to keep the window alive, use the /k flag instead of /c: "%comspec% /k SyncToyCmd.exe -R", 1, True
But beware, your VBScript will not continue (or terminate) until this cmd window is manually closed.
The %comspec% environment variable refers to the correct command to open the command interpreter as per your operating system. On my XP machine, for instance, %comspec% is equal to C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe.
See cmd.exe documentation here:
More info on the use of the & versus the && command separators here.
Assuming that it's the popped-up command window that you want to keep open (rather than the one running your VBScript), you can use CMD.exe's Pause command to achieve this:
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("")
objShell.Run "cmd.exe /C ""SyncToyCmd.exe -R & Pause"" ", 1, True
Make it sleep for a while, maybe tell the user it will close in 5 seconds?
Set WScript = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WScript.Sleep 5000
