Can you use Carbon Framework with Alloy Framework? - titanium-mobile

Is it possible to use Carbon Framework with Alloy Framework in Appcelerator Titanium ?

yes... Carbon appears to only be a UI framework while Alloy in UI and MVC


Use Xamarin.Form UI library in Xamarin.IOS native

Maybe this is a very simple question but I am stuck on this.
How can I use a library originally designed for Xamarin.Form UI in Xamarin.IOS native.
This is the library that I want to use in Xamarin.IOS, it seems to be very easy to use in Xamarin.Forms but I don't know how to use it in Xamarin.IOS

How to use Xamarin in existing iOS or Android Project?

I have an iOS project written in Swift.
I want to launch Xamarin.Forms Views inside iOS Native Project.
How to do two way communication from iOS Native Project to Xamarin.Forms view?
is there any way to achieve this task?
Ex. I can achieve this task using Flutter Module.
How to achieve above using Xamarin?
You maybe can di that with the Embeddinator-4000 that creates native libraries of .NET libraries.
This can be done with Xamarin Forms Native Views

Can we Use MVVMLight for Xamarin

I am new to Xamarin. I want to implement MVVM pattern. My question is, Can we use MVVM light for Xamarin iOS and Android projects ?
MvvmLight is available as version 5.3.0 in Nuget.
It should work for iOS and Android amongst others.

How can we Integrate Xamarin.Forms Application/Component with Xamarin native Application?

I have developed an app/component using Xamarin.Forms and as per the requirement I need to integrate that component with another app which is developed on Xamarin Native in Android as well as iOS.
Kindly help me with the suggestions or references
I've seen something like that on a sample called Native2Forms.
What it does, at least in Android, is to use a separete activity to integrate the Xamarin Forms PCL (FormsActivity).

Ideal Mobile UI Framework for use with Marionette

What is the ideal Mobile UI Framework to use with Marionette?
We are targeting Android with a PhoneGap compiled WebApp.
