dozer with maven - maven

I wanted to download the latest release of Dozer mapper from github, but I didn't find any jar.
There is pom.xml file and I try to compile with command mvn package. I also added every dependencies to pom.xml file. It created dozer-5.5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.
Next I imported this jar to my project, but it throws me java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/LoggerFactory.
I also tried to create POM project in the netbeans and build with dependencies. After import to my project, it throws me the same exception.
I don't have any experiences with maven. How can I get correct JAR file?

Guess your dozer-package has a dependency to slf4j, right?
Then you should checkout this Maven-Plugin: Maven-Assembly-Plugin
This will put your required dependencies into the jar.
Here you can read, how to use it
If you want always execute the assemby-plugin when you invoke mvn clean package
add this to your maven-assembly-plugin:
<id>make-assembly</id> <!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
<phase>package</phase> <!-- bind to the packaging phase -->

You have a correct jar. Simple add commons-beanutils lang and slf4j to you project with dozer or add this libraries as a maven dependencies.

Jars required for Dozer dependency.

Make the entry in pom.xml file.Make sure the required Jars are present.


maven-assembly-plugin is not able to pick up unirest-java as a dependency

I followed the official doc of Unirest-Java and added it as a dependency in my pom.xml file.
I also have maven-assembly-plugin available in the pom.xml file so as to package all dependencies in a single jar.
After running mvn clean compile assembly:single, I tried to inspect the built jar with jar tf myapp.jar and strangely wasn't able to find any unirest class.
After downgrading to a much lower version, everything worked properly.
Also very curious to know why they renamed the groupId to an odd value like com.konghq.

How to combine javafx-maven-plugin and maven-assembly-plugin?

I have a JavaFx project which I want to reduce to one jar file.
My pom contains a java-fx plugin:
and an assembly plugin:
<!-- get all project dependencies -->
<!-- MainClass in mainfest make a executable jar -->
<!-- bind to the packaging phase -->
When I call "mvn package" a single jar file is being build but it does not contain the jfx-jar file but contains some sort of "jar wihout jfx support"-version.
How can I tell the Maven Assembly Plugin to use the jar version from the jfx plugin (which is located in jfxAppOutputDir (../jfx/app/))?
Found the problem myself.
the jar file with the "no main manifest attribute"-error was created by maven-jar-plugin. But it is possible to configure it to omit that creation. If you are interested please take a look:"what-is-the-best-way-to-avoid-maven-jar"
the assembly plugin worked correctly. It was my fault. I thought that the assembly plugin creates a jar file with all dependencies including all resource files(all files from the resource folder). My mistake. "jar-with-dependencies" includes all jars belonging to the project, nothing more.

Wildfly, fat jar and jndi-registration

When I build a fat jar with my ejb and dependencies, all the dependent libs/jars are unpacked, and when deployed to wildfly, jodi-registration is performed, and entries like
are reported on the console. I can then add a module dependency to my war-project manifest and use the ejb.
When I build the exact same ejb using one-jar plugin, the dependent libraries are not unpacked, and jndi-registration is not performed. Hence the ejb is not reachable.
From what I can se the jar files are otherwise similar, and it seems wildfly behaves different depending if included jars are unpacked or not. Is this so, and why? Or does the one-jar plugin create a fat jar that is different in some way that I have not figured out?
The pom.xml is listed below, with the one-jar config that I use commented out:
<!-- Includes the runtime dependencies -->

how to add my external jar file to class path

I am new to maven environment, need some ones help.
Added my external jar file (directoryhelper.jar) in lib folder as below in pom.xml
compilation is successful, but during run time I am getting
how to add the directoryhelper.jar to class path.
Maven out of the box will come up with a JAR file (default packaging). This JAR file only contains (main) artifacts of the project. If you take just that and run it, clearly the dependencies are missing -- by design.
Typically Maven artifacts are reused in combination with their POM so that at the point of use it's know what the dependencies are. Edit: if you're using APKs and installing them on a phone, there may be mechanisms to deal with dependencies, I'm answering this merely from a Maven standpoint.
If you want to create a JAR with dependencies you have to tell Maven to do so, that's not the default.
Ways of having Maven do that are (probably not exhaustive):
Maven Assembly plugin, jar-with-dependencies predefined descriptor:
Maven Shade plugin
That way it'll create a single-jar of large size and build time will be large everytime you try to build.
I instead prefer adding all jars to a lib folder and including in the classpath (jar's manifest), because of which when we have to make some change or redeploy to the client or some place, we can simply give the small jar (not all the dependencies merged within jar)
<!-- <mainClass>com.KalindiInfotech.busbookingmaven.form.LoginForm</mainClass>-->

remove jar created by default in maven

I am using maven assembly plugin. in my pom.xml, pakaging type: jar and i dont use maven jar plugin.
Whenever i run mvn clean package, it create 2 jar files: one is from maven assembly, another one is created by default (due to packaging type =jar). I want to keep only the jar file created by assembly plugin only. How to do that?
You may have your reasons but I doubt that it is a good solution to skip the default jar being built and deployed.
Anyhow here is how you can disable the default jar being built.
<!-- some configuration of yours... -->
<!-- put the default-jar in the none phase to skip it from being created -->
