Timing out randomized algorithm - algorithm

I have a randomized recursive backtracking algorithm to generate Sudoku puzzles (see here). It works fast enough on average, but the worst-case runtime is unacceptably slow. Here is a histogram of the runtime in milliseconds for 100 trials (the "More" is about 200,000 ms!):
I would like to improve the algorithm by simply timing it out after t ms, and restarting with a new random seed. To prevent this from repeating infinitely, I would either stop after n tries or increase t after each failed try. If t is much larger than the median, there's a good chance of getting a much faster run on a subsequent try.
How can I adjust the timeout period t for different processors? Is there a fast, reliable way to benchmark processor performance prior to each run? Alternatively, should I adapt to the processor over several runs, for instance using the mean runtime of all previous runs? I am running this on Android, if that's relevant.
Is there a better strategy entirely to avoid the long tail in the distribution of the runtimes?

Since your algorithm is recurisve, why not establish a maximum recursion depth? If the particular random seed leads to a recursion depth that you have empirically established to be high enough that you will hit the long tail, abort at that point.
By visual approximation, it looks like after 4500ms you will not get significant returns on your investment for the given seed. Rerun that benchmark also tracking recursion depth, and see what that number is. I would run more than 100 samples, though.
That solution is CPU speed independent.

Yes there is, it is called confidence interval. By running the algorithm several time in pre-processing (or on the fly), you can determine with x% confidence (where x is a parameter) what is the interval where the median of running time lays in.
You can reduce the interval size by decreasing x or increasing the number of times the algorithm runs.
Of course if you cannot really run the algorithm itself, you can try to benchmark it on some machine and find the confidence interval (let it be I), and create some function f(I,s) that given a timing of a different algorithm (the timing of it is s) on a different machine (M), predicts what should be the interval for the machine M.
finding s is done in a similar manner - using confidence interval.
Your approach seems fine, I'd probably do the same - I will first set up a small factor, and increase it after each failing attempt. Note that this is somehow similar to the congestion control in the TCP protocol (from the field of networks) to find the accepted rate of transfer of packages over the net.


Why is algorithm time complexity often defined in terms of steps/operations?

I've been doing a lot of studying from many different resources on algorithm analysis lately, and one thing I'm currently confused about is why time complexity is often defined in terms of the number of steps/operations an algorithm performs.
For instance, in Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition by Cormen, he states:
The running time of an algorithm on a particular input is the number of primitive operations or “steps” executed. It is convenient to define the notion of step so that it is as machine-independent as possible.
I've seen other resources define the time complexity as such as well. I have a problem with this because, for one, it's called TIME complexity, not "step complexity" or "operations complexity." Secondly, while it's not a definitive source, an answer to a post here on Stackoverflow states "Running time is how long it takes a program to run. Time complexity is a description of the asymptotic behavior of running time as input size tends to infinity." Further, on the Wikipedia page for time complexity it states "In computer science, the time complexity is the computational complexity that describes the amount of computer time it takes to run an algorithm." Again, these are definitive sources, things makes logical sense using these definitions.
When analyzing an algorithm and deriving its time complexity function, such as in Figure 1 below, you get an equation that is in units of time. It CAN represent the amount of operations the algorithm performs, but only if those constant factors (C_1, C_2, C_3, etc.) are each a value of 1.
Figure 1
So with all that said, I'm just wondering how it's possible for this to be defined as the number of steps when that's not really what it represents. I'm trying to clear things up and make the connection between time and number of operations. I feel like there is a lot of information that hasn't been explicitly stated in the resources I've studied. Hoping someone can help clear things up for me, and without going into discussion about Big-O because that shouldn't be needed and misses the point of the question, in my opinion.
Thank you everyone for your time and help.
why time complexity is often defined in terms of the number of steps/operations an algorithm performs?
TL;DR: because that is how the asymptotic analysis work; also, do not forget, that time is a relative thing.
Longer story:
Measuring the performance in time, as we, humans understand the time in a daily use, doesn't make much sense, as it is not always that trivial task to do.. furthermore - it even makes no sense in a broader perspective.
How would you measure what is the space and time your algorithm takes? what will be the conditional and predefined unit of the measurement you're going to apply to see the running time/space complexity of your algorithm?
You can measure it on your clock, or use some libraries/API to see exactly how many seconds/minutes/megabytes your algorithm took.. or etc.
However, this all will be VERY much variable! because, the time/space your algorithm took, will depend on:
Particular hardware you're using (architecture, CPU, RAM, etc.);
Particular programming language;
Operating System;
Compiler, you used to compile your high-level code into lower abstraction;
Other environment-specific details (sometimes, even on the temperature.. as CPUs might be scaling operating frequency dynamically)..
therefore, it is not the good thing to measure your complexity in the precise timing (again, as we understand the timing on this planet).
So, if you want to know the complexity (let's say time complexity) of your algorithm, why would it make sense to have a different time for different machines, OSes, and etc.? Algorithm Complexity Analysis is not about measuring runtime on a particular machine, but about having a clear and mathematically defined precise boundaries for the best, average and worst cases.
I hope this makes sense.
Fine, we finally get to the point, that algorithm analysis should be done as a standalone, mathematical complexity analysis.. which would not care what is the machine, OS, system architecture, or anything else (apart from algorithm itself), as we need to observe the logical abstraction, without caring about whether you're running it on Windows 10, Intel Core2Duo, or Arch Linux, Intel i7, or your mobile phone.
What's left?
Best (so far) way for the algorithm analysis, is to do the Asymptotic Analysis, which is an abstract analysis calculated on the basis of input.. and that is counting almost all the steps and operations performed in the algorithm, proportionally to your input.
This way you can speak about the Algorithm, per se, instead of being dependent on the surrounding circumstances.
Moreover; not only we shouldn't care about machine or peripheral factors, we also shouldn't care about Lower Order Terms and Constant Factors in the mathematical expression of the Asymptotic Analysis.
Constant Factors:
Constant Factors are instructions which are independent from the Input data. i.e. which are NOT dependent on the input argument data.
Few reasons why you should ignore them are:
Different programming language syntaxes, as well as their compiled files, will have different number of constant operations/factors;
Different Hardware will give different run-time for the same constant factors.
So, you should eliminate thinking about analyzing constant factors and overrule/ignore them. Only focus on only input-related important factors; therefore:
O(2n) == O(5n) and all these are O(n);
6n2 == 10n2 and all these are n2.
One more reason why we won't care about constant factors is that they we usually want to measure the complexity for sufficiently large inputs.. and when the input grows to the + infinity, it really makes no sense whether you have n or 2n.
Lower order terms:
Similar concept applies in this point:
Lower order terms, by definition, become increasingly irrelevant as you focus on large inputs.
When you have 5x4+24x2+5, you will never care much on exponent that is less than 4.
Time complexity is not about measuring how long an algorithm takes in terms of seconds. It's about comparing different algorithms, how they will perform with a certain amount if input data. And how this performance develops when the input data gets bigger.
In this context, the "number of steps" is an abstract concept for time, that can be compared independently from any hardware. Ie you can't tell how long it will take to execute 1000 steps, without exact specifications of your hardware (and how long one step will take). But you can always tell, that executing 2000 steps will take about twice as long as executing 1000 steps.
And you can't really discuss time complexity without going into Big-O, because that's what it is.
You should note that Algorithms are more abstract than programs. You check two algorithms on a paper or book and you want to analyze which works faster for an input data of size N. So you must analyze them with logic and statements. You can also run them on a computer and measure the time, but that's not proof.
Moreover, different computers execute programs at different speeds. It depends on CPU speed, RAM, and many other conditions. Even a program on a single computer may be run at different speeds depending on available resources at a time.
So, time for algorithms must be independent of how long a single atomic instruction takes to be executed on a specific computer. It's considered just one step or O(1). Also, we aren't interested in constants. For example, it doesn't matter if a program has two or 10 instructions. Both will be run on a fraction of microseconds. Usually, the number of instructions is limited and they are all run fast on computers. What is important are instructions or loops whose execution depends on a variable, which could be the size of the input to the program.

Benchmark by number of iterations per constant interval

For benchmarking the efficiency of different algorithms for a simple task and comparing them, the way I find most often is to set a constant number of times to iterate over the task, and measure the time interval spent for each algorithm.
But, if the number of times is set too small, the interval difference among the algorithms will be too small, and may be masked by external factors. If you set the number of times too large, then it will take too much time to execute. So you have to guess the right number of times by trial end error.
Rather than doing it this way, I think it makes more sense to set a constant time interval that you want to run each algorithm, and then measure how many iterations can be made in that interval for each algorithm.
By doing so, the reliability of the benchmark will be more stable. In the conventional way, the benchmark will be more reliable for tasks that take time.
I haven't seen this way of benchmarking. Do people actually do this way, and is there a benchmarking framework for this way of measurement? I am asking this as a non-language-specific question, but if there is such framework, especially for Ruby, please introduce some. Or am I wrong about this idea?
I found this gem: benchmark/ips.
Take a look at perfer:
This has a couple of mechanisms including iterations/s. Don't worry that this is a jruby repo, it works on all Ruby implementations and was written as part of GSoC 2012.

why program running time is not a measure?

i have learned that a program is measured by it's complexity - i mean by Big O Notation.
why don't we measure it by it's absolute running time?
thanks :)
You use the complexity of an algorithm instead of absolute running times to reason about algorithms, because the absolute running time of a program does not only depend on the algorithm used and the size of the input. It also depends on the machine it's running on, various implementations detail and what other programs are currently using system resources. Even if you run the same application twice with the same input on the same machine, you won't get exactly the same time.
Consequently when given a program you can't just make a statement like "this program will take 20*n seconds when run with an input of size n" because the program's running time depends on a lot more factors than the input size. You can however make a statement like "this program's running time is in O(n)", so that's a lot more useful.
Absolute running time is not an indicator of how the algorithm grows with different input sets. It's possible for a O(n*log(n)) algorithm to be far slower than an O(n^2) algorithm for all practical datasets.
Running time does not measure complexity, it only measures performance, or the time required to perform the task. An MP3 player will run for the length of the time require to play the song. The elapsed CPU time may be more useful in this case.
One measure of complexity is how it scales to larger inputs. This is useful for planning the require hardware. All things being equal, something that scales relatively linearly is preferable to one which scales poorly. Things are rarely equal.
The other measure of complexity is a measure of how simple the code is. The code complexity is usually higher for programs with relatively linear performance complexity. Complex code can be costly maintain, and changes are more likely to introduce errors.
All three (or four) measures are useful, and none of them are highly useful by themselves. The three together can be quite useful.
The question could use a little more context.
In programming a real program, we are likely to measure the program's running time. There are multiple potential issues with this though
1. What hardware is the program running on? Comparing two programs running on different hardware really doesn't give a meaningful comparison.
2. What other software is running? If anything else running, it's going to steal CPU cycles (or whatever other resource your program is running on).
3. What is the input? As already said, for a small set, a solution might look very fast, but scalability goes out the door. Also, some inputs are easier than others. If as a person, you hand me a dictionary and ask me to sort, I'll hand it right back and say done. Giving me a set of 50 cards (much smaller than a dictionary) in random order will take me a lot longer to do.
4. What is the starting conditions? If your program runs for the first time, chances are, spinning it off the hard disk will take up the largest chunk of time on modern systems. Comparing two implementations with small inputs will likely have their differences masked by this.
Big O notation covers a lot of these issues.
1. Hardware doesn't matter, as everything is normalized by the speed of 1 operation O(1).
2. Big O talks about the algorithm free of other algorithms around it.
3. Big O talks about how the input will change the running time, not how long one input takes. It tells you the worse the algorithm will perform, not how it performs on an average or easy input.
4. Again, Big O handles algorithms, not programs running in a physical system.

algorithm to calculate ETA of a file downloading session [duplicate]

We've all poked fun at the 'X minutes remaining' dialog which seems to be too simplistic, but how can we improve it?
Effectively, the input is the set of download speeds up to the current time, and we need to use this to estimate the completion time, perhaps with an indication of certainty, like '20-25 mins remaining' using some Y% confidence interval.
Code that did this could be put in a little library and used in projects all over, so is it really that difficult? How would you do it? What weighting would you give to previous download speeds?
Or is there some open source code already out there?
Edit: Summarising:
Improve estimated completion time via better algo/filter etc.
Provide interval instead of single time ('1h45-2h30 mins'), or just limit the precision ('about 2 hours').
Indicate when progress has stalled - although if progress consistently stalls and then continues, we should be able to deal with that. Perhaps 'about 2 hours, currently stalled'
More generally, I think you are looking for a way to give an instant mesure of the transfer speed, which is generally obtained by an average over a small period.
The problem is generally that in order to be reactive, the period is usually extremely small, which leads to the yoyo effect.
I would propose a very simple scheme, let's model it.
Think of a curve speed (y) over time (x).
the Instant Speed, is no more than reading y for the current x (x0).
the Average Speed, is no more than Integral(f(x), x in [x0-T,x0]) / T
the scheme I propose is to apply a filter, to give more weight to the last moments, while still taking into account the past moments.
It can be easily implement as g(x,x0,T) = 2 * (x - x0) + 2T which is a simple triangle of surface T.
And now you can compute Integral(f(x)*g(x,x0,T), x in [x0-T,x0]) / T, which should work because both functions are always positive.
Of course you could have a different g as long as it's always positive in the given interval and that its integral on the interval is T (so that its own average is exactly 1).
The advantage of this method is that because you give more weight to immediate events, you can remain pretty reactive even if you consider larger time intervals (so that the average is more precise, and less susceptible to hiccups).
Also, what I have rarely seen but think would provide more precise estimates would be to correlate the time used for computing the average to the estimated remaining time:
if I download a 5ko file, it's going to be loaded in an instant, no need to estimate
if I download a 15 Mo file, it's going to take between 2 minutes roughly, so I would like estimates say... every 5 seconds ?
if I download a 1.5 Go file, it's going to take... well around 200 minutes (with the same speed)... which is to say 3h20m... perhaps that an estimates every minute would be sufficient ?
So, the longer the download is going to take, the less reactive I need to be, and the more I can average out. In general, I would say that a window could cover 2% of the total time (perhaps except for the few first estimates, because people appreciate immediate feedback). Also, indicating progress by whole % at a time is sufficient. If the task is long, I was prepared to wait anyway.
I wonder, would a state estimation technique produce good results here? Something like a Kalman Filter?
Basically you predict the future by looking at your current model, and change the model at each time step to reflect the changes to the real world. I think this kind of technique is used for estimating the time left on your laptop battery, which can also vary according to use, age of battery, etc'.
see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalman_filter for a more in depth description of the algorithm.
The filter also gives a variance measure, which could be used to indicate your confidence of the estimate (allthough, as was mentioned by other answers, it might not be the best idea to show this to the end user)
Does anyone know if this is actually used somewhere for download (or file copy) estimation?
Don't confuse your users by providing more information than they need. I'm thinking of the confidence interval. Skip it.
Internet download times are highly variable. The microwave interferes with WiFi. Usage varies by time of day, day of week, holidays, and releases of new exciting games. The server may be heavily loaded right now. If you carry your laptop to cafe, the results will be different than at home. So, you probably can't rely on historical data to predict the future of download speeds.
If you can't accurately estimate the time remaining, then don't lie to your user by offering such an estimate.
If you know how much data must be downloaded, you can provide % completed progress.
If you don't know at all, provide a "heartbeat" - a piece of moving UI that shows the user that things are working, even through you don't know how long remains.
Improving the estimated time itself: Intuitively, I would guess that the speed of the net connection is a series of random values around some temporary mean speed - things tick along at one speed, then suddenly slow or speed up.
One option, then, could be to weight the previous set of speeds by some exponential, so that the most recent values get the strongest weighting. That way, as the previous mean speed moves further into the past, its effect on the current mean reduces.
However, if the speed randomly fluctuates, it might be worth flattening the top of the exponential (e.g. by using a Gaussian filter), to avoid too much fluctuation.
So in sum, I'm thinking of measuring the standard deviation (perhaps limited to the last N minutes) and using that to generate a Gaussian filter which is applied to the inputs, and then limiting the quoted precision using the standard deviation.
How, though, would you limit the standard deviation calculation to the last N minutes? How do you know how long to use?
Alternatively, there are pattern recognition possibilities to detect if we've hit a stable speed.
I've considered this off and on, myself. I the answer starts with being conservative when computing the current (and thus, future) transfer rate, and includes averaging over longer periods, to get more stable estimates. Perhaps low-pass filtering the time that is displayed, so that one doesn't get jumps between 2 minutes and 2 days.
I don't think a confidence interval is going to be helpful. Most people wouldn't be able to interpret it, and it would just be displaying more stuff that is a guess.

Estimating/forecasting download completion time

We've all poked fun at the 'X minutes remaining' dialog which seems to be too simplistic, but how can we improve it?
Effectively, the input is the set of download speeds up to the current time, and we need to use this to estimate the completion time, perhaps with an indication of certainty, like '20-25 mins remaining' using some Y% confidence interval.
Code that did this could be put in a little library and used in projects all over, so is it really that difficult? How would you do it? What weighting would you give to previous download speeds?
Or is there some open source code already out there?
Edit: Summarising:
Improve estimated completion time via better algo/filter etc.
Provide interval instead of single time ('1h45-2h30 mins'), or just limit the precision ('about 2 hours').
Indicate when progress has stalled - although if progress consistently stalls and then continues, we should be able to deal with that. Perhaps 'about 2 hours, currently stalled'
More generally, I think you are looking for a way to give an instant mesure of the transfer speed, which is generally obtained by an average over a small period.
The problem is generally that in order to be reactive, the period is usually extremely small, which leads to the yoyo effect.
I would propose a very simple scheme, let's model it.
Think of a curve speed (y) over time (x).
the Instant Speed, is no more than reading y for the current x (x0).
the Average Speed, is no more than Integral(f(x), x in [x0-T,x0]) / T
the scheme I propose is to apply a filter, to give more weight to the last moments, while still taking into account the past moments.
It can be easily implement as g(x,x0,T) = 2 * (x - x0) + 2T which is a simple triangle of surface T.
And now you can compute Integral(f(x)*g(x,x0,T), x in [x0-T,x0]) / T, which should work because both functions are always positive.
Of course you could have a different g as long as it's always positive in the given interval and that its integral on the interval is T (so that its own average is exactly 1).
The advantage of this method is that because you give more weight to immediate events, you can remain pretty reactive even if you consider larger time intervals (so that the average is more precise, and less susceptible to hiccups).
Also, what I have rarely seen but think would provide more precise estimates would be to correlate the time used for computing the average to the estimated remaining time:
if I download a 5ko file, it's going to be loaded in an instant, no need to estimate
if I download a 15 Mo file, it's going to take between 2 minutes roughly, so I would like estimates say... every 5 seconds ?
if I download a 1.5 Go file, it's going to take... well around 200 minutes (with the same speed)... which is to say 3h20m... perhaps that an estimates every minute would be sufficient ?
So, the longer the download is going to take, the less reactive I need to be, and the more I can average out. In general, I would say that a window could cover 2% of the total time (perhaps except for the few first estimates, because people appreciate immediate feedback). Also, indicating progress by whole % at a time is sufficient. If the task is long, I was prepared to wait anyway.
I wonder, would a state estimation technique produce good results here? Something like a Kalman Filter?
Basically you predict the future by looking at your current model, and change the model at each time step to reflect the changes to the real world. I think this kind of technique is used for estimating the time left on your laptop battery, which can also vary according to use, age of battery, etc'.
see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalman_filter for a more in depth description of the algorithm.
The filter also gives a variance measure, which could be used to indicate your confidence of the estimate (allthough, as was mentioned by other answers, it might not be the best idea to show this to the end user)
Does anyone know if this is actually used somewhere for download (or file copy) estimation?
Don't confuse your users by providing more information than they need. I'm thinking of the confidence interval. Skip it.
Internet download times are highly variable. The microwave interferes with WiFi. Usage varies by time of day, day of week, holidays, and releases of new exciting games. The server may be heavily loaded right now. If you carry your laptop to cafe, the results will be different than at home. So, you probably can't rely on historical data to predict the future of download speeds.
If you can't accurately estimate the time remaining, then don't lie to your user by offering such an estimate.
If you know how much data must be downloaded, you can provide % completed progress.
If you don't know at all, provide a "heartbeat" - a piece of moving UI that shows the user that things are working, even through you don't know how long remains.
Improving the estimated time itself: Intuitively, I would guess that the speed of the net connection is a series of random values around some temporary mean speed - things tick along at one speed, then suddenly slow or speed up.
One option, then, could be to weight the previous set of speeds by some exponential, so that the most recent values get the strongest weighting. That way, as the previous mean speed moves further into the past, its effect on the current mean reduces.
However, if the speed randomly fluctuates, it might be worth flattening the top of the exponential (e.g. by using a Gaussian filter), to avoid too much fluctuation.
So in sum, I'm thinking of measuring the standard deviation (perhaps limited to the last N minutes) and using that to generate a Gaussian filter which is applied to the inputs, and then limiting the quoted precision using the standard deviation.
How, though, would you limit the standard deviation calculation to the last N minutes? How do you know how long to use?
Alternatively, there are pattern recognition possibilities to detect if we've hit a stable speed.
I've considered this off and on, myself. I the answer starts with being conservative when computing the current (and thus, future) transfer rate, and includes averaging over longer periods, to get more stable estimates. Perhaps low-pass filtering the time that is displayed, so that one doesn't get jumps between 2 minutes and 2 days.
I don't think a confidence interval is going to be helpful. Most people wouldn't be able to interpret it, and it would just be displaying more stuff that is a guess.
