how to validate custom fields in phpfox - phpfox

i have created few custom fields in registration form .
And i want to validate those field .
Any help will be apriciated.

You can validate custom fields from admin where you create custom fields
there an option to set them required or not required.


Laravel form request check if two passwords match?

I am working on a user registration form in laravel 5. I wish to know is it possible to use laravel's form request validation to check if the two passwords submitted by the user are thesame. Is it possible to do that with using requests?
Yes, it's possible.
There is an validator called confirmed.
The field under validation must have a matching field of
foo_confirmation. For example, if the field under validation is
password, a matching password_confirmation field must be present in
the input.

Apply Sitecore validation rule to a field type?

I have created a validation rule in Core DB, and I have created a custom Sitecore field called 'Single Select Treelist'. I want to apply this validation rule to all 'Single Select Treelist' fields in all templates in my Sitecore instance.
I know we can individually apply the validation rule to each template field of type 'Single Select Treelist'. Is there a way to achieve this automatically for all 'Single Select Treelist' fields without any custom coding?
I see the list of field type validation rules available in Master:
How are these connected to the respective field types in Core?
Please advise.
If you edit the field type item there is a validation section that contains fields to set validation rules for the Quick Action Bar, the Validate Button, the Validator Bar and finally Workflow.
Once you set the validation rules, depending on which field you set, Sitecore will display the validation messages in different ways. See this blog post for examples:
The link between the Field Type Validation Rule and the actual Field Type seems to be based simply on the name of the Field Type.
Just add a new item with the template "Field Type Validation Rules" in the Validation Rules/Field Types folder that you show in your picture. Give it the exact same name as the field type you want it to validate. Select the rules you need inside the Validation Rules section of that new object.
For example, I just needed to add some validation to the Single-Line Text type, as you can see in the image. We struggled with it for a little while because we missed the dash.
Image - Sitecore Tree with new Field Type Validation

Unique field validation in Google forms

Using Google forms, data can saved to the spreadsheet. Now i would like to apply validation in Username field for avoid duplication. How can add UNIQUE validation in google form field using Google script?
I think it is not possible to add validation for fields in Google form values by using Google Apps Script direcly.
One thing you can consider to change the settings in the Google form itself, if the Username field value is same as the Username that logged in to access that form. You can do this by checking the "only allow one response per person(required login)".
If the above solution does not apply for your requirement, the UiApp/Html Service in Apps Script will help you in creating custom forms.
You can create a custom form and write a custom function to get the Username field values using SpreadsheetApp class into an array. Before submitting the Form, compare the Username field from Google form with the list of username cell values that we got in an array and check for uniqueness.
Hope that helps!

how to create an ajax-driven auto-complete field in a sonata admin form in symfony?

I have a form generated with the sonata admin bundle. I want to enable a live search tip for my user on an input field. The proposition should come from a category table in the DB.
For example, if I have a field called company, when a user writes "a", I should suggest all companies whose name contains "a".
Use JQuery Autocomplete. On server side create controller action that will return suggestions through AJAX.
See example -

Cakephp one model different form validation

I have a model name "User", their I added a validation for login. But I need to validate registration page also. Fields for both forms are different.
Can someone please tell me how to manage different form validation with 1 model.
You can validate as many fields as you want inside your User model, it does not matter in which View or in which form you input them.
So just add the fields from your registration page to the User's $validate inside your User model.
If all forms share similar fieldnames but require different validation rules you can use:
If the duplicate fields validate the same on all forms you can just add them all to the Model, it will only validate the ones present on the form.
Remember to NOT use 'required' => true, setting this key to true will make the field always required and it has to be present in the data array even if it's not on your form
