Delete a directory only if it exists using a shell script - shell

I have a shell (ksh) script. I want to determine whether a certain directory is present in /tmp, and if it is present then I have to delete it. My script is:
# what should I write here?
if [[ -f /tmp/dir.lock ]]; then
echo "Removing Lock"
rm -rf /tmp/dir.lock
How can I proceed? I'm not getting the wanted result: the directory is not removed when I execute the script and I'm not getting Removing Lock output on my screen.
I checked manually and the lock file is present in the location.
The lock file is created with set MUTEX_LOCK "/tmp/dir.lock" by a TCL program.

In addition to -f versus -d note that [[ ]] is not POSIX, while [ ] is. Any string or path you use more than once should be in a variable to avoid typing errors, especially when you use rm -rf which deletes with extreme prejudice. The most portable solution would be
if [ -d "$DIR" ]; then
printf '%s\n' "Removing Lock ($DIR)"
rm -rf "$DIR"

For directory check, you should use -d:
if [[ -d /tmp/dir.lock ]]; then
echo "Removing Lock"
rm -rf /tmp/dir.lock


OSX terminal rm -rf files from a symbolic link

Running OSX 10.11.2, I need to rm -rf the file in the location indicated in the symbolic links below for atom, npm and node as well as the links. I am currently log in as a user but terminal is in su mode.
I tried few commands for no avail. I tried to go to those locations but do not know how to.
Thank you
To start, rm itself does not have a suitable option to remove the files that the links point to. That would make it cumbersome to do this in a single command. A script helps:
for name in "$#"
if [ -L "$name" ]
target=$(stat -f '%Y' "$name")
$0 "$target"
[ -e "$name" ] && rm -rf "$name"
The script uses the OSX stat command to obtain the link target, and recurs to itself, to remove the target (which could be another link), and after removing the target, removes the link (or non-link, as the case may be).
In a comment, OP clarified that the link itself should not be removed. That can be done by changing the test:
for name in "$#"
if [ -L "$name" ]
target=$(stat -f '%Y' "$name")
$0 "$target"
[ -e "$name" ] && [ ! -L "$name" ] && rm -rf "$name"

Space in directory name crashing .sh - use "usebackq"?

dir1='/d/Dropbox/PhD/Experimental Design/APS/Processed_and_Graphed/InvariantQ'
echo $dir1
for f in A*.xlsx
if [[ ! -d $dir1/$str2 ]]; then
mkdir $dir1/$str2
echo "Directory" $dir1/$str2 "already exists, directory not created"
if [[ ! -f $dir1/$str2/$f ]]; then
mv -v $f $dir1/$str2
echo "File" $dir1/$str2/$f "already exists, file not copied"
I'm trying to get the following script to run, however when it attempts to mkdir $dir1/$str2, it creates:
and returns back the error:
create directory '/d/Dropbox/PhD/Experimental': file exists
create directory 'Design/APS/Processed_and_Graphed/InvariantQ': no such file or directory
I've tried coding the directory name with double quotations, or a '\' in front of the space in 'Experimental Design', but neither method seems to work... It seems this can be achieved in batch files using "usebackq" -is there a way to do this in GitBash for windows? If so, where in my code would it be applied?
Also, is anyone aware as to why testing a statement here using "[[" works, whereas a single "[" doesn't?
Quote your variables to prevent word splitting on the expansion.
dir1='/d/Dropbox/PhD/Experimental Design/APS/Processed_and_Graphed/InvariantQ'
echo "$dir1"
for f in A*.xlsx
if [[ ! -d $dir1/$str2 ]]; then
mkdir "$dir1/$str2"
echo "Directory $dir1/$str2 already exists, directory not created"
if [[ ! -f $dir1/$str2/$f ]]; then
mv -v "$f" "$dir1/$str2"
echo "File $dir1/$str2/$f already exists, file not copied"
It works with [[ because this is shell syntax, not an ordinary command. It recognizes variables specially and doesn't do work splitting on them. This is the same reason that it allows you to use operators like < without quoting them.

Bash: Creating subdirectories reading from a file

I have a file that contains some keywords and I intend to create subdirectories into the same directory of the same keyword using a bash script. Here is the code I am using but it doesn't seem to be working.
I don't know where I have gone wrong. Help me out
for i in `cat file.txt`
# if [[ ! -e $path/$i ]]; then
echo "creating" $i "directory"
mkdir $path/$i
# fi
grep $i file >> $path/$i/output.txt
echo "created the files in "$path/$TEMP/output.txt
You've gone wrong here, and you've gone wrong here.
while read i
echo "Creating $i directory"
mkdir "$path/$i"
grep "$i" file >> "$path/$i"/output.txt
done < file.txt
echo "created the files in $path/$TEMP/output.txt"
78mkdir will refuse to create a directory, if parts of it do not exist.
e.g. if there is no /foo/bar directory, then mkdir /foo/bar/baz will fail.
you can relax this a bit by using the -p flag, which will create parent directories if necessary (in the example, it might create /foo and /foo/bar).
you should also use quotes, in case your paths contain blanks.
mkdir -p "${path}/${i}"
finally, make sure that you are actually allowed to create directories in $path

Bash to search and delete?

I need a script that will search for a file in a applications directory and delete it. If it's not there it will continue with the install.
What I'm needing deleted:
If that's not found I want it to continue on the install. If it finds that file I want it to delete it before continuing the installation.
This is what I've got:
if [ -f "$file" ]
echo "$file delteling old icon"
rm -rf /Applications/'s-Repo).png
echo "$file old icon deleted already moving on"
try this
if [ -e <your_file> ]; then
rm -f <your_file>
this should do.
Parentheses are used to start a subshell in bash, so you'll need to put your filename in double-quotes (as you did in the file test).
Change the line:
rm -rf /Applications/'s-Repo).png
rm -rf "${file}"
And this will remove the file (assuming no permissions problems).

Recursively copying a file into multiple directories, if a directory does not exist in Bash

so I need to copy the file /home/servers/template/craftbukkit.jar into every folder inside of /home/servers, Ex. /home/servers/server1, /home/servers/server2, etc.
But I only want to do it if /home/servers/whateverserveritiscurrentlyon/mods does not exsist. This is what I came up with and was wondering if it will work:
echo " Script to copy a file to all server directories, only if mods does not exist in that directory"
for i in /home/servers/*/; do
if [ ! -d "$i/mods" ]; then
cp -f /home/servers/template/craftbukkit.jar "$i"
echo " completed script ..."
Looks like it should work. To non-destructively test, change the cp -f ... line to say echo cp -f ... and review the output.
It could also be somewhat shortened, but it wouldn't affect efficiency much:
for i in /home/servers/*/
[[ -d "${i}/mods" ]] || cp -f /home/servers/template/craftbukkit.jar "${i}/."
