Combobox Cascading need more specific cascadeFrom option - kendo-ui

I want to use the cascadeFrom feature of the Kendo UI ComboBox, but to my dismay it seems that that option will only accept an ID. Now I can't use the ID because the combobox is added dynamically and possibly multiple times resulting in multiple controls with the same ID.
Does anyone have any ideas on how I can either pass a specific dom object to the cascade or how I could possibly setup a custom cascade feature using the 'change' event?

That cascading functionality is just some sugar to make it easier create cascading DropDowns/Combos.
Basically you need to use 4 things to manually implement yourself that fancy cascading-> change event of the parent ComboBox, enable method of the child ComboBox,value method of the parent ComboBox and the method of the child ComboBox.
Initially the child is enabled(false) when the change event of the parent is triggered get the value of the parent and pass it to the read method of the child method to send it to the server. Finally return the needed records from the server.
function OnChangeOfParentCombo(e){
var child = $('#ChildCombo').data().kendoComboBox;


How to access to my Grid in Dynamic CRM365 View

I am working on Dynamic CRM365 plugin, in my entity view, I need to know which item has been selected, before I use DOM to detect, however, I can't pass the certification, because all DOM access are risk and need to be replaced, therefore, I checked Xrm.Page.getControl and Xrm.Page.ui.controls, but no luck.
I passed Xrm.Page.getControl("ssl_notesforsigns") or Xrm.Page.getControl("ssl_notesforsign") => return null
I call Xrm.Page.ui, ui = null.
Any idea how to get grid by code?
It is good to hear that you no longer want to access the DOM. As you say, that is entirely unsupported.
What is the name of the subgrid on your form? If you go to a form editor and look at the properties for the subgrid, you will see the name (I am guessing that it is not called ssl_notesforsigns). This name is the one you should use, and it can be used when calling Xrm.Page.getControl("namehere") to get your grid context.
Xrm.Page has been deprecated (even though you can still use it). Instead, you should get a reference to your grid context through the execution context. See Client API grid context. For code executing on a form event, you can get your grid context through the form context as follows:
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext(); // get the form Context
var gridContext = formContext.getControl("namehere"); // get the grid context
When you have a reference to your grid context, you can get the selected rows using getSelectedRows():
var allSelectedRows = gridContext.getGrid().getSelectedRows();

extjs Save component view state before removing it from parent component

Let me explain the my scenario. I am using ExtJS5. I have got a view component (let us name is viewOne) contain two combo boxes, button search and some action button, on click of search button the grid is populated. This viewOne is in a parent view component (viewParent). I need to load a second view (viewTwo) on selecting some grid row and clicking some action button a new view is loaded (viewTwo) in the parentView. When I come back from viewTwo to viewOne I need old values of combo boxes to re perform the search.
Currently I am storing the values of combo boxes in a store and set then when the after view render and call search. We have discarded card layout for this implementation.
I wanted to know how this can be done via Ext.state , I cannot find any example on the same that is close solution to my problem. Any other way of doing this ?
State seems reasonable for that. First of all you must set StateProvider (by calling Ext.state.Manager.setProvider) to instance of class which extends Ext.state.Provider.
Then state should work for you. Only thing that you must remember is to set stateful property to true and set stateId of the component.
Usually you don't need to save state by yourself. All built-in stateful components have defined state events. When such state event occur (eg. expand on panel) then state is saved automatically. You can customize state events by calling addStateEvents in initComponent.
To provide custom component state you should override applyState and getState methods. When you combine it with addStateEvents you have all what you need.

ExtJs - Triggering Column Header Sorting programmatically (e.g. with QTP)

Our team is setting up test scripts for automating interaction testing using QTP, for an ExtJS based application.
Many of our elements/objects are being detected as desired, with the exception of column header sorting triggers.
Our grid panel has remote sorting, however programatically triggering a column header "click" doesn't fire our sorting, although "click"ing manually on the column header does. I've tried mousedown and mouseup, on the column header Div, and it's children -titleEl and -textEl as well.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
The simplest way would be to tell QTP to generate mouse events, this way all the events that are fired when a real human clicks the header will be fired when QTP clicks it.
As seen here
origReplayType = Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType")
Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType") = 2
Browser("B").Page("P").WebElement("column header").Click ' your script line here
Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType") = origReplayType
If this is a common occurrence you can use RegisterUserFunc to define a new DeviceClick function to your test objects.
A slightly more complex way is to debug the application and see which event triggers sorting the column and then use FireEvent with the correct event.

PRISM: Passing object/events from parent to child View/VM with PopupRegions

We are working with an application that uses prism and MVVM for healthcare tracking operations.
Within this application, we have registered views in primary regions, and scenarios in which clicking on a cell in a grid (in this case a xamdatagrid - Infragistics) will launch another region via the prism region popup behaviors constructs.
So, when we click on the cell, a cellactivation operation in the code behind for that view is called which then calls a method in the view model to .RequestNavigate to the view that is registered for the 'secondary' popup region (thus launching what appears to be a dialog over the existing application).
I am attempting to pass an object from the parent view (the values of the record in the grid) to the child view that is launched in the popup, and have found that none of the expected operations is working.
I have a mediator object that we are using to pass information back from children to parents, but this does not work the other direction because the publish/notify operations for the mediator require the child view to 'already' be instantiated before the parent publishes to pass that information.
I'm finding that the event aggregator structures built into the Prism.Events classes don't appear to be working either (I'm assuming because of the same publish/subscribe issues). I can publish an event through the event aggregator from the parent view and subscribe in the child view, but I have to launch the child view 'twice' in order to get the event tied to the event aggregator operation to actually fire.
I understand this is rather vague (minus the code), but I'm looking more for a start point, or anyone that's run into the same kinds of issues. The bullet point scenario is as follows:
Parent view already instantiated in existing region.
Clicking on cell in parent view instantiates (navigates to) child view in popup region.
Same click operation needs to pass an object from the parent view to the child view so that the child view can filter its own data based on that object.
Operations are constructed using Prism/MVVM.
Any help, suggestions, pointers, ideas would be awesome.
We had the same scenario and ended up with creating a UiService that are injected to our ViewModels. Our ViewModel base class has a SetModel method which the UiService calls when navigating, for sending parameters to the destination view.
By example:
Clicking a button in the existing View.
Source ViewModel calls UiService ShowView(data).
UiService calls RequestNavigate for the requested view.
UiService calls SetModel on the destination ViewModel (by accessing the DataContext of the requested view) to pass in the data from the source ViewModel.
Depending what you want to pass it can be pretty simple with INavigationAware
Sounds like you want to pass something like query string - parameters, etc. Code to open window will be like this:
var query = new UriQuery
{ "MailItemKey", this.SelectedMailItem.MailItemKey.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }
RegionManager.RequestNavigate(RegionNames.Popup, typeof(MailItemView).Name + query.ToString());
And inside MailItemViewModel which is our popup's VM code is like this:
public override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationContext navigationContext)
var mailItemKey = int.Parse(navigationContext.Parameters["MailItemKey"]);
If you want to pass custom objects - it will be more complex. I would look for MVVM in the box samples - there is some code on how it's done. I had to re-work it whole lot and code is not really copy-pasteable.
Sounds like a perfect use of a RegionContext.
Parent view contains a region that can have multiple "child" views activated in it. They need to share some context or data. Set a region context and bind or pass whatever info all the "child" views in the Region will need.
See the Prism samples around RegionContext.

Can a CRM 3.0 PreCreate callout fill form fields in advance?

I just finished my first CRM callout, and it's working great, but it doesn't actually seem to take effect until the form that calls it is saved. It's a PreCreate deal that assigns a value to one of the attributes present on the form. Is there any way to get it to assign the new value and display it on the form as soon as you load it, or is this just the way it works?
You'd have to add some JavaScript to the onload event of the form and default any form fields that way. Callouts don't fire until after the save event happens, so they can't be used to default fields in the UI.
