create a folder in a grandparent dir - visual-studio

I want to create a dir (named with a varible Utilities._Name)located two levels from the exe file,
My exe file is in C:\SGEA\SGEA\bin
How can I do it so I get C:\SGEA\theNewDir without using full path, just relative paths?
If Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(Utilities._Name) Then
MessageBox.Show("There is already a dir named: " & Utilities._Name, "SGEA", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
End If

If you have the path to the exe file, you can use the System.IO.Path Class to navigate easily:
Dim folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(theExeFile)
Dim grandparent = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(folder)) ' Up two directories
Dim newFolder = Path.Combine(grandparent, "theNewDir") ' Use this to create the new folder name cleanly
Utilities._Name = newFolder


How to write a function to combine folder path and file name?

I would like to pass the full path of a text file to one of the function.
i am placing the my script, and text file at same location
by using the below command i found the folder path where my script is
p = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName)
p came as C:\test
my file name is xyz.txt
i want to pass the the argument to the function as C:\test\xyz.txt
how can i combine path and file name
i tried below code
path = p & "xyz.txt"
can any one help me how can join the path and file name.
You can use string concatenation to build a path. The correct way to do it, however, is to use the FileSystemObject's BuildPath() method, because this will do the right thing with the backslashes under all circumstances.
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
scriptPath = FSO.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName)
textFilePath = FSO.BuildPath(scriptPath, "xyz.txt")
MsgBox textFilePath
Try like this code :
Option Explicit
Msgbox GetFilePath("xyz.txt")
Function GetFilePath(FileName)
Dim fso,scriptPath
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
scriptPath = FSO.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName)
GetFilePath = FSO.BuildPath(scriptPath,FileName)
End Function

scan computer for a file and output folder location

I need to take a list of computers (IP or PC name) that are all on the same domain in CSV format. Scan each computer for a specific folder name. The folder will be arcXXXof. The x's are a hash and change for each PC. If the folder is found it needs to output the folder path to a CSV and append with each computer scanned. My programming is limited and I only really know Java. Since this will be run from a server it will need local administrative privileges to run on the local machines. My manager suggested I use VBS, but I have never written in that before.
My current snag is getting an error "expected then" Here's my loop.
Sub Recurse(strFolderPath)
Dim objFolder
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strFolderPath) 'reads Folders pulled from recursion
Dim objSubFolder
dim folderStart 'grabs the first 2 characters of the file name. Should match 'of' if correct folder
Dim folderEnd 'grabs the last 6 (test) characters of the folder name, should match arc.txt if correct
Global checkEnd
set checkEnd = "arc" 'checks for "arc" at ending
Global checkStart
set checkStart = "of" 'used to check if folder name is correct path
For Each objSubFolder in objFolder 'for every Folder scanned
'Scans the name of the Folder, objSubFolder, for an ending of “arc", and beginning of “of” (testing)
set folderName =
Set folderEnd = right(folderName, 3)
set folderStart = left(folderName, 2)
dim folderName
if folderName = testFolderName
then WScript.Echo objSubFolder
'If folderEnd = checkEnd and
'If folderStart = checkStart
'Add Folder location to array, set array to next object
'Then fLocations(i) = object.GetAbsolutePathName(objSubFolder) and i = i+1
End If
'recursive for searching new folder
For Each objSubFolder in objFolder.Subfolders
Call Recurse(objSubFolder.Path)
OK, you could use a regex to match the name. Define it up front, in your global scope:
Dim re
Set re = New RegExp
re.IgnoreCase = True
re.Pattern = "^arc\w{3}of$"
I'm using \w, which is equivalent to [a-zA-Z_0-9]. You can change this if you're expecting only digits (\d) or something else for these three chars.
Then, in your Recurse function, test the folder name against it:
For Each objSubFolder in objFolder.SubFolders
' See if this folder name matches our regex...
If re.Test(objSubFolder.Name) Then
' Match. Just display for now...
WScript.Echo objSubFolder.Path
End If
' Test its subfolders...
Recurse objSubFolder.Path
Tip: Remove the On Error Resume Next from your code while you're developing or you might miss all kinds of bugs and cause all kinds of headaches.

Open files with common name part

First of all, please excuse my shortcomings in presenting my issue as I haven't got much knowledge in VBA. Your help would be kindly appreciated.
I am working on a project that would imply putting the content of three different Excel files from three different sub-folders into one Excel file, and then run some macros in order to process the data they contain. Since I've already set the processing macros, my issue relies in importing the content correctly.
The problem I'm facing is that I don't have the exact names of the files I would like to open, and that they would change each month. Therefore, I can't use the "WorkBooks.Open" command that requires a precise name. However, the files have predictable name formats. For instance, one of the sub-folders will be comprised of files named "XXX-jan2013.xls", another one "january2013-XXX" and the last one "XXX-01/2013".
My goal would be to input the month and year manually, for instance “01/2013”, and then open all the files containing "January”, “jan” or “01" in their names.
Here’s what I have so far, with comments:
Sub ChosenDate()
‘It aims at opening a box in which the desired month would be written manually
Dim InputDate As String
‘These are the indications the user will get
InputDate = InputBox(Prompt:="Please choose a month.", _
Title:="Date", Default:="MM/YYYY")
‘In case the person forgets to write what he’s asked to
If InputDate = "MM/YYYY" Or _
InputDate = vbNullString Then
Exit Sub
‘If he does it correctly, I call the second Sub
Else: Call FilesOpening
End If
End Sub
‘So far, everything works fine
Public Sub FilesOpening()
‘This one aims at opening the chosen files
Dim ThisFile As String
Dim Files As String
‘Defining the folder in which the file is, as it can change from a computer to another
ThisFile = ThisWorkbook.Path
‘Here’s where I start struggling and where the macro doesn’t work anymore
‘If I wanted to open all the files of the folder, I would just write that:
Files = Dir(ThisFile & "\*.xls")
‘You never know…
On Error Resume Next
‘Creating the Loop
Do While Files <> vbNullString
Files = Dir
Set wbBook = Workbooks.Open(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & Files)
End Sub
‘But it doesn’t look inside of sub-folders, neither does it consider the date
Sub DataProcess()
‘This one is fine, except I can’t find a way to name the files correctly. Here’s the beginning:
Windows("I don’t know the name.xls").Activate
Sheets("Rapport 1").Select
Windows("The File I Want To Put Data In.xlsm").Activate
Sheets("Where I Want To Put It").Select
Windows("I don’t know the name.xls").Close
‘How can I get the name?
I hope my statement is understandable.
Thank you very much in advance!
Have a nice day,
You need to build a list of the paths and the expected file masks. You can then loop each matching file and do your stuff.
Sub foo()
Dim request As String: request = "01/2013"
'//make a date
Dim asDate As Date: asDate = "01/" & request
Dim dirs(2) As String, masks(2) As String
dirs(0) = "c:\xxx\dir1\"
masks(0) = "*" & Format$(asDate, "mmmmyyyy") & "*.xls"
dirs(1) = "c:\xxx\dir2\"
masks(1) = "*" & Format$(asDate, "mmmyyyy") & "*.xls"
dirs(2) = "c:\xxx\dir3\"
masks(2) = "*" & Format$(asDate, "mmyyyy") & "*.xls"
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To UBound(dirs)
GetFiles dirs(i), masks(i)
End Sub
Private Function GetFiles(path As String, mask As String)
Dim file As String
'//loop matching files
file = Dir$(path & mask)
Do Until Len(file) = 0
'//process match
process path & file
file = Dir$()
End Function
Sub process(filePath As String)
MsgBox "processing " & filePath
End Sub
As "XXX-01/2013" is not a file name I assumed "XXX-012013".
If its another subdirectory just:
dirs(x) = "c:\xxx\dir3\" & Format$(asDate, "mm") & "\"
masks(x) = "*" & year(asDate) & "*.xls"

Copy and Rename File VBScript

I need to move a file with a name based off of a date to another folder.
The file structure is:
Source: \\network_location\folder\Filename_09-11-2012.txt
Destination: C:\Dump\Filename.txt
The source file is always 1 day behind. I am looking to rename the file while copying it.
The code I am trying to use is:
Sub Copy_And_Rename()
Name "\\network_location\folder\Filename_"+Month(Now())+"-"+Day(Now()-1)+"-"+Year(Now())+".txt" As "C:\Dump\Filename.txt"
End Sub
You can copy and rename a file with the FileSystemObject like this:
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' First parameter: original location\file
' Second parameter: new location\file
objFSO.CopyFile "C:\Test\folder1\name1.txt", "C:\Test\folder2\name2.txt"
Code to copy and rename file
sourceFilePath = "C:\filePath\source.xlsx"
destinationFilePath = "C:\filePath\destination.xlsx"
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
objFSO.CopyFile sourceFilePath, destinationFilePath

Realbasic: How to create a file in a specific folder?

I think my question is quite simple, but I can't find a solution.
I want to create a file in a folder that's located near the application file (MacOS).
To create a new folder:
dim fi as FolderItem = getFolderItem( "MyFolder" )
And now I need to get a FolderItem for the file inside this folder. How can I do it?
This will get you pretty close to what you want.
dim fi as FolderItem = getFolderItem( "MyFolder" )
if fi.exists = false then
dim fChild as folderitem = fi.child("someFile")
if fChild.exists = false then
//Do something like create it.
//Look at TextOutputStream or similar
//Already exists. Open it?
