rotate gesture in Windows Phone - windows-phone-7

I want to capture the rotate gesture of an object in my Windows Phone app and animate the object to show that it has roatated.
I saw that WP7 doesn't give this gesture by default and i dint get the same in Toolkit as well. Can anyone help me get started.

You could try using the Multitouch behavior for the Windows Phone.
The tool kit is available here:
And these links might help you understand it better:


Image Slide Show in Windows phone

I am New to Windows Phone Dev. I like to Do one App after Using this App in Windows Phone
EspnCrickinfo App. When I use this App,i seen Very cool feather that Image in gallery Swiping Left and Right. I am trying this Functionally But I am Not Succeed.
I have Some JSON Link Contains Images
For Reference
I follow this MSDN But I am Getting Btns on App bar.
Please can any one suggest Me how can make this Easy.
Hear is the Perfect Answer for This Question...Image Slide Show with Swipe Effect in Windows Phone
Well if you want to have swipe effects go for microsoft toolkit and use gesture listener.
register to a flick event and you have your desired effect. This link will help you.
how to get swipe in windows phone 7

how to do the Double tap and Pinch and Swipe control in windows phone 7

Please somebody Help me, How to do the Double tap and Pinch and Swipe control in windows phone 7
Originally I've used GestureService from Silverlight Toolkit. Here is an article describing its usage.
However, that project has migrated to a new page which appears to be missing that service.
There is another thread here on StackOverflow that is similar to your question, maybe it will help you.

XNA Support Gestures on Windows 7

One of my friends is working on a Windows phone 7 game and XNA allow you to support gestures, now he wants to use the same code so the game will be supported on PC (Windows 7) i want to know how i support gestures on PC with a Touch Screen monitor, i have been looking on the web but apparently this is not so common.
So far the only reference that i have is to recreate the Touch class on C++, that's is not an option on time and budget
Maybe i am missing something obvious please help.
What I know is that a touch screen monitor needs to be handled as a mouse, so your friend needs to change all his gestures with MouseState and detecting left button clicks.
You just need to replace TouchLocations with the location of the pointer.

Pinch and zoom behaviour for windows phone

Is it possible to create a behavior for Pinch and zoom to Image control in windows phone 8. I am trying to apply pinch and zoom along with rotation to Image in my application. In a forum I found that Gesture listener is deprecated and they are not promoting implementation with gesture. So can any one please suggest an alternative method for me.
If you're targeting only Windows Phone 8 you can use the new ManipulationDeltaEventArgs.PinchManipulation property from the ManipulationDelta event. Instead of using GestureListener/TouchPanel for pinch & zoom you should rely on this new property.
Maybe this could help you
Windows Phone / Silverlight Behaviors and WPF samples implementing Multi-Touch Manipulation (Gestures) and Inertia.

Panning and zooming over a large image just like in Bing Map control

I am looking for a solution where I am able to do all the gestures (flick, pinch, drag) with a local picture in my Windows Phone 7 application with acceptable performance. The Silverlight Bing Map control for WP7 does all of this perfectly, but it cannot do this with a local image.
I started to write my own control, but I was wondering if there is anything out there written by someone else. Is there anything out there?
Is it possible to reuse the Map control, but with my own image?
Laurent Bugnion's Multitouch Behaviour from beta might also be worth a look for this purpose.
MultiTouch Behavior for Windows Phone 7
MultiTouch Behavior: Update for Windows Phone 7 tools beta
You need a MultiScaleImage. You can use this with DeepZoom.
There's an (old) example here.
