Running a PHP CLI Script from a PHP Application - codeigniter

I have a php file which needs to be executed in CLI from my Php application which runs on CodeIgniter framework. I tried the exec and shell_exec command and it seems to not start the process. Please find the code below which I try to execute.
$phpPath = exec('which php');
$cmd = $phpPath.' '.dirname(__DIR__).'/API/notification/NotificationServer.php';
echo "<pre>".shell_exec($cmd)."</pre>";
When I try running the above in Terminal it executes fine. I need to automatically trigger this once the user has a session set.
The path/$cmd variable prints
when I print the variable $cmd i get the below output, and the below when given in terminal works fine.
/usr/bin/php /Users/lalithb/Desktop/Android/AndroidWS/API/notification/NotificationServer.php
the above command works fine in the Terminal. When i try to exec/shell_exec it, it is not working.
sh: line 1: 2437 Trace/BPT trap: 5 /usr/bin/php
sh: line 1: /Users/lalithb/Desktop/Android/AndroidWS/API/notification/NotificationServer.php: Permission denied
Can someone help me out in running this above code in CLI ?

I solved the problem, Guess there would be someone else like me trying to access the restricted folders. I found the solution here
exec('chmod +x'.dirname(__DIR__).'/API/notification/NotificationServer.php);
The above worked the magic.


Redirecting command line output doesn't work when running "php artisan dusk"

I am using Laravel to build a website and I am running some tests using Dusk and I got some errors in the tests but I can't seem them all as my terminal can't scroll through the output. I tried to pipe the result to less but when I try to scroll in less it gives me an empty page. I, also, tried feeding the output to a file using the following:
php artisan dusk tests/Browser/PeopleTest.php &> ~/Downloads/dusk.txt
I also tried using 2> instead of &> but the result is the same, the file dusk.txt gets created but nothing is saved in it and I can still see the output in the terminal.
Any help appreciated!
Use the --without-tty option:
php artisan dusk --without-tty tests/Browser/PeopleTest.php &> ~/Downloads/dusk.txt

Shell script: unexpected `(' [duplicate]

I have written the following code:
#Simple array
array=(1 2 3 4 5)
echo ${array[*]}
And I am getting error: 3: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
From what I came to know from Google, that this might be due to the fact that Ubuntu is now not taking "#!/bin/bash" by default... but then again I added the line but the error is still coming.
Also I have tried by executing bash but no luck! It prints blank.
My Ubuntu version is: Ubuntu 14.04
Given that script:
#Simple array
array=(1 2 3 4 5)
echo ${array[*]}
and assuming:
It's in a file in your current directory named;
You've done chmod +x;
You have a sufficiently new version of bash installed in /bin/bash (you report that you have 4.3.8, which is certainly new enough); and
You execute it correctly
then that should work without any problem.
If you execute the script by typing
the system will pay attention to the #!/bin/bash line and execute the script using /bin/bash.
If you execute it by typing something like:
sh ./
then it will execute it using /bin/sh. On Ubuntu, /bin/sh is typically a symbolic link to /bin/dash, a Bourne-like shell that doesn't support arrays. That will give you exactly the error message that you report.
The shell used to execute a script is not affected by which shell you're currently using or by which shell is configured as your login shell in /etc/passwd or equivalent (unless you use the source or . command).
In your own answer, you say you fixed the problem by using chsh to change your default login shell to /bin/bash. That by itself should not have any effect. (And /bin/bash is the default login shell on Ubuntu anyway; had you changed it to something else previously?)
What must have happened is that you changed the command you use from sh ./ to ./ without realizing it.
Try running sh ./ and see if you get the same error.
Instead of using sh to run the script,
try the following command:
bash ./
I solved the problem miraculously. In order to solve the issue, I found a link where it was described to be gone by using the following code. After executing them, the issue got resolved.
chsh -s /bin/bash adhikarisubir
grep ^adhikarisubir /etc/passwd
FYI, "adhikarisubir" is my username.
After executing these commands, bash produced the desired result.

Shell script to call daemon - DAEMON: command not found

Currently I can start a custom server like this:
cd /home/admin/service/build && ./service visual.dat
I'm trying to make a shell script to make a daemon. I tried many things...
#!/bin/sh -e
cd /home/admin/service/build
DAEMON = "./service"
The response is:
admin#service:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/servicedaemon start
/etc/init.d/servicedaemon: line 3: DAEMON: command not found
Well, how to launch the service from the daemon like I did from the shell ? It's probably a path issue.
Thanks in advance.
I think you have to remove the spaces around "=":
Now it seems that it tries to run a command called DAEMON instead of the actual application.

Commands in sourced file are not found when executing bash script

My script first sources an API file, the executes a few commands from the file. When the script is executed from the command line, I get "command not found" errors for each of the commands. Here's the script:
## include API file
source /cygdrive/c/path/to/unifi_sh_api
## login
## authorize a client for 30 minutes, limit down/up speed to 2048/1024kbps, quota is 500MB
unifi_authorize_guest "x2:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff" 30 up=1024 down=2048 bytes=500
This returns "command not found" for the 3 unifi_* commands. There are no other errors.
This is on a Windows server and you can see I'm using Cygwin, so maybe that's part of the problem?
Here's what my sourced file looks like, in case the issue is there:
Any suggestions?
Definitely using bash.
I did try . instead of source before posting my question here.
Here's the command I'm running in a cmd.exe window:
> C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -c '/cygdrive/c/path/to/'

Can Cron Jobs Use Gnome-Open?

I am running Ubuntu 11.10 (Unity interface) and I created a Bash script that uses 'gnome-open' to open a series of web pages I use every morning. When I manually execute the script in the Terminal, the bash script works just fine. Here's a sample of the script (it's all the same so I've shortened it):
gnome-open '';
gnome-open '';
Since it seemed to be working well, I added a job to my crontab (mine, not root's) to execute every weekday at a specific time.
Here's the crontab entry:
30 10 * * 1,2,3,4,5 ~/bin/
The problem is this error gets returned for every single 'gnome-open' command in the bash script:
GConf-WARNING **: Client failed to connect to the D-BUS daemon:
Unable to autolaunch a dbus-daemon without a $DISPLAY for X11
GConf Error: No D-BUS daemon running
Error: no display specified
I did some searching to try and figure this out. The first thing I tried was relaunching the daemon using SIGHUP:
killall -s SIGHUP gconfd-2
That didn't work so I tried launching the dbus-daemon using this code from the manpage for dbus-launch:
## test for an existing bus daemon, just to be safe
if test -z "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" ; then
## if not found, launch a new one
eval `dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session`
echo "D-Bus per-session daemon address is: $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS"
But that didn't do anything.
I tried adding simply 'dbus-launch' at the top of my bash script and that didn't work either.
I also tried editing the crontab to include the path to Bash, because I saw that suggestion on another thread but that didn't work.
Any ideas on how I can get this up and running?
Here is how the problem was solved. It turns out the issue was primarily caused by Bash not having access to an X window session (or at least that's how I understood it). So my problem was solved by editing my crontab like so:
30 10 * * 1,2,3,4,5 export DISPLAY=:0 && ~/bin/
The "export DISPLAY=:0" statement told cron which display to use. I found the answer on this archived Ubuntu forum after searching for "no display specified" or something like that:
So now, whenever I'm logged in, exactly at 10:30 my system will automatically launch a series of webpages that I need to look at every day. Saves me having to go through the arduous process of typing in my three-letter alias every time :)
Glad you asked!
It depends on when it is run.
If the Gnome GDM Greeter is live, you can use the DBUS session from the logon dialog, if you will. You can, e.g., use this to send notifications to the logon screen, if no-one is logged in:
function do_notification
for pid in $(pgrep gnome-session); do
unset COOKIE
COOKIE="$(grep -z DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS /proc/$pid/environ|cut -d= -f2-)"
GNUSER="$(ps --no-heading -o uname $pid)"
echo "Notifying user $GNUSER (gnome-session $pid) with '$#'"
sudo -u "$GNUSER" DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="$COOKIE" /usr/bin/notify-send -c "From CRON:" "$#"
unset COOKIE
As you can see the above code simply runs the same command (notify-send) on all available gnome-sessions, when called like:
do_notification "I wanted to let you guys know"
You can probably pick this apart and put it to use for your own purposes.
