Find a specific file then pipe to stdout/awk - bash

I'm looking for a way to traverse directories recursively to find a specific file, then stop the search and pipe the filename path to an awk function or something similar. I asked a question earlier that was similar, but after testing on machines other than mine it turns out the locate command isn't going to work since not everyone uses it on their system.
Code that I used with locate:
mkdir "$dir";
locate -l 1 target_file.txt | \
awk -v dir="$dir" '{printf "cp \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", $1, dir}' | \

The find(1) command will do it. To only get one line, use head(1).
mkdir "$dir";
find /path/location -name target_file.txt |
head -n 1 |
awk -v dir="$dir" '{printf "cp \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", $1, dir}' |

If you know only one file exists then you can use
find ./ -name "target_file.txt" -exec cp -r {} $dir \;
And if you are not sure, use head to limit 1 and use xargs
find ./ -name "target_file.txt" | head -1 | xargs -I {} cp -r {} $dir/


Argument list too long for ls while moving files from one dir to other in bash shell

Below is the command I am using for moving files from dir a to dir b
ls /<someloc>/a/* | tail -2000 | xargs -I{} mv {} /<someloc>/b/
-bash: /usr/bin/ls: Argument list too long
folder a has files in millions ..
Need your help to fix this please.
If the locations of both directories are on the same disk/partition and folder b is originally empty, you can do the following
$ rmdir /path/to/b
$ mv /other/path/to/a /path/to/b
$ mkdir /other/path/to/a
If folder b is not empty, then you can do something like this:
find /path/to/a/ -type f -exec mv -t /path/to/b {} +
If you just want to move 2000 files, you can do
find /path/to/a/ -type f -print | tail -2000 | xargs mv -t /path/to/b
But this can be problematic with some filenames. A cleaner way would be is to use -print0 of find, but the problem is that head and tail can't process those, so you have to use awk for this.
# first 2000 files (mimick head)
find /path/to/a -type f -print0 \
| awk 'BEGIN{RS=ORS="\0"}(NR<=2000)' \
| xargs -0 mv -t /path/to/b
# last 2000 files (mimick tail)
find /path/to/a -type f -print0 \
| awk 'BEGIN{RS=ORS="\0"}{a[NR%2000]=$0}END{for(i=1;i<=2000;++i) print a[i]}' \
| xargs -0 mv -t /path/to/b
The ls in the code in the question does nothing useful. The glob (/<someloc>/a/*) produces a sorted list of files, and ls just copies it (after re-sorting it), if it works at all. See “Argument list too long”: How do I deal with it, without changing my command? for the reason why ls is failing.
One way to make the code work is to replace ls with printf:
printf '%s\n' /<someloc>/a/* | tail -2000 | xargs -I{} mv {} /<someloc>/b/
printf is a Bash builtin, so running it doesn't create a subprocess, and the "Argument list too long" problem doesn't occur.
This code will still fail if any of the files contains a newline character in its name. See the answer by kvantour for alternatives that are not vulnerable to this problem.

How to use "grep" command to list all the files executable by user in current directory?

my command was this
ls -l|grep "\-[r,-][w,-]x*"|tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f9
but for the result I get all the files, not only the ones for which user has a right to execute ( the first x bit is set on).
I'm running linux ubuntu
You can use find with the -perm option:
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -perm -u+x
OK -- if you MUST use grep:
ls -l | grep '^[^d]..[sx]' | awk '{ print $9 }'
Don't use grep. If you want to know if a file is executable, use test -x. To check all files in the current directory, use find or a for loop:
for f in *; do test -f "$f" -a -x "$f" && echo "$f"; done
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec test -x {} \; -print
Use awk with match
ls -l|awk 'match($1,/^...x/) {print $9}'
match($1,/^...x/): match first field for the regular expression ^...x, ie search for owner permission ending in x.

Get file depth in directory tree

I'm using command find to recursively browse through directory tree, counting files, sizes, etc...
Now I need to get directory depth of each file.
Is there any portable way for both FreeBSD and CentOS?
I know that find is able to prinf actual directory depth but sadly this works only on CentOS, not FreeBSD.
Additionaly - I need to keep standard find output OR put directory depth on the beginning of output and cut it from there.
You can count the / in path :
$ find . -type f -exec bash -c 'echo '{}' | grep -o / | wc -l' \;
Or with file names :
$ mkdir -p one/two/three four/five && touch file one/two/file one/two/three/file
$ find . -type f -exec bash -c 'echo -n '{}' :; echo '{}' | grep -o / | wc -l' \;
./file :1
./one/two/file :3
./one/two/three/file :4
Try this:
find . -type d -exec bash -c 'echo $(tr -cd / <<< "$1"|wc -c):$1' -- {} \; | sort -n | tail -n 1 | awk -F: '{print $1, $2}'

Bash: moving a group of files of a certain size with grep, awk and xargs

At work, I need to upload images to a website. They cannot be larger than 300 KB. In order to group the images that are ready to be uploaded, I devised the following line in Bash:
du -h * | grep "[0-2]..K" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs mv Ready/
This did not work, however, because the shell returned the following:
usage: mv [-f | -i | -n] [-v] source target
mv [-f | -i | -n] [-v] source ... directory
Finally, I resorted to a for-loop to accomplish the same:
for file in $(du -h * | grep "[0-2]..K" | awk '{print $2}')
mv -v ${file} Ready/
Can somebody explain why the first line doesn't work? It is probably something very simple I'm missing, but I can't seem to find it.
I'm on Mac OS X 10.7, Bash version 4.3.
I would use the find command to get all files smaller than a certain size, makes the code a lot cleaner and easier to read like so:
find . -size -300k -name *.png -exec mv {} Ready/ \;
The reason your first command fails is because you have to reference the value you are piping in since it is not at the end of the statement. This should work:
du -h * | grep "[0-2]..K" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -0 -I {} mv {} Ready/

Argument list too long - Unix

This scripts will sort the files by date then move the first 2500 files to another directory.
When I run below scripts, system prompt out Argument list too long msg. Anyone can help me enhance the scripts ? Thanks
echo "unused_file directory does not exist!"
echo "$DESTINATION_DIRECTORY directory created!"
echo "Moving $NUM_OF_FILES oldest files to $DESTINATION_DIRECTORY directory"
xargs -i sh -c "mv {} $DESTINATION_DIRECTORY"
You didn't say, but I assume this is where the problem occurs:
ls -tr $FROM_DIRECTORY/MSCERC*.Z|head -2500 | \
xargs -i sh -c "mv {} $DESTINATION_DIRECTORY"
(You can verify it by adding "set -x" to the top of your script.)
The problem is that the kernel has a fixed maximum size of the total length of the command line given to a new process, and your exceeding that in the ls command. You can work around it by not using globbing and instead using grep:
ls -tr $FROM_DIRECTORY/ | grep '/MSCERC\*\.Z$' |head -2500 | \
xargs -i sh -c "mv {} $DESTINATION_DIRECTORY"
(grep uses regular expressions instead of globs, so the pattern looks a little bit different.)
ls -tr $FROM_DIRECTORY/MSCERC*.Z|head -2500 | \
xargs -i sh -c "mv {} $DESTINATION_DIRECTORY"
do something like the following:
find "$FROM_DIRECTORY" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name 'MSCERC*.Z' -printf '%p\t%T#\n' | sort -k2,2 -r | cut -f1 | head -$NUM_OF_FILES | xargs mv -t "$DESTINATION_DIRECTORY"
This uses find to create a list of files with modification timestamps, sorts by the timestamp, then removes the unneeded field before passing the output to head and xargs
Another variant, should work with non GNU utils
find "$FROM_DIRECTORY" -type f -name 'MSCERC*.Z' -printf '%p\t%T#' |sort -k 2,2 -r | cut -f1 | head -$NUM_OF_FILES | xargs -i mv \{\} "$DESTINATION_DIRECTORY"
First of create a backup list of the files to be treated. Then read the backup file line-by-line and heal it. For example
echo "unused_file directory does not exist!"
echo "$DESTINATION_DIRECTORY directory created!"
echo "Moving $NUM_OF_FILES oldest files to $DESTINATION_DIRECTORY directory"
ls -tr $FROM_DIRECTORY/MSCERC*.Z|head -2500 > list
exec 3<list
while read file <&3
A quick way to fix this would be to change to $FROM_DIRECTORY, so that you can refer the files using (shorter) relative paths.
ls -tr MSCERC*.Z|head -2500 |xargs -i sh -c "mv {} $DESTINATION_DIRECTORY"
This is also not entirely fool-proof, if you have too many files that match.
