It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
I would like to create a sorting function based on user input.
Assume that you have:
Ordered integer list or vector, X, from 1 to 10.
Function F
Parameter t
Output list Y
What I would to do 'is a consistent function between
F(X, t) = Y
I mean for same t, it must provide same Y.
Any idea?
Seed your random generator with t and shuffle the list.
I guarantee there is a better answer than this, and I admit I don't quite understand #GeorgScholly's answer, but maybe the function you're looking for is a polynomial, which can be obtained via interpolation.
For example, say your vector X has two integers, x0, x1, and so your output vector Y must have two integers, y0, y1. There is a line y=ax+b that fits any two points (x0, y0) and (x1, y1).
In general, n points, (x0, y0) ... (xn-1, yn-1), can always be perfectly fit by a polynomial of degree n-1, i.e. a function, y = an-1xn-1 + an-2xn-2 + ... + a2x2 + a1x + a0.
These coefficients, an-1 ... a0, can be found by many methods of "polynomial interpolation." Effectively, the coefficients in vector form would define your function, F(x).
Finally, to incorporate a parameter t, you might simply add am "unnecessary" term, i.e. match two points with a parabola (not a line), match three points with a cubic (not a parabola), etc., in order to have an additional an to use as a fixed point, t.
I'll be very surprised if there isn't a much simpler way (if #GoergScholly's answer isn't already one).
I encountered this doubt in an online intro-logic open course offered by Stanford Uni.
Under the section 9.4 of this textbook here:
It says:
The axioms shown here define the same relation in terms of 0 and s.(where the functional constant letter s below represents the successor function, e.g. s(0)=1, s(1)=2, s(2)=3 )
∀x.(¬same(0,s(x)) ∧ ¬same(s(x),0))
∀x.∀y.(¬same(x,y) ⇒ ¬same(s(x),s(y)))
As my understanding, :
The first sentence says two identical numbers are same. The second and third sentences are used to define what is not same.
The second says no successor of any number is same to 0.
The third says if two numbers are not the same, then their successors are not same. For example, if 1≠3, then 2≠4.
However, I think the third sentence should be bi-conditional because, if I'm not wrong, the definition didn't cover the instance where the number being testified are smaller than the given number,otherwise it is possible to say if 2≠4, then 1=3.
So I wondered is this an error in text book or there's something wrong of my reasoning.
There is no error in this text book. While the statement does hold in both directions, there is no need to state it as an axiom since the other direction follows from the functional property of the successor function and the three axioms listed in the textbook.
A formal proof would involve the axioms that define the successor function. Someone more accustomed to the use of automated provers or just a good student of logic might be able to complete such a formal proof.
Here is just a sketch of a proof. It uses the symbol "=" to denote term equality, i.e. u=v means u and v are syntactically identical terms written using the symbols 0 and s(). Also "u<v" means that u and v are both ground terms and u has strictly less applications of s() than v.
∀x.∀y.(¬same(s(x),s(y)) ⇒ ¬same(x,y))
does not hold, then there exist some terms x0 and y0 such that
same(x0,y0) and ¬same(s(x0),s(y0)).
Since s(x0) is a function, it follows from ¬same(s(x0),s(y0)) and ∀x.same(x,x) that x0 and y0 are two different terms. First let us consider the case when x0 < y0, then y0 = s(...s(x0)) where there are n applications of s() and n > 0. The other case when y0 < x0 can be handled similarly.
Substituting s(...s(x0)) for y0 in same(x0,y0) we get same(x0,s(...s(x0))).
Also x0 = s(...s(0)) where there are m applications of s() for some nonnegative integer m. Using the third axiom in the direction provided we can say that if same(s(u),s(v)) then same(u,v). Thus from same(x0,s(...s(x0))) we can "strip" m applications of s() to obtain
same(0,s(...s(0))) where there are n applications of s() in the second argument. This contradicts the second axiom. Q.E.D.
I have a Relation f defined as f: A -> B × C. I would like to write a firsr-order formula to constrain this relation to be a bijective function from A to B × C?
To be more precise, I would like the first order counter part of the following formula (actually conjunction of the three):
∀a: A, ∃! bc : B × C, f(a)=bc -- f is function
∀a1,a2: A, f(a1)=f(a2) → a1=a2 -- f is injective
∀(b, c) : B × C, ∃ a : A, f(a)=bc -- f is surjective
As you see the above formulae are in Higher Order Logic as I quantified over the relations. What is the first-order logic equivalent of these formulae if it is ever possible?
This is more general (math) question, rather than being more specific to any theorem prover, but for getting help from these communities --as I think there are mature understanding of mathematics in these communities-- I put the theorem provers tag on this question.
(Update: Someone's unhappy with my answer, and SO gets me fired up in general, so I say what I want here, and will probably delete it later, I suppose.
I understand that SO is not a place for debates and soapboxes. On the other hand, the OP, qartal, whom I assume is the unhappy one, wants to apply the answer from, where ZFC sets dominates, to a question here which is tagged, at this moment, with isabelle and logic.
First, notation is important, and sloppy notation can result in a question that's ambiguous to the point of being meaningless.
Second, having a B.S. in math, I have full appreciation for the logic of ZFC sets, so I have full appreciation for
I make the argument here that the answer given on, linked to below, is wrong in the context of Isabelle/HOL. (First hmmm, me making claims under ill-defined circumstances can be annoying to people.)
If I'm wrong, and someone teaches me something, the situation here will be redeemed.
The answerer says this:
First of all in logic B x C is just another set.
There's not just one logic. My immediate reaction when I see the symbol x is to think of a type, not a set. Consider this, which kind of looks like your f: A -> BxC:
definition foo :: "nat => int × real" where "foo x = (x,x)"
I guess I should be prolific in going back and forth between sets and types, and reading minds, but I did learn something by entering this term:
term "B × C" (* shows it's of type "('a × 'b) set" *)
Feeling paranoid, I did this to see if had fallen into a major gotcha:
term "f : A -> B × C"
It gives a syntax error. Here I am, getting all pedantic, and our discussion is ill-defined because the notation is ill-defined.
The crux: the formula in the other answer is not first-order in this context
(Another hmmm, after writing what I say below, I'm full circle. Saying things about stuff when the context of the stuff is ill-defined.)
Context is everything. The context of the other site is generally ZFC sets. Here, it's HOL. That answerer says to assume these for his formula, wich I give below:
Ax is true iff x∈A
Bx is true iff x∈B×C
Rxy is true iff f(x)=y
Syntax. No one has defined it here, but the tag here is isabelle, so I take it to mean that I can substitute the left-hand side of the iff for the right-hand side.
Also, the expression x ∈ A is what would be in the formula in a typical set theory textbook, not Rxy. Therefore, for the answerer's formula to have meaning, I can rightfully insert f(x) = y into it.
This then is why I did a lot of hedging in my first answer. The variable f cannot be in the formula. If it's in the formula, then it's a free variable which is implicitly quantified. Here's the formula in Isar syntax:
term "∀x. (Ax --> (∃y. By ∧ Rxy ∧ (∀z. (Bz ∧ Rxz) --> y = z)))"
Here it is with the substitutions:
∀x. (x∈A --> (∃y. y∈B×C ∧ f(x)=y ∧ (∀z. (z∈B×C ∧ f(x)=z) --> y = z)))
In HOL, f(x) = f x, and so f is implicitly, universally quantified. If this is the case, then it's not first-order.
Really, I should dig deep to recall what I was taught, that f(x)=y means:
(x,f(x)) = (x,y) which means we have to have (x,y)∈(A, B×C)
which finally gets me:
∀x. (x∈A -->
(∃y. y∈B×C ∧ (x,y)∈(A,B×C) ∧ (∀z. (z∈B×C ∧ (x,z)∈(A,B×C)) --> y = z)))
Finally, I guess it turns out that in the context of, it's 100% on.
Am I the only one who feels compulsive about questioning what this means in the context of Isabelle/HOL? I don't accept that everything here is defined well enough to show that it's first order.
Really, qartal, your notation should be specific to a particular logic.
First answer
With Isabelle, I answer the question based on my interpretation of your
f: A -> B x C, which I take as a ZFC set, in particular a subset of the
Cartesian product A x (B x C)
You're sort of mixing notation from the two logics, that of ZFC
sets and that of HOL. Consequently, I might be off on what I think you're
You don't define your relation, so I keep things simple.
I define a simple ZFC function, and prove the first
part of your first condition, that f is a function. The second part would be
proving uniqueness. It can be seen that f satisfies that, so once a
formula for uniqueness is stated correctly, auto might easily prove it.
Please notice that the
theorem is a first-order formula. The characters ! and ? are ASCII
equivalents for \<forall> and \<exists>.
(Clarifications must abound when
working with HOL. It's first-order logic if the variables are atomic. In this
case, the type of variables are numeral. The basic concept is there. That
I'm wrong in some detail is highly likely.)
definition "A = {1,2}"
definition "B = A"
definition "C = A"
definition "f = {(1,(1,1)), (2,(1,1))}"
"!a. a \<in> A --> (? z. z \<in> (B × C) & (a,z) \<in> f)"
by(auto simp add: A_def B_def C_def f_def)
(To completely give you an example of what you asked for, I would have to redefine my function so its bijective. Little examples can take a ton of work.)
That's the basic idea, and the rest of proving that f is a function will
follow that basic pattern.
If there's a problem, it's that your f is a ZFC set function/relation, and
the logical infrastructure of Isabelle/HOL is set up for functions as a type.
Functions as ordered pairs, ZFC style, can be formalized in Isabelle/HOL, but
it hasn't been done in a reasonably complete way.
Generalizing it all is where the work would be. For a particular relation, as
I defined above, I can limit myself to first-order formulas, if I ignore that
the foundation, Isabelle/HOL, is, of course, higher-order logic.
This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center.
Closed 9 years ago.
Here is the Question following:
For this question we consider binary expression-trees whose leaves are either of the form tree(empty, Num, empty) where Num is a number, or tree(empty, z, empty) in which case we will think of the letter z as a kind of "variable".
Every tree is either a leaf or of the form tree(L, Op, R) where L and R are the left and right subtrees, and Op is one of the arithmetic operators '+', '-', '*', '/' (signifying addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).
Write a predicate tree_eval(Value, Tree, Eval) that binds Eval to the result of evaluating the expression-tree Tree, with the variable z set equal to the specified Value. For example:
?- tree_eval(2, tree(tree(empty,z,empty),
'/',tree(empty,z,empty))), Eval).
Eval = 2.5 ;
?- tree_eval(5, tree(tree(empty,z,empty),
'/',tree(empty,z,empty))), Eval).
Eval = 5.2 ;
Some good ideas?
Could we achieve it without using cut(!)?
Thanks guys!
It is a shame you wouldn't even try to solve it before asking for help.
Your question almost directly translates to a solution. When there is a Num in the middle of the tree:
tree_eval(_Value, tree(empty,Num,empty), Num).
When there is a variable:
tree_eval(Value, tree(empty,z,empty), Value).
And the general case:
tree_eval(Value, tree(tree(LL,LOp,LR),Op,tree(RL,ROp,RR)), Eval) :-
tree_eval(Value, tree(LL,LOp,LR), LEval),
tree_eval(Value, tree(RL,ROp,RR), REval),
Expr =.. [Op,LEval,REval], % is there an easier way to do this?
Eval is Expr.
Now as you notice, this solution has no cuts. They are not necessary, because at a time, only one of the three clauses can be true. For one of the clauses, however, I couldn't come up with a way to make the head unambiguous. This might be of help.
Let M = <Q, Σ, Δ, δ, q0, F> be the deterministic finite-state transducer whose transition diagram is given in Figure 2.E.2.
For each of the following relations find a finite-state transducer that computes the relation.
a. { (x, y) | x is in L(M), and y is in Δ* }.
b. { (x, y) | x is in L(M), y is in Δ*, and (x, y) is not in R(M) }.
Yes, this is HW, but I have been struggling with these questions and could at least use pointers. If you want to create your own c. and/or d. examples just to show me HOW to do it rather than lead me to the answers for a. and b. then obviously I'm fine with that.
Thanks in advance!
Since you don't indicate what progress you've made so far, I'm going to assume that you've made no progress at all, and will give overall guidance for how you can approach this sort of problem.
First of all, examine the transition diagram. Do you understand what all the notations mean? Note that the transducer is described as deterministic. Do you understand what that means? Convince yourself that the transducer depicted in the transition diagram is, in fact, deterministic. Trace through it; try to get a sense for what inputs are accepted by the transducer, and what outputs it gives.
Next, figure out what L(M), Δ, and R(M) are for this transducer, since the questions refer to them. Do you know what those notations mean?
Do you know what it means for a transducer to compute a certain relation? Do you understand the { (x, y) | ... } notation for describing the relation?
Can you modify the transition diagram to eliminate the ε/0 transition and merge it into adjacent transitions (which then might output multiple symbols at a single transition)? (This can help, IMHO, with creating other transducers that accept the same input language. More so with part b, in this case, than part a.)
Describe for yourself the transducers you need to create, in a way that's independent of the original transducer. Will these transducers be deterministic?
Create the transition diagrams for these transducers.
It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
I need to write SCC algorithm in standard ML. But I don't know how.
I have following TYPEs which have to be uesd in the code:
type vertex = int
type edge = int * int
type graph = (vertex * vertex list) list
fun dfs (g: graph) (n: vertex): vertex list =
fun helper (todo: vertex list) (visited: vertex list): vertex list =
case todo of
[] => []
| h::t => if (List.exists (fn x => x = h) visited)
then helper t visited
val adj = case List.find (fn (n, _) => n = h) g of
NONE => raise Fail "incomplete adjacency list"
| SOME (_, adj) => adj
h :: (helper (adj # t) (h::visited))
helper [n] []
The above code has been compiled and run correctly.
I put these in the code because I know in computing SCC dfs is needed.
Does anyone have a solution?
Pseudo code -'s_algorithm.
I'm guessing that you're trying to use Standard ML ( ) .
During your classroom time, your teacher should have presented either a modelling tool with which to create your SML code, or should have referred you to a resource with which to write the code. S/he should also have presented sample code - and your book (or a CD in the back of your book) should include SML code.
Assuming you don't have a modelling tool, my recommendation is as follows. Start by refering to the sample code that your teacher or book offers, and pick the code that solves a problem most similar to your needs. Copy & paste that into your answer, being absolutely sure to clearly cite the source at the very beginning of the answer. Then, use other examples from class, the details from your book, and the resources under the "documentation and literature" section of (particularly the tutorials) to implement your solution.
Then, if you have a stumbling block - something that wasn't discussed in class, and wasn't covered in your book, but you just can't solve, you should discuss it with your TA or your teacher. If you ask the question to one of them, then your teacher can find out that the topic wasn't clearly covered in class. If you don't ask them, then they won't know, and much of the rest of your class may have difficulty with the topic.
And finally, if your teacher and TA aren't available, and you're running into a problem that you just don't know how to solve, and you have a very specific question (like, "here's my code; it won't compile and I can't figure out why"), at that point you should ask Stack Overflow.