Maven OpenSAML dependency issue - maven

I have been assigned a task to implement SAML between my company and a client. I was looking at using OpenSAML but I am struggling to set up the maven project.
I add the dependency:
but the pom file has an error: Missing artifact xerces:xml-apis:jar:1.4.01
I cant find this dependency in the maven repository. When checking the OpenSAML site it states:
Using OpenSAML in Maven-based Projects
Following is the information necessary to use OpenSAML within
Maven-based projects. Maven Repository: Group
ID: org.opensaml Artifact ID: opensaml
But when i configure that respository in my pom file, it still cant find the dependency.
Has anyone got OpenSAML set up in Maven that can help?

Have you also added the xmltooling and openws dependencies to your POM file from the repository:
The xmltooling should have the xerces xml-api that is missing.


How to add craftbukkit to minecraft 1.19.3 plugin as dependency?

I am trying to update a plugin [in 1.18.2] that I haven't written myself to minecraft 1.19.3.
However I am struggling with figuring out how to add craftbukkit as a dependency. I use maven and it seems to be unfindable for 1.19.3 in the Further investigation led me to buildtools, which I ran and it did give me several folders and jar files, one of which is craftbukkit, spigot and bukkit.
However trying to add those jar files as dependencies also gave me errors of referencing to a non-existing file. Even though the file does exist in the resource folder of the project.
I also tried changing the path to start at my very source folder, but this didn't work. Any help would be appreciated.
I'm not sure you can add CraftBukkit as a dependency. It needs to be either bukkit, or spigot, since CraftBukkit is a server mod, not the plugin API. Here is code for a Spigot import.
<!-- This adds the Spigot Maven repository to the build -->
<!--This adds the Spigot API artifact to the build -->

Dependency error in jasper-reports from itext

From yesterday I have problems compiling with maven because of iText jar.
My project has a dependency of jasperreports-2.0.1 that depends on itext-1.02b or higher.
That is the log error in maven:
Failed to collect dependencies for [jasperreports:jasperreports:jar:2.0.1 (compile)]: Failed to read artifact descriptor for com.lowagie:itext:jar:4.2.2: Could not transfer artifact com.itextpdf:itextpdf:pom:4.2.2 from/to jaspersoft ( Access denied to Error code 403, Forbidden -> [Help 1]
I see here a comment from Amedee Van Gasse that says something about a 4.2.2 version with no jar.
Why does the 1.02b version attach to 4.2.2?
Jasper-reports uses an open version range:
This range says to maven to take the library latest version.
With the update from iText adding new version Pom with no jar and editting the maven-metadata of maven-central to that no-jar version crashes the compilation to all jar depending form latest com.lowagie library.
Updating locally your maven-metadata-central.xml (and other metadata if your company has it's own nexus.public) from ...m2\repository\com\lowagie\itext
to that works. Temporally solucion until iText updates the metadata or ALL companies that has dependencies for it's latest version updates it's pom
<metadata modelVersion="1.1.0">
A much simpler solution may be to upgrade to a newer version of jasperreports. Version 6.1.0 has this dependency on iText:
No more "floating" dependency on iText, and it's a version that's custom made for jasperreports!
See for the complete pom.xml.
I'm using gradle and for the current version 6.8.2 I got the following build error:
> Could not find com.lowagie:itext:2.1.7.js6
So I added as repository and now it works.
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
compile 'net.sf.jasperreports:jasperreports:6.8.0'
If you used this solution and suddenly get an error like
> Could not resolve com.lowagie:itext:2.1.7.js6.
> Could not parse POM
> The element type "hr" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</hr>".
This is because the jfrog repository disabled http and only allows https now. For some reason this creates a broken pom with the following content
<head><title>308 Permanent Redirect</title></head>
<center><h1>308 Permanent Redirect</h1></center>
Solution: Replace the http in the repository url with https.
The problem is indeed in the POM of jasper-reports:
Jasper-reports distributes a (modified) build of iText 2.1.7 since at least November 2012 (if memory serves me well), so if your version of jasper-reports still has a dependency on 1.02b and up, it must be a very old version.
The jasper-reports dependency on iText should be changed to:
Or just:
This relates to this question: How do I tell Maven to use the latest version of a dependency?
That page is riddled with cautions about always using the latest version for your dependencies. It reduces reproducibility of your builds.
2.1.7 was the last version of iText released by the company iText Group NV (or its legal predecessor), with the com.lowagie groupId. The next version of iText, released by the company iText Group NV, was version 5.0.0, with the com.itextpdf groupId, which means it's binary incompatible with your current code. There's also the matter of a license change to AGPL, but that is outside the scope of StackOverflow, I want to restrict my answer to the technical matters.
Any other versions of iText between 2.1.7 and 5.0.0, like 4.2.0 and 4.2.1, are forks by other companies. According to Apache's Guide to uploading artifacts to the Central Repository (, those companies should have used a different groupId, as the page clearly states in their FAQ:
I have a patched version of the foo project developed at, what
groupId should I use? When you patch / modify a third party project,
that patched version becomes your project and therefore should be
distributed under a groupId you control as any project you would have
developed, never under See above considerations about
If you don't want to change your code, tell your Maven to only get iText 2.1.7.
We decide to maintain same jasperreport version and made this changes in conflicteds pom:
Edit: Change dependecy to 2.1.7 to be certain it will compile in future
I was making manteinance to some legacy code, and i faced the same problem. The solution that i found was to add the following to the pom.xml:
<!-- More dependencies like: commons-collections4, org.apache.xmlgraphics, etc -->
The JasperReports version used to test this code was released on Mar/2020. Hope this helps!
I got the same problem,
Just realized that is not accessible by public, you need to change the artifactory to jaspersoft directory.
For maven you can use below repositories in pom.xml
JasperReports patched the iText with some bug fixes. So you have to add the patched iText repo[1] in your pom/gradle file.
Below is the gradle snippet for your reference when using jasper report 6.1.1.
repositories {
maven { url "" }
maven { url "" }
maven { url "" }
This worked with the latest jasper-reports version 6.17.0 and maven 3.8.1, especially with the jasperreports-plugin from com.alexnederlof in version 2.8:
<!-- JasperSoft, they modified a standard library for their own special needs -->
<!-- JasperSoft, they modified a standard library for their own special needs -->
It's important to know that there is not only <repositories> but also <pluginRepositories> which you maybe have to supply (depending on your setup and transitive dependencies).
Answer for searchers in 2k19
is deprecated now.
Better to exclude it from jasperreports and add new itext dependency manually
<version>6.10.0</version> <!--(or higher)-->
<version>5.5.13</version> <!--(or higher)-->
"Fix" for me was to switch from jasperreports version 5.5.0 to 4.5.1 LOL. (which doesn't depend on itext)
Then it doesn't depend on a custom, seemingly unpublished dependency version of itext (2.1.7.js2 in my case).
You could download 2.1.7.js2.jar from the jasper people and publish it locally to your "own" custom maven repo, or even your local ~/.m2/repository (ugh). I've even seen people have a custom ivy command to "publish" a local copy of it to a local server (ivy or maven).
Or add the repo's in the other answers. Or just specify it manually as 2.1.7, which is in the main repo's, etc. (you'll miss some bug fixes though).
If you are using gradle Note That the url to the jaspersoft package below was changed from this one:
maven{ url "" }
To this one here:
maven { url "" }
We have the same problem. To solve it, we have deleted the proxy parameters of the Maven config, and change the last version of the maven-metadata-central (in folder com\lowagie\itext of your repository).
A bad solution, but, temporaly, works :/
I have the same problem when using Maven 2.2.1, i re-built my project using Maven 3.2.3 and its works !
You have to use Maven 3 to resolve your problem, the bug seem to be resolved in this version.

maven repository setup not working

I am referencing a repository in my POM.xml to add the ojdbc.jar to my project but Maven (I use the STS plugin) keeps telling me it can't find the jar.
I am showing below my repositories and jar dependency as defined in my POM.xml.
Anyone has an idea as to why the jar can't be found? Is my POM.xml not setup properly?
Note the vaadin repo works fine as the vaadin jars are correctly added to my project.
and here is the dependency setup as defined at
Anyone has an idea as to why the jar can't be found?
The jar can't be found due to license constraints.
Is my POM.xml not setup properly?
No it isn't, but adding to your pom the dependency:
you are able to download only the ojdbc14 pom because it has not a license limitation about distribution.
In order to make the above dependency works the jar has to be manually installed into your local Maven repository, without violating the license, by running:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile={Path_to_your_ojdbc.jar} -DgroupId=ojdbc
-DartifactId=ojdbc -Dversion=14 -Dpackaging=jar
eventually changing to the appropriate version number in -Dversion attribute, as correctly suggested by user1570577.
To use Oracle jdbc(OJDBC) driver with Maven, you can download the jar to your local machine and install it manually into your Maven local repository.
After downloading the jar install using the following command :
mvn install:install-file -Dfile={Path_to_your_ojdbc.jar}
-DartifactId=ojdbc -Dversion=14 -Dpackaging=jar . If the version is less than 14 change the appropriate version number in -Dversion attribute
Now you can set the dependency details in the pom file :
Oracle now has a maven repository:

Maven cannot resolve a jar which I can see on the repository

I specify wicket version 1.5-RC7 in my pom.xml. When I do a mvn install it complains about: The following artifacts could not be resolved: org.apache.wicket:wicket:jar:1.5-RC7, javax.transaction:jta:jar:1.0.1B. So I try searching for the javax.transaction.jta-1.0.1B.jar on, and I am able to find it. Why does maven tell me it can't resolve avax.transaction:jta:jar:1.0.1B?
My pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
First, is the default one that Maven will lookup. You don't need to declare it again.
Can you check, when you build, which server your Maven is trying to connect? You should see something like Downloading:
I have just checked in maven central repo, there is no org.apache.wicket:wicket:1.5-RC7. You have better to check if you have declared the correct dependency
For JTA, it is a bit tricky. For quite some Java spec JARs, because of licensing issue, the actual JAR is not available in the public central Maven repo. If you look at|javax.transaction|jta|1.0.1B|jar , you will see it only contains POM, but not the JAR.
There are some ways to solve:
If you have a Maven repo in your own company, consider getting the JAR from Sun/Oracle, and deploy it yourself
For JTA spec itself, JAR is available for newer version (1.1) . Check if it is fine for you to use to latter spec
Switch to use Geromino spec. It should be compatible.|gav|1|g%3A%22geronimo-spec%22%20AND%20a%3A%22geronimo-spec-jta%22
I have missed the wicket 1.5-RC7 in my previous search. Sorry. After looking into the POM, it seems that it is not a JAR POM. org.apache.wicket:wicket:1.5-RC7 is of type POM, in which declares dependency to wicket-core artifact.
You have two ways to do:
Change your dependency to point to wicket-core (and maybe other wicket modules) instead of wicket.
Change your dependency declaration to have <type>pom</type> (because default is jar)
I am not familiar with Wicket, but I believe method 1 is preferred.
Check your ~/.m2/settings.xml, I'm guessing you have an internal company (Nexus) repo mirror/proxy setting avoiding you fetching from internet -- and this mirror is stale.
If this is the case there are two common way to fix it: fix your internal Nexus repo so it's up to date, or bypass the Nexus repo so you fetch from the internet
I had faced this issue just now and resolved it. I have seen lot of questions in stack overflow related to this . Since my resolution was slightly different I am posting this answer. .
Issue :-Failed to execute goal on project Apigee-Edge-deploy-plugin: Could not resolve dependencies for project The following artifacts could not be resolved:
Root Cause:- The Repo had the dependency jars mentioned in the project. But the dependencies in turn had other dependencies which was not present in the repo and caused this issue. I added exclusion to the dependency and it worked.
Also checkout the very good article on maven dependencies and exclusion

Why won't JBoss Resteasy maven dependency work?

I added
and I'm using
When I try to build, I get the following error. What am I doing wrong?
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project tapvox-api: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.myproject.api:myproject-api:war:1.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-jaxrs-all:jar:2.2.1.GA in jboss ( -> [Help 1]
The dependency that you are trying to download does not have any jars or transitive dependencies. Since the default type is jar, then this will fail. If you put
in your dependency, then you get the only artifact that this dependency has to offer. See pom
I guess that you are trying to fetch the wrong dependency.
You have to specify a dependency type. Change your dependency to look like this:
<type>pom</type> <<<<<
