Demo applications build with CodeIgniter - codeigniter

I've been learning how to work with CodeIgniter for a few weeks now, but I'm a little stuck on how to build a real application with it.
Are there any open source demo's that I could use to see how the flow works in there.
Couldn't find anything on Google.

Getting Started with CodeIgniter and How to Create All Those Great Apps:
Contains 12 easy to follow tutorials to build small apps!
4.1 Build an RSS 2.0 Feed with CodeIgniter
4.2 Generating PDF files using CodeIgniter
4.3 Building a Shopping Cart using CodeIgniter’s Shopping Cart Class
4.4 CodeIgniter Clan Site- Part1 & Part2
4.5 Validating Web Forms with the Code Igniter
4.6 A sample Facebook application with CodeIgniter
4.7 CodeIgniter and Ajax Using JQuery Tutorial
4.8 Real Live Search with Pagination
4.9 How to Update your Twitter Status with CodeIgniter
4.10 Codeigniter Event Calendar
4.11 Live search with CodeIgniter and Mootools
4.12 Creating a File Hosting Site with CodeIgniter

Get a look at the following scripts and apps created by CodeIgniter on

Please use this github project for demo Codeigniter CMS Aplication

I looked around a bit and I found this site it was built with codeigniter and the source code is on github:


How to load blocktrail api in codeigniter

i am trying to use Blocktrail api in my codeigniter project for payment integeration
in documentation it is written to load the library
use Blocktrail\SDK\BlocktrailSDK;
I wanted to know how to autoload this in my codeigniter project. I have already installed this sdk using composer
The screen shot of my project

How to separating frontend and backend using codeigniter

I am a new php developer. Am developing my website using codeigniter and got stuck when i tried to make the backend. Am using CMS backend that comes with its own folder with everything (.htaccess, its own MVC etc) so I put all my frontend folders into one folder called frontend withinn the application folder but now I cannt view my frontend pages. I get this: The configuration file does not exist. Please help me step by step.
check out this link to know the MVC pattern Codeigniter.
controller and model ----- Backend
Views --- Frontend

Does CodeIgniter have plugins / extensions / modules?

I am looking at few PHP frameworks and noticed that they all offer re-usable, community-contributed code in various forms:
-Symfony 2 (bundles):
-Zend Framework 2 (modules):
-CakePHP (plugins):
-Yii Framework (extensions):
but I can't find anything for Code Igniter (I saw in this SO post that Code Igniter used to have plugins that were replaced by helpers, but when I google for "Code Igniter helpers" or "Code Igniter plugins" I can't find any repositories).
What is the name for Code Igniter community-contributed and reusable libraries? Can you share a link to their main repository?
You can have a look at sparks and HMVC.
You didn't find this?
Also checkout their forums too.
The previous name plugin within codeigniter didn't really mean the same thing as plugins for Cake or Bundles for Symfony
check this one awesome codeigniter there is a list of different resources for CodeIgniter

Whats the Magento API for?

I plan to use Magento next year so I started browsing the Magento website. I noticed the Magento Core API and wonder what it is for? Is it something I can use to integrate parts form a running Magento installation into other applications?
Thanks :-)
Yes. You can use it to push some information in and out of Magento using SOAP XML.

Codeigniter expressionEngine

I just started working with codeigniter and i found it easy to work with. I recently came across expressionEngine and seems like a great add-on for codeigniter. My questions is, after i install expressionEngine, will that change the way i work with codeigniter where code goes in controller and view in the view folder.
Apples and Oranges,
Codeigniter is a framework that allows you to create a Web Application like an admin system. The customer does not add any content or touch anything. You can add CMS functionality to your codeigniter Web Application however in this sense you are actually building your own CMS on top of your Web Application.
ExpressionEngine, built with codeigniter, is a CMS that allows clients to add content without actually giving them access to your HTML - That is not to say that you can't give them access but this would defeat the purpose of a CMS.
Because expressionEngine is built on top of codeigniter it is possible to access it's functionality (I've seen posts on this but haven't tried it yet myself).
I think you would use the two together if you had a Web Application with a Website around it. In this way the client would be able to add content to the website and even some of the Application information areas but you would use Codeigniter to build the Web Application's functionality.
I don't think it would be a waste of a week to get into expressionEngine. LevelUpTuts has some great video tutes on expressionEngine 2 and try Nettuts+ CodeIgniter from Scratch for, suprisingly, codeigniter.
(For those who are new to CMS) The general process of development is:
- Translate your website design to HTML/CMS/jQuery
- Translate your HTML to expresionEngine Templates
- Define your Channels which your clients will add content to
- Embed those Channels into your templates to display that content dynamically
- In administration, assign permissions to who can add content to which channels for your clients
It will start to make sense once you try it.
You can't layer ExpressionEngine on top of CodeIgniter since CodeIgniter is extracted from ExpressionEngine. It's EE all the way, or use CodeIgniter to build your own thing.
ExpressionEngine supports PHP code inside it's templates if that's what your asking.
EE(2.0) is a CMS built on the CI2.0 framework.
If you are familiar with CI you will be able to hack, modify and extend EE with ease, as well as develop your own plugins etc.
You can of course, have an EE installation and a CI installation on the same server, but the two do not interact directly - CI is a framework, EE is a CMS.
Not sure I would call EE an "add-on"...
EE is it's own standalone Content Management System. Generally EE and CI are not meant to be mixed. While EE is built on CI, it is not meant to be extended/changed etc... They (Ellislab) will tell you, If EE doesn't fulfill your requirements, then you need to use CI exclusively.
Plus, a 300$ license is pretty expensive for something that you view as an "add-on".
I would reccomend looking into PyroCMS, which is also a free (beer and speech) CMS built on CI that directly allows for "Module" development which is straight codeigniter development with a few added meta/installation files that would allow you to build the extra functionality you need within the Codeigniter structure.
There are four files for expression engine.
For Example i have module named "Products"
1)mcp.products for admin end or admin control panel just admin controller in pyrocms
2)mod.products front end code is placed here 3)tab.products tabs are here 4)upd.products installation code. There are views in "views" folder and model is in "model" folder in our case "products_model". Just copy your controllers methods and paste them in mcp.products.php on admin side. and copy your controllers methods and paste them in mod.products.php on front end side. in udp file place the table structure.and it will treat as you are in Pyrocms.
