Joomla: news in blog - joomla

This might be a really simple question and I apologise if it has been asked before but i haven't found an answer.
My Homepage list only news (blog)...(no menu left, no menu right in sidebar)
When an user clicks on article it show the article in the same homepage.
What i would like to have is
When an user click articles in the home page it will be redirecting to another menu (news) where it shows a menu with news list items on the left sidebar and the content of the article clicked in the content.
Is that Possible ?

You must create a custom module with left side bar and right content.In left sidebar put the query to populate news title from the selected category.On right display introtext or full text from #_content table based on article id.

You will have to create a hidden menu to show the news in inner page. Go to menu manager and create a new menu with title Hidden Menu and menu type hidden. Inside that menu add new menu item of type article category the category from where these front page articles come .Save it and check the front end of the site.


Get Menu items in content zone in orchard cms

I have created one Content type called "Product", Then created one query that select all product and shows on home page. To show products on home page i have created projection widget.
Now when i click on particular product it gets redirect to the detail page of that product.
Question is i want to show Menu items (like navigation bar) beside the content.
in the attached image red portion will have menu items.
so how can i achieve this?
Please help.

Hidden Menu clicked, trigger main menu active states Joomla

I've ask this question on Joomla Official Forums-
But no one is able to help.
I need some help, I'm new to Joomla, I've created a website for my friend-
I'm stuck on the menus active states
I'm using FavouriteDark theme
I've created a Hidden Menu, these have category blogs in them, how do I make the Main Menu items in active state while one of the posts in hidden menu is clicked?
For example- I click on Gallery, then i click on one of the items, it will redirect to an article post, but the Gallery Menu is no longer active. How do I make it active?
The easiest way would be to have the hidden menu items as submenu-items of your visible menus. Like this:
Item 1
Item 2
Now, if you go to Item 1, Gallery will get the class=active, and you can use this to style it. So now all you have to do is make sure leve2 two of your menu is not displayed. This can be done in many ways, the easiest to configure this in the module, where you can set which levels should display. If this does not work for you, you can hide individual items setting display:none on each item you want to hide.

Assign Joomla article to a always open under a menu

Is it possible in Joomla 3 to create articles and category blog layout that will open articles from certain category under a certain menu.
1) I have a HOME page:
2) I have a Main Menu and a Menu Item - News:
This menu item is a category blog layout with news title, short description and readmore buttons (clasical)
So, when user clicks one of the news - for example How to make soup
It redirects them to the link:
And what I want is to open it under the menu like this:
You have a category :news
you have a menu (category blog) that is linked to "news" category
you have also some articles in "news" category
now if you browse "news" menu you can see intro of articles, when you click on "read more" you will go to
unless that special article is linked to another menu somewhere else directly
because in Joomla the priority for making URLs is making menu for them

Remove menu item name/alias from url in joomla

I have a menu and when i click a menu item i am redirected to the items content.
So i am in the page.
In the current page i have some categories and when i click on a category i get redirected to its content.
So i am in the page. When i am on that page i dont want the menu item name to be shown. I want
How could i achieve that by NOT using any external sef component?
Create a new level 1 menu item, of the "Category page" type, and give it the alias "category".

Joomla Menu display in different website parts

I'm using Joomla 1.5 version and a strange behaviour came up regarding menus displaying.
In my default menu I have a menu item of "Front Page Blog Layout" type to display some news in my home page.
Everything was fine when I had only a menu assign for my whole website. The module that display the menu had the option "All" selected in "Menu Assignment" group.
But, when I choose the items for the menu to e displayed through "Select Menu Item(s)", the menu is not displayed when I try to see a news detail in the home page, even if I have all the items selected. It only work with "All" option selected.
Is there any difference between option "All" and select all items with the option "Select Menu Item(s)" selected?
I need this behaviour because I need several menus in my website that are displayed in different parts. Without this behaviour I can't use different menus across my website :( because some pages stay without a menu.
Any hint, workaround?
there's a difference between checking "All" and marking all items in "Select Menu Item(s)".
In first case module is always displayed and in second one module checks for Itemid value. If theres no Itemid value set or it doesn't match the selected items - module is not displayed.
My suggestion is to create a new menu in menu manager, which is not displayed in any module, and assign pages to it. So every page you want a custom display would have it's own Itemid.
Im glad i could help. If you assign article for a category, and make a category link in menu or hidden menu, i think it should display menu for all articles in chosen category.
