Blackberry WebWorks HTML5 Eksternal Image Won't show up - image

I'm a newbie in developing on smartphone. After a short research, I choose BlackBerry WebWorks SDK.
My Device is 8530 (CDMA), Internet Connection through WiFi.
On my index.html, I need to show image with src from external link, for example
<img src="">
No Luck, it won't show up. If the source is local image, it's work fine.
I already change the <access uri="*" subdomains="true"/> on config.xml also the image still don't show up.
Looking the answer on blackberry and stackoverflow forum with no luck.
Please help.

I would expect that the uri="*" access element would show the image. Another recommendation is to explicitly white list the domain that your image is coming from, like this:
Can you confirm that your page is loading fine, but its just the image that isn't appearing?


Bind an auto-clickable link in an image

For the marketing point of view, I wish to somehow bind an auto-clickable link in an image such that whenever the image is viewed/opened, the link should be clicked in background. Then we will later come to know from where the image is opened & how many users have seen our image. It would be done through google url shortner analytics.
Link should not be opened in browser but only clicked in background.
Looks like some hacking trick but we need it market our new logo.
Please let me know.

phone inappbrowser doesn't start from full-zoomed-out when it loads huge image

I have a code to launch inappbrowser on phonegap. I use it for displaying image.
This inappbrowser has EnableViewPortScale=yes, so it's totally zoomable.
However, it seems like there is zoom-out-limit in inappbrowser. Here is the code., '_blank',
It's already zoomed-in a little. I can zoom-in-and-out because of EnableViewPortScale=yes for sure.
However, it seems like there is zoom-out-limit.
when i load up 1024x768 photo, it doesn't show fully zoomed-out photo(on both iOS and Android), but it's like 120%-ish already zoomed in.
I Just created stackoverflow account, so i can't upload photo. sorry!(it says i need 10 reputations to upload image)
There is no true solution for this issue.
So what I did is I just continue using inAppBrowser, but just instead of directly loading image from Amazon server(that's where I stored all images), I just made my to go to another my URL and attach that url as a parameter after '?'.
The reason why I did this is because then I can force the Image web-view to have brief Javascript and CSS to render this dang-image correctly.
And as you guys know, this page must have meta-data that allows user-scale true, and must NOT have max-scale value.
So, Yep. Long story short, If you DIRECTLY load up the image in the inAppBrowser of phonegap, there is NO WAY you can force the image to start with 'not even slightly zoomed-in, but perfectly zoomed-out to the max'. Your own Page, Your own JS and CSS is the way to go guys.

Mobile Browsers don't display images on website

Created a website, looks pretty solid on the desktop. ( Used an .htaccess redirect to send those using mobile browsers to subpage ( Redirect is working like a charm.
My problem is that one image (and for that matter, the background color) doesn't display on the mobile page, on any mobile browser. I've tried reformatting it (.png, .jpg, .gif), resizing it (down to 55p x 44p). It is the only image on the page. I've tried using a css stylesheet specifically for the mobile subpage, I've tried not using a stylesheet at all and simply putting the image in the body. Nothing works. I've searched for an answer but all I can find is 'why doesn't my wallpaper display on my mobile phone', which doesn't help at all.
Anyway, if someone knows what I'm doing wrong, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks all!
I've got the same problem, I've done a very simple page, with a single image inside, surfing there with desktop was all right, while going there with a mobile makes the image invisible, it takes the place, but without display, like with "visibility:hidden";
after some tries, i've noticed that the image was saved in a CMYK color space, I've converted the image in RGB color space and then all goes right.
mobile browsers seeams to not manage the CMYK image versions...
Look at CSS part:
Do You think all is OK here? Because I think it's not...

Dashcode question - OnClick image to fullscreen?

I have a web app I'm building in Dashcode, currently every thing is working as advertised. I'm using the browser template and was able to modify it a bit, got the xml working to connect images and their description. Now I want to add a simple OnClick event that sends the image to fullscreen but I can't find any documentation for that. I'm pretty sure this is easily done so I'm missing something here? Any help greatly appreciated.
Taking over the screen is a bit complicated (if your talking about a full screen experience like youtube), but full screen in the browser window is defiantly possible. The simplest method is to have the click event open a link to the image location. This would load the image in full resolution in the browser window. A more elegant approach would be to load the image url into the source of a image dashcode object. and have that objects visibility only appear overs the whole web app when the Oncick event occurs. If you are talking about a built in function in dashcode to achieve a full screen/browser image, your out of luck.

Mac dashboard widgets not loading external images

I set out to make a quick Mac OS X dashboard widget. I read the documentation and was pleased to find out they use simple HTML, JS, and CSS. I created my widget and it works when I open the .html file in Firefox, but it does not work when I install the widget to the dashboard.
The widget is simple: it displays the most recent image from a weather web cam stream. The image URLs look like this: The timestamp is appended to the URL and the server automatically responds with the latest image for that time. I did not write the server script.
The widget appears to be loading correctly, but the web cam image will not load. Notice the blue question mark in the upper left. The image should appear over the square background image. Is there any special procedure for loading external images into a widget?
alt text
You should look here for some important settings:
Dashboard Info.plist Keys
