MVC3 entity update issue -

We have two models Person and Address. We have created one combined model of these two models as shown below.
public class Trust_Person_Master
public Person_Master PersonMaster { get; set; }
public Address_Master AddressMaster { get; set; }
public Trust_Person_Master()
public Trust_Person_Master(Person_Master personMaster, Address_Master addressMaster)
PersonMaster = personMaster;
AddressMaster = addressMaster;
Now, we use this Trust_Person_Master model, to save person and address.
So following is the method to save and edit.
[HttpPost, Ajax(true)]
public JsonResult SaveTrust(Trust_Person_Master entity)
int nCurrPersonId = entity.PersonMaster.Person_ID;
if (entity.PersonMaster.Person_ID > 0)
var update = db.Person.Find(entity.PersonMaster.Person_ID);
if (ModelState.IsValid)
HttpContext.Application["TrustPersonSearch"] = null;
return Json(new { person_id = entity.PersonMaster.Person_ID, location_id = entity.PersonMaster.Location_ID });
But my problem is that when I edit person, i.e. just field of person master say first name, then that it executes the code as required without giving any error. But does not reflect the changes.

You need to show the TryUpdateModel() method. How are you updating the model ?
By looking at the code you have posted everything seems ok and should not give any problems, however I would like to see the way you are updating your entity, the problem seems to lie there.
Debug as much as possible and come back here with your findings.


WebAPI2 Model Binding not working with HTTP PUT

I'm following Scott Allen's MVC4 course on PluralSight (I'm using MVC5 and WebAPI2 but they should be the same) and I am trying to pass an object via HTTP PUT. The model binder should bind it, but I am getting NULL for the parameter.
public HttpResponseMessage PutObjective(int id, [FromBody] Objective objective)
if (ModelState.IsValid && id == objective.ObjectiveID)
//todo: update - look up id, replace text
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, objective);
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
and in my front-end javascript I am doing the following (I'm creating an object for testing, so ignore 'objective' passed in):
var updateObjective = function (objective) {
var myobj = { "ObjectiveID": "3", "ObjectiveDescription": "test" };
return $.ajax(objectiveApiUrl + "/" + objective.ObjectiveID, {
type: "PUT",
data: myobj
My class looks like this:
public class Objective
public int ObjectiveID { get; private set; }
public string ObjectiveDescription { get; set; }
public Objective (int Id, string Desc)
this.ObjectiveID = Id;
this.ObjectiveDescription = Desc;
Any thoughts on why 'objective' in the backend is always 'null' ?
I've done what Scott Allen is doing, even tried adding in [FromBody] but no luck. $.ajax should have the correct content type by default I understand, so no need to set it.
I had Fiddler2 but I'm unsure as to what I am looking at to be honest. I can see my object as JSON being sent to the backend.
Well, if you're familiar with Model Binding you'll have seen the issue in my Objective class:
public int ObjectiveID { get; private set; }
with a private set, no instance can be created of the Objective class. To make it work, the 'private' access specifier needs to be removed.
What needs to happen really is that Objective becomes ObjectiveViewModel, and we convert what comes back to an Objective domain object (which may have more properties than we need for this screen). This can have a private set.

Sharing model objects between controller actions in MVC3

I have two actions in a controller. One that displays a form for file upload and another one that displays the results of the upload.
I have created a POCO called FileInfo i.e
public class FileInfo
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Length { get; set; }
public string FileType { get; set; }
public string ErrorMessage { get; set; }
When I submit the form, the Upload action creates and populates the FileInfo object and then redirects to the second action called results. I want to be able to use the same file info object in the results action.
I am able to get around this using TemPData[], but it is limited since it only holds object data for a single request. I presume there must be a better way to share abjects between controller actions.Any help is appreciated!
// Upload Action
List<FileInfo> fileInfo= new List<FileInfo>();
//populate the fileInfo object using fi.Add()
if ((status.ToString() == "OK"))
TempData["Info"] = fileInfo;
return RedirectToAction("Results");
return RedirectToAction("Index");
//Results action.
public ActionResult Results()
List<FileInfo> fi = TempData["Info"] as List<FileInfo>;
if (fi != null)
return View(fi);
return View("Index");
If you need something to stick around longer then one subsequent request, you will have to put it in Session or in persistent storage (e.g. database).

How to update a List<T> in C#?

I'm taking a basic course in C# programming, have never programmed anything before. One of our exercises is to create a program that can rent out movies (i.e. a Videostore) from scratch.
One of my classes contains customers. I need a method where the user of the program can add customers to the first list and a separate method in which to display all customers, containing the newly added customers; or if no customers are added then the original ones.
This is what I´ve done so far:
I've created a List<T> for the original customers.
I have made a method that can add customers to the first list and display them in ONE method.
The problem is that I don´t know how to update the original list of customers with the ones the user adds. If I call the entire method it will obviously (even to me..) return the entire method and make the user add the customers over again. I´ve tried creating two List<T>s, but how can I make the original list update to include the customers the user adds?? I managed to call the first list from the second but the reverse doesn't work.
I have tried and tried and tried but I´ve simply run out of ideas! For me even getting this far has been quite the challenge. I thought about giving the whole thing up. Programming is not easy.
If anyone has any suggestions I would be very happy!
namespace MyNameSpace
public class Customers
public Customers()
public string Name
public string Tel
public List<Customers> CustomerList1() //Original customers
List<Customers> newCustomer = new List<Customers>
new Customers
new Customers
return newCustomer;
public List<Customers> CustomerList2() //User adds new customers
List<Customers> custList = CustomerList1();
Console.WriteLine("New Customer");
List<Customers> addedCustomer = new List<Customers>
new Customers //There is most likely a better way...
foreach (Customers c in custList)
return addedCustomer;
public void CustomerView() //This method only returns original list
List<Customers> customers = CustomerList1();
foreach (Customers c in customers)
public void CustomerListAdd() //This is another method I´ve tried to add
{ customers..
List<Customers> customers = CustomerList1();
Console.WriteLine("New Customer");
Customers customerAdd = new Customers();
customerAdd.Name = Console.ReadLine();
customerAdd.Telephone = Console.ReadLine();
foreach (Customers c in customers)
Thank you in advance
Make your Customer list class level:
public class MyClass
// this is outside of a method, but inside the class
private List<Customer> customers;
public MyClass()
// instantiate the customer list inside the constructor
customers = new List<Customer>();
// add a default customer to the list by calling the AddCustomer
// method in the constructor.
AddCustomer(new Customer() { Name = "A", Tel="1" });
// You can also bypass the AddCustomer method below and just call
// customers.Add() here instead. If you have other things you want
// to do (like insert the customer into a database, for example)
// you might want to keep the method like I have below.
public void AddCustomer(Customer cust)
// add the customer to the existing list.

MVC3 shared-search model confusion

(couldn't think of a better title, sorry)
So I've got my layout page, on this page there is a searchbar + options. Choosing whatever, should take you through to the search page, with the results etc. Fairly standard. What I've done to get this working is to create a MasterModel class, with a SearchDataModel class member on it. This SearchDataModel contains the various parameters for the search (search term, what fields to search on etc).
I've then strongly typed my layout page to the MasterModel class, and using a Html.BeginForm... I've constructed the search form for it. However all the checkboxes relating to the fields aren't checked by default, even though the default value for all the fields is true (via a private getter/setter setup).
Yet when I submit the form to the SearchController, all the checkboxes are set to true. So I'm a bit confused as to why it knows they should be true, yet not set the checkboxes to be checked?
Putting breakpoints in key places seems to show that the model isn't insantiated on the get requests, only the post to the Search controller?
I may be going about this all wrong, so if so, pointers as to the right way always appreciated.
public class MasterModel {
public SearchDataModel SearchModel { get; set; }
public class SearchDataModel{
private bool _OnTags = true;
private bool _OnManufacturers = true;
private bool _OnCountries = true;
[Display(Name= "Tags")]
public bool OnTags {
get { return _OnTags; }
set { _OnTags = value; }
[Display(Name= "Manufacturers")]
public bool OnManufacturers {
get { return _OnManufacturers; }
set { _OnManufacturers = value; }
[Display(Name= "Countries")]
public bool OnCountries {
get { return _OnCountries; }
set { _OnCountries = value; }
[Display(Name="Search Term:")]
public string SearchTerm { get; set; }
Then in the _layout page:
#Html.CheckBoxFor(m => m.SearchModel.OnTags, new { #class="ddlCheckbox", #id="inpCheckboxTag" })
#Html.LabelFor(m =>m.SearchModel.OnTags)
Make sure you return a MasterModel with initialized SearchModel from your views:
public ActionResult Index()
var model = new MasterModel
SearchModel = new SearchDataModel()
return View(model);
Another possibility to implement this functionality than strongly typing your master layout to a view model is yo use Html.Action as shown by Phil Haack in his blog post.

What is the behaviour when returning a query result through a function and then continuing to query on that result?

I am using ASP.NET MVC 3 with Entity Framework 4 using POCOs and want to query a set and select some properties to put into my viewModel. I will sketch a simplified version of my situation:
I have an entity BananaTree containing a collection of Banana
public class Banana
public int Id { get; set; }
public int Size { get; set; }
public TimeSpan Age { get; set }
public string Description { get; set; }
public class BananaTree
public int Id { get; set; }
public ICollection<Banana> Bananas { get; set; }
I also have a view model BananaListItemViewModel used in the view showing a list of bananas for a certain banana tree. This view is managed by the BananaTreeController
public class BananaListItemViewModel
public int Id { get; set; }
public TimeSpan Age { get; set }
I have a Details action on the controller like so:
public ActionResult Details(int bananaTreeId)
var viewModel = from bananaTree in bananaTreeRepository.BananaTrees
where bananaTree.Id == bananaTreeId
from banana in bananaTree.Bananas
select new BananaListItemViewModel
Id = banana.Id,
Age = banana.Age
return View(viewModel);
What I want to change
This works fine and now I only select the items from the database that I need for my view model. However, I want to take out some more logic from my controller and am trying to do this as much as possible.
I would like to have a function in my repository like so:
IQueryable<Banana> GetBananas(int bananaTreeId)
return (from bananaTree in BananaTrees
where bananaTree.Id == bananaTreeId
select bananaTree.Bananas).Single().AsQueryable();
and use it like so:
public ActionResult Details(int bananaTreeId)
var viewModel = from banana in bananaTreeRepository.GetBananas(bananaTreeId)
select new BananaListItemViewModel
Id = banana.Id,
Age = banana.Age
return View(viewModel);
My question is, in this case, will the two queries be combined and go to the database in one go like in my first example or will this first get all the bananas from the tree completely out of the database and perform the second query on that list? I would prefer the first case. If not, could I rewrite the GetBananas query to get that behaviour (for example like the query below)?
IQueryable<Banana> GetBananas(int bananaTreeId)
return from bananaTree in BananaTrees
where bananaTree.Id == bananaTreeId
from banana in bananaTree.Bananas
select banana;
Thanks very much in advance.
In your specific case, it will be only one query, if the call to Single() doesn't lead to the query to be executed. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any info on whether it does or does not. The call to AsQueryable does not trigger the execution as long, as the Bananas property really is an IQueryable.
According to, the call to Single doesn't execute your query.
You code should result in only one query.
In general:
You can pass an IQueryable from one method to another without it being implicitly executed.
The following code will result in only one SQL statement executed at the end, when the call to ToList happens:
IQueryable<Banana> GetBananasByWeight(int weight)
return from banana in Bananas where banana.Weight = weight;
IQueryable<Banana> FilterByQuality(IQueryable<Banana> bananaQuery, int quality)
return bananaQuery.Where(b => b.Quality == quality);
public List<Banana> GetBananas(int weight, int quality)
var query = GetBananasByWeight(weight);
var filteredBananas = FilterByQuality(query, quality);
return filteredBananas.ToList();
