Session post link read/notread - session

i have create a forum script for my website, all working ok but i m blocked on one think, i try to create a session for visited categoryes and posts, so if the post is not read by the user that is logged in, the script display an image "not_read.png" else the display "read.png"
So my code is like this:
$ctid = isset($_REQUEST['ctid']) ? $_REQUEST['ctid'] : '';
if ($action == 'spost'){
$select_posts = "SELECT * FROM forum_posts WHERE cat_id = '$ctid'....
$_SESSION["CAT-$ctid"] = $ctid;
$ses_post = $_SESSION["CAT-$post_id"];
if ($ses_post == $post_id) {
echo "<img src='read.png'>";
echo "<img src='no_read.png'>";
is working but when user logout and login again all post show as not read.
Any idea how can i fix this?

Session is only alive during the lifetime of when you open a browser window and navigate to a site till either your code resets the session or the user closes the browser.
So storing your read/unread flag in session is unacceptable if you want it available to a user between different sessions.
Instead you should create a table and store it along with your forum posts that has an entry for the UserId, PostID which would have a row added every time a user viewed a post. Then use this table to decide if it is read (there is a row in the table) or unread (no row matching the userid/postid)


ALERT SESSION VALUE FROM first page to 2nd page using JQuery,ajax, or javascript

hi guyz this is my first time here. ahmmm i'd like to ask some question regarding session. ahmm
how i cant alert session value from first page to 2nd page using jquery,ajax, or javascript??
please help, im new on that language. ):
You can pass value from one page to other using url query string.
one link to second page add data as parameter like
in the second page call the below javascript function in onload or where you need value
function getParameterByName(name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),
results = regex.exec(;
return results === null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
you can alert the value like alert(getParameterByName('data'));
In this way your data will show in url. if you don't want to show it then use localstorage. But you need to be in same domain. I mean u can't pass data from one website to other.
In page one just set the data in local storage like localStorage.setItem('data', 'user-session-value');To alert the data in second page call alert(localStorage.getItem('data'));
Hope this can solve your issue... Happy coding...

Get permission data from Database

I'm having problems to do a simple permission system on my Webapp. My DB has a table called "usuario" that has informations about the users of the system. One of these columns is called "privilegio" that has value '0' for administrators and 1 for regular users. An administrator has the power to Add and edit users on the system. Im trying to take this behavior querying my database with the cod of the logged user and getting its permission. If the user is not on the administrator group (privilegio=1) then the add/edit/delete buttons will be unset.
public function usuario() {
$crud = new grocery_CRUD();
$result = $this->db->where('cod_func',$this->session->userdata('cod_func'));
The problem (and the question) is that this code only list the user that is logged on, not the others already registered on the system and stored on "usuario" table. I wonder that the list is been made by my query (what is not the behavior I would like) I hope you could undestand my doubt. Sorry for my bad english.
Thank you!
you're having trouble with the active record functions...
When you use the function
This translates to the query:
SELECT * FROM usuario
So try changing your code to something like this:
$this->db->limit(1); //You're only expecting one result
$result = $this->db->get(); // Save the result to the variable result
//Edited for the comment, something like
$result = $result->first_row('array'); //Here I'm fetching only the first row into an array
$privilegio = $result['privilegio']; //Im saving the result from the query in the variable $privilegio
This translates to:
SELECT priviliegio FROM usuario WHERE cod_func = 'some_value' LIMIT 1;
Then you can do whatever you want with the $result variable, please refer to documentation to see what you can do...
Generating Query Results

Checking if specific user is online through php session variable

I'm currently trying to display all online users on my webpage using the php session variables. To do this, whenever a user logs in or out, a column in a database gets set to "online" or "offline".. However this doesn't entirely work since the database doesn't get updated when the user closes their browser (and therefor destroys the session).
So is there another way of checking if a certain sessionid is set??
Currently I am setting the session like this:
$_SESSION['username']="Example Username";
To check from the current users page if there is a session variable set we can simply use:
//username is set
But if we need to check if a specific user is online, how do we get for instance an array of all the session variables that have been set? e.g.
//Get all $_SESSION['username'] vars
//loop through array and check for specific $_SESSION
for($i=0; ... )
if( $_SESSION['username'][$i] == "User 1" )
//do something
From all that I've read so far, there doesn't seem to be a way to get an array of all sessions on your page..
So is there a better way of doing it, e.g. how do facebook, twitter, etc handle this stuff?
Thanks for your help!
One solution is to store a timestamp in your database in addition to the online/offline flag that records the last time a user accessed any of your website resources. Then you might just consider them offline after 15 minutes or some other constant value.
The other solution is to play with the callbacks here where I think you can handle the gc callback and set the offline flag in your database.
If you search on that page for class SessionDB or go here it looks like somebody has implemented some version of this already in a custom class!
you can use a simple update query
for example you have a table users and in that you have a column called status(online/offline)
on your login.php use
//your user verification code
if(variable that holds your sql query){
$user_status=('UPDATE user SET status= online WHERE email="'your user email selector'")
then on the logout do a similar script just change the online value to offline
You could try this:
foreach ($_SESSION as $sessionKey => $sessionValue)
if( $sessionKey == 'username' ) && ( $sessionValue == 'User 1' )
//do something

CodeIgniter: storing sessions in DB, how to know who session came from?

I'm thinking of storing CI sessions in the database so I can display how many users are currently online, who specifically is online, etc.
Looking at, am I right in my understanding that information would be stored in the user_data column of the ci_session table? Meaning, maybe I just store the user's id in there?
CodeIgniter will store the data in the table you specify in your config file. By default, it's ci_session. The session information, what is accessible through $_SESSION for instance, is serialized and saved in a column named user_data. That field will not be able to tell you whether or not the session has expired (or in other words, how many people are online).
What you could do instead is use the last_activity column, which is a timestamp of the last time that session was active. You could run a SQL query that selects the count of session_id where the last_activity is less than 2 minutes ago.
SELECT COUNT(`session_id`) AS `active_user_count` FROM `ci_session` WHERE `last_activity` >= DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 2 MINUTE)
With that said, an existing session doesn't necessarily mean that the user is "signed in". If you need to check that they're signed in, you can use a LIKE operator to add a condition to the WHERE statement that checks if a user is signed in. This will depend on what variable name you're using so have a look at your data and see if you can figure it out.
For example:
SELECT COUNT(`session_id`) AS `active_user_count` FROM `ci_session` WHERE `last_activity` >= DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 2 MINUTE) AND `user_data` LIKE '%s:9:"logged_in";b:1;%'
This works! use it
$session = $this->db->get('ci_sessions')->result_array();
foreach ($session as $sessions) {
$sessio = $sessions['last_activity'] + 7200;
echo $sessio . "time";
echo now();
echo "||";
$custom_data = $this->session->_unserialize($sessions['user_data']);
if (is_array($custom_data)) {
foreach ($custom_data as $key => $val) {
$user[$key] = $val;

How do I create, write, and read session data in CakePHP?

can anyone give me an example on how to create Sessions and write data to it. I've seen syntax on how to write data to a session using write command. But how to create a session and retrieve the values in it.
In my application, I have two data, form_id and user_id that needs to be used in all the page requests. So how do I save it as a session variable and use it across the application?
function register()
//echo "session".$this->Session->read('User.UserId');
if (!$this->User->validates())
$this->Flash('Please enter valid inputs','/forms' );
$this->Flash('User account created','/forms/homepage/'.$userId);
How to use the session variable 'User.UserId' instead of $userId in $this->Flash('User account created','/forms/homepage/'.$userId);
And can I use this variable in all my view files,because in all the page requests I also pass the userId?
I have 2 controllers,user and form. I write the userid to a session variable in the users_controller. I have a view file called homepage.ctp,whose action is in the forms_controller. Now how can I use the session variable defined in the users_controller in the homepage? Sorry if I am asking silly questions. I went through the cakebook,but my doubts weren't cleared. I'm also trying trial and error method of coding,so please help me.
I have a session variable 'uid' which is the user id in the home page action of a controller.
I need the same variable in the design action method of the same controller.
When I give
echo "uid: ".$uid;
the value is not echoed.
Can't I use the session variable in the same controller?
The bakery is your best friend:
All your session read/writes belong in the controller:
$this->Session->write('Person.eyeColor', 'Green');
echo $this->Session->read('Person.eyeColor'); // Green
In cake php you can create session like this
$this->request->session()->write('user_id', 10);
and you can read session value like this
echo $this->request->session()->read('user_id');
Super Simple!
You don't have to write any code to create session, they are already built in. Then you just use the read and write sessions as mentioned above. Also see here for more details:
Used in Controllers
Used in Views
cakephp 4 example of session usage in controllers, views and cells
$session = $this->request->getSession();
$session->write('abc', 'apple');
echo $session->read('abc');
In this case it would be:
$this->Flash('User account created','/forms/homepage/'.$this->Session->read('User.UserId'));
and your second question is anwered by Jason Miy ( You can simply use this in your view:
$userId = $session->read('User.UserId');
Reading the appropriate cookbook pages slowly and carefully usually helps a lot...
I found out the reason why the uid wasn't being echoed(edit 3 part of the question).
It is due to a silly mistake, had a white space after the end tag ?> in the controller. Now it is working fine.
when I have strange session behavior, and this help me.
function clearAllDBCache() {
$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->useDbConfig);
$db->_queryCache = array();
Acess your Helper SessionHelper in lib/Cake/View/Helper/SessionHelper.php and add the method:
public function write($name = null) {
return CakeSession::write($name);
