Code to display articles from category ID? - joomla

What would be the code to display articles from category (specified by ID)?
In Wordpress this is fairly easy by doing:
while (have_posts()) : the_post();
I'm looking for similar code for Joomla.

$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$id = 50;//example
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$res = $db->loadObjectList();
foreach($res as $r){
echo '<h3>'.$r->title.'</h3>';
echo $r->introtext;

You can use next code template:
$categoryId = $[category id];
$category = new ContentModelCategory();
$articles = $category->getItems();

There is no direct code for getting this in joomla like word press.
If you want to check the code you can check the code for achieving this by following path.
According to my Guess your requirement is to display the articles from same category.
then in joomla you dont need to edit in any code.
for achieving this you can simply create a menu.
and menu layout type should be category blog and Choose your category from the right side category options.
This will get the complete article from that category.
If you want to manage it in your style you can add style based on blog.php file .
Hope this will help you..

Try this:
$articles = JFactory::getDBO()->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__content WHERE catid = '21'")->loadObjectList();
Of course replace '21' with id of your category.

This is quite easy in Joomla. You can find the code in /components/com_content/models/category.php under getItems()
Below is an example
$model = JModelLegacy::getInstance('Articles', 'ContentModel', array('ignore_request' => true));
$model->setState('params', JFactory::getApplication()->getParams());
$model->setState('filter.category_id', $category_id);
$articles = $model->getItems();


Magento getAttribute not working with listing product

echo $_product->getResource()->getAttribute($attribute)->getFrontend()->getValue($_product);
This code is not working fine in view.phtml it is not return first attribute code value.
when i write this code on view page, it is not showing first product attribute and all after first in loop are showing fine.
This is my all code
$productAttributeTh = array('Color','Item','Size');
$configurableProduct = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($_product->getId());
$childProducts = Mage::getModel('catalog/product_type_configurable')->getUsedProducts(null,$configurableProduct);
foreach($childProducts as $child) {
$product_id = $child->getId();
$obj = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
$_childProduct = $obj->load($product_id); // Enter your Product Id in $product_id
foreach ($productAttributeTh as $key => $productAttributeValue){
$productAttribute = $_childProduct->getResource()->getAttribute($productAttributeValue)->getFrontend()->getValue($_childProduct);
echo $productAttribute;
} ?>
You need to make sure your attribute is set to be used in list. Go to;
Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes
Find your attribute, and open it. Scroll down to the option 'used in product listing' and set it 'yes'. Save and then reindex attributes.
Try this.
Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product')->getAttributeRawValue($productId, 'attribute_code', $storeId);
$attribute_value = $product->getResource()->getAttribute($attribute_code)->getFrontend()->getValue($product);
i hope this will help you.

Add SKU to end of Magento URL

I have searched for days trying to find a way of doing this but cannot find an answer, hopefully someone here can help me.
Essentially we want to insert the SKU into the product page url
SKU = ST500DM002
Would become
I had a look at this How to customize product URL?
It kind of works but it creates a path like this http://www.domain. rather than add it onto the end
Also we have a lot of SKUs with # in them which causes problems and throws 404
Is there a way to programmatically add the SKU and strip out #
Copy the code and paste it to the file "script.php" and move it to magento root folder and try to run it in browser by using the following url,
require 'app/Mage.php';
$amount = 0;
$model = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
$products = $model->getCollection();
foreach ($products as $product) {
$urlkey = $product->getUrlKey();
$sku = $product->getSku();
When you run the file, All the urls will be rewritten with the new url keys.
You can find updated keys everywhere.
Create observer to catch event catalog_product_save_after_handler
$product = $observer->getProduct();
$urlkey = $product->getUrlKey();
$sku = $product->getSku();
if(substr($urlkey, strlen($sku) * (-1)) != $sku){

Displaying list of logged in users in Front side using Joomla 2.5 component

I would like to display all login user list in Front side using Joomla 2.5 component.
Can any body tell me how do do this?
I would also want to develop change password and news subscription module.
Try this,
$db =JFactory::getDBO();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$rows = $db->loadObjectList();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$user = JFactory::getUser($row->id);
$status = $user->guest;
echo $row->name.'---Email'.$row->email;
Use this extension to implement its in your site if you need quick solution.
Hope it helps..

get sub categories from category id Magento

i am trying to get sub-categories from category id.
but looking for more optimized code as the database vast records and cannot afford to load whole category.
i have tried below codes they are working on localhost but as my server has huge data it doesn't work there
$cat = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load(13);
$subcats = $cat->getChildrenCategories();
$categories = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->getCategories($cat_id);
please help
Hello check below code may be help you
$root = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load(13);
$subCat = explode(',',$root->getChildren());
$collection = $root
->addFieldToFilter("entity_id", array("in", $subCat) );
foreach($collection as $catname){
echo $catname->getName();

Display category name in template

I am trying to display a category name in a module position.
I tried:
<?php echo $listing['Category']['title'];?>
It did not work.
I followed this link, but it shows the article title and I need the category one.
I'm working on Joomla 1.7.
Much more simple answer:
<?php echo $this->escape($this->item->category_title);?>
As per the posters comment in the OP:
$db = &JFactory::getDBO();
$id = JRequest::getString('id');
$db->setQuery('SELECT #__categories.title FROM #__content, #__categories WHERE #__content.catid = AND = '.$id);
$category = $db->loadResult();
echo $category;
Travega is really close, his code works on pages, but not on category pages.
When you use $id = JRequest::getString('id'); on a category page (such as a category blog or list page) the id of the category is returned. This means we need more context of the id variable, in this case the 'view'.
Here is my modified version of travega's code:
function getCategoryName() {
//Modified from:
$db = &JFactory::getDBO();
$id = JRequest::getString('id');
$view = JRequest::getString('view');
if ($view == 'category') {
$sql = "SELECT title FROM #__categories WHERE = $id";
} else {
$sql = "SELECT #__categories.title FROM #__content, #__categories WHERE #__content.catid = AND = $id";
$category = $db->loadResult();
return $category;
Other relevant info:
I've only tested this on Joomla 2.5.3 on cat blog and cat list pages. I've not tested it on anything other than com_content component. This means it probably won't work on weblink, contact, etc pages as you may again loose the context.
