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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have an account on a Unix server. I can't get it to point to the version of Java I want when I am in BASH.
The version of Unix is:
SunOS 5.10 Generic January 2005
This is what I have in my .profile:
# set the environment
export ANT_HOME
# $PATH:/user1/acme21 needs to be included to make anything work
export PATH
export JAVA_HOME
env | grep DIS
# Use the bash shell, get many conveniences
When I run echo $JAVA_HOME and echo $PATH I get
bash-3.00$ echo $JAVA_HOME
bash-3.00$ echo $PATH
Yet "which javac" reveals:
bash-3.00$ which javac
and "which java" reveals:
bash-3.00$ which java
Is there anything I can do to get it to point to the Java version I specified in my .profile file?
Thanks in advance
Happy Holidays
Are you sure your java and javac executables are in /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0_24 ? Perhaps they are in /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0_24/bin/.
I suspect this:
isn't right, and you need instead
to pick up the binary directory within that Java installation.
p.s. I wouldn't put the current directory (.) in your PATH. Otherwise someone can substitute a trojan-like program (e.g. a substitute for ls) in a directory. You'll pick that up when you cd into the containing directory and type ls (there's an entertaining story relating to this in the Unix Power Tools book)
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Closed 7 years ago.
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Basically, I want to be able to have a command for my command-line "Net", kinda like the "Python" command used to start python.
So I'd like to have a command like "Net" or something to start my bash-script, but I don't want to go into my .bash_profile and make an alias, I want it to be created automatically if you just run a script.
How would this be done?
It seems like you're looking for the install command...
install -m 755 ./ /bin/net
Just be sure use a directory that is in your $PATH and that you don't already have an executable file in your $PATH that is using the name of the command you plan to use. 'net' is an actual command used on linux systems, but I'm not sure about the Mac.
If you add it to your bash script, you might want to add some sanity checks...
#! /bin/bash
[[ ! -f /bin/$(basename $0) ]] && install -m 755 $0 /bin/$(basename $0)
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am using a Macbook Pro, and I wanted to change it to the current directory and a dollar sign prompt in Terminal. I've already looked at these resources to try and solve this issue.
I tried modifying the ~/.bashrc file and saving it but it did not seem to work.
PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin # Add RVM to PATH for scripting
### Added by the Heroku Toolbelt
export PATH="/usr/local/heroku/bin:$PATH"
export PS1="\W$ ”
The last line is what I added to change the prompt.
This should be done in .bash_profile, not .bashrc.
nano ~/.bash_profile
Add a line containing this:
export PS1="\W\$ "
.bashrc is ONLY excuted when starting a sub-shell. bash login shell uses the following initialization scripts:
You need to escape the dollar sign. Like this:
$ PS1="\W\$ "
~$ cd tmp
And once you change your .bashrc you either need to logout/back-in or . ~/.bashrc to re source it.
I would humbly recommend not doing this. Having a full path is very useful as 'tmp' directories could be anywhere. Consider using "\w" which does relative path (ie. uses ~ to represent HOME)
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm making a small shell for a school project and I was searching about default PATHs. Say there is no PATH in the global environ variable, the various shells I tested always managed to search some default paths (sometimes unknown) to find the executable to run [ls is chosen as an example]:
Bash Shell behaves like so:
dflt-zsh > env -i bash
bash-3.2$ echo $PATH
bash-3.2$ ls
Makefile shell.c src includes
bash-3.2$ export PATH=
bash-3.2$ ls
bash: ls: No such file or directory
C Shell seems to be lost when no PATH is defined but found the ls executable nonetheless:
dflt-zsh > env -i csh
% echo $PATH
PATH: Undefined variable.
% ls
Makefile shell.c src includes
Z Shell has the most elements in $PATH but it may be reading some of my default zsh configuration files (not very trustworthy example):
dflt-zsh > env -i zsh
achedeuzot% echo $PATH
achedeuzot% ls
Makefile shell.c src includes
achedeuzot% PATH=
achedeuzot% ls
zsh: command not found: ls
TC Shell behaves as C shell.
dflt-zsh > env -i tcsh
> echo $PATH
PATH: Undefined variable.
> ls
Makefile shell.c src includes
What is a good "default PATH" to search even if none is set ? I was going for something along the lines of PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:.
How can I choose which directories to include by default ? Are there some crucial directories to search ? Main question: Is it "choose what you like" or are there any basic rules that all the shells follow ?
Thanks for your help !
There is no universal solution. On some systems, /bin is a symlink to /usr/bin, so adding just /usr/bin to PATH will get you most of the programs. Adding /usr/gnu/bin or /usr/local/bin is optional; not all systems have either or both of those. Sometimes people add /sbin and /usr/sbin. The list of variations goes on. The basic, minimal PATH setting is usually:
Anything extra is precisely that — extra. (And, as noted, on some systems, that is not a minimal PATH.)
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Closed 10 years ago.
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I logging into my server from the Mac Terminal Bash Shell and the unzip command is not working I keep getting the following message:
bash: unzip: command not found
Can I unzip a file via SSH from Mac Terminal?
The program unzip should be in /usr/bin:
$ type unzip
unzip is /usr/bin/unzip
Worst case, you can always just "ask for it by name":
$ /usr/bin/unzip
You should check your PATH variable, as it should normally include /usr/bin:
$ echo $PATH
$ PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH
$ export PATH
Make sure you have selected a login shell for your Terminal. This will set a good value for the PATH variable when the shell starts.
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Closed 11 years ago.
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I am facing a problem, i can't run even a single command on my mac osx lion terminal, even "ls" command, when i print $PATH variable, found
My-Mac:/ Mac$ echo $PATH
Please help me if you have guys have any solution for that.
You should probably ask this question on (for "power user"-type questions; instead of here, which is meant for programming questions).
But I'll help you out a little bit: beyond the .tcshrc file you should also have for your home directory, also check to see if you have any files at /usr/share/tcsh/examples. That is where the "global" tcsh settings (including PATH) should be found.
If you don't have a .tcshrc file... create one in TextEdit and add something like:
set path = ( \
~/bin \
/usr/local/bin /usr/bin /bin \
/usr/local/sbin /usr/sbin /sbin \
to it.
Oh yeah, lastly... I'm assuming you're using tcsh since that's the usual Macintosh shell. You can make sure by typing in echo $SHELL at the command line.