I am trying to copy selected text directly out of a PDF viewer I have made with the Adobe PDF Reader Control in Visual Basic 2010.
I can utilize highlight text with a macro in Word using something this:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Sel As Selection
Set Sel = Application.Selection
If Sel.Type <> wdSelectionIP Then
MsgBox Sel.Text
End If
End Sub
I am having trouble figuring out whether this bit of code can be used to perform actions with the highlighted text with Adobe PDF Reader. If not, does anyone know how I would go about doing that?
I don't think that the Adobe PDF viewer supports VBA.
However, I would suggest an indirect approach, using the clipboard.
By sending a control+c key, the content of the selection will be transferred to the clipboard, and the clipboard could be processed using "native" VBA.
Sending a control+c is done by using SendKeys("^C"), see This link
And the Clipboard can be manipulated using This exampe
For example, google docs can remebering the color, style, size and so on. Also, EXCEL can copy and paste data on diffierent charts. However, when you try to paste these into a txt, it failed and it seemed that there is nothing on the clipboard.
It shows that we can create our own style on clipboard. I wondering how it works and how could I set my own clipboard style and how to paste it(How to add a response event). Is there any API to achieve this?
Besides that, >>>>how could we get other program's data on the clipboard<<<<? I woundering this becuase I want to make a software that can help me remembering some special data forms(Sometimes I may forget and just press down Ctrl+C so I lose my data, and I have to get them again)
I have already serch the internet but there is no useful data.
Thank you.
I would like to be able to get a list of all the hyperlinked URLs in any formatted text that I select on the Mac (formatted text such as a web page or a word processor document).
Preferably I'd like use Applescript or Automator to extract this list of hyperlinks from the text (so that I can then use Applescript to perform further processing on these URLs).
Note that I am talking about hyperlinks being extracted from formatted text, not just extracting URLs from text containing plaintext URLs.
This hyperlink extraction from formatted text seems like it should be a simple programming task, but I have been struggling to find a way to do this in either Applescript or Automator.
Automator can be set to accept rich text input from a text selection, or can input rich text from the clipboard, but I cannot find any way to access this rich text as a string within Automator or Applescript, such that I can then extract the hyperlinked URLs from the string of rich text data.
Once I get access to the rich text data as a string, there will be no problem in extracting the URLs.
Any suggestions on how I might solve this issue are gratefully received.
Applescript itself does not unpack embedded text, so you'll have to use a helper app one way or another. You can use do shell script 'textutil' to do some unimbedding of links:
perl -ne 'print chr foreach unpack("C*",pack("H*",substr($_,11,-3)))' |
textutil -stdin -stdout -convert html -format rtf
Then, you'll have to extract the URLs. I would suggest using the Automator action 'Extract Data' to do this. If you set the whole thing up as an Automator Workflow, you could invoke it from Applescript. Or, if you save it as a Service, you can just run the whole thing from the Service.
Here's a screenshot of that method that should show what you need:
Let me know if you have questions. You can see variations on this technique here.
If you want to create this into a Service, it is difficult to coerce the built-in input from Automator into RTF. An effective method is to ignore the input and do a
keystroke "c" using command down
to copy the selected text to the clipboard and then use the workflow from there. See example:
I have a VS plug-in that currently takes the editor text by getting a TextDocument via app.ActiveDocument.Object() and then I get the text from that. This, however, is just plain text, and I'd like to have not just text but the color information (kind of like the RTF export). How can I get it?
Cast EnvDTE.TextDocument.Selection to EnvDTE.TextSelection and then use EnvDTE.TextSelection.Move(point1, false) and EnvDTE.TextSelection.Move(point2, true) and then EnvDTE.TextSelection.Copy() to copy to the clipboard, which you should preserve saving its content before copying and then restoring when done.
This one has me awfully confused...
I am trying to display kerned RTF text in a Visual Studio Visual Basic RichTextBox control (having so far tried under VS2010 and VS2012). Simply, I create a Windows Form project, add two RichTextBox's (RichTextBox1 and RichTextBox2) to the form, no change to default properties, and include the following VB code:
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Initialise(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim txtRTF As String = "{\rtf1\ansi" & _
"{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}}" & _
"\f0\pard" & _
"\expndtw-60 a" & _
"\expndtw200 b" & _
"\expndtw-20 c}"
RichTextBox1.Rtf = txtRTF
RichTextBox2.Paste() ' RichTextBox2 formats properly iff clipboard holds ANY valid rtf content
RichTextBox2.Rtf = txtRTF
End Sub
End Class
The txtRTF String contains, as best as I can tell, minimal valid RTF markup and text.
Here's the confusing bit: text displayed in RichTextBox1 is not kerned, despite \expndtw (expand twips) RTF markup, BUT text displayed in RichTextBox2 is properly kerned, if and only if the clipboard holds ANY valid RTF content (e.g., any text has first been copied into the clipboard from an MS Word document). Text displayed in RichTextBox2 is not properly kerned if clipboard contents is not RTF format.
Result of running if the clipboard does not contain RTF-formatted data (or if the RichTextBox2.Paste() code is removed or commented out):
Result of running if the clipboard holds any random RTF-formatted text:
Why on earth should it matter that I have previously pasted RTF-format (and not non-RTF format) into the RichTextBox2 control before setting the RichTextBox2.Rtf field?
More importantly, how can I (in VB) programmatically display properly kerned text in a RichTextBox control without the absurdity of first pasting random RTF format text into it?
Well, that took a lot of work! Nevertheless, problem now solved.
It turns out that, although the RTF spec notes that \ltrch (left-to-right character run) is the default state, it seems that RichTextBox objects don't necessarily agree. Including a \ltrch (or even, oddly, a \rtlch) control sequence in the RTF markup stream completely solves the failure-to-kern problem. RTF text kerning via \expndtwN and \expndN now works perfectly well. No need for silly Paste() commands to pre-configure the RichTextBox control into its proper state!
I am no AppleScript Jedi, I've only done a few simple things, but I haven't been able to figure this one out and could use some help:
My wife uses slides for her Art History courses and would like to use the same slides for exams (sans identifying names). Rather than create a new presentation, I'd like a tool that iterates through the slides and hides the text fields.
Looking through the Keynote dictionary didn't give me any clues as to how to approach this, any ideas?
AFAIK, with Applescript you can only access the title and the body boxes of the slides. If the text you wish to remove is consistently in either of these boxes the simplest solution would be to loop through the slides replacing that text and then saving a copy of the document.
tell application "Keynote"
open "/Path/To/Document"
repeat with currentSlide in slides of first slideshow
set title of currentSlide to " "
set body of currentSlide to " "
end repeat
save first slideshow in "/Path/To/Document without answers"
end tell
If the text is in a container created with the textbox tool, I don't think you can solve it with Applescript, but Keynote uses an XML based file format, so you could try doing it by editing the XML with your scripting language of choice. The XML schema is documented in the iWork Programming Guide.