Running the function with timeout parameter, I found that hard-coded 10000 value gives 10 seconds timeout, and 10*HZ value gives 2.5 seconds timeout:
usb_bulk_msg(context->udev, pipe, context->buffer, context_size, &bytes_read,
10000 ); // 10 seconds
// 10*HZ); // 2.5 seconds
HZ value printed with printk gives 250 - this value is incorrect. Looking in the Linux source:, I see that HZ is defined as CONFIG_HZ - looks like configuration parameter. Why this value is incorrect, is there another way to specify jiffies timeout?
Ubuntu 12.04, 32 bit, kernel version 3.2.34.
That's because usb_bulk_msg takes the number milliseconds, not the number of jiffies, as its sixth argument:
time in msecs to wait for the message to complete before timing out (if 0 the wait is forever)
I am doing load test on my system using Jmeter. the requirement is I need to generate 150 requests per minute for a duration of 20 minutes constantly.
I tried with below approaches
I tried by giving this configuration.
No of threads - 3000 [150 req/min * 20 mins]
rampup period - 1200sec [20mins * 60]
But here test stopped after creation of 2004 thread. by giving
this error
Failed to start the native thread for java.lang.Thread “Thread Group 1-2004”
Uncaught Exception java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create native thread: possibly out of memory or process/resource limits reached in thread Thread[#51,StandardJMeterEngine,6,main]. See log file for details
Used concurrency thread group with below details
Target concurrency - 150
ramp up time - 1 min
hold target rate time - 20 mins
but here no of samples collected are more than 3000 [150 req *20 sec] which i feel is not correct
Is it possible to create exact load according to my requirement in Jmeter(150 req/min ->duration of 20 mins) or should I explore other tools like locust??
tried with precision timers (attaching screen shots)
enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here
Your understanding of relationship between users and hits per second is not correct.
When JMeter thread (virtual user) is started it begins executing Samplers as fast as it can. The throughput (number of requests per second) mainly depends on the response time.
For example:
you have 1 user and 1 second response time - the load will be 1 request per second
you have 1 user and 2 seconds response time - the load will be 0.5 requests per second
you have 2 users and 2 seconds response time - the load will be 1 requests per second
you have 4 users and 2 seconds response time - the load will be 2 requests per second
If you want to slow down JMeter to the desired number of requests per minute it can be done using Timers.
For example:
Constant Throughput Timer:
Precise Throughput Timer:
Throughput Shaping Timer
Scenario :
a. Ultimate Thread Group : Thread count :100, Startup time : 60, Hold load : 300
b. If there are 10 Http(s) request in the script and each is having 1 sec of constant timer, total constant time value = 10 seconds.
In the above scenario the hold time will become 300 +(100 *10) OR 300 +(10) OR 300 -(100 *10) OR 300 -(10)
Your timers on samplers don't have anything to do with your total test time. So in your above example, it will simply be 60+300 seconds.
When a thread finishes its 10 requests, it will start again. So once your test is ramped up, each thread will execute them 30 times. If you increased your timers, the 10 request would take longer to complete, so fewer iterations of them would be done- but it wouldn't change your duration.
Timers and holdtime works independently, they are not related.
In your example-
Test will start loading Threads as test begins and by end of 60 seconds all 100 threads would be up.
Individual thread execution depends on response of each request sent on server (in your case 10 requests/thread), so constant timer will wait for 1 seconds before sending next request of same thread to server.
So, hold time ensures same 100 users(threads) load on server for specified period. As and when one thread completes its execution cycles (all 10 requests), it will add another thread to maintain same load during test time specified as hold time.
Test will get completed in 30+60 = 90 seconds.
I have run load testing for website but when I have increased no. of users , I can see throughput time seems increasing instead of decrease.
Test Case 1 :
No. of Threads : 15
Ramp up time : 450 [As I want to put delay of 30 seconds between 2 users]
Loop count : Forever
Scheduler : 1800 Seconds [As I want to run test for 30 minutes]
In Http requests I have added 10 pages and each request has constant timer with 30000 miliseconds as I need to put delay of 30 seconds between 2 requests.
Now When I see result of Aggregate Report , it shows me Throughput 3/min for each request.
Test Case 2 :
No. of Threads : 30
Ramp up time : 900 [As I want to put delay of 30 seconds between 2 users]
Loop count : Forever
Scheduler : 1800 Seconds [As I want to run test for 30 minutes]
In Http requests I have added 10 requests/pages and each request has constant timer with 30000 miliseconds as I need to put delay of 30 seconds between 2 requests.
Now When I see result of Aggregate Report , it shows me Throughput 6/min for each request.
I am confuse that how it is possible? If my users are increased from 15 to 30 then it should have more load on server and throughtput should decrease like 1/min or 2/min.
Please let me know what I am doing wrong here.
Throughput is no. of completions per unit time. (A completion can be a http request/db request in short anything that needs to be executed and needs >0 execution time.)
Ex. req per sec or req per min etc.
By definition of throughput in JMeter, it is calculated as total no. of requests/total time.
In your first case, no. of requests generated in 1800 seconds with 3 second delay in every request by 15 users are x. Thus throughput is x/30 i.e. 3 it means ~90 requests were generated (verify this from aggregate report or other reporter.)
In your second case, everything else is same but no. of users are doubled which creates ~double no. of requests in given time which is (1800 seconds)
Thus according to formula, no. of requests generated/total time.
Throughput in 2nd case = 2x/30 = 2*throughput in 1st case
Which is 6/min. (Correctly shown by JMeter.)
Key here is to check no. of requests generated in both cases.
I hope this clears your confusion. Let me know if you need further clarification. BTW "when I have increased no. of users , I can see throughput time seems increasing instead of decrease." is not always true.
Throughput increased by factor of 2.
Test Case 1: - 3 requests per minute - 1 request each 20 seconds
Test Case 2: - 6 requests per minute - 1 request each 10 seconds
As per JMeter Glossary:
Throughput is calculated as requests/unit of time. The time is calculated from the start of the first sample to the end of the last sample. This includes any intervals between samples, as it is supposed to represent the load on the server.
The formula is: Throughput = (number of requests) / (total time).
You may also be interested in the following plugins:
Server Hits Per Second
Transactions Per Second
or alternatively service which can convert your JMeter .jtl results files into easy-understandable professional load report
I am performing load test with these parameters :
So according to above numbers, my assumption is that each one of the four thread will be created in 22.25 seconds and this 4 thread cycle will be repeated 60 times.
Below is the load test summarized report :
According to JMeter manual ramp up period is :
The ramp-up period tells JMeter how long to take to "ramp-up" to the full number of threads chosen. If 10 threads are used, and the ramp-up
period is 100 seconds, then JMeter will take 100 seconds to get all 10
threads up and running. Each thread will start 10 (100/10) seconds
after the previous thread was begun. If there are 30 threads and a
ramp-up period of 120 seconds, then each successive thread will be
delayed by 4 seconds.
So according to above scenarios approximate total time for executing load test with mentioned thread group parameters is :
TotalTime = ramp_up_period*loop_count
which in my case evaluates to 90*60 = 5400 seconds, but according to summariser Total Time is coming 74 seconds
JMeter version is 2.11.
Is there is any problem in my understanding or there is some issue with JMeter ?
Initially JMeter will start 1 thread which will be doing something, which is under your Loop Controller. In 30 seconds second thread will join, in 30 more seconds 3rd thread will start and finally on 90th second 4th thread will start.
Starting from 90 second 4 threads will be doing "what is under your loop controller".
There is no way to determine how long it would take, especially under the load. If you need a load test to last approximately N seconds you can use Duration input under Sheduler in Thread Group.
If you want to forcefully stop the test if certain conditions are met there are 2 more options:
Use Test Action Sampler
Use Beanshell Sampler
Example Beanshell code (assumed to be run in separate thread group in endless loop with reasonable delay between firing events)
if (currenttime - teststart > Long.parseLong(props.get("test_run_time").toString())) {
try {
DatagramSocket socket = new DatagramSocket();
byte[] buf = "StopTestNow".getBytes("ASCII");
InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName("localhost");
DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length, address, 4445);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
TotalTime would be that if you were working without concurrency. When working in a multi-threaded environment it can happen that thread 1 is already performing its second call when thread 3 is still firing up.
I need to test if our system can perform N requests per second.
Technically, it's 2 requests to one API, 2 requests to another, and 6 requests to third one.
But the important thing that they should happen simultaneously - so 10 requests per second.
So, in JMeter I've created three Thread Groups, first defines number of threads 1, and ramp-up time 0.
Second thread group is the same, and third thread group defines number of threads 6 and ramp-up time 0.
But that doesn't really guarantee it's going to run them per second
How do I emulate that? And how do I see the results -- if it was able to perform or wasn't?
You could use ConstantThroughputTimer.
Quote from JMeter help files below:
18.6.4 Constant Throughput Timer
This timer introduces variable pauses, calculated to keep the total throughput (in terms of samples per minute) as close as possible to a give figure. Of course the throughput will be lower if the server is not capable of handling it, or if other timers or time-consuming test elements prevent it.
N.B. although the Timer is called the Constant Throughput timer, the throughput value does not need to be constant. It can be defined in terms of a variable or function call, and the value can be changed during a test.
For example I've used it to generate 40 requests per second:
<ConstantThroughputTimer guiclass="TestBeanGUI" testclass="ConstantThroughputTimer" testname="Constant Throughput Timer" enabled="true">
<stringProp name="calcMode">all active threads in current thread group</stringProp>
And thats a summary:
Created the tree successfully using performance/search-performance.jmx
Starting the test # Tue Mar 15 16:28:39 CET 2011 (1300202919244)
Waiting for possible shutdown message on port 4445
Generate Summary Results + 3247 in 80,3s = 40,4/s Avg: 18 Min: 0 Max: 1328 Err: 108 (3,33%)
Generate Summary Results + 7199 in 180,0s = 40,0/s Avg: 15 Min: 1 Max: 2071 Err: 378 (5,25%)
Generate Summary Results = 10446 in 260,3s = 40,1/s Avg: 16 Min: 0 Max: 2071 Err: 486 (4,65%)
Generate Summary Results + 7200 in 180,0s = 40,0/s Avg: 14 Min: 0 Max: 152 Err: 399 (5,54%)
Generate Summary Results = 17646 in 440,4s = 40,1/s Avg: 15 Min: 0 Max: 2071 Err: 885 (5,02%)
Generate Summary Results + 7199 in 180,0s = 40,0/s Avg: 14 Min: 0 Max: 1797 Err: 436 (6,06%)
Generate Summary Results = 24845 in 620,4s = 40,0/s Avg: 15 Min: 0 Max: 2071 Err: 1321 (5,32%)
But I run this test inside my network.
As with any network test, there's always going to be problems, especially with latency - even if you could send exactly 6 per second, they're going to be sent sequentially (that's just how packets get sent) and may not all hit in that second, plus processing time.
Generally when performance metrics specific x per second, it's measured over a period of time. Your API may even have a buffer - so you could technically send 6 per second, but process 5 per second, with a buffer of 20, meaning it'd be fine for 20 seconds of traffic, as you'd have sent 120, which would take 120/5 = 24 seconds to process. But any more than that would overflow the buffer. So to just send exactly 6 in a second to test is insufficient.
In the thread group, you're right setting number of threads (users) to 6. Then run it looping forever (tick it or put it in a while loop) and add a listener like aggregate report and results tree. The results you can use to check the right stuff is being sent and responded to (assuming you validate the responses) and in the aggregate report, you can see how many of each activity is happening per hour (obviously multiply by 3600 for seconds, but because of this inaccuracy it's best to run it for a good length of time).
The initial load test can now be run, and as a more accurate test, you can leave it running for longer (soak test) to see if any other problems surface - buffer overflows, memory leaks, or other unexpected events.
Use the Throughput Shaping Timer
I had similar problem and here are two solutions I found:
Solution 1:
You can use Stepping Thread Group (allows to set thread number increase stages over set periods of time) with Constant Throughput Timer in it.
Throughput Timer allows you to set number of samples that thread can send per minute (e.g. if you set it to 1, the thread will only send one request per minute). Also, you can apply Throughput Timer to all threads in your Thread Group or have Timer for each thread with its own settings.
Read more about Throughput Timer here:
Solution 2:
Use "SetUp Thread Group". You can calculate thread number and rump up time to get Threads per Second desired.
You can use Schedule Feedback Function and will also need Concurrency Thread Group
Same can Also be done by configuring "ConstantThroughputTimer" as suggested above from UI also by adding "Constant Throughput Timer" by navigating by right click on Thread Group and then click on Timer and then choose the "Constant Throughput Timer".