Login & Session not working on localhost using codeigniter & Ion_Auth - codeigniter

I have a live site which works fine and can be logged into no problems. I have a local copy of that site but for some reason the session isn't working. If i login, i can tell that the login has worked as it tries to redirect to the success page and i can see that a new session gets started.
But, the system doesn't recognise me as being logged in.
I've changed the cookie_domain config variable, changed session_ip and session_user_agent matching variables but nothing seems to work.
Also, i increased the size of the fields that hold session/userdata data in the db to longtext to make sure nothing was being chopped off.
Is there anything i've missed, anything that i've forgotten?

Ahhh, my bad. I didn't realise i had a dev only config in there that needed to have it's cookie domain changed. Whoops!!


Can't log into Joomla frontend

So we just started a website (poweronfilms.com). We only have 2 accounts so far. Josh (the superuser) and me. I am marked as an administrator. For some reason, every time I try to log into the frontend, it just reloads the page. If I put in false credentials, It tells me I have the wrong username/password. But If they're correct, it doesn't do anything. I can still log into the backend just fine though, and it tells me I'm logged in to the site, but I can't access it. Our superuser can still log on.
The most probable reason that it gives error for wrong credential but for valid credential it's not allowing you to login is might be because you have set wrong cookie domain in configuration.php
public $cookie_domain = '';
Recheck that setting, if it points to correct one or try with blank.
There's a myriad of reasons of why you are redirected back to the login page without any error, it might be:
Unwritable tmp and/or logs folder
Non-empty cookie domain
Forced caching in the .htaccess file (see here )
Invalid session handler
The above list is not exhaustive.

Can not login Magento admin page after move to my localhost

I just move my Magento store to my localhost environment for testing use, I also using Git to maintain code, but after I move all the files to my local environment, I can't login my admin page, but I can still see my frontend pages, and the git, the database, seems works well.
When I type a wrong admin/password to my admin page, it still gives me "Invalid password".
But when I enter the right one, it just refresh the page and stay at the login page, nothing happens.
Does anyone has met this problem before? Has any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
Although this question is old, all the above answers did not work for me until I did one additional thing.
Follow the very helpful answers already posted (summary):
Change your base_url to for secure and unsecure path.
delete files in var/session and var/cache
alter your Varien.php file accordingly - depending on your version of Magento.
And then:
Finally, use
It was the lack of the index.php/admin ( instead of using ).
I hope this helps someone else.
Recently started using Magento for a project and came across this issue. I was left frustrated by the fact there are at least ten or more different workarounds suggested on the net and it took a bunch of trial and error to find one that did the job. Seemingly some workarounds work for some versions and not for others. No one explained why or how the problem occurs and the most popular solutions involve hacking the code base or using a different url, which shouldn't be necessary.
The cleanest solution I found for Community Edition was editing two config values in the database:
update core_config_data set value = NULL where path = "web/cookie/cookie_path";
update core_config_data set value = 0 where path = "web/cookie/cookie_httponly";
The cookie path is actually NULL by default on a fresh installation but it must either be NULL or empty string.
The behavior arises because some browsers including Chrome have issues creating cookies with a localhost domain, this means that when Magento calls session_start() the session identifier cookie never gets created and as a result information can not be passed from page to page. The login procedure is actually successful but the next request doesn't know about it, hence why you get redirected back to the login screen. There are no errors because Magento doesn't account for this edge case as a possibility.
If you do not provide a domain value when creating a cookie on localhost then the browser has no problem with it. Unfortunately just setting web/cookie/cookie_path to NULL is insufficient, because Magento's configuration class resolves this as an empty string which is enough for a real domain to be set later in the code:
if (isset($cookieParams['domain'])) {
$cookieParams['domain'] = $cookie->getDomain();
This method eventually uses the current HTTP host to resolve a real domain for the cookie, and the browser therefore wants nothing to do with it. However if we disable web/cookie/cookie_httponly then Magento will not perform this additional step, $cookieParams['domain'] is unset and no domain gets passed as a session parameter, thus allowing the session cookie to be created and things to function as they should.
Note that any time you modify the database configuration you must delete the contents of /var/cache/ for the changes to be reflected.
If like me you don't want to have to comment out code, or even make configuration changes, then I created an extension which overrides the getDomain() method shown above and returns null if we are on localhost, this should be somewhat more future proof and result in no collateral damage.
Try deleting the contents of the cache folder /var/cache. Clear your browser cookies and try. Also, if you have copied down the database from your server, you may need to manually change the base urls (secure and non secure) as well as the cookie domain in the core_config_data table. Do this manually if you need to. e.g. web/unsecure/base_url with production value of http://www.mywebsite.com/ becomes "http://localhost/"
When ever I have had this it's because of this or cache. Ensure the cache folder is ignored in git hub if it's not already.
1.you need remove the cache
rm -rf var/cache/* var/session/*
2.change the domain form core_config_data
update core_config_data set value="" where path="web/unsecure/base_url";
update core_config_data set value="" where path="web/secure/base_url";
do these steps :
1: go through: xampp\htdocs\magento\app\code\core\Mage\Core\Model\Session\Abstract**
2: open **Varien.php file
3: make comment line number from 87 to 104 save it and try to login...
Had the same issue, but the fix was changing DB values:
UPDATE `core_config_data` SET `value` = '' WHERE `path` = 'web/unsecure/base_url';
UPDATE `core_config_data` SET `value` = '' WHERE `path` = 'web/secure/base_url';
Then in browser
Same problem! I fix my problem after remove/replace static domain in core_config_data Table
For me, running it on IIS (I know, not officially supported):
Although other suggestions kind of worked I found the best solution was to enter a new A record for me domain like local.example.com
Then in IIS add the binding
to my site and it worked perfectly.
I found there were errors when actually trying to login to the customer account more than admin but believe it still applies.

moving modx to new server - clear cache

I moved website to new server, domain stay the same, files structure stay the same, but path to public_html has beed changed. Database has been also moved.
I tried to clean cache, but i dont think I made it. This is error i get:
Could not find action file at: /home/account_name/domains/domain.co.uk/public_html/manager/controllers/default/welcome.php
account_name is different now.
I havent access to the old server, so I cant login and clear cache. I tried to do it using php script I found, but it didnt help.
Moving to new server documentation - there is welcome.php error and how to fix it, but since I haven't access to website from old server, I can't do it.
Also I can't login and clear cache in admin panel, because this message in when i wan get access to it.
I also change in db, in modx_workspaces->path from {core_path} to home/account_name/domains/domain.co.uk/publis_html/core, but didn't help.
How can i clear cache or if it's not the case, what should I do to make it work?
I have change location in settings:
In .htaccess I couldn't find path to website, I didn't change anything.
I remove all content from core/cache/, except one file (.gitignore), and if I go to domain.co.uk/manager/ it's blank page, no content at all. And still can't log in.
Clear the cache on the new server manually VIA FTP or from a shell.
Change that modx_workspaces thing back
did you change all your settings in core/config/config.inc.php ?? if not do so, that is where you will set most of your paths & database credentials.
you have a backup? good!
Now upgrade to the same version of modx, that should fix all your path issues. [make sure you are not logged into the manager while trying to upgrade]
When moving the site to the new server rather watch two things:
the right paths into this files
the folder /core/cache/ is empty. They can be cleaned simply by removing the contents via ftp.
and correct the value in the database back to {core_path}

codeigniter session data gets lost

i already posted this question but still wasnt able to resolve this issue.
seems that everyone has this problem with codeigniter .
When i set my session in a controller it works perfectly and i can display it.
WHen i move to another controller, the (CUSTOM) session data is completely lost.
i tried changing my cookie_domain in config.php. Since i am on localhost i tried localhost with without / and localhost/codeigniter and sodeigniter all did not work. i am lost
btw, i read somewhere that this happens when 2 ajax requests happen at the same time. could that be the problem?
Or maybe tell me how you resolved the problem if you had same issues
screw this, i am swithing to php native sessions. if anyone wants to do that,
Check and double-check your code or any external libraries you are using for a stray sess_destroy(). I ran into a similar problem where I was storing an id in the session for reference but if the user then logs in the SimpleLogin library I was using for logins just destroys the entire session including data I did not want to lose.
This is what I get for not writing my own code.

Can't login to Magento admin

I have magento installed in a subdirectory. www.domain.com/subdir/magento
This site worked perfectly at one point. I changed nothing, until my client said he couldn't login to magento admin.
I logged in just fine from my computer, but on his computer it just redirected back to the magento admin login without an error message and a url that looked goofy like this:
I thought that his cookies were being blocked, but that was not the case.
My magento settings were secure/unsecure baseurl: http://domain.com/subdir/magento/
web cookie path: (blank)
web cookie domain: (blank)
After clearing out var/cache, I found that I myself could not login to the admin either, with the same exact issue.
I tried the following settings without luck:
path: /
domain: domain.com
path: /subdir/magento
domain: vigrond.com
I also tried commenting out those lines in Varien.php, but that had no effect either.
My server account is a VPS and it has plenty of free space.
So I'm pretty much lost, wondering why this happened in the first place when it worked before (didn't change anything), and why it's so complicated?
Any help appreciated
If a login error message ("invalid password", etc.) isn't being displayed it's almost always a session cookie problem. In order to rule it our entirely, use Use your browser's cookie viewer and/or your favorite HTTP traffic sniffer and check
That all the cookies have proper expiration dates after being set
That the session cookie has a consistent token name/value for each request
That PHP, when running through Magento, has the various session lifetime ini settings at a reasonable value
That PHP can write to whatever it's using as a cookie storage medium
That the server's time matches the real time, and that PHP itself has a timezone set
Find app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Session/Abstract/Varien.php. in your Magento install folder. Comment out the lines (see below) 80 to 83. The line number may vary.
// set session cookie params
//dependes which versin of mage you are using, you may comment these as well
This is caching issue. Which recently Magento community confirmed that is sorted but it is not. :)
Just clear your cache and do this steps it should work anyway.
Comment this lines also
// if (!$cookieParams['httponly']) {
// unset($cookieParams['httponly']);
// if (!$cookieParams['secure']) {
// unset($cookieParams['secure']);
// if (!$cookieParams['domain']) {
// unset($cookieParams['domain']);
// }
// }
// }
// if (isset($cookieParams['domain'])) {
// $cookieParams['domain'] = $cookie->getDomain();
// }
Make sure you have cookies enabled in your browser, try a number of
different browsers including Safari or Opera. Chrome will give some
problems and you need to remember to clear you cache in Chrome after
making changes!
Make sure you file permissions are set to EVERYONE - FULL CONTROL for Windows and 777 for your Mac/Linux environment If all that still doesn’t work you can try this: (I do not recommend this solution for a production version of Magento, but for you local test enviroment this will work.)
Check the version of php you are using. If you are using recent Magento try to find which version of PHP and extensions requires.
More details
Did you erase the session storage in var directory?
In my case, when I was playing with autorization for multistore on subdomains (changed path and domain for cookie as you did), this method helped me to drop the "bad" cookie and sucessfuly logined in admin:
In apppath/var/session directory I've made command in shell (be careful with path, this could delete all the files in the directory)
rm -rf /path/to/magento/var/session/*
And then just clean the cookie for domain in browser.
I was fighting with this issue today on my local server. I couldn't login using any browser. I really didn't want to comment out any lines in core files or doing any other "dirty" solutions.
Firstly I checked cookie set by browser. It had expiration set to 1970, so clearly it was a cookie problem.
I checked values for cookies in magento database. In phpmyadmin I found table core_config_data, then fields with values : web/cookie/cookie_domain and web/cookie/cookie_path. They were both blank.
My solution was to set:
web/cookie/cookie_domain to my domain name
web/cookie/cookie_path to /.
your domain where you run magento is magento.local
web/cookie/cookie_domain = magento.local
web/cookie/cookie_path = /
I never resolved the issue. But I wiped the clients computer and reinstalled windows 7, and it worked. It was very strange that it didnt work before as he was not behind a proxy, did not have ad ons or viruses. And the issue reproduced in each of his browsers (chrome firefox and IE). It was not a router issue. It was a windows issue, but I couldn't tell you what exactly was causing it. It was not the internet security settings either, as I checked those. Also checked the host file. As I said before, very baffling
I had the same problem, but I was working on XAMPP on windows 7 x64.
In Magento system - configuration - web - session cookie management change Use HTTP Only to no and Cookie Lifetime to 86400.
I only changed the Cookie Lifetime just in case of daylight saving time may not have to be changed.
Before the changes I could only login using Firefox and after the changes all browsers work.
Leave Cookie Path and Cookie Domain blank.
Check the cookie configs in core_config_data table and check if your session is being saved on db. In my case, someone just changed the cookie domain and the cookie path with a wrong value.
You can also check this on the node in your app/etc/local.xml.
If it's on db, maybe you should change do files to be able to clean the session data directly on var/session dir.
Delete cookies (related to your domain) from your browser setting.
I was facing the same issue and at the end i found that it was due to full disk space and due to this Magento was not able to create sessions file in the var var/session folder. After cleaning up log files that issue was resolved.
Also, you can update the password in the database if everything else from above didn't work and you need desperate access:
UPDATE admin_user SET password=CONCAT(MD5('qXpassword'), ':qX') WHERE username=‘user’;
replace user and password words according to your needs.
If nothing works, make sure the disk quota is not exceeded. The new session cookies created under ./var/session will be zero bytes length if disk quota for the user is exceeded.
In Case, that you dont see any cookie named "frontend" or "adminhtml", when you reload the page, the Magento cookie wasn't set. In my case I have a wrong cookie_domain.
I used "null" instead of "NULL".
As I set my cookie_domain to NULL in core_config_data, the problem was solved
