Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in smarty - smarty

I got the following notices and would like to clarify:
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /homepages/40/d35550088/htdocs/smarty/templates_c/
ef666588706a0451c86287e631024054e2f40226.file.list.tpl.php on line 434
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /homepages/40/d35550088/htdocs/smarty/templates_c/
ef666588706a0451c86287e631024054e2f40226.file.list.tpl.php on line 434
Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /homepages/40/d35550088/htdocs/smarty/templates_c/
ef666588706a0451c86287e631024054e2f40226.file.list.tpl.php on line 434
Notice: Undefined offset: 9 in /homepages/40/d35550088/htdocs/smarty/templates_c/
ef666588706a0451c86287e631024054e2f40226.file.list.tpl.php on line 434
Code lines in the compiled tpl are:
<?php if ($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['TablesLinked']->value[$_smarty_tpl->getVariable('smarty')->value['section']['i']['index']]){?>
This is the uncompiled line:
{if $TablesLinked[i]}
One line above starts the section:
{section name=i loop=$NumberFields}
Do I have to change the start index because offset means wrong index ?
TablesLinked does not appear in every field, because fields consist of linkedtables and normal fields, thats why I use an if-clause.
I hope you can help.

Although it is a very good practice set error_reporting to E_ALL during development phase and trying to eliminate all notices, personally I wouldn't worry about these messages. It just won't find the elements on the specified indices during the loop. In any case, if you insist on eliminating the notices, you can change
{if $TablesLinked[i]}
{if isset($TablesLinked[i]) && $TablesLinked[i]}


how to limit 00 to 99 counter to 60

For a simple starter project I was putting together a 2-7segement display 00 to 99 counter coded on sketch.
//The line below is the array containing all the binary numbers for the digits on a SSD from 0 to 9
const int number[11] = {0b1000000, 0b1111001, 0b0100100, 0b0110000, 0b0011001, 0b0010010, 0b0000010, 0b1111000, 0b0000000, 0b0010000};
I believe that my solution is either to change this part of the code or add another line, I'm just unsure.
Any advice?
I have tried adding another line to set one of the displays to stop at 6 but it didn't compile with the rest of the code.

JSONDecodeError: Unexpected UTF-8 BOM (decode using utf-8-sig): line 1 column 1 (char 0) ---While Tuning gpt2.finetune

Hope you all are doing good ,
I am working on fine tuning GPT 2 model to generate Title based on the content ,While working on it ,I have created a simple CSV files containing only the title to train the model , But while inputting this model to GPT 2 for fine tuning I am getting the following ERROR ,
JSONDecodeError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
10 steps=1000,
11 save_every=200,
---> 12 sample_every=25) # steps is max number of training steps
14 # gpt2.generate(sess)
3 frames
/usr/lib/python3.7/json/ in loads(s, encoding, cls, object_hook, parse_float, parse_int, parse_constant, object_pairs_hook, **kw)
336 if s.startswith('\ufeff'):
337 s = s.encode('utf8')[3:].decode('utf8')
--> 338 # raise JSONDecodeError("Unexpected UTF-8 BOM (decode using utf-8-sig)",
339 # s, 0)
340 else:
JSONDecodeError: Unexpected UTF-8 BOM (decode using utf-8-sig): line 1 column 1 (char 0)
Below is my code for the above :
import gpt_2_simple as gpt2
model_name = "120M" # "355M" for larger model (it's 1.4 GB)
gpt2.download_gpt2(model_name=model_name) # model is saved into current directory under /models/117M/
sess = gpt2.start_tf_sess()
sample_every=25) # steps is max number of training steps
I have tried all the basic mechanism of handing UTF -8 BOM but did not find any luck ,Hence requesting your help .It would be a great help from you all .
Try changing the model name because i see you input 120M and the gpt2 model is called 124M

ErrorException in class.pdf.php line 3154

I'm new in Laravel, I use laravel 5.2 and I'm trying to generate a report using DomPdf but I'm getting error:
ErrorException in class.pdf.php line 3154
Undefined index:
in class.pdf.php line 3154
at HandleExceptions->handleError('8', 'Undefined index: ', 'C:\xampp\htdocs\balai\vendor\dompdf\dompdf\lib\class.pdf.php', '3154', array('size' => '12')) in class.pdf.php line 3154
at Cpdf->getFontHeight('12') in cpdf_adapter.cls.php line 740
at CPDF_Adapter->get_font_height('C:/xampp/htdocs/balai/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/lib/fonts/Times-Roman', '12') in font_metrics.cls.php line 122
at Font_Metrics::get_font_height('C:/xampp/htdocs/balai/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/lib/fonts/Times-Roman', '12') in text_frame_reflower.cls.php line 167
at Text_Frame_Reflower->_layout_line() in text_frame_reflower.cls.php line 332
at Text_Frame_Reflower->reflow(object(Block_Frame_Decorator)) in frame_decorator.cls.php line 711
at Frame_Decorator->reflow(object(Block_Frame_Decorator)) in block_frame_reflower.cls.php line 750
at Block_Frame_Reflower->reflow(null) in frame_decorator.cls.php line 711
at Frame_Decorator->reflow() in page_frame_reflower.cls.php line 123
at Page_Frame_Reflower->reflow(null) in frame_decorator.cls.php line 711
at Frame_Decorator->reflow() in dompdf.cls.php line 973
at DOMPDF->render() in PDF.php line 208
at PDF->render() in PDF.php line 154
at PDF->output() in PDF.php line 166
at PDF->save('documents.pdf') in LlajRambuController.php line 247
at LlajRambuController->printRambu('52', '1')
I was having this same problem, and I found a solution that makes no sense to me.
The HTML I was passing to dompdf didn't have any line breaks, like:
<html><body>content here<body></html>
Adding a break after the body tag fixed the problem.
content here
No clue what's going on, but now it works. Hope this fixes your problem too.

Checking if pixel belongs to an image

I have written the following function that find if a pixel belongs to an image in matlab.
At the beginning, I wanted to test it as if a number in a set belongs to a vector like the following:
function traverse_pixels(img)
for i:1:length(img)
c(i) = img(i)
But, when I run the following commands for example, I get the error shown at the end:
>> A = [ 34 565 456 535 34 54 5 5 4532 434 2345 234 32332434];
>> traverse_pixels(A);
??? Error: File: traverse_pixels.m Line: 2 Column: 6
Unexpected MATLAB operator.
Why is that? How can I fix the problem?
There is a syntax error in the head of your for loop, it's supposed to be:
for i = 1:length(img)
Also, to check if an array contains a specific value you could use:
A = [1 2 3]
if sum(A==2)>0
disp('there is at least one 2 in A')
This should be faster since no for loop is included.
for i = 1:length(image)
silly error, not : , it is =

ruby YAML parse bug with number

I have encountered what appears to be a bug with the YAML parser. Take this simple yaml file for example:
new account:
- 011001742
If you parse it using this ruby line of code:
INPUT_DATA = YAML.load_file("test.yml")
Then I get this back:
{"new account"=>["FLEETBOSTON", 2360290]}
Am I doing something wrong? Because I'm pretty sure this is never supposed to happen.
It is supposed to happen. Numbers starting with 0 are in octal notation. Unless the next character is x, in which case they're hexadecimal.
07 == 7
010 == 8
011 == 9
0x9 == 9
0xA == 10
0xF == 15
0x10 == 16
0x11 == 17
Go into irb and just type in 011001742.
1.9.2-p290 :001 > 011001742
=> 2360290
Your number is a number, so it's treated as a number. If you want to make it explictly a string, enclose it into quotes, so YAML will not try to make it a number.
new account:
- '011001742'
