Adding new cart block within local.xml - magento - magento

Trying to add a new cart block to the header within local.xml this is what i have
<reference name="header">
<block type="checkout/cart_sidebar" name="cart_topbar" as="topCart" template="checkout/cart/top-cart.phtml"/>
Then with in the header i call it with <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('topCart')?> however it shows nothing.
If i try changing the type to type="core/template" then the template will show the content. So this leads me to think i'm missing something specific to the checkout/cart_sidebar type?
The top-cart.phtml file simple contains a single text line to eliminate anything within that.

that's is your local.xml?
syntax is correct.
have you modify any thing else in Mage/Checkout/Block/Cart/Sidebar.php?


how to display recently viewed products list on product details page - magento

I have used mobileshoppe theme for magento and trying to display recently viewed product list at product details page but some how its not working...
Added code below at catalog.xml
<catalog_product_view translate="label">
<reference name="content">
<block type="reports/product_viewed" name="product.recently.viewed" as="product_recently_viewed" template="reports/product_viewed.phtml"/>
and below code at app\design\frontend\default\mobileshoppe\template\catalog\product\ view.phtml
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('product_recently_viewed') ?>
I have tried the same with default theme and its also not working, can any one help me to figure out this issue ?
On the the product detail template (view.phtml) you have to be more specific in the xml where you want to place the block. See the example below using local.xml in the theme layout directory (app/design/frontend/your package/your theme/layout/local.xml) to insert the block. Here's an example from a site I'm working on. Ironically we are having problems with it displaying consistently, which I'm trying to figure out right now, but this is working most of the time! Try getting more specific in your catalog.xml and it should work. The xml is in local.xml, the echo is in catalog/product/view.phtml
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('recently_viewed') ?>
<reference name="content">
<reference name="">
<block type="reports/product_viewed" name="left.reports.product.viewed" template="reports/product_viewed.phtml" as="recently_viewed" />
Can you please replace xml reference content to left.
Instead of this
<reference name="content">
Use below and check
<reference name="left">
As it is a part of sidebar so it should work with left / right column as you want to display in page.

Magento - moving extension from left/right column to main

I try to move an ext: Customers who bought this product also purchased from default left/right column to main column under the product, but I don't know how to do this.
I try to change the line <product_detail_leftposition translate="label"> to <product_page translate="label"> in system.xml file but it doesn't help.
Any suggestions?
Thanks for any help!
You can do this by adding it to the Products view page section inside your layout XML. Add the block inside the content reference block, somewhere at the bottom.
Make sure it's inside the handle as this defines the structure used on the product view page.
<catalog_product_view translate="label">
<reference name="content">
<block type="catalog/product_view" name="" template="catalog/product/view.phtml">
<!-- Other blocks etc here.. add at the bottom -->
<block type="module/block" name="yourblock" as="yourblock" />
This should automatically output the block for you if you add it in here, although that depends on the theme you are using.
if it doesn't automatically show, you may need to add a line to your view to display the block:
<?php // use the block name used in the XML config.. ?>
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('yourblock') ?>

how can i show prodcts by their attribute in product details page in magento

In my site home page, I have three blocks like Recommend product,Top ten product and Talking about product, All products are coming properly by their attribute name.For this, I create three attribute in admin section and add layout design in home page in admin section and add block type in page.xml and i call this blocks by their name in 2column-left.phtml
echo $this->getChilidHtml("block_names")
But,My problem is when i click on any product it will redirect to product details page that is catlog/product/view.phtml, on this page i want to add two different blocks as like home page ,I found its xml page also , I think that is catalog.xml on this page make changes in side the content reference and it is coming ,but i want to add a new block as line content , i was trying but i am not getting any idea please any solution for this.
<reference name="recommend">
<block type="catalog/product_list" name="catalog.product_list" as="recommend_list" template="catalog/product/view/recommend.phtml">
I add above line code in catalog.xml as a new block and call it in view.phtml as echo $this->getChildHtml('recommend') but it is not showing,I am sure this approach is wrong one .
any solution for this how can i call.
Thanks & Regards
Try this,In your catalog.xml
<catalog_product_view translate="label">// find this line
<reference name="content">
<block type="catalog/product_view" name="" template="catalog/product/view.phtml">
<block type="catalog/product_list" name="catalog.product_list" as="recommend_list" template="catalog/product/view/recommend.phtml"/> //add your block into block
call the your block using name in in catalog/product/view.phtml
echo $this->getChildHtml('recommend_list')
Hope this helps

Magento: Referencing a custom block does not work

I'm trying to reference a block from an other custom module to add a child block via layout file but it does not work.
The first layout file contains
<reference name="content">
<block type="core/template" name="tabcontainer" as="tabcontainer"
template="store/tabcontainer.phtml" >
<block type="catalog/product_list_related" name="kitparts"
and in the second one I try to reference the tabcontainer block
<reference name="tabcontainer">
<block type="productshippinginfo/productshipping" name="productshippinginfo"
template="productshippinginfo/productshipping.phtml" after="kitparts"/>
but the productshippinginfo block is not displayed while it is definitely included in the layout (using Alan Storm's layoutviewer plugin). If I reference content it is displayed.
What is wrong? Isn't it possible to add a child to a custom block from a custom extension?
Thanks for your help!
(I'm using Magento
in tabcontainer.phtml I'm calling <?php echo $this->getChildHtml(); ?>
First of all: Thank you Vinai!
Adding a dependency to control the loading order of my plugins it works!
in File: app/etc/modules/Company_ContentModule.xml
<Company_ContainerModule />
So the content module is loaded after the container module.
You are close. You just need to add this to you store/tabcontainer.phtml file:
getChildHtml('productshippinginfo'); ?>
The reason blocks that are children of "content" render without a template change is that the "content" block is a core/text_list block. If you look in Mage_Core_Block_Text_List, you will see that in its rendering method (_toHtml()) it renders its children.
You could also add an empty getChildHtml() call to your tabcontainer template to achieve a similar effect as a core/text_list - in fact, if you use getChildHtml('',false,true); you'll get the sorted children (set with before="" and after="" params).
EDIT: adjusted the getChildHtml() call syntax based on OP's comment correct findings that the first param must be an empty string a/o/t a boolean.
In the second layout I think you need to provide the nesting:
<reference name="content">
<reference name="tabcontainer">
<block type="productshippinginfo/productshipping" name="productshippinginfo"
template="productshippinginfo/productshipping.phtml" after="kitparts"/>
In order that maganto picks that up
And because you are doing
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml(); ?>
You do not need to specifically call it by name unless you want it to appear in a particular place in your HTML output.
In order to test if your block is appearing in the page at all add output="toHtml" in you block tag.
<block type="productshippinginfo/productshipping" name="productshippinginfo"
template="productshippinginfo/productshipping.phtml" after="kitparts" output="toHtml"/>

Removing the block "Popular Tags" from the index view in Magento

I started working with Magento this week and I'm trying to create a new theme. Following the "Designing for Magento" article of the wiki, I tried to remove the Popular Tags block from the index view, adding this line to local.xml on magento\app\design\frontend\default\mytheme\layout:
<remove name="tags_popular"/>
I don't why, but the tags are still there while if I do the following the language switcher disappears:
<remove name="store_language"/>
I also tried this to no effect:
<reference name="left">
<action method="unsetChild"><name>tags_popular</name></action>
I even deleted tag.xml and the tags are still there!
I know that I can get rid of them disabling the Mage_tag in the backend, buy I want to understand why this is not working.
Just add this in your theme->page.xml default block
<remove name="tags_popular"/>
you can remove block any of magneto. then you can remove after it's block name.
here you see tag_popular it's block name remove plus it's block name
Remove default magento block
Have a look into tag.xml where you will find this code, which you have to comment out:
<!-- Mage_Tag -->
<reference name="left">
<block type="tag/popular" name="tags_popular" template="tag/popular.phtm">
<action method="setTemplate"><template>tag/popular.phtml</template></action>
How silly, the popular tags were shown in the main page because they came in the default code of the content page (menu: CMS > Pages), so I just had to erase that :P
