Different form fields with different user group selection - joomla

In joomal 2.5 I have added a field to select user group in user registration field. While selecting each user group i need registration form with different fields. I can’t purchase any commercial modules or components for this. Could anyone suggest a good solution for this?
Thank you

I think You are looking for something like this
Its time consuming but as per joomla standards.


In QuickBase, is there a way to make one field have unique user access?

I'm the QuickBase Admin for my QuickBase app. In the app, there's a dashboard report that's used by individuals with viewer access; that way, they can see their students' data, but can't edit the app, tables, structures, etc.
My app's users want to be able to edit one field with notes on that row's data (each row is a student's data, so they'd want to use that field to add notes on that individual), but viewers don't have editing/data entry access tn any column. Is there a way for users to have editing/data entry access to one field, but not the others?
I know with Tableau and other BI software, this isn't possible, but I wanted to ask since my users asked.
Thank you for reading.
Sure you can.
Actually there are more ways to implement this needs.
My opinion better if you create a new table and make a relationship between the student data and a (new) Notes table and you will be able to setup edit rights eg by record owner.
An other way, you can allow the edit right for your users and you can make a restriction on field level. In this case you have to go through on each field and at the Advanced section you will find Permission - Restrict access by role.
Hopefully you do not have a lot of fields :)

Hide field rows when viewing a Laravel Nova Model

Is it possible to hide specific rows when viewing a model in Nova?
Let's say I have a bunch of Users and Companies. A User can own one or more Companies and should be able to view and edit them. But I don't want the other users to be able to see companies that they don't own.
I managed to remove the ability to edit, delete and see the name of a company if you don't own it but I can't seem to remove the companies from the list properly. (ScreenShot)
Is this even possible yet? Or do you have a better solution?
From the manual:
You can use these methods on each field:

How to show only permitted user_type fields on frontend

How would one go about creating a function/plugin for the following?
I have two user_types, FREE and PAID.
Both users have certain fields they can fill in. The PAID user has more fields they can fill in.
If a PAID user reverts back to a FREE user, how can only the FREE fields show on the frontend without showing the already PAID fields?
There must be a way to filter the fields per user_type? I'm very much a noob at writing code.
If anyone could explain and guide me, that would be great.
I have done something like this some time ago for something different. It was about showing content only to users with a specific user level.
You could register new user roles and check whether the current user (of the site, probably logged in) has the appropiate user role to view specific content.
I used is_user_in_role on the frontend and that works fine for me.
Concerning the PAID fields: Let the users fill them with content but add a notice like "Pay to show these fields publicly" on the frontend when he visits his own profile (or whatever you are building). This sometimes works very well for getting more paid users (make sure, you really have a benefit from those fields).

Elegant UI for associations with a lot of data

I have an e-commerce website where it is necessary to make a number of associations e.g. a product needs a category, manufacturer, associated products, etc.
When there is only a fairly small, limited amount of data e.g. Manufacturer I simple use a drop down or option boxes for the user to pick the relevent field / fields.
However for items such as associated products, where I have thousands or products it is not viable to use one of these methods. At the moment I use a searchable / paged table that the user then clicks a button to add the association, this works, but it is pretty time consuming for the user and not what I would consider an ideal solution to the problem.
Has anyone implemented a solution to this problem or could they offer any advice as to how they would come at this from a UI standpoint?
Thanks for any help you can be
The solutions I can think of are:
Recent associations
Smart associations
There may be more depending on exactly what you're doing, so feel free to add more details or screenshots and I'll think on it more.
Using an auto-complete field would speed up the process for your users since they wouldn't have to hunt through the table for the association. Rather they could just start typing and have a suggest box appear below the field that allowed them to select what they're looking for.
If you matched your auto-complete on several key fields (i.e. manufacturer and product name), there's a pretty good chance that the user would be able to find the association quickly.
You could also code the suggestion box in such a way that it showed multiple pieces of key data. That way if the user wasn't quite sure what they were looking for, typing a few characters in the field would give them an idea of what they could search with.
Recent Associations
Below your auto-complete field, you could add the 5 to 10 most recent associations that had been made. That would allow your users to quickly add many products to the same association without having to use the auto-complete each time.
Smart Associations
Separate from the above two mechanisms, a smart association is something I first saw when theming a Shopify store. They allow you to automatically create associations based on the products key fields by defining conditions to include or exclude products:
Create Association 'Pants'
Where product title contains string 'pants' or
Where product title contains string 'capri'
The above is controlled by a set of dropdowns and textfields and got around the pain of manually creating associations.

Creating a Relationship Between Order Product (salesorderdetail) and Service Activity (serviceappointment)

We are using Microsoft CRM 4.0 to run a consulting business. Its working pretty well but we want to simplify the way we are doing some things. What we want to do is create an Order (salesorder) with multiple Order Products (salesorderdetal). So good so far.
Next I want to be able associate each Order Product (salesorderdetail) with a Service Activity (serviceappointment), this representing that this billable line item in the order is actually going to be fulfilled as a consuting engagement.
The problem is, I can't seem to be able to create an association between the Order Product (salesorderdetail) and Service Activiy (serviceappointment). It simply doesn't appear in the drop downlist.
Can anyone think of a reason for this? I've seen some posts about relating field mapping between Quote Product, Order Product, Opportunity Product and Invoice Product, but that isn't quite what I am after.
Any suggestions gratefully received - even if it is an explaination of why its not possible.
I created a simple 1:N mapping from Case to Invoice. The Case records its ID and Title in custom fields in the Invoice. Unfortunately this does not allow for product creation as children of the Invoice, so that should be created as a custom code workflow.
