ElasticSearch Couchbase integration - elasticsearch

Basically I have followed the instructions here
But when I go to couchbase to setup the replication i get:
but I know it is there because
The machines can ping each other and no firewalls etc.....
I have found the following error in the log for elaticsearch every time i hit replicate in couchbase.
I am not sure what this means but....
Any pointers would be appreciated
Kindest Regards
Ps: lastest version of both couchbase and elasticsearch from today and running ubuntu server 12.04 LTS

I think that the CouchBase plugin has not been released yet for Elasticsearch 0.20.x but only for 0.19.x.
I think this is your issue here.
So try switching to a 0.19.9 ES version or wait for the next release of the CouchBase plugin.


Designing ElasticSearch Migration from 6.8 to 7.16 along with App Deployment

I have a Spring Boot application that uses ElasticSearch 6.8 and I would like to migrate it to Elasticsearch 7.16 with least downtime. I can do rolling update but the problem with migration is that when I migrate my ES cluster from version 6 to 7, some features in my application fails because of breaking changes (for example total hit response change)
I also upgraded my ElasticSearch client to version 7 in a separate branch and I can deploy it as well but that client doesn't work with ES version 6. So I cannot first release the application and then do the ES migration. I thought about doing application deployment and ES migration at the same time with a few hours downtime but in case something goes wrong rollback may take too much time (We have >10TB data in PROD).
I still couldn't find a good solution to this problem. I'm thinking to migrate only ES data nodes to 7.16 version and keep master nodes in 6.8. Then do application deployment and migrate ElasticSearch master nodes together with a small downtime. Has anyone tried doing this? Would running data and master nodes of my ElasticSearch cluster in different versions (6.8 and 7.16) cause problem?
Any help / suggestion is much appreciated
The breaking change you mention can be alleviated by using the query string parameter rest_total_hits_as_int=true in your client code in order to keep getting total hit count as in version 6 (mentioned in the same link you shared).
Running master and data nodes with different versions is not supported and I would not venture into it. If you have a staging environment where you can test this upgrade procedure it's better.
Since 6.8 clients are compatible with 7.16 clusters, you can add that small bit to your 6.8 client code, then you should be able to upgrade your cluster to 7.16.
When your ES server is upgraded, you can upgrade your application code to use the 7.16 client and you'll be good.
As usual with upgrades, since you cannot revert them once started, you should test this on a test environment first.

Magento 2.4: ElasticSearch Bypass?

I've been reading the documentation for 2.4 and can see that ElasticSearch is a required module to upgrade - we'd been using a third party search module which we will continue to use for 2.4 too however you can't physically upgrade to 2.4 unless you have an active connection to ElasticSearch.
My question is: is there a way to upgrade to 2.4 without installing ElasticSearch on the server? I find it hard to believe that Adobe have decided to scrap the MYSQL search and replace it with one you have to pay and subscribe to.
Any advice is greatly appreciated!

How can i run tarantool 2.3.1 with the snapshot from tarantool 1.10.3

For 3 years there is an application, that uses tarantool (now it is 1.10.3), and once upon a time we've decided to move it to Kubernetes and replace old and ugly dockerfile, based on Jessie to the official image tarantool/tarantool:2.3.1. I don't know will it be all fine with the data.
In this case, I have two questions, and I will be really happy to read the correct answers from you:
Does tarantool 2.3.1-2-g92750c828 support recovering from snapshots, made by tarantool 1.10.3?
How can I surely load the snapshot data by the new version? It would be great to make it without restarting tarantool, because I have PVC like "emptyDir" that can't handle any data when pod restarts)
Yes, Tarantool 2.3 is compatible with Tarantool 1.10 in terms of binary protocol and snapshot format. If you can't simply run Tarantool 2.3 based on snapshot of 1.10, please file an issue - https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/issues
I want to note several things: after upgrade to 2.3 it could be impossible to run it back on 1.10 (some system spaces/records incompatible will be created).
Sorry, I can't answer for this question for Kubernetes. But you can't simply stop and run again single instance. But upgrade without downtime is available for replication cluster - https://www.tarantool.io/en/doc/2.4/book/admin/upgrades/#upgrading-tarantool-in-a-replication-cluster

How to use elasticsearch server instead of installing local machine

I am learning Elasticsearch to implement it in my Django Project. When I installed and ran the server on my computer, it became very slow and sometimes my pc is became hung.
I am trying to find an alternative solution to use elastic search server, is there any remote elastic server to use? can anyone suggest me any solution to this issue?
some company has an Elasticsearch cluster platform (as service).
for example:
I think It is free for start.

Elasticsearch Migration Plugin installation steps

In order to upgrade 2.3.z elasticsearch to 5.x, I have successfully installed elasticsearch migration plugin, but when linking to http://localhost:9200/_plugin/elasticsearch-migration/ I get a blank page.
Can someone let me know the following:-
Do I have to install the plugin all the machines in the cluster?
Do I have to restart all the machines in the cluster?
I have already tried the steps as mentioned here. But still I am getting a blank page.
As discussed in elastic community
Plugin is not needed to be installed in all the nodes. Only one node is sufficient.
Restart of node or cluster is not needed.
