Save images not properly display on heroku - heroku

i'm using Rails 3.2.6 and using carrierwave to upload images.When i upload image it is display fine and its image url also working well. But when i push next git commit on heroku.
git push staging master
than all images that i had already upload not display and its image path are not working
Please anyone can tell what's the problem is running.

Whilst your uploads will work - the moment you push new code, or your application is restarted you will loose any uploads.
Heroku uses an Ephemeral file system, in that each dyno receives a separate copy (slug) of the originally deployed code so uploads would only exist on the dyno that handled the upload (
You need to use an external persistant data store like Amazon S3, Rackspace Files etc - fortunately with Carrierwave it's trivial to update it to use it as it supports it out of the box.

Did you setup carrierwave with s3 (
Heroku has a read only file system (


Directus images disappear after a while

I created a Next.js project that is deployed on Vercel and uses a MySQL database. I then deployed a Directus instance on Heroku that is tied to that same database. In my Next.js project I want to fetch and render images that I uploaded to Directus. At first this works, but after a while all the images disappear in the Directus media library. The folders and references to the images are still there, but I don't see the pictures anymore, I get to see a JPG logo instead. When I try to fetch the images I get a 502 "Bad Gateway" error. I don't know what causes the images to disappear and how to fix this.
By default, Directus stores uploaded files locally on disk.
All Heroku applications run in a collection of lightweight Linux containers called dynos. Be aware that Heroku dyno's filesystem is ephemeral.
It means if your Heroku app doesn't receive any traffic for 30 minutes or is being deployed, the VM it lives on is destroyed, and its filesystem goes along with it. So, this filesystem should not be used for any permanent storage (Directus storage in your case).
You can configure Directus to use S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure, or Cloudinary.
For more details check the File Storage Directus docs.

Strapi deployed to Heroku but media files give 404 error

I've deployed Strapi on Heroku and have set up the content fine. When I uploaded images and videos to Strapi using the cms interface and saved the update. it saved successfully but the file url returns 404. has anyone experienced this before? Am I missing something?
Thanks guys.
File Uploads
Like with project updates on Heroku, the file system doesn't support local uploading of files as they will be wiped when Heroku "Cycles" the dyno. This type of file system is called ephemeral, which means the file system only lasts until the dyno is restarted (with Heroku this happens any time you redeploy or during their regular restart which can happen every few hours or every day).
Due to Heroku's filesystem you will need to use an upload provider such as AWS S3, Cloudinary, or Rackspace. You can view the documentation for installing providers here and you can see a list of providers from both Strapi and the community on

Heroku PlayFramework - create thumbnail

I already have PlayFramework app runing , but I am in process of migrating it to Heroku. Because on Heroku I can not use local filesystem like I did in my app. I am forced to use Amazon S3 ,but I do not know how to rewrite creating of thumbnails. For that I am using :
Thumbnails.of(picture.getFile()).size(300,300).toFile(new File("public/images/data", thumb));
The problem is that I can not do this at heroku,because file wont be saved.
How do I create thumbnails then? If I do not want to use another service which will generate thumbnails for me and save them to s3 somehow...
Honestly if I would know how many different services would I need for simple page with java then I would stay at php forever...
In Heroku (as in many PaaS) there's no persistent filesystem. However, you do have access to temp directory.
So you could save it into a temp file
File temp = File.createTempFile("prefix", "suffix").getAbsolutePath;
Thumbnails.of(picture.getFile()).size(300,300).toFile(temp, thumb));
Then take that file and upload it to S3.
If you strictly insist on not using S3 for storing binary files, then you could base64 the file content and save it into the DB. (see some pros/cons for such approach here)

how to migrate heroku file storage to S3

I am an idiot, and very new to Heroku. I used the heroku file system to store paperclip attached files to my models.
Have I lost these files? And can I unload them to S3 somehow and have better access?
Its a low traffic site but its causing problems as it should for me to have it setup to store locally on the server.
You can assume you've lost the files - if the app has been restarted/scaled/deployed to then they'll have gone.
You'll want to get it setup to save the files to S3 in the future.

How to upload images on heroku server using attachment_fu plugin

I have an app in Heroku, I need simple file storage for uploaded images for this I
used send_data using attachment_fu plugin.
After that I have used the tmp/ directory to write this file and want to display on browser, But these files are not displayed in browser.
How can I display these images on browser?
What is the alternate solution to store and retrieve images?
You cannot store uploaded files on Heroku.
You must use an alternative strategy. A couple alternative strategies:
Store uploaded files in your database on Heroku. Because database systems are not specifically optimized for storing files, you should test out how well your application performs under load before you use this strategy.
Store uploaded files in an external storage service. Amazon S3 is a popular cloud storage service that anyone can use, and it has pay-as-you-go pricing just like Heroku. (In fact, Heroku itself runs on top of another of Amazon's cloud services, EC2.)
