Building Boost with MinGW64 without MASM - windows

I tried to build the Boost library for native 64bit using MinGW64 compiler, but got some failures. Any pointers are appreciated. Thanks.
I got the bjam.exe (b2.exe) compiled in 64bit (with warning) and I used it the get the Boost built. I got the following error when building Boost.Context. (I wrote the command in batch for repeatable building). Anything I missed?
Command: b2.exe install --prefix=%~dp0\bld\Boost.Build
Error: 'ml64' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
I read the documentation and it said:
Boost.Context must be built for the particular compiler(s) and CPU architecture(s)s being targeted. Boost.Context includes assembly code and, therefore, requires GNU AS for supported POSIX systems, and MASM for Windows systems.
So, is it possible to tell the bjam to use the as.exe included in my MinGW installation?
(As I have multiple MinGW, the location is not standard as C:\MinGW\bin)
import option ;
using gcc ;
option.set keep-going : false ;
Windows 7 x64
Boost 1.52.0 (source from sourceforge)
MinGW 4.7.2 (rubenvb x64)
No MSVC installation (no ml64.exe installed/found in my machine)
Edit Problems occurred when installing WDK
Warning when building BJam, I think it can be ignored
function.c: In function 'check_alignment':
function.c:222:5: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
Full batch
SET BOOST_VER=boost_1_52_0
SET "PATH_ZIP=C:\Program Files\7-zip"
SET "PATH_MINGW=C:\MinGW\rubenvb-4.7.2-64"
SET "PATH_BJAM=%PATH_SRC%\tools\build\v2\engine"
TITLE Extracting Packages ...
IF NOT EXIST "%PATH_SRC%.7z" GOTO :err_nozip
"%PATH_ZIP%"\7z x "%PATH_SRC%.7z"
TITLE Building BJam ...
CALL build.bat mingw --show-locate-target
COPY "bin.ntx86_64\b2.exe" "%PATH_SRC%\" > nul
COPY "bin.ntx86_64\bjam.exe" "%PATH_SRC%\" > nul
TITLE Installing Boost Build...
ECHO import option ; > project-config.jam
ECHO. >> project-config.jam
ECHO using gcc ; >> project-config.jam
ECHO. >> project-config.jam
ECHO option.set keep-going : false ; >> project-config.jam
ECHO. >> project-config.jam
b2.exe install --prefix=%~dp0\bld\Boost.Build

This is a known issue for building Boost >~1.51 with MinGW. At the moment, building Boost with MinGW is broken because Boost has a dependency on MASM (in your case ml64) when building Boost::Context for Windows, even with MinGW.
As a bodge you can get MASM from the Microsoft Website: for a 32-bit version, or else the Windows Driver Kit for the 64-bit version:
You can use the patch provided on the Boost bug tracker here: though to make Boost::Context compile with just MinGW, thus re-enabling cross-compilation of Boost. You can also read the responses by Boost's Olli on the subject and his response to the subject. Don't expect anything to be fixed in Boost for a while at least!

Posting this answer here for the benefit of Google, because I've been struggling with this problem all day, and finally found a solution.
Boost context will fail to link under MinGW if built with MASM 6, because it produces the EXPORT symbol.
This manifests as undefined reference to `make_fcontext' even though the library is linked correctly.
Objdump on the resulting library gives make_i386_ms_pe_masm.o: File format not recognized.
The solution is to make sure you're using MASM 8.
You can download it at - the installer will bitch about needing to have VC installed, but you can just bypass this by extracting the contents of the installer using a tool such as WinRAR; extract setup.exe and extract again to get a .cab, and extract a third time and rename the resulting binary file to ml.exe.
Then rebuild Boost with bjam --toolset=gcc --with-context -a stage.
Hopefully someone googling the same terms I've been googling all day will find this helpful.

According to Boost's requirements, you can find MASM64 in Microsoft's Windows Driver Kit (WDK).
I downloaded WDK 7 from Microsoft Download Center, and after installing it, I found ml64.exe in bin\x86\amd64. With that, I was able to successfully compile Boost 1.53.0.

(If this is relevant still) This happens when your build folders have msvc artifacts left in there. I'm assuming your project-config.jam was initially
import option ;
using msvc ;
and you had built for msvc then changed to "using gcc" In that case you need to issue the following first
bjam --clean
which should clear the artifacts from msvc build and then you can issue and things should be fine
bjam toolset=gcc variant=..... and so on and on
by the way I saw you writing you had Windows 7 x64. your bjam command needs to have adress-model=64 otherwise 32bit binaries will be produced...

A bit late maybe but I managed to compile boost-modular (the Git repository, so should be similar to 1.55 as of July 2014) on Windows 7, using MinGW and the WDK 7.
The steps I used were
install MinGW and Msys (bash etc) using mingw-get-setup (the easy way), add bin/ to path
install the Windows Driver Kit (for W7 I used WDK 7) -- GRMWDK_EN_7600_1.ISO
downloading the ISO image and extracting the files with WinRAR worked for me
the installer advises against installing the DSF, so skip that
add the directories of ML64.exe and ML.exe to the path (both required AFAIK)
open cmd.exe as administrator and start bash
in the parent dir of boost, run
git clone --recursive boost > clone.log
exit bash, goto directory boost and run: bootstrap gcc
if that finishes w/o problems (if ML64.exe is found), run
b2 -a -d+2 -q --build-type=complete --build-dir=build toolset=gcc link=shared runtime-link=shared threading=multi
Without explicitly adding the ML(64) directories to the path, I still got the errors about ML.
Installing MASM is not the same as installing MSVC. I tried using different assemblers first but boost is not compatibe with their output.


How to build Boost (from github) with MASM in Windows?

Last year Boost (from the modular boost git repository) could be built in Windows using these steps.
I got quite far almost a year later, using this recipe:
Install MinGW (32-bits) and Msys (bash etc) using mingw-get-setup
Install the Windows Driver Kit (for W7 I used WDK 7 -- GRMWDK_EN_7600_1.ISO), which provides MASM 8 (needed for boost > 1.51 according to this post)
-downloading the ISO image and extracting the files with WinRAR worked for me
-the installer advises against installing the DSF, so skip that
-add the directories of ML64.exe and ML.exe to the path (both required)
Install a 64/32-bit compiler as well (I used TDM gcc 5.1.0-2) and add its bin/ directory to the Windows path
open cmd.exe as administrator and start bash
in the parent dir of boost, run
git clone --recursive boost > clone.log
exit bash, goto directory boost and run:
bootstrap gcc
in project-config.jam, change using msvc ; into using gcc ;
b2 headers (now needed to make symbolic links)
b2 -a -d+2 -q --build-type=complete --build-dir=build toolset=gcc link=shared runtime-link=shared threading=multi
These options to b2 worked with previous versions of boost, but now I can only compile with b2 without options. The full command line returns these errors: undefined reference to __imp_make_fcontext and undefined reference to __imp_jump_fcontext.
I cannot find other posts or even web pages that describe these errors. Does anyone know a way in Windows to still use the b2 options for the latest boost from the GitHub repository?
Using b2 -a -d+2 -q --build-dir=build toolset=gcc works. Apparently the --build-type=complete option is the first of the ones above to break the compilation.
The flags link=shared, runtime-link=shared and threading=multi also cause b2 to stop.
Has anyone got a clue how to solve this? is there a patch for MinGW that works for the current repositories?
Your best bet may be switching to MSYS2 which is a new and improved version of MSYS. I have very good experience with MSYS2 whereas I can't say that about MSYS or Cygwin (In my case that's building a project heavily using boost and c++11).
You can read some comparison here.
Also taken from the answer here:
While MSYS isn't dead, I would say it's not looking very healthy either.

Boost installation error: No toolsets were configured

I've been trying this for over 5 days and I have no idea how to get this to work. I had successfully installed boost once, then I got my computer re-imaged and now it's just not happening. I have Windows 7 Enterprise, and 64-bit operating system.
I downloaded boost from here sourceforge
unzipped it into program files.
I then went to the VS 2013 Native Command prompt. Changed directory to boost tools/build
Ran bootstrap.bat
I then ran ./b2 address-model=64
but it did not give me directories for the compiler and the linker like last time.
I then ran ./b2 --prefix=C:\ProgramFiles\boost_1_58_0
but again nothing happens. I get the following errors:
Warning: No Toolsets were configured.
Warning: Configuring default toolset ""msvc"
Warning: If the default is wrong, your build may not work correctly
warning: Use the "toolset=xxxxx" option to overrride out guess
warning: for more configuration please consult
I have no idea why this worked the first time I had done this and why this isn't working now. Can someone please help me out. I know nothing about Unix but I need to install this so I can use the libraries.
I compile boost with both mingw (64 bit) and msvc 2013 pro. I have never in my life used the vs command prompt to build boost with msvc. Here are my commands to build 64 bit binaries on both toolchains.
First go into the boost folder and just double click bootstrap.bat. This should run and build bjam/b2. Nothing special required and doesn't matter what compiler this gets built with.
Then simply run, in a normal command prompt:
bjam.exe -a -j8 --toolset=msvc --layout=system optimization=speed link=shared threading=multi address-model=64 --stagedir=stage\MSVC-X64 release stage
Where -a forces rebuild all, -j8 means for the build to use 8 cores (adjust this based on your processor capabilities), toolset is obvious, layout means how to structure the naming of the output files, address-model is obvious, stagedir is where to output the built binaries (either relative or absolute path) and release stage is the type of build the system. See more here.
Same thing but using 64 bit mingw.
bjam.exe -j8 --toolset=gcc --layout=system optimization=speed link=shared threading=multi address-model=64 --stagedir=stage\x64 release stage
You can even go on to build additional libraries with a second pass tweaking your arguments. For example, after I've built the core libs with the above command, I run the following command to build in zlib and gzip support.
bjam.exe -a -j8 --toolset=msvc --layout=system optimization=speed link=shared threading=multi address-model=64 --stagedir=stage\MSVC-X64 --with-iostreams -s BZIP2_SOURCE=C:\dev\libraries\cpp\bzip2-1.0.6 -s ZLIB_SOURCE=C:\dev\libraries\cpp\zlib-1.2.8 release stage
Anyway that's just as an example. I linked to the full docs for the build system. Try building using these commands NOT inside a vs command prompt. If you still have problems then please post specific errors.
A note about MSVC
So, msvc compiler + boost supports a type of linking where it will automatically include additional libraries that it knows it needs. I believe boost does this by using the #pragma directive in headers. For example you might use boost::asio configured in such a way that it needs boost::system (for error codes and such). Even if you don't explicitly add boost::system library to the linker options, msvc will "figure out" that it needs this library and automatically try to link against it.
Now an issue arises here because you're using layout=system. The libraries are named simply "boost_" + the lib name, like "boost_system.dll". However, unless you specify a preprocessor define, this auto linking will try and link to a name like "boost_system_msvc_mt_1_58.lib". That's not exact as I can't recall the exact name, but you get the idea. You specifically told boost to name your libraries with the system layout (boost_thread, boost_system) etc instead of the default, which includes the boost version, "MT" if multithreaded, the compiler version, and lots of other stuff in the name. So that's why the auto linking feature goes looking for such a crazy weird name and fails. To fix this, add "BOOST_AUTO_LINK_NOMANGLE" in the Preprocessor section of your C++ settings in visual studio.
More on that here. Note that the answer here gives you a different preprocessor definition to solve this problem. I believe I ended up using BOOST_AUTO_LINK_NOMANGLE instead (which ended up working for me) because the ALL_DYN_LINK macro turned out to be designed as an "internal" define that boost controls and sets itself. Not sure as it's been some time since I had this issue, but the define I provide seems to solve the same root issue anyway.

Compile Boost on WIndows XP

I am trying to compile the Boost library for Windows (as a prerequisite for building the Bitcoin client), using the MinGW compiler toolchain to do so (rather than Visual Studio) and running into errors.
Following various guides online, I have a working bjam application, and the boost_1_55_0 source files. I have tried in the windows shell doing:
path/to/bjam.exe toolset=gcc --build-type=complete stage (the instructions that Bitcoin provides), but get mingw.jam: No such file or directory errors
bootstrap mingw from a standard DOS shell runs successfully, but the .\b2 after emits a bunch of 'cl' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file errors, implying it's not really set up to use gcc/mingw, since it's calling for the Microsoft compiler. --with-toolset=mingw from the MSYS prompt (as suggested here, which creates a log file that doesn't have as many errors, but running ./b2 after leads to a mingw.jam no such file error, and mingw.init unknown error.
Downloading the compiled binaries from (boost_1_55_0-msvc-12.0-64.exe). After extracting and referring to the lib and header files, compiling the final executable throws a whole bunch of undefined reference to 'boost::system::generic_category()' for various boost features, implying to me the library files aren't actually containing the proper definitions? Is that because they're Visual Studio libraries?
Downloading the archives from (boost_1_55_0.7z), which the documentation implies comes with a pre-compiled lib dir, but does not in fact.
So, I'm banging my head on several walls at once. Can anyone help me get past any of these roadblocks?
I used the following steps to successfully build boost version 1.54 in a MinGW/MSYS environment:
Build bjam.exe and b2.exe:
boost_1_54_0\tools\build\v2\engine>build.bat mingw
Copy build tools to the root-directory:
cp boost_1_54_0\tools\build\v2\engine\bin.ntx86\*.exe boost_1_54_0
Run bjam.exe:
bjam --toolset=gcc --build -type=complete install > boost_build.log
I used this process with slight variations for various boost versions, so its a good guess it will work for 1.55 too

How to compile Qt for 64-bit Windows from a 32-bit environment with Visual C++ 2010 Express?

I am trying to compile the Qt library (I don't need the demos or examples) for 64-bit Windows. There are instructions here but I run into the error described in the comment below it. There doesn't seem to be a reference anywhere for how one might go about doing this process.
I am targetting Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express. It looks like I need Perl and the Windows SDK as well - how do I go about this process?
This process is quite tedious and time-consuming - but I will explain each step in detail here for the benefit of others who try to compile Qt in the future.
The first step is to install all of the prerequisites.
ActivePerl, which is used during the configuration process. You will need to restart after installing Perl since it modifies environment variables.
The Windows SDK 7.1 (formerly called the Platform SDK). Be sure to include the x64 libraries when you select the components to install.
Download the Qt source archive from the Qt Downloads page.
Extract the contents of the archive to an easy-to-remember location (like C:\). You need to remember this location later since we will be using it to set some environment variables.
Now open the Windows SDK 7.1 Command Prompt. Begin by setting the environment to 32-bit release mode (we need to build some of the tools as 32-bit applications):
setenv /release /x86
Set the following environment variables (example below assumes you extracted to C:\):
set QTDIR=C:\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.0
set PATH=%PATH%;%QTDIR%\bin
Now run cd %QTDIR% and specify the configuration options - example is included below:
configure -release -opensource -qt-zlib -qt-libpng -qt-libmng -qt-libtiff
-qt-libjpeg -qt-style-windowsxp -qt-style-windowsvista -platform
Once the configuration process is complete, cd to the src directory and run:
This process may take a considerable amount of time, so now would be a good time to take a break and answer some questions here on Stack Overflow :)
The tools are now built and you need to compile Qt as a 64-bit library. Enter the following command:
setenv /x64
You will need to set the environment variables from step 5 again. Enter those commands now.
Run cd %QTDIR% and then rerun the configure command being sure to specify one additional option:
configure -release -opensource -qt-zlib -qt-libpng -qt-libmng -qt-libtiff
-qt-libjpeg -qt-style-windowsxp -qt-style-windowsvista -platform
win32-msvc2010 -no-qmake
The -no-qmake option is very important - it indicates that we want to skip the compilation of the qmake.exe program because we want to keep the 32-bit version.
Now things get really complicated here because of some dependency problems. The tools (like moc) that Qt needs to build the core library and some of the other components are listed as dependencies in the file. This means that the compiler will attempt to build them as 64-bit applications and then try to run them - which will of course fail on a 32-bit system. So what we need to do is edit and remove those dependencies ourselves. Scroll down near line 85 and look for a line that begins with:
!wince*:!ordered:!symbian-abld:!symbian-sbsv2 {
Each subsequent line in the section lists a sub-target and its dependencies. What you want to do now is remove all dependencies that begin with src_tools_. For example:
src_gui.depends = src_corelib src_tools_uic
src_gui.depends = src_corelib
There might be a better way of doing this, but I haven't figured it out yet :)
Now we cd into the src directory once again and run the following command
nmake sub-winmain sub-corelib sub-xml sub-network sub-sql sub-testlib
sub-gui sub-qt3support sub-activeqt sub-opengl sub-xmlpatterns sub-phonon
sub-multimedia sub-svg sub-script sub-declarative sub-webkit
sub-scripttools sub-plugins sub-imports
This builds only the Qt libraries and skips the tool dependencies. Note that this too may take a considerable amount of time.
You should now have 64-bit libraries in the lib folder that you can link against in your 64-bit Qt applications.
Edit: it turns out that even this wasn't enough since I still ran into some problems when linking the QtWebKit4.dll library (something about unresolved symbols). It turns out that someone else has already found the solution and you need to change QMAKE_HOST.arch to QMAKE_TARGET.arch in
Also, the above options will build QNetwork4.dll without OpenSSL support (you won't be able to access sites over HTTPS - even in a QWebView). This, thankfully isn't too hard to fix. Download and build OpenSSL for Win64 and append the options below to the command in step #9:
-openssl -I C:\OpenSSL\inc32 -L C:\OpenSSL\out32dll
(You'll have to change the paths if you installed OpenSSL somewhere other than C:\OpenSSL.)
Further edit: to save the trouble of doing this yourself, I have uploaded the compiled libraries here:
As I mentioned in the comments to George Edison's answer, there is a bug in the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler that comes with the Windows SDK 7.1. For more information on this, see QTBUG-11445 and QTBUG-19175.
I have compiled the Qt 4.8.2 64-bit binaries following George's instructions, including the OpenSSH library. In addition, I applied Microsoft's hotfix to fix the compiler bug.
For your convenience, I have made the resulting 64-bit libraries available for download from here:

LLVM MinGW installation on Vista?

From I've downloaded llvm-2.6-x86-mingw32.tar.bz2 into c:\llvm and llvm-gcc-4.2-2.6-x86-mingw32-tar.bz2 into c:\llvm-gcc as well as setup a desktop shortcut the following batch file in c:\llvm-gcc which attempts to setup an environment for compiling via the llvm-gcc command line too:
#echo off
color 0E
echo Configuring LLVM environment...
set PATH=c:\llvm;%~dp0bin;%PATH%
Unfortunately, this setup gives the following error when trying to compile a simple hello world program:
C:\CDev\sandbox>llvm-gcc -o hello.exe hello.c
llvm-gcc: CreateProcess: No such file or directory
I've briefly looked through the LLVM binaries and it appears that the MinGW-based Win32 API and runtime files are already included. I also tried adding the MinGW DLL to c:\llvm-gcc\bin to no avail.
What have I missed in setting up the binary LLVM environment and GCC-based front end on Vista?
Thanks, Jon
Because the GNU/MinGW assembler 'as' was required by 'llvm-gcc' to generate the obj file. The problem can be solved by using:
Install GNU/MinGW binutils, extract the as.exe into c:\llvm-gcc\bin
Install a full MinGW package, add %MinGW%\bin your %PATH%
#rwallace is correct that one needs to also install MinGW's binutils along with the LLVM binary download. I've updated the LLVM documentation appropriately at
As far as I can tell, the answer is that the MinGW distribution supplied by LLVM is not complete, in particular, it doesn't come with the 'binutils' programs.
The recommended solution seems to be to download and install MinGW yourself. However, the MinGW download page seems to be saying this requires 10 different packages to be downloaded and installed separately.
The solution I tried today was to use the MinGW that comes with Qt, which does come in a single package; thus far, that appears to work.
It seems like it is looking for the base MinGW installation in C:\MinGW. I just had this error today using gcc.exe in msys. To solve it, I created a symbolic link from c:\msys to c:\MinGW and everything worked.
