How do I install pyOpenSSL on Mac OS X? - pyopenssl

I am using Titanium 3.0 and trying to update pyOpenSSL. I have checked the python website and only see downloadable links for Windows. In the Tianium forum they say that "If you installed Python using MacPorts or Homebrew, use the same utility to install PyOpenSSL and PyCrypto." I tried using homebrew and did "brew install pyopenssl" and got the error message "No available formula for pyopenssl". Any advice?

try using easy_install
easy_install PyOpenSSL
easy_install PyCrypto

Install via Homebrew:
brew install openssl env ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib" CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include" pip install cryptography
This answer is from


Python3 + Pygame working in Idle, but not when from Terminal [duplicate]

I have following issue of installing pygame package.
In file included from src/_numericsurfarray.c:23:
src/pygame.h:106:10: fatal error: 'SDL.h' file not found
#include <SDL.h>
1 error generated.
error: Setup script exited with error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
System information
Mac OS-10.9.2
python version- Python 2.7.5 :: Anaconda 1.6.1 (x86_64)
Any suggestion will be greatly appreciate ? Thanks.
Here (OSX Mavericks) I got able to install this way:
brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf portmidi
pip install
("default" branch is on commit e3ae850 right now)
See this other StackOverflow question too: PyGame in a virtualenv on OS X with brew?
I had the same issue. I tried all versions of the answers to this question including variations of pip and pip3. Finally, the one that worked for me was:
sudo easy_install pygame
Note, however, that: (1) says that easy_install is deprecated and recommends using pip. (2) pygame is installed in the old standard python 2.7 folder rather than in the python 3.8.3 that I just installed -- though I was able to use it successfully in VSCode.
My system is also OSX10.9.2,and I also meet you problem,and I'm still try some;
Maybe this will be help for you:
there are some step:
1.Install [Quartz](;
2.Install Xcode-Command-Line,
but you may cant install it by `xcode-select --install`,
so you can down from ;
I suggest you setup xcode,and this really solute my some problem;
3.`brew tap homebrew/headonly`
`brew install smpeg --HEAD`
`brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf portmidi`
4. `sudo pip install hg+`;
if you clone this repo and try `python install`,you may meet some weird problem;
I have try install kivy which is base on pygame and I try lots of times,but just success install pygame one time.Then I uninstall it and also can't install it ;(
some refer:
Now I have install pygmae sucess,remeber you should install xcode,not only xcode-command-line!
I managed to install pygame on Mac OSX 10.14.4 using the following:
brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf portmidi
sudo -H pip3.8 install pygame
This Work for me:
If you haven't installed Python/pip via homebrew (you're using the system-installed Python), you would likely need to run sudo pip3 install pygame.
Before running  pip3 install pygame, I had also installed Command Line Tools for XCode), as well as XQuartz, and the following homebrew packages: brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf smpeg portmidi.
If homebrew fails to install smpeg you might need to do the following:
brew tap homebrew/headonly
brew install --HEAD smpeg

Anyone get ruby-tk to install on El Capitan?

Anyone get ruby-tk to install on El Capitan? The tk bindings do not seem to come included. Been trying for a while to get any ruby-tk up and running with no love, including compiling from source (errors!) and homebrew (no tk!)
Thanks in advance,
ruby tcl/tk installation guide for mac os x el capitan
install brew (follow the brew installation guide)
press option+click to install the ActiveTcl 8.5 dmg file.
install rvm (follow the rvm installation guide)
install ruby with tcl and tk:
rvm reinstall ruby-2.2.3 --with-tcl --with-tk
use the newly download ruby version:
rvm use 2.2.3 --default
installation reference
download link
On MacOSX Catalina
Warning (Only do this for old legacy projects use a different GUI for new projects)
Tk is dependant on Ruby gems
Install brew
brew install libgd
brew install tcl-tk
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/tcl-tk/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
sudo gem install tk
Install perlbrew
Install cpan
Install cpan branch
perlbrew switch 5.14.4
Download and install XQuartz dmg
try without force first!
perlbrew switch 5.14.4
cpanm install Try::Tiny
cpanm install YAML
cpanm install GD::Simple
cpanm install GD::Graph
cpanm install Tk
Got ruby-tk to work by installing rvm and ruby-head, instructions here No other installs/configuration was necessary to run my ruby-tk scripts other than the recipe on that page. Thanks, Alok Yadav!

Installing pygame with Enthought Canopy 32bit, OS X [duplicate]

I have following issue of installing pygame package.
In file included from src/_numericsurfarray.c:23:
src/pygame.h:106:10: fatal error: 'SDL.h' file not found
#include <SDL.h>
1 error generated.
error: Setup script exited with error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
System information
Mac OS-10.9.2
python version- Python 2.7.5 :: Anaconda 1.6.1 (x86_64)
Any suggestion will be greatly appreciate ? Thanks.
Here (OSX Mavericks) I got able to install this way:
brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf portmidi
pip install
("default" branch is on commit e3ae850 right now)
See this other StackOverflow question too: PyGame in a virtualenv on OS X with brew?
I had the same issue. I tried all versions of the answers to this question including variations of pip and pip3. Finally, the one that worked for me was:
sudo easy_install pygame
Note, however, that: (1) says that easy_install is deprecated and recommends using pip. (2) pygame is installed in the old standard python 2.7 folder rather than in the python 3.8.3 that I just installed -- though I was able to use it successfully in VSCode.
My system is also OSX10.9.2,and I also meet you problem,and I'm still try some;
Maybe this will be help for you:
there are some step:
1.Install [Quartz](;
2.Install Xcode-Command-Line,
but you may cant install it by `xcode-select --install`,
so you can down from ;
I suggest you setup xcode,and this really solute my some problem;
3.`brew tap homebrew/headonly`
`brew install smpeg --HEAD`
`brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf portmidi`
4. `sudo pip install hg+`;
if you clone this repo and try `python install`,you may meet some weird problem;
I have try install kivy which is base on pygame and I try lots of times,but just success install pygame one time.Then I uninstall it and also can't install it ;(
some refer:
Now I have install pygmae sucess,remeber you should install xcode,not only xcode-command-line!
I managed to install pygame on Mac OSX 10.14.4 using the following:
brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf portmidi
sudo -H pip3.8 install pygame
This Work for me:
If you haven't installed Python/pip via homebrew (you're using the system-installed Python), you would likely need to run sudo pip3 install pygame.
Before running  pip3 install pygame, I had also installed Command Line Tools for XCode), as well as XQuartz, and the following homebrew packages: brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf smpeg portmidi.
If homebrew fails to install smpeg you might need to do the following:
brew tap homebrew/headonly
brew install --HEAD smpeg

I'm having trouble setting up Kivy with Pygame on Mac OS X [duplicate]

I have following issue of installing pygame package.
In file included from src/_numericsurfarray.c:23:
src/pygame.h:106:10: fatal error: 'SDL.h' file not found
#include <SDL.h>
1 error generated.
error: Setup script exited with error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
System information
Mac OS-10.9.2
python version- Python 2.7.5 :: Anaconda 1.6.1 (x86_64)
Any suggestion will be greatly appreciate ? Thanks.
Here (OSX Mavericks) I got able to install this way:
brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf portmidi
pip install
("default" branch is on commit e3ae850 right now)
See this other StackOverflow question too: PyGame in a virtualenv on OS X with brew?
I had the same issue. I tried all versions of the answers to this question including variations of pip and pip3. Finally, the one that worked for me was:
sudo easy_install pygame
Note, however, that: (1) says that easy_install is deprecated and recommends using pip. (2) pygame is installed in the old standard python 2.7 folder rather than in the python 3.8.3 that I just installed -- though I was able to use it successfully in VSCode.
My system is also OSX10.9.2,and I also meet you problem,and I'm still try some;
Maybe this will be help for you:
there are some step:
1.Install [Quartz](;
2.Install Xcode-Command-Line,
but you may cant install it by `xcode-select --install`,
so you can down from ;
I suggest you setup xcode,and this really solute my some problem;
3.`brew tap homebrew/headonly`
`brew install smpeg --HEAD`
`brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf portmidi`
4. `sudo pip install hg+`;
if you clone this repo and try `python install`,you may meet some weird problem;
I have try install kivy which is base on pygame and I try lots of times,but just success install pygame one time.Then I uninstall it and also can't install it ;(
some refer:
Now I have install pygmae sucess,remeber you should install xcode,not only xcode-command-line!
I managed to install pygame on Mac OSX 10.14.4 using the following:
brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf portmidi
sudo -H pip3.8 install pygame
This Work for me:
If you haven't installed Python/pip via homebrew (you're using the system-installed Python), you would likely need to run sudo pip3 install pygame.
Before running  pip3 install pygame, I had also installed Command Line Tools for XCode), as well as XQuartz, and the following homebrew packages: brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf smpeg portmidi.
If homebrew fails to install smpeg you might need to do the following:
brew tap homebrew/headonly
brew install --HEAD smpeg

set_mode((800,600), FULLSCREEN|DOUBLEBUF, 32) fails on some mac [duplicate]

I have following issue of installing pygame package.
In file included from src/_numericsurfarray.c:23:
src/pygame.h:106:10: fatal error: 'SDL.h' file not found
#include <SDL.h>
1 error generated.
error: Setup script exited with error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
System information
Mac OS-10.9.2
python version- Python 2.7.5 :: Anaconda 1.6.1 (x86_64)
Any suggestion will be greatly appreciate ? Thanks.
Here (OSX Mavericks) I got able to install this way:
brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf portmidi
pip install
("default" branch is on commit e3ae850 right now)
See this other StackOverflow question too: PyGame in a virtualenv on OS X with brew?
I had the same issue. I tried all versions of the answers to this question including variations of pip and pip3. Finally, the one that worked for me was:
sudo easy_install pygame
Note, however, that: (1) says that easy_install is deprecated and recommends using pip. (2) pygame is installed in the old standard python 2.7 folder rather than in the python 3.8.3 that I just installed -- though I was able to use it successfully in VSCode.
My system is also OSX10.9.2,and I also meet you problem,and I'm still try some;
Maybe this will be help for you:
there are some step:
1.Install [Quartz](;
2.Install Xcode-Command-Line,
but you may cant install it by `xcode-select --install`,
so you can down from ;
I suggest you setup xcode,and this really solute my some problem;
3.`brew tap homebrew/headonly`
`brew install smpeg --HEAD`
`brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf portmidi`
4. `sudo pip install hg+`;
if you clone this repo and try `python install`,you may meet some weird problem;
I have try install kivy which is base on pygame and I try lots of times,but just success install pygame one time.Then I uninstall it and also can't install it ;(
some refer:
Now I have install pygmae sucess,remeber you should install xcode,not only xcode-command-line!
I managed to install pygame on Mac OSX 10.14.4 using the following:
brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf portmidi
sudo -H pip3.8 install pygame
This Work for me:
If you haven't installed Python/pip via homebrew (you're using the system-installed Python), you would likely need to run sudo pip3 install pygame.
Before running  pip3 install pygame, I had also installed Command Line Tools for XCode), as well as XQuartz, and the following homebrew packages: brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf smpeg portmidi.
If homebrew fails to install smpeg you might need to do the following:
brew tap homebrew/headonly
brew install --HEAD smpeg
