Cannot view my new MVC 4 application - visual-studio-2010

I just created a new basic MVC 4 application in VS 2010. I just clicked the play button to test it came up in the web browser and I'm getting the following page:
I think I need to change my virtual path to something but I don't know what.
EDIT: Can't see what it says properly in the picture:
Server Error in '/' Application.
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /

If you created an Empty Project you will need to create a HomeController with an Index Action. You will also need to create a View in ~/Views/Home/ called Index.
The other project templates create this for you but the Empty Project does not.
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
return View()

No one person gave me the full answer. So this is an amalgamation of #MattiVirkkunen and #BrettAlfred
Add this within RouteConfig.cs
name: "Default",
url: "",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Home" }
Add this within HomeController.cs
public ActionResult Login()
return View();

Kya Neeta MVC me neyi ho Kya?? I am too :)
I think u have created a start-up page in your applicaition.
Type Http: //localhost:8080/Home/Index in your url
http: //localhost:/ControllerName/ActionName
if that does not work please create a new MVC application from scratch.


ASP.NET MVC 3 won't recognise .cshtml view files

I have ported an mvc 3 app from vs 2010 to vs2012.
The ported app is using .NET 4.
All the old bits work, but with a new view, created in vs 2012, the view engine is not looking for .cshtml files for the view.
For example, when the user requests the index action on the Welcome controller in the Solicitors area, the url is:
(where gg is the user name). In that case, the error that comes back is:
The view 'Index' or its master was not found or no view engine
supports the searched locations. The following locations were
searched: ~/Areas/Solicitors/Views/Welcome/Index.aspx
~/Areas/Solicitors/Views/Shared/Index.ascx ~/Views/Welcome/Index.aspx
~/Views/Welcome/Index.ascx ~/Views/Shared/Index.aspx
~/Views/Shared/Index.ascx ~/Areas/Solicitors/Views/Welcome/gg.master
~/Areas/Solicitors/Views/Shared/gg.master ~/Views/Welcome/gg.master
~/Views/Shared/gg.master ~/Areas/Solicitors/Views/Welcome/gg.cshtml
~/Areas/Solicitors/Views/Shared/gg.vbhtml ~/Views/Welcome/gg.cshtml
~/Views/Welcome/gg.vbhtml ~/Views/Shared/gg.cshtml
I have already added the following key to appsettings in web.config, but it makes no difference.
<add key="webpages:Version" value="1.0" />
Route in SolictorAreaRegistration.cs:
new { controller = "Welcome", action = "Index", nameUser = UrlParameter.Optional }
Using RouteDebug, I can see that the correct controller and action are found.
Route Data
Key Value
nameUser: gg
controller: Welcome
action: Index
Data Tokens
Key Value
Namespaces: System.String[]
area: Solicitors
UseNamespaceFallback: False
The route is found correctly, as I can see from debugging: the Index action is hit.
The problem happens when the line call the view is called:
namespace MyApp.Areas.Solicitors.Controllers
public partial class WelcomeController : Controller
// GET: /Solicitors/Welcome/
public virtual ActionResult Index(string nameUser)
return View("Index", nameUser);
OK, got to the bottom of it:
The Problem:
The problem is that the model of my view is of type string. In my action, I was passing in a string as the model parameter:
public virtual ActionResult Index(string nameUser)
return View("Index", nameUser);
This will clash with one of the overloads of Controller.View(...):
View(string, string)
The second parameter expects the name of a layout file. When you do this, MVC goes off looking for a layout file with a name of the value of your string, which could be, for example:
"Hello, World. I'm an idiot, but if you give me a decent error message, I might be able to fix the bug."
Obviously, a layout file with that name doesn't exist. Nor does a layout file called "gg" either (my (test) solicitor's username).
The Solution:
The solution is simple:
Specify that the second parameter is the model, not the layout.
public virtual ActionResult Index(string nameUser)
return View("Index", model: nameUser);
Useful Article:
To view an extended discussion of this very issue, see the following article:
MVC Gotcha: Beware when using your view's model is a string
Many thanks to for the enlightenment.
It is looking as you can see from the error message:
If you need to look for the Index view then you need to specify it:

.NET MVC3 routing - why so confusing?

I don't know why I constantly struggle with this, but can someone explain why this doesn't work?
/ redirects to the index action of the home controller.
/gallery/ throws a 404 not found error.
/gallery/index redirects to the index action of the gallery controller.
From the documentation:
When you define a route, you can assign a default value for a parameter. The default value is used if a value for that parameter is not included in the URL. You set default values for a route by assigning a dictionary object to the Defaults property of the Route class.
I don't understand how this doesn't follow that rule:
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
To me it reads:
If a controller is not defined, use Home.
If an action is not defined, use Index.
URL entered contains a controller = gallery and an action is not included in the URL so it should be going to the Index.
Am I missing something or this unnecessarily confusing and silly?
I've always found MVC3 routing problematic but accepted it. Then I started playing with Rails and Node frameworks and they have ridiculously simple routing so now .NET MVC just annoys me when it doesn't work or makes me use convoluted patterns.
For reference in case someone asks, my Gallery controller, Action and View are all defined and working when I browse to /gallery/index.
public class GalleryController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
You definitively oughta be doing something wrong or there is some code you haven't shown us. Perform the following steps:
Create a new ASP.NET MVC 3 application using the default wizard (Internet Application)
Replace the contents of HomeController.cs with this:
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
return Content("home/index");
public class GalleryController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
return Content("gallery/index");
Hit F5
Here's what happens:
requested url | result
/ | home/index
/home | home/index
/home/ | home/index
/home/index | home/index
/home/index/ | home/index
/gallery | gallery/index
/gallery/ | gallery/index
/gallery/index | gallery/index
/gallery/index/  |   gallery/index
Exactly as expected, isn't it?
Problem was I had a hidden directory (not included in my solution) with the same name as my faulty route: /gallery.
Luckily I'm too tired this morning to punch my monitor.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions, all +1'd for helpful guidance.
PS. To help me investigate the problem I used Phil Haack's routing debugger.

Server Error in '/' Application MVC3

im not sure what i messed up, but i just keep getting the following error upon f5.
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /
The following is my route, totally default and no changes.
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
"Default", // Route name
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults
I have checked my project properties -> web tab, "Specific page" has nth. My project has Home folder with Index page.
Other pages are working only after manually inputting URL. For eg: http://localhost:21183/store/search
Things to check:
You have a public class named HomeController that derives from Controller.
This HomeController class has a public Index action.
You have a corresponding view ~/Views/Home/Index.cshtml
You are testing this inside a web server which supports extensionless urls. For example this won't work out of the box in IIS 6.0.
public class HomeController: Controller
public ActionResult Index()
return View();

ASP.NET MVC 3 - Setting up routes

I'm migrating an ASP.NET web forms application to ASP.NET MVC 3. I kind of understand routing, but I sort of don't. In my application, I have created three .cshtml files in the directory located at /internal/products/find/. For the sake of demonstration, those .cshtml files are named "view1.cshtml", "view2.cshtml", and "view3.cshtml".
I have a controller named "InternalController". My goal is to use InternalController for all of the locations inside the /internal path. I'm not sure if what I'm trying to do is allowed. I assume it is. Either way, at this time, I have the following in InternalController:
public ActionResult View1()
return View();
public ActionResult View2()
return View();
public ActionResult View3()
return View();
In my global.asax.cs file, I'm trying to register the routes to these views as follows:
new { controller = "Internal", action = "View1" }
new { controller = "Internal", action = "View2" }
new { controller = "Internal", action = "View3" }
Whenever I try to visit /internal/products/find/view1 in my browser, I see the ASP.NET error screen and it says:
The view 'View1' or its master was not found or no view engine supports the searched locations. The following locations were searched:
What am I doing wrong? The path /internal/products/find/view1 is the most important part for me. Ideally, I would like to expose that in InternalController everytime. But I'm having a rough go at it. What am I doing wrong?
When you write
new { controller = "Internal", action = "View1" }
it means that whenever user writes into his browser:
it will activate action view1 inside controller blahblahview. But it doesn't mean that view1.cshtml file is at that path. Actually, mvc looks for views at directories defined by convention...and convetion is:
so, your view should be in a folder:
Unlike ASP.NET WebForms you are used to, ASP.NET MVC is pretty much driven by naming conventions as you could probably see (you always name your controllers like BlahBlah*Controller*, you always place your views inside Views folder etc... Read some tutorials here and catch up with basics.

MVC3, ASP.NET 4 - The resource cannot be found.

I have VS2010, MVC3 and ASP.NET 4.0 with a simple test mvc application. The problem is that I am still keep getting error:
Server Error in '/' Application.
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /Pizzas/Pizza
Here is my simple controller :
public class PizzasController : Controller
public ActionResult Pizza()
var pizzas = new Pizza();
return View("Pizza", pizza);
Here is a part of my global.asax:
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
new { controller = "Pizzas", action = "Pizza"}
"Pizzas_2", // Route name
"{controller}/{action}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Pizzas", action = "Pizza" } // Parameter defaults
I am trying to call this action from a pizza.cshtml by this way:
#Html.ActionLink("Test", "Pizza", "Pizzas");
When the both routes are uncomented, then execution goes to Pizza_2 route and it passes without problems. But if I commented out Pizza_2, then it goes to Pizza_1 and the error occurs without getting to the action method.
The application runs on ASP.NET development server (not IIS).
I noticed that it works with Pizza_2 route only when there is no full url specified:
but if type the full url like this:
the error again occurs.
According to {Scripts} is parsed as parameter.
If you want to do passthrough for scripts, you should use
I had the same issue but when i was looking at the warning list of the project i found out that i had a reference to the OracleDataAcces.dll. When rebuilding the project that dll was not able to be deleted due to the security problem. Then i right clicked the bin folder it was given only read only access then i deselected that and rebuilt again.
After that the page loaded without any issue. Hope this may resolve it.
