I'm having trouble using
in Mathematica. I want to evaluate something like
NIntegrate[Indexed[t, 1], {Indexed[t, 1], 0, 1}]
with a lot more variables (indices). However, I receive this error:
"Tag Indexed in Indexed[t,1] is Protected"
I'm fairly certain the problem arises from the second argument because
NIntegrate[Indexed[x, 1]^2 Indexed[x, 2]^2, x \[Element] Rectangle[]]
evaluates as I would expect.
I have tried unprotecting the second argument and wrapping it with an evaluate and neither worked. I think I need to use
because I have a complicated expression over a complicated region with a variable number of dimensions. I have to use
failed to solve my integral, but otherwise performed as I expected with, for example,
Integrate[Indexed[t, 1], {Indexed[t, 1], 0, 1}].
I am using Mathematica 10.0.
It is not clear what is the purpose of Indexed in your case.
If that is just for the decoration I would suggest using Subscript instead of Indexed. Try this
NIntegrate[Subscript[t, 1], {Subscript[t, 1], 0, 1}]
It works on Mathematica 10.0
Does anyone have experience using C extensions to Mathematica (LibraryLink or MathLink -- currently I'm using LibraryLink) with remote parallel kernels?
In short: How can I transparently use a LibraryLink-defined function (see CreateLibrary and LibraryFunctionLoad) in both parallel and non-parallel evaluations when the subkernels run on a remote machine?
I am looking for some setup steps that will allow me to have a libraryFun function (written in C) that can be called either normally as libraryFun[args], or in parallel (both of Parallelize#Table[libraryFun[arg], {arg, 0, 100}] and the same with ParallelTable[]) when the subkernels run on a remote machine.
Running the main kernel remotely too might be better if I weren't having trouble with that as well.
In the meantime I made some progress. I'll describe it here.
First, ParallelEvaluate will evaluate an expression in all parallel kernels. If the source files for the C extension are copied to the remote machine, we can compile them there like this:
k1 = First#Kernels[]
ParallelEvaluate[CreateLibrary["sourefile", "myLibrary"]]
This needs to be done one time only. I assume that the library has been already compiled on the main kernel machine.
After this, in all subsequent sessions we can use FindLibrary on both the main and the remote machines to load the library.
LibraryFunctionLoad[myFun = FindLibrary["myLibrary"], "fun", ...]
ParallelEvaluate[myFun = LibraryFunctionLoad[FindLibrary["myLibrary"], "fun", ...]]
And here comes the trouble. Because of different paths, myFun will have different values in the main and in the parallel kernels.
So the question is: How can ensure that the value of myFun will not accidentally get synchronized between the main and the parallel kernels?
I'll show in an isolated examples how this might accidentally happen:
In[1]:= LaunchKernels[2]
Out[1]= {KernelObject[1, "local"], KernelObject[2, "local"]}
Set value of x in main kernel:
In[2]:= x = 1
Out[2]= 1
Note that it gets the same value in remote kernels too:
In[3]:= ParallelEvaluate[x]
Out[3]= {1, 1}
Set a different value for x in the parallel kernels and verify that they keep it:
In[4]:= ParallelEvaluate[x = 2]
Out[4]= {2, 2}
In[5]:= {x, ParallelEvaluate[x]}
Out[5]= {1, {2, 2}}
Now "innocently" use Parallelize on something containing x:
In[6]:= Parallelize[Table[x, {10}]]
Out[6]= {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}
And see how the value of x got re-synced between the main and subkernels.
In[7]:= {x, ParallelEvaluate[x]}
Out[7]= {1, {1, 1}}
The new question is: How can I prevent a certain symbol from ever auto-syncing between the main and the subkernels?
I hope this answers your question:
For the moment, I will assume the main kernel and the parallel kernels are on the same architecture, which for me is Windows 7. First you compile a function; you can do this outside
of Mathematica using a C compiler, or directly in Mathematica:
f = Compile[{x}, x^2, CompilationTarget -> "C"]
You can examine by looking at the InputForm of f where the generated dll is located:
f // InputForm
Gives something like:
CompiledFunction[{8, 8., 5468}, {_Real}, {{3, 0, 0}, {3, 0, 1}}, {}, {0, 0, 2, 0, 0}, {{40,
56, 3, 0, 0, 3, 0, 1}, {1}}, Function[{x}, x^2], Evaluate,
"compiledFunction0", {{Real, 0, "Constant"}}, Real]]
You can copy this file to a location where the parallel (possibly remote) kernel can find it, for example:
Then you can load the library in all the parallel kernels like so:
ff = LibraryFunctionLoad["C:\\users\\arnoudb\\compiledFunction1.dll",
"compiledFunction1", {Real}, Real]
And check if this works:
Which returns {11.56,11.56} for me.
If the parallel kernel is on a different architecture, you will need to compile the C code
for that architecture (or evaluate the Compile[..., CompilationTarget->"C"] on the parallel
I seem to have found a solution to my question in Update above. It seems to work but I cannot confirm yet that it is not fragile.
The solution is to put symbols that we don't want synchronized into a separate context. Using c`x in my example in place of x prevents synchronizing the value of x when it is used inside Parallelize. Then we can add this context to the $ContextPath to make the symbol easily accessible.
The most convenient way to do this is probably putting all definitions in a package that loads the library functions using LibraryFunctionLoad[FindLibrary[...], ...]. For this to work, the library must have been compiled manually first on both the local and remote machine, however, the package code can be the exactly same both for the main and the subkernels.
I am still interested if someone can confirm that variables not in $Context are guaranteed not to be auto-synchronized.
Update It has been confirmed here.
I can't get the syntax to do what I want, and I am now not sure if it is even possible.
small review:
One can do this:
{Slider[Dynamic[b], {-2 Pi, 2 Pi}], Dynamic[Sin[b]]}
and now each time the slider moves, 'b' changes, and its Sin[] is automatically printed
But suppose I want to do the computation (Sin[]) directly where the slider is and only show the final result of Sin[], then I can use the second argument of Dynamic like this:
{Slider[Dynamic[b, (b = #; a = Sin[b]; #) &], {-2 Pi, 2 Pi}],
Now I want to use Manipulate, and do the same thing. I can do the same as the first example above like this:
Control[{{b, 0, "b="}, -2 Pi, 2 Pi, ControlType -> Slider}]
In the above, Manipulate took care of the 'Dynamic' stuff, and updated Sin[b] whenever 'b' changes.
Now, I want to see if I can do the second case using Manipulate, so I can write:
Control[{{b, 0, "b="}, -2 Pi, 2 Pi, ControlType -> Slider}] (*where to insert Sin[b]?*)
('a' has to initialized to some value for initial display).
But I am not able to figure how to use the second argument for 'b' in the above. Can't figure the syntax, and now sure if it possible?
of course, one can't just write
{Slider[Dynamic[b, (b = #; a = Sin[b]; #) &], {-2 Pi, 2 Pi}]}
This is not even valid syntax of Manipulate controls.
Question is: Is it possible to use second argument of Dynamic in setting up Manipulate controls?
The reason I am asking, is that it could make it easier to 'localize' computation right there, where the control variable changes, and only show the final result elsewhere. Like a local callback function in a way, where computation related to changes for each control sits right next to where the control is.
Update 9/16/11
Well, after a month of struggle, finally I have the Mathematica CDF up and running.
Thanks to the help of the trick shown here by Simon, and others who answered my questions while I was doing this CDF (Leonid, Heike, WReach, Belisarius and others).
The few tricks I learned here helped finish this demonstration, here is a link if someone wants to try it.
The design of this CDF is different from everything I've done before. It is based on finite state machine. There is only ONE tracked symbol in the whole CDF. Using the second argument of dynamics, the event name is recorded, and in the main expression of Manipulate, which runs the finite state machines, it has 5 states it can be in, and there are 8 events. Depending on the current state and the current event that just happened, it switches to new state (or can stay in the same state, depending), and the main display is updated. No trigger needed. The state machine runs as fast as you allow it, controlled only by the time step size.
This simplifies the logic greatly, and makes it possible to handle make much more advanced UI and inter-dependent logic, since everything now runs in a well controlled way, and all the logic is in one place.
Without being able to set the event using the second argument of dynamics, this whole approach would not have been possible.
I need to write a note on this method to make it more clear.
So, just wanted to thank everyone here. I am now finishing another CDF using this method, a triple pendulum simulation.
Not all of the arguments of Manipulate after the first one have to be Control objects. You can put anything you like there - including completely customized dynamic controls. So, how about something like
Manipulate[a, {a, None}, {b, None},
Row[{"b= ",Slider[Dynamic[b, (b = #; a = Sin[b]; #)&], {-2 Pi, 2 Pi}]}]]
Where the {a, None} and {b, None} ensure that the variables are local, but aren't strictly necessary.
SaveDefinitions is a nice option of Manipulate. It causes Manipulate to store any definitions used for its creation inside the Manipulate panel. A Manipulate made this way can be copied to an empty notebook and will still work on its own. Additionally, your working notebook containing many such Manipulates also doesn't turn into a flurry of pink boxes with printed error messages below it upon opening. Great!
However, all this goodness has its dark side which can bite you real hard if you are not aware of it. I've had this in a notebook I had been working on for a few days, but I present you with a step-by-step toy example scenario which recreates the problem.
In this scenario you want to create a Manipulate showing a plot of a nice wavy function, so you define this (please make a window size like this, this is important):
The definition is nice, so we keep it for the next time and make it an initialization cell. Next we add the Manipulate, and execute it too.
f[x_] := x^2
Plot[n f[x], {x, -3, 3}],
{n, 1, 4},
SaveDefinitions -> True
All works great, the Manipulate really shines, it is a good day.
Just being your paranoid self you check whether the definition is OK:
Yeah, everything still checks out. Fine. But now it occurs to you that a better wavy function would be a sine, so you change the definition, execute, and being paranoid, check:
Everything still fine. You're ready from a day's hard work you save your work and quit. [Quit kernel]
Next day. You start your work again. You evaluate the initialization cells in your notebook. Definition still good? Check.
Now, you scroll down to your Manipulate box (no need to re-execute thanks to the SaveDefinitions), play a little with the slider. And scroll back up.
Being the paranoid you, you once more check the definition of f:
Lo and behold, someone has changed the definition behind your back! And nothing executed between your first and second Information(?) check according to the In[] numbers (In[1]: def of f, In[2] first ?, In[3] second ?).
What happened? Well, it's the Manipulate of course. A FullForm reveals its internal structure:
Manipulate[Plot[n*f[x],{x, -3, 3}],{{n, 2.44}, 1, 4},Initialization:>{f[x_] := x^2}]
There you have the culprit. The initialization part of the box defines f again, but it's the old version because we didn't re-evaluate the Manipulate after modifying its definition. As soon as the manipulate box gets on the screen, it is evaluated and you've got your old definition back. Globally!
Of course, in this toy example it is immediately clear something strange is happening. In my case, I had a larger module in a larger notebook in which I, after some debugging, had changed a small part. It seemed to work, but the next day, the same bug that had bugged me before hit again. It took me a couple of hours before I realized that one of the several Manipulates that I used to study the problem at hand from all sides was doing this.
Clearly, I'm tempted to say, this is unwanted behavior. Now, for the obligatory question: what can we do to prevent this behind-your-back behavior of Manipulate from occurring other than re-executing every Manipulate in your notebook each time you change a definition that might be used by them?
Here is an attempt. The idea is to identify symbols with DownValues or some other ...Values inside your manipulated code, and automatically rename them using unique variables / symbols in place of them. The idea here can be executed rather elegantly with the help of cloning symbols functionality, which I find useful from time to time. The function clone below will clone a given symbol, producing a symbol with the same global definitions:
GlobalProperties[] :=
{OwnValues, DownValues, SubValues, UpValues, NValues, FormatValues,
Options, DefaultValues, Attributes};
unique[sym_] :=
ToString[Unique[sym]] <>
StringReplace[StringJoin[ToString /# Date[]], "." :> ""]];
Attributes[clone] = {HoldAll};
clone[s_Symbol, new_Symbol: Null] :=
With[{clone = If[new === Null, unique[Unevaluated[s]], ClearAll[new]; new],
sopts = Options[Unevaluated[s]]},
With[{setProp = (#[clone] = (#[s] /. HoldPattern[s] :> clone)) &},
Map[setProp, DeleteCases[GlobalProperties[], Options]];
If[sopts =!= {}, Options[clone] = (sopts /. HoldPattern[s] :> clone)];
HoldPattern[s] :> clone]]
There are several alternatives of how to implement the function itself. One is to introduce the function with another name, taking the same arguments as Manipulate, say myManipulate. I will use another one: softly overload Manipulate via UpValues of some custom wrapper, that I will introduce. I will call it CloneSymbols. Here is the code:
CloneSymbols /:
Unevaluated[Manipulate[args, sd, after]] /.
s_Symbol /; Flatten[{DownValues[s], SubValues[s], UpValues[s]}] =!= {} :>
Infinity, Heads -> True];
Here is an example of use:
f[x_] := Sin[x];
g[x_] := x^2;
Note that to use the new functionality, one has to wrap the SaveDefinitions->True option in CloneSymbols wrapper:
Manipulate[Plot[ f[n g[x]], {x, -3, 3}], {n, 1, 4},
CloneSymbols[SaveDefinitions -> True]]
This will not affect the definitions of original symbols in the code inside Manipulate, since it were their clones whose definitions have been saved and used in initialization now. We can look at the FullForm for this Manipulate to confirm that:
In particular, you can change the definitions of functions to say
Then move the slider of the Manipulate produced above, and then check the function definitions
This Manipulate is reasonably independent of anything and can be copied and pasted safely. What happens here is the following: we first find all symbols with non-trivial DownValues, SubValues or UpValues (one can probably add OwnValues as well), and use Cases and clone to create their clones on the fly. We then replace lexically all the cloned symbols with their clones inside Manipulate, and then let Manipulate save the definitions for the clones. In this way, we make a "snapshot" of the functions involved, but do not affect the original functions in any way.
The uniqueness of the clones (symbols) has been addressed with the unique function. Note however, that while the Manipulate-s obtained in this way do not threaten the original function definitions, they will generally still depend on them, so one can not consider them totally independent of anything. One would have to walk down the dependency tree and clone all symbols there, and then reconstruct their inter-dependencies, to construct a fully standalone "snapshot" in Manipulate. This is doable but more complicated.
Per request of #Sjoerd, I add code for a case when we do want our Manipulate-s to update to the function's changes, but do not want them to actively interfere and change any global definitions. I suggest a variant of a "pointer" technique: we will again replace function names with new symbols, but, rather than cloning those new symbols after our functions, we will use the Manipulate's Initialization option to simply make those symbols "pointers" to our functions, for example like Initialization:>{new1:=f,new2:=g}. Clearly, re-evaluation of such initialization code can not harm the definitions of f or g, and at the same time our Manipulate-s will become responsive to changes in those definitions.
The first thought is that we could just simply replace function names by new symbols and let Manipulate initialization automatically do the rest. Unfortunately, in that process, it walks the dependency tree, and therefore, the definitions for our functions would also be included - which is what we try to avoid. So, instead, we will explicitly construct the Initialize option. Here is the code:
SavePointers /:
Manipulate[args___,SavePointers[sd :(SaveDefinitions->True)],
after:OptionsPattern[]] :=
With[{ptrrules =
s_Symbol /; Flatten[{DownValues[s], SubValues[s], UpValues[s]}] =!= {} :>
With[{pointer = unique[Unevaluated[s]]},
pointer := s;
HoldPattern[s] :> pointer],
Infinity, Heads -> True]},
Hold[ptrrules] /.
(Verbatim[HoldPattern][lhs_] :> rhs_ ) :> (rhs := lhs) /.
Hold[defs_] :>
Hold[Manipulate[args, Initialization :> init, after]] /.
ptrrules /. init :> defs]]]
With the same definitions as before:
ClearAll[f, g];
f[x_] := Sin[x];
g[x_] := x^2;
Here is a FullForm of produced Manipulate:
FullForm[Manipulate[Plot[f[n g[x]],{x,-3,3}],{n,1,4},
The newly generated symbols serve as "pointers" to our functions. The Manipulate-s constructed with this approach, will be responsive for updates in our functions, and at the same time harmless for the main functions' definitions. The price to pay is that they are not self-contained and will not display correctly if the main functions are undefined. So, one can use either CloneSymbols wrapper or SavePointers, depending on what is needed.
The answer is to use initialization cell as initialization for the Manipulate:
Plot[n f[x], {x, -3, 3}], {n, 1, 4},
Initialization :> FrontEndTokenExecute["EvaluateInitialization"]]
You can also use DynamicModule:
f[x_] := x^2;
Manipulate[Plot[n f[x], {x, -3, 3}], {n, 1, 4}]]
You do not need SaveDefinitions -> True in this case.
In response to Sjoerd's comment. With the following simple technique you do not need to copy the definition everywhere and update all copies if you change the definition (but you still need to re-evaluate your code to get updated Manipulate):
DynamicModule[{f}, f[x_] := x^2;
list = Manipulate[Plot[n^# f[x], {x, -3, 3}], {n, 2, 4}] & /# Range[3]];
list // Row
Is there any way to get at the actual messages generated during the evaluation of an expression in Mathematica? Say I'm numerically solving an ODE and it blows up, like so
In[1] := sol = NDSolve[{x'[t] == -15 x[t], x[0] == 1}, x, {t, 0, 1},
Method -> "ExplicitEuler"];
In this case, I'll get the NDSolve::mxst error, telling me the maximum number of 10000 steps was reached at t == 0.08671962566152185. Now, if I look at the $MessageList variable, I only receive the message name; in particular, the information about the value of t where NDSolve decided to quit has been lost.
Now, I can always get that information from sol using the InterpolatingFunctionDomain function from one of the standard add-on packages, but if I can somehow pull it out of the message, it would be quite helpful.
You might be able to use $MessagePrePrint to set up a function which would store away each of the messages for later retrieval.
I don't know if this will work, but if the only thing you want to know are the values of specific parameters at the point of error then a kludgy way of getting them would be to define those variables with dummy values globally. This works with loop counters, but I don't know if it works from within NDSolve. Another kludge would be to make t Dynamic and have an evaluated cell with t.
A more elegant (and probably the correct) approach would be to use Reap and Sow.