Prestashop: Undefined Smarty variables in order-detail.tpl - smarty

In order-detail.tpl, there are variables such as {$is_guest} and {$return_allowed}. A little debugging (using Javascript alert) shows that {$is_guest} is undefined for some reason and {$return_allowed} returns 0 even though I allowed returns. This is leading to the order-detail page hiding merchandise return section.
All these Smarty variables are defined in root/controllers/OrderDetailController.php, so I don't know what's causing the errors.
I'm using Prestashop 1.4.9. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

I solved my own question. Go to root/controllers/OrderDetailController.php. Around line 144, change
'is_guest' => false,
'is_guest' => "false",
And also, change
{if !$is_guest}
{if $is_guest == "false"}
As for $return_allowed, it turns out that the items must be marked as delivered first in the BO. It is defined such that it is false unless paid for + delivered + before return deadline.


XPath Sibling returns empty

I'm using this XPath tester, which returns exactly what I want. For some reason it removes my full query, but if you use it, it works.
*/h3[contains(string(), "Description")]/following-sibling::p[1]
But in real life, I get nothing from my variable.
I'm trying to get the data after <h3>Description</h3>, in this case a paragraph <p>.
<div class="outer-feed"><ul>
<li><strong>Severity:</strong> <span class="label label-info">Low</span></li>
<p>The lack of validation of configuration parameters used in SQL queries caused various SQL injection vectors.</p>
Here's my XPath
$description_node = $xpath->query('*/h3[contains(string(), "Description")]/following-sibling::p[1]', $feed_item);
$description = "description: " . $description_node->item(0)->textContent;
and var_dump
object(DOMNodeList)#1654 (1) { ["length"]=> int(0) }
And the error
: Trying to get property 'textContent' of non-object in
What confuses me is that I can get Severity from the same HTML by using this:
$severity_node = $xpath->query('*/li[contains(string(), "Severity:")]', $feed_item);
$severity = preg_replace('/Severity:\W*/u', '', $severity_node->item(0)->textContent);
My first thought was to scale back to just the H3 and output that.
$description_node = $xpath->query('*/h3[contains(string(), "Description")]', $feed_item);
object(DOMNodeList)#1654 (1) { ["length"]=> int(0) } // doesn't contain anything
Given that the following are identical but the first works and the second doesn't, what could be the problem?
$severity_node = $xpath->query('*/li[contains(string(), "Severity:")]', $feed_item);
$description_node = $xpath->query('*/h3[contains(string(), "Description")]', $feed_item);
Why is one working and not the other. And what is the best way to troubleshoot things like this. It seems to work on the xpathtester. What could I be doing wrong that causes this problem in PHP?
Try with this XPath:
A query starting */h3[...] will only work if the context item when it is invoked is the grandparent of the h3 element. You've given no information about the context item, so I suspect it is something different.
You ask the question(s): "Why is one working and not the other. And what is the best way to troubleshoot things like this. It seems to work on the xpathtester. What could I be doing wrong that causes this problem in PHP?"
Well, the first thing is to understand that XPath expressions may depend on the context item, and that the same expression evaluated with different context items is going to give different results. Once you understand that concept, it hopefully becomes a lot clearer.

SugarCRM 6.5 CE: how to customize label in editview using Smarty

I'm trying to customize a label in an edit view using Smarty.
A field named decription should have label LBL_LABEL_ONE with a currency symbol if some_fieds has value 1, LBL_LABEL_TWO otherwise.
With the following code in detailviewdefs.php, I have no problems to accomplish this in the view detail:
array (
'name' => 'description',
'label' => '
{if $bean->some_field==1}
Note that some_field is a field of the current module and $CURRENCY is assigned in view.detail.php with the following code:
function preDisplay() {
$currency = new Currency();
$this->ss->assign('CURRENCY', $currency->getDefaultCurrencySymbol());
Using same code in editviewdefs.php I have several problems:
First: the following fatal error getting the field of the bean:
Fatal error: Smarty error: [in
cache/modules/omn_fornitura_gas/EditView.tpl line 506]: syntax error:
invalid attribute name: '$bean->some_field'
(Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 1536) in
C:\xampp\htdocs\sugar\include\Smarty\Smarty.class.php on line 1095
Second: the variable $CURRENCY seems not to be correct:
{€' module='omn_fornitura_gas'}
instead of
Quite a puzzle this one.
The reason you're seeing such a thing is that Sugar seems to render Smarty Detail and Edit view definitions quite differently.
The Problem
In detail, it very neatly compiles the field as such:
{capture name="label" assign="label"}
{if $bean->some_field==1}
However, in edit, it tries to insert it as an attribute of a translated label:
{capture name="label" assign="label"}{sugar_translate label='
{if $bean->some_field==1}
{/if}' module='omn_fornitura_gas'}{/capture}
This explains both the issues you're seeing, as it complains about the attribute, and displays the module name in the bottom line.
So what can we do about it?
Unfortunately, as the edit/detail templates are compiled and cached by Sugar, we can't feasibly get to them directly without digging quite deeply into the Sugar code.
However, what we can do is work around it by specifying a different label, and then setting that label dynamically, just like you were doing in the metadata, but this time via PHP in view.edit.php.
Try this:
array (
'name' => 'description',
'label' => 'LBL_CUSTOM_LABEL',
function preDisplay() {
$currency = new Currency();
global $mod_strings;
if ($this->bean->some_field == "1"){
$mod_strings['LBL_CUSTOM_LABEL'] = $mod_strings['LBL_LABEL_ONE'] . " " . $currency->getDefaultCurrencySymbol();
else {
$mod_strings['LBL_CUSTOM_LABEL'] = $mod_strings['LBL_LABEL_TWO'];
What happened there?
$mod_strings is a global variable in sugar that holds the current module's labels. What we've done here is use that to our advantage, and conditionally set what the label should be by setting the property of this custom label when the view is generated. Appreciated that this isn't technically a solution using Smarty, but I hope my above details can help shine a light on the inability to solve this problem exactly the same as the detail view definitions within Sugar.
Let me know if that helps, or if I can provide any further information!

How to print validation error outside of field constructor in Play framework 2

How can I show a validation error for a form field outside of a field constructor in Play framework 2? Here is what I tried:
And I get this error:
value message is not a member of Option[]
I'm confused because in the api docs it says message is a member of FormError. Also this works fine for global errors:
You can get a better grasp of it checking Form's sourcecode here
Form defines an apply method:
def apply(key: String): Field = Field(
errors.collect { case e if e.key == key => e },
That, as said in the doc, returns any field, even if it doesn't exist. And a Field has an errors member which returns a Seq[FormError]:
So, you could do something like that (for the Seq[FormError]):
eventForm("name").errors.foreach { error =>
Or (for the Option[FormError])
eventForm("name") { error =>
Or, you could use Form errors:
def errors(key: String): Seq[FormError] = errors.filter(_.key == key)
And get all errors of a given key. Like this (for the Seq[FormError]):
eventForm.errors("name").foreach { error =>
Or (for the Option[FormError])
eventForm.error("name").map { error =>
If you want more details, check the source code. It's well written and well commented.
As biesior commented: to show human readable pretty messages with different languages you have to check how play works I18N out here
To be thorough you're probably going to have to deal with I18N. It's not hard at all to get it all working.
After reading the documentation you may still find yourself a bit consufed. I'll give you a little push. Add a messages file to your conf folder and you can copy its content from here. That way you'll have more control over the default messages. Now, in your view, you should be able to do something like that:
eventForm.errors("name").foreach { error =>
<div>#Messages(error.message, error.args: _*)</div>
For instance, if error.message were error.invalid it would show the message previously defined in the conf/messages file Invalid value. args define some arguments that your error message may handle. For instance, if you were handling an error.min, an arg could be the minimum value required. In your message you just have to follow the {n} pattern, where n is the order of your argument.
Of course, you're able to define your own messages like that:
error.futureBirthday=Are you sure you're born in the future? Oowww hay, we got ourselves a time traveler!
And in your controller you could check your form like that (just one line of code to show you the feeling of it)
"year" -> number.verifying("error.furtureBirthday", number <= 2012) // 2012 being the current year
If you want to play around with languages, just follow the documentation.
Cheers, again!
As you said yourself, message is a member of FormError, but you have an Option[FormError]. You could use
That gives you the message, if there is an error, and "" if there isn't.

Magento: different currency for different store view

I have several store views (Germany, Ireland, Switzerland...) all which are supposed to have different currencies.
However, when I set the correct default currency on store view level in the configuration - nothing happens.
I hope someone is familiar with this problem. Thanks!
If anyone could tell me where to find the line in the code which prints out the currency symbol in the product page, it would also help me!
I found list.phtml in /app/design/frontend/default/THEME/template/catalog/product
there the following line can be found:
<?php echo $this->getPriceHtml($_product, true) ?>
Does anyone know where this function (getPriceHtml) is located?
# Bixi: yes I did.
# Piotr: thank you, unfortunatelly the function:
public function getPriceHtml($product, $displayMinimalPrice = false, $idSuffix='')
return $this->_getPriceBlock($product->getTypeId())
is not helping me in finding the bug. Where is the function which defines which currency is displayed? I am very close to giving up...
This method is in Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_Abstract
You can also check the method convertPrice in Mage_Core_Model_Store. Generally price conversion is handled by Zend_Currency

Bizarre problem with CodeIgniter routing rules

I have set two rules :
$route['followers/(:num)'] = 'hall/filter/subscribers/$1';
And :
$route['see/(:num)'] = 'hall/see/$1';
But while the first one is working all fine, the second one behaves juste like the 2nd argument (the :num) wasn't passed at all (displaying see/4 gives the hall/see/ page, not hall/see/4 !). This is very odd because from my point of view, those 2 routes work the same way !!
Any idea ?
Edit :
If I change $route['see/(:num)'] to $route['foo/see/(:num)'] then it works. This is crazy oO
You should use "" instead '', so it should be
$route['followers/(:num)'] = "hall/filter/subscribers/$1";
$route['see/(:num)'] = "hall/see/$1";
