Joomla blank template loading very slowly - joomla

I made a site in Joomla! and its loading very slowly.
For testing purpose I removed all the contents from my templates and rendered a blank template without any modules, comp,css, images etc.
enabled debug and tested but it loading something 6.8 MB
the debug result
Profile Information
Application 0.000 seconds (+0.000); 0.77 MB (+0.767) - afterLoad
Application 1.077 seconds (+1.077); 3.83 MB (+3.065) - afterInitialise
Application 1.092 seconds (+0.015); 4.50 MB (+0.673) - afterRoute
Application 1.163 seconds (+0.071); 6.79 MB (+2.283) - afterDispatch
Application 1.167 seconds (+0.004); 6.82 MB (+0.034) - afterRender
Hosted in ISS server.
Please help.

do you have cache enabled? do you have 3rd party plugins? did you try disabling some system plugins? did you try on apache web server? (it also runs on windows)


Can't upload a recorded video longer than a few seconds using React Native & Laravel

I have a simple React Native app, that makes use of the Camera. I have a button that records video. As soon as the recording is stopped, the video gets sent to an API endpoint that effectively uploads the video to the web.
Everything works great – unless the video is longer than about 5 or 6 seconds.
Anything that is about 7 seconds longer seems to return an error from the web application.
I "have" to assume this is an issue with file size – but, I checked the PHP settings, and they are as follows...
post_max_size = 2500M
upload_max_filesize = 2000M
memory_limit = 1000M
max_execution_time = 360
max_input_time = 3000
max_input_vars = 3000
There's no way these videos are so big that they would exceed those limits – so I am at a bit of a loss here.
Any idea what I might be missing?
For anybody who might have a similar issue – it turns out that my NGINX settings had an upload limit of their own.
I changed the NGINX settings, and it fixed everything.

Session timeout .Net MVC Web config does not work

I have set the web config session timeout to 480 minutes (8hours) I did the same in IIS for the app pool, then for the default website and for my website. Session still times out after 20 minutes, something must be overriding :/
Did anyone have the same problem?
Turns out that I had js script that waited for 20 minutes and then relocated the window to login page...
Obviously I changed the time to longer :)

Session.Timeout not working correctly in ASP Classic / IIS

Recently I created a asp classic web page with which a user can insert his worked hours.
One of the requests was that the page should show a message who is logged in every 10 minutes. The user does his production on a machine and has it's computer besides him, so it is possible that a user will be inactive on the hour web page for 5 - 60 minutes (or even more), yet he will stay on the page nonetheless.
To make the pop up message every 10 minutes I used a timer created in JQuery, this all works fine. Because the total inactive time is not sure, the person wanted the session timeout to be large (24-hours) so that session state (who is logged in) remains for a long time. When a user uses the insert hour web page he is requested to select his username on a different web page and the session("user") is then set.
To accomplish the long session timeout I created a global.asa file in the root with the following code:
<script language="VBScript" runat="Server">
Sub Session_OnStart
' Session timeout in minutes (24 hours)
Session.Timeout = 1420
End Sub
Though for some reason (I timed it) the timeout is still the default 20 minutes.. Then I tried to also set the Session.Timeout = 1420 in:
a. The web page of the hours inserting and
b. In the page where the user is selected and the session is being set.
This didn't had any effect though. So then I started researching it and found a similar question on stackoverflow: Session Timeout in Classic ASP website
So this made me look at my IIS settings on the server where I changed a few things.
In the application pool of the website I changed the Regular Time Interval to 0:
Next I also changed the Time-Out to 24 hours in the Session Properties on the Services tab of my website (under Sites):
However this all doesn't have any effect. It still ends the session after 20 minutes (at least it resets my session("user") state.
In the hour inserting web page the session is being checked as follows:
if session("user")="" then
end if
So when the session is empty it will redirect to the select a user page where the session("user") will be set again. Though with my time-out settings, if it would actually work, this should only happen after 24 hours and not after 20 minutes.
Any ideas what's going wrong here?
I am using by the way IIS 8.0.
I found the problem! It seems that the Idle Time-Out (Minutes) in the Application Pool of my website was still on the default 20 minutes and for some reason my session.timeout in the asp code didn't override that.
So for anyone facing the same problem I suggest that you go to your Application Pools in IIS --> then go to the application Pool of the website --> go to advanced settings --> Process Model --> and change Idle Time-out
I found the problem myself! It seems that the Idle Time-Out (Minutes) in the Application Pool of my website was still on the default 20 minutes and for some reason my session.timeout in the asp code didn't override that.
So for anyone facing the same problem I suggest that you go to your Application Pools in IIS --> then go to the application Pool of the website --> go to advanced settings --> Process Model --> and change Idle Time-out
In fact the answer posted by the OP is not the solution. I had the same problem and solved configuring the application pool:
Basic Configuration - DO NOT USE .NET CLR. Select No Managed Code.
Pipeline code still Integrated.
Tried on Windows 10 Pro and Windows 2008 server and worked for both.

Multi part file upload not working in firefox 36.which works fine in other browsers and previous versions of firefox

I am using Ajax calls for transferring file in multi part Post message in 10 mb chunks for every Rest call going to server. It was working fine in other browsers but in latest version of Firefox 36 the ajaxcalls get rejected by the browser. But works fine if I set the chunck size to 4 kb. I cant find root cause. Any help is appreciated.

Very Slow Sharepoint (Authentication Problem? - Getting 401 errors on images and styles)

I'm currently using Team Foundation Server and WSS 3.0 as the Team Portal. After the installation and configuring, I noticed the application was very slow sometimes, taking minutes to load a page. Then I googled it and found n solutions, none solved my problem.
Using Firebug I noticed I was getting a lot of 401 errors, mostly in _layouts and _themes folders.
Error image:
Authentication method is NTLM
Any clue on what's happening? The page loads, it just takes forever before showing up.
EDIT: Here's fiddler statistics:
Request Count: 161
Bytes Sent: 144.851 (headers:133249; body:11602)
Bytes Received: 400.222 (headers:69769; body:330453)
Requests started at: 09:47:55.449
Responses completed at: 09:50:03.311
Aggregate Session time: 00:03:11.542
Sequence (clock) time: 00:02:07.8627850
TCP/IP Connect time: 239ms
HTTP/401: 84
HTTP/200: 74
HTTP/302: 2
HTTP/404: 1
RESPONSE BYTES (by Content-Type)
application/x-javascript: 218.048
~headers~: 69.769
text/html: 37.837
image/gif: 31.467
text/css: 27.506
image/png: 10.133
image/jpeg: 3.937
text/javascript: 1.007
text/xml: 518
We have had exactly this problem with a sharepoint site.
The root cause is the way that NTLM works. The NTLM handshake is a 401.2 401.1 followed by a 200. Allways 3 requests for each file.
For each request, the web server will send a request to the AD server. The problem is that by default there is only 2 connections to the AD server. So the request get backed up and retried.
There are two things that you can do:
Make sure that you are caching the gif files (then you will not have to get them all the time)
Switch to Kerberos
For setting up Kerberos have a look at this blog post
Did you look at this common SharePoint performance fix?
Can you verify this happens on all clients? If you access the page from a browser on the server itself, do you still get this result?
If you haven't yet, turn off IPv6 in your network settings. Also, verify your DNS settings. Slow AD authentication + RPC Server Unavailable leads me to believe you may have addressing issues. Does everything seem responsive from a ping? When you log on to your machine, does it take a long time to log in (another symptom of DNS setting problems)?
if you are 401 errors on CSS / js / Images / .axd. with sharepoint /
NTLM authentification
You must configure the anonymous access on the webapplication and if you have a publishing portal activate the anonymous on :
- style library
- sitecollectionimage
I came across this problem with css files I downloaded. For some reason, the windows setting "encrypt contents to secure data" was checked for some files. After removing this setting, everything went fine. Be sure to unblock them if necessary.
(just to be sure: I'm talking about (file)->properties->advanced->encrypt data...)
