Include non Java files and resources files to test-jar using maven jar plugin - maven

I would like to include scripts files as part of packaging test files using maven. I ma using the below plugin configuration however config and jython files the files are not package in the test jar
is there anyway to include the files which are not in src/test/java and src/test/resources in test-jar?

Specify additional test resource folders using:
You should then find that no config is required for the maven-jar-plugin.
The build-helper-maven-plugin may also be used. See: Maven - Add directory to classpath while executing tests


How to Add JUnit Results to Tycho Built JAR

We are using Maven and sometimes Tycho, and I want to put the results of the JUnit tests into the resulting JARs.
With Maven, that's easy. I just added the following to the pom.xml:
The test phase is before the package phase, so all is well.
For Tycho however, tests are executed after the package phase (because they are executed in the verify phase for some reason). The phase cannot be changed either (see bug 440094).
So the only alternative is to build another JAR after the verify phase:
However, it does not work. Neither the folder nor the files are added. My guess was that it's because of the include tag points to the source folders, so I tried:
Which did not work either?
So how do I add JUnit test results to the JAR of a Tycho build?
You can change the directory of the maven-bundle-plugin like this:

Maven Resource Plugin Copying Files

I currently have some Maven projects which when I install the project I need to copy all files from the conf folder to the target folder.
|--conf <--FROM HERE -->
|--target <--TO HERE-->
I have attempted this in the pom.xml to no avail. What am I doing wrong? My plugin part of the pom.xml is below:
Your problem is that you copy the resources in the phase install. In that phase your target archive is already built and copied to your local repository. See the Maven lifecycle. You'll propably want to do it in the process-resources phase.

Maven war packaging, include classes ignores excluded resources

I have the following pom
As you can see, I package a WAR while my .class files are not in my WEB-INF/classes folder - they are packaged into a JAR instead.
Now, I am desperately trying to exclude some resources from my JAR - but it does not work. When I run mvn jar:jar - the resources are excluded, however when I run mvn package the resources are there.
Please help.
It seems that #user944849 is right - indeed, the war plugin does not use the jar plugin in order to achieve the JAR packaging.
However, his answer gave me a wrong result still as it will simply create 2 jars - one will be with the resources and the other without. The WAR will still use the wrong one.
The correct answer is to use the new maven resources tag.
The one that corresponds to my configuration looks as follows
You do not have the jar:jar goal bound to a lifecycle phase. When you run jar:jar from the command line, the exclusions happen fine; when you run mvn clean package I suspect jar:jar is not executing. Try binding the goal to a phase:
FYI, the archiveClasses feature of the war:war plugin goal does something similar to what I think you're trying to achieve without requiring a separate plugin config.

Files got overwritten in maven project when building a war

I'm building a web application project using maven, and packaging is set to "war". I also use YUI compressor plugin to compress javascript codes in the webapp directory. I've set up the YUI compressor like this:
If I do: mvn process-resources, src/main/webapp will get copied over to target/webapp-1.0/ directory, and javacripts are compressed. However, when I run mvn install, all the compressed javascripts are overwritten, apparently the packaging process copies the content from main/webapp one time before building the war file.
How can I get around this?
As you noticed, the /src/main/webapp dir (aka warSourceDirectory) contents is not copied into the project dir for packaging until the war plugin executes during the package phase. When the war plugin completes the archive is already built; too late to modify those resources. If the .js files you want to compress were moved into another directory (outside of /src/main/webapp) then you could do something like the below.
To test, I created a ${basedir}/src/play directory with a couple of files in it. I used the resource plugin for the example; you'd replace that config with the YUI compressor plugin config you needed and simply add the <webResource> element to your war plugin config as shown below; more info in the war plugin examples. My war ended up with the additional files right where I wanted them.
I think #user944849 answer is the correct answer, at least one of the correct answers. Another way of archiving this is to exclude the modified javascript directory from maven-war-plugin configuration, e.g.:
<artifactId> maven-war-plugin </artifactId>
<warSourceExcludes>**/external/ dojo/**/*.js </warSourceExcludes>
this will tell maven-war-plugin not to copy from the excluded directory, but since the modified javascript directory is already there, the war file still contains the javascript directory, BUT with the modified, in this case, compressed javascript codes.
in your execution directive, set the phase for applying your compression and copying to be install and that will hopefully do the trick. the code should be something like this:
Here is my solution, simply add an antrun plugin which updates the packaged war file using the processed outputs, which binds to the package phase:
<zip basedir="${}/${}"

Maven: how to get a war package with resources copied in WEB-INF?

when I create a war package with maven, files and directories under the directory "src/main/resources" are copied in /WEB-INF/classes instead of /WEB-INF. How can I get them copied in /WEB-INF?
in my pom now I use this:
<!-- here the phase you need -->
and I launch mvn with:
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean package resources:copy-resources
but I got:
[INFO] One or more required plugin parameters are invalid/missing for 'resources:copy-resources'
[0] Inside the definition for plugin 'maven-resources-plugin' specify the following:
[1] Inside the definition for plugin 'maven-resources-plugin' specify the following:
I'm using maven 2.2 and the snippet basically is the same of the documentation
any idea?
either configure the outputDirectory parameter of resources:resources plugin, or put your files under src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/ directory.
resource plugin
This configuration is working for me:
you can run a phase in the form somePhase or a goal somePlugin:someGoal. The phase invocations will invoke all plugins goals hooked on phases in interval [validate,phase] in order, so there's no need to explicitly call them.
Web resources are not the same as java resources, which should be placed in the classpath. Web resources are processed via the war plugin and should be placed into src\main\webapp\WEB-INF\. In this case, it will work automatically without any additional configuration in the pom.xml
This configuration is working add plugin pom.xml
<!--copy resource file location-->
<!--location for add file-->
