How do search engines evaluate the usefulness of their results? - algorithm

A search engine returns 2 results A and B for search "play game XYZ".
People who click on result B spend a much longer time and play a lot more XYZ games at site B, while clickers to site A leave the site after a short visit.
I'd imagine site B is a better search result than site A even though it's possible that site B is new and has few links to it in comparison with A. I assume better search engines would take this into account.
My question is, if so, how do they keep track of usage pattern of a search result in the real world?

There are two issues here:
If a user plays game B a lot - he is likely to write and link about it (blogs, reviews, social networks,....) If he does it, the static score of B will raise. This is a part of Page Rank algorithm, that gives the static score of each page and helps the Search Engine decide which page is better.
There is another factor that some Search Engines use: If a user clicked a page, but searched the same/similar query very soon after it - it is likely he did not found what he was after. In this case, the search engine can assume the page is not a good fit ti the query and reduce the score given to this page.
Other then it, the SE cannot really know "how much time you played a game" (unless you revisit it multiple times, by researching the query - and not navigate to it directly, and then it can use the #times the user navigated to the game by searching)

Search engines get results with algorithms like PageRank, which sort websites in it's database by how many sites link to it.
From Wikipedia:
that assigns a numerical weighting to each element of a hyperlinked
set of documents, such as the World Wide Web, with the purpose of
"measuring" its relative importance within the set.
As more sites like to it, it's reputation is assumed to raise, thus it's ranking.
Other methods can be used as well, like search engines can also detect how much time spent on a website, through there external services. Like Google tracks time spent through their widely used tracking/web stat service Google Analytics.
As the other answers mention, another method is detecting a site's relevance to the query is if a similar search is conducted within a short time-frame from the previous. This can indicate if the user actually found what they were looking for on the previous site.


How to implement personalized feed ranking?

I have an app that aggregates various sports content (news articles, videos, discussions from users, tweets) and I'm currently working on having it so that it'll display relevant content to the users. Each post has a like button so I'm using that to determine what's popular. I'm using the reddit algorithm to have it sorted on popularity but also factor in time. However, my problem is that I want to make it more personalized for each user. Each user should see more content based on what they like. I have several factors I'm measuring:
- How many of each content they watch/click on? Ex: 60% videos and 40% articles
- What teams/players they like? If a news is about a team they like, it should be weighed more heavily
- What sport they like more? Users can follow several sports
What I'm currently doing:
For each of the factors listed above, I'll increase the popularity score by X of an article. Ex: user likes videos 70% than other content. I'll increase the score of videos by 70%.
I'm looking to see if there's better ways to do this? I've been told machine learning would be a good way but I wanted to see if there are any alternatives out there.
It sounds like what your doing is a great place to start with personalizing your users feeds.
Ranking based on popularity metrics (likes, comments, etc), recency, and in you case content type is the basis of the EdgeRank algorithm that Facebook used to use.
There are a lot of metrics that you can apply to try and boost engagement. Something
user liked post from team x, y times, so boost activity in feed by log(x) if post if is from y, boost activity if it’s newer, boost activity if it’s popular, etc… You can start to see that these EdgeRank algorithms can get a bit unwieldy rather quickly the more metrics you track. Also all the hyper-parameters that you set tend to be fixed for each user, which won’t end up with the ideal ranking algorithm for every user. Which is where machine learning techniques can come into play.
The main class of algorithms that deal with this sort of thing are often called Learning to Rank, and can be on a high level generalized into 3 categories. Collaborative filtering techniques, content based techniques, and hybrid techniques (blend of the first two)
In you case with a feed that most likely gets updated fairly frequently with new items, I would take a look at content based methods. Typically these algorithms are optimized around engagement metrics such as likelihood that the user is going to click, view, comment, or like an activity within their feed.
A little bit of self-promotion: I wrote a couple blog posts that cover some of this that you may find interesting.
This can be a lot a lot to take on, so you could also take a look at using a 3rd party service like Stream (disclaimer, I do work there) who helps developers build scalable, personalized feeds.

How does a search engine rank millions of pages within 1 second?

I understand the basics of search engine ranking, including the ideas of "reverse index", "vector space model", "cosine similarity", "PageRank", etc.
However, when a user submits a popular query term, it is very likely that millions of pages containing this term. As a result, a search engine still needs to sort these millions of pages in real time. For example, I just tried searching "Barack Obama" in Google. It shows "About 937,000,000 results (0.49 seconds)". Ranking over 900M items within 0.5 seconds? That really blows my mind!
How does a search engine sort such a large number of items within 1 second? Can anyone give me some intuitive ideas or point out references?
Most of the responses (including some older discussions) so far seem to contribute the credit to "reverse index". However, as far as I know, reverse index only helps find the "relevant pages". In other words, by inverse index Google could obtain the 900M pages containing "Barack Obama" (out of over several billions of pages). However, it is still not clear how to "rank" these millions of "relevant pages" based on the threads I read so far.
MapReduce framework is unlikely to be the key component for real-time ranking. MapReduce is designed for batch tasks. When submitting a job to a MapReduce framework, the response time is usually at least a minute, which is apparently too slow to meet our request.
The question would be really relevant if we were sure that the ranking was complete. It is quite possible that the ordering provided is approximate.
Given the fluidity of the ranking results, no answer that looks reasonable could be considered incorrect. For example, if an entire section of the web were excluded from the top results, you would not notice, provided they were included later.
This gives the developers a degree of latitude entirely unavailable in almost all other domains.
The real question to ask is - how precisely do the results match the actual rank assigned to each page?
There are two major factors that influence the time it takes for you to get a response from your search engine.
The first is if you're storing your index on hard disk. If you're using a database, it's very likely that you're using the hard disk at least a little. From a cold boot, your queries will be slow until the data necessary for those queries has been pulled into the database cache.
The other is having a cache for your popular queries. It takes a lot longer to search for a query than it does to return results from a cache. Now, the random access time for a disk is too slow, so they need to have it stored in RAM.
To solve both of these problems, Google uses memcached. It's an application that caches the output of the Google search engine and feeds slightly old results to users. This is fine because most of the time the web doesn't change fast enough for it to be a problem, and because of the significant overlap in searches. You can be almost guaranteed that Barack Obama has been searched for recently.
Another issue that effects search engine latency is the network overheads.
Google have been using a custom variant of the Linux (IIRC) that has been optimised for use as a web server. They've managed to reduce some of the time it takes to start turning around results to a query.
The moment a query hits their servers, the server immediately responds back to the user with the header for the HTTP response, even before Google has finished processing the query terms.
I'm sure they have a bunch of other tricks up their sleeves, too.
They also keep their inverted lists sorted already, from the indexing process (it's better to process once than for each query).
With these pre-sorted lists, the most expensive operation is list intersection. Although I'm fairly sure Google doesn't rely on a vector space model, so list intersection isn't so much a factor for them.
The models that pay off the best according to the literature are the probabilistic models. As an example, you may wish to look up Okapi BM25. It does fairly well in practice within my area of research (XML Retrieval). When working with probabilistic models, it tends to be much more efficient to process document at a time instead of term at a time. What this means is that instead of getting a list of all of the documents that contain a term, we look at each document and rank it based on the terms it contains from our query (skipping documents that have no terms).
But if we want to be smart, we can approach the problem in a different way (but only when it appears to be better). If there's a query term that is extremely rare, we can rank with that first, because it has the highest impact. Then we rank with the next best term, and we continue until we've determined if it's likely that this document will be within our top k results.
One possible strategy is just rank the top-k instead of the entire list.
For example, to find the top 100 results from 1 millions hits, by selection algorithm the time complexity is O(n log k). Since k = 100 and n = 1,000,000, in practice we could ignore log(k).
Now, you only need O(n) to obtain the top 100 results out of 1 million hits.
Also I guess the use of NoSQL databases instead of RDBMS helps.
NoSQL databases scales horizontally better, and don't generate bottlenecks. Big guys like Google Facebook or Twitter use them.
As other comments/answers suggested the data might be already sorted, and they are returning offsets of the data found instead of the whole batch.
The real question is not how they sort that many results that quickly, but how do they do it when tens or hundreds of millions of people around the world are querying google at the same time xD
As Xiao said, just rank the top-k instead of the entire list.
Google tells you there are 937,000,000 results, but it won't show them all to you. If you keep scrolling page after page, after a while it will truncate the results :)
Here you go, i looked it up for you and this is what i found!
This ia my theory...Its highly impossible that you are the first guy to search for a keyword.So for every keyword (or a combination) searched on a search engine, it maintains a hash of links to relevent web pages. Everytime you click a link in search results it gets a vote-up on the hashset of that keyword combination. Unfortunatly if you are the first guy, it saves your search keyword(for suggesting future searches) and starts the hashing of that keyword. So you end up with a fewer or no results at all.
The page ranking as you might be knowing depends on many other factors too like backlinks,no. Of pages refering a keyword in seaech. etc.
Regarding your update:
MapReduce framework is unlikely to be the key component for real-time ranking. MapReduce is designed for batch tasks. When submitting a job to a MapReduce framework, the response time is usually at least a minute, which is apparently too slow to meet our request.
MapReduce is not just designed for batch tasks. There are quite a lot MapReduce frameworks supporting real time computing: Apache Spark, Storm, Infinispan Distributed Executor, Hazelcast Distributed Executor Service.
Back to your question MapReduce is the key to distribute the query task to multiple nodes, and then merge the result together.
There's no way you expect to get an accurate answer to this question here ;) Anyway, here's a couple of things to consider - Google uses a unique infrastructure, in every part of it. We cannot even guess the order of complexity of their network equipment or their database storage. That is all I know about the hardware component of this problem.
Now, for the software implementation - like the name says the PageRank is a rank by itself. It doesn't rank the pages when you enter the search query. I assume it ranks it on a totally independent part of the infrastructure every hour. And we already know that Google crawler bots are roaming the Web 24/7 so I assume that new pages are added into an "unsorted" hash map and then they are ranked on the next run of the algorithm.
Next, when you type your query, thousands of CPUs independently scan thousands of different parts of the PageRank database with a gapping factor. For example if the gapping factor is 10, one machine queries the part of the database that has PageRank values from 0-9.99, the other one queries the database from 10-19.99 etc. Since resources aren't an obstacle for Google they can set the gapping factor so low (for example 1) in order for each machine to query less than 100k pages which isn't to much for their hardware. Then when they need to compile the results of your query, since they know which machine ranks exactly which part of the database they can use the 'fill the pool' principle. Let n be the number of links on each Google page. The algorithm that combines the pages returned from queries ran on all those machines against all the different parts of database needs to only fill the first n results. So they take the results from the machine querying against the highest rank of the database. If it is greater than n they're done, if not they move to the next machine. This takes only O(q*g/r) where s is the quantity of the pages Google serves, g is the gapping factor and r is the highest value of PageRank. This assumption is encouraged by the fact that when you turn to second page your query is ran once again (notice the different time taken to generate it) .
This is just my two cents, but I think I'm pretty accurate with this hypothesis.
EDIT: You might want to check this out for complexity of high-order queries.
I don't know what Google really does, but surely they use approximation. For example if the search query is 'Search engine' then the number of results will be = (no. of documents where there is one or more occurrence of the word 'search' + no. of documents where there is one or more occurrence of the word 'engine' ). This can be done in O(1) time complexity. For details read the basic structure of Google

Building or Finding a "relevant terms" suggestion feature

Given a few words of input, I want to have a utility that will return a diverse set of relevant terms, phrases, or concepts. A caveat is that it would need to have a large graph of terms to begin with, or else the feature would not be very useful.
For example, submitting "baseball" would return
["shortstop", "Babe Ruth", "foul ball", "steroids", ... ]
Google Sets is the best example I can find of this kind of feature, but I can't use it since they have no public API (and I wont go against their TOS). Also, single-word input doesn't garner a very diverse set of results. I'm looking for a solution that goes off on tangents.
The closest I've experimented with is using WikiPedia's API to search Categories and Backlinks, but there's no way to directly sort those results by "relevance" or "popularity". Without that, the suggestion list is massive and all over the place, which is not immediately useful and very hard to whittle down.
Using A Thesaurus could also work minimally, but that would leave out any proper nouns or tangentially relevant terms (like any of the results listed above).
I would happily reuse an open service, if one exists, but I haven't found anything sufficient.
I'm looking for either a way to implement this either in-house with a decently-populated starting set, or reuse a free service that offers this.
Have a solution? Thanks ahead of time!
UPDATE: Thank you for the incredibly dense & informative answers. I'll choose a winning answer in 6 to 12 months, when I'll hopefully understand what you've all suggested =)
You might be interested in WordNet. It takes a bit of linguistic knowledge to understand the API, but basically the system is a database of meaning-based links between English words, which is more or less what you're searching for. I'm sure I can dig up more information if you want it.
Peter Norvig (director of research at Google) spoke about how they do this at Google (specifically mentioning Google Sets) in a Facebook Tech Talk. The idea is that a relatively simple algorithm on a huge dataset (e.g. the entire web) is much better than a complicated algorithm on a small data set.
You could look at Google's n-gram collection as a starting point. You'd start to see what concepts are grouped together. Norvig hinted that internally Google has up to 7-grams for use in things like Google Translate.
If you're more ambitious, you could download all of Wikipedia's articles in the language you desire and create your own n-gram database.
The problem is even more complicated if you just have a single word; check out this recent thesis for more details on word sense disambiguation.
It's not an easy problem, but it is useful as you mentioned. In the end, I think you'll find that a really successful implementation will have a relatively simple algorithm and a whole lot of data.
Take a look at the following two papers:
Clustering User Queries of a Search Engine [pdf]
Topic Detection by Clustering Keywords [pdf]
Here is my attempt at a very simplified explanation:
If we have a database of past user queries, we can define a similarity function between two queries. For example: number of words in common. Now for each query in our database, we compute its similarity with each other query, and remember the k most similar queries. The non-overlapping words from these can be returned as "related terms".
We can also take this approach with a database of documents containing information users might be searching for. We can define the similarity between two search terms as the number of documents containing both divided by the number of documents containing either. To decide which terms to test, we can scan the documents and throw out words that are either too common ('and', 'the', etc.) or that are too obscure.
If our data permits, then we could see which queries led users to choosing which results, instead of comparing documents by content. For example if we had data that showed us that users searching for "Celtics" and "Lakers" both ended up clicking on, then we could call these related terms.
If you're starting from scratch with no data about past user queries, then you can try Wikipedia, or the Bag of Words dataset as a database of documents. If you are looking for a database of user search terms and results, and if you are feeling adventurous, then you can take a look at the AOL Search Data.

How is Amazon Faceted Search so fast?

Search for a term on, for example "stack overflow", and the search results come back very quickly.
On the left hand side of the window, there is a faceted search that shows in certain categories, the count of products that match that term.
You can then drill into those terms. For example, there are 1094 books that match the term, which is broken down into Computers & Internet (1003), Science, etc.
Given that the search for books covers the contents of some of those books, it strikes me that this is a very impressive feat.
How does amazon do this? Massive parallelization? eg each node knows about a few products?
Incidentally, I saw that "stack overflow" appears in the text of "Soul of a New Machine", a book I remember from 1981
The short answer is, a lot of indexing.
The longer answer is, a lot of indexing, a lot of redundancy, a lot of caching, and smart partitioning.
The real answer is -- read this book:
(It's free, and it's very good).
Well, there is parallelization, but one of the things that everyone does on the backend of these types of things is run slow processes (like semantic parsing of book contents) and put a fast lookup on top of it. They literally are caching the search results in some large databases, such that all they have to do is db lookups on your search results. Perhaps I misunderstood the question, but it's similar to what Google does. You don't think their spiders scour the web for your sites when you enter in a search term, right?

What searching algorithm/concept is used in Google?

What searching algorithm/concept is used in Google?
The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine
If you want to get down to basics:
Google uses an inverted index of the Internet. What this means is that Google has an index of all pages it's crawled based on the terms in each page. For instance the term Google maps to this page, the Google home page, and the Wikipedia article for Google, amongst others.
Thus, when you go to Google and type "Google" into the search box, Google checks its index of all terms available on the Internet and finds the entry for the term "Google" and with it the list of all pages that have that term referenced in it.
For veteran users:
Google's index goes beyond your simple inverted index, however. This is why Google is the best. Google's crawlers (spiders) are smart. Very smart. Beyond just keeping track of the terms that are on any given web page, they also keep track of words that are on related pages and link those to the given document.
In other words, if a page has the term Google in it and the page has a link to or is linked from another web page, the other page may be referenced in the index under the term Google as well. All this and more go into why a given page is returned for a given query.
If you want to go into why pages are ordered the way they are in your search results, that gets into even more interesting stuff.
To get down to basics:
Perhaps one of the most basic algorithms a search engine can use to sort your results is known as term frequency-inverse document frequency (tf-idf). Simply put, this means that your results will be ordered by the relative importance of your search terms in the document. In other words, a document that has 10 pages and lists the word Google once is not nearly as important as a document that has 1 page and lists the word Google ten times.
For veteran users:
Again, Google does quite a bit more than your basic search engine when it comes to ranking results. Google has implemented the aforementioned, patented, PageRank algorithm. In short form, PageRank enhances the tf-idf algorithm by taking into account the populatirty/importance of a given page. At this point, popularity/importance may be judged by any number of factors that Google just wont tell us. However, at the most basic of levels, Google can tell that one page is more important than another because loads and loads of other pages link to it.
Google's patented PigeonRank™
Wow, they initially posted this 7 years ago from Wednesday ...
PageRank is a link analysis algorithm used by Google for the search engine, but the patent was assigned to Stanford University.
I think "The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine" is a little outdated.
Hier a recent talk about scalability: Challenges in Building Large-Scale Information Retrieval Systems
Inverted index and MapReduce is the basics of most search engines (I believe). You create an index on the content and run queries against that index to display relevance. Google however does much more than just a simple index of where each word occurs, they also do how many times it appeared, where it appears, where it appears in relation to other words, the ordering, etc. Another simple concept that's used is "stop words" which may include things like "and", "the", and so on (basically "simple" words that occur often and generally not the focus of a query). In addition, they employ things like Page Rank (mentioned by TStamper) to order pages by relevance and importance.
MapReduce is basically taking one job and dividing it into smaller jobs and letting those smaller jobs run on many systems (in parts for scalability and in parts for speed). If I recall correctly, Google was able to make use of "average" computers to distribute jobs to instead of server-grade computers. Since the processing capability of one computer is reaching a peak, many technology are heading towards cloud computing where a job is done by many physical machines.
I'm not sure how much searching Google does, it's more accurately crawling. The difference lies in that they just start at specific points and crawl to anything reachable and repeat until they hit some sort of dead-end.
While being interested in the page rank algorithm and similar I was disturbed to discover that the introduction of personal search at the turn of the year (not widely commented on) seems to change quite a lot - see Failure of the Google Gold Standard and
Google’s Personalized Results
This question cannot be answered canonically. The Algorithms used by Google (and other search engines) are their closest guarded secrets and change constantly. Every correct answer can be invalid a month or a year later.
(I know this doesn't really answer the question, but that's the point, there is no possible answer.)
