How to create and execute a file full of commands on Windows command prompt? - windows

In Linux we can put the desired commands in a file and give it executable permissions. This helps us to actually run the file on the terminal and thus all the commands inside the file get automatically executed.
How to achieve this on Windows XP?

Same thing, but it's called a batch file, extension is .bat. You can also double-click to run these. This site is a great resource.


Is there a command in Shell scripting for executing .exe file and running commands automatically inside of it? replacing the user interaction

I have a .sh script file that I'm modifying which runs an .EXE file that opens the Windows command line prompt automatically.
This .exe asks the user for an input (name of the file in the folder workspace that it will read)
I want to automate this step in my shell script so my user doesn't have to interact with this, and run the commands automatically
I read a bit about the expect command but I think that is for Linux only.
Can someone help me, I'm pretty new to Shell scripting and I couldn't find any useful information elsewhere.
I'm assuming that your executable accepts command-line arguments. So, here we go.
You can use the "start" command in Windows Shell. For example:
start C:\path\to\program.exe -argument
If you want to make the script wait until the .exe file finishes running before continuing, you can use the "/wait" command:
start /wait C:\path\to\program.exe -argument
IF all of that doesn't work, please try:
start myprogram.exe /command1 /command2 /command3
Hope it helps,

Batch file to rar and password (very specific)

I was trying to make a batch file that compresses a specific folder (using winrar) to a specific location (not the same as the folder location), password (that I can choose myself) protects it AND does all of that without a cmd screen popping up.
I have very little knowledge of programming and managed to get some things working, but not all at the same time and in the same batch file.
Also to rar that file do I need Winrar to be installed on the computer or can I reffer to the rar.exe (copied from the Program Files Windows folder to a different location)?
AFAIK it's not possible to run a a bat file without a visible CMD window without using any additional tools. Here's a link to a post how to run a hidden console:
It is possible to use just the rar.exe but I would use 7zip instead. The performance is way better, it's also portable and you have many options in the command line. So your project would contain the bat file itself, the vb script file and the 7z.exe (or rar.exe). If you want, you can even create a single .exe file out of these three by creating a SFX file:
Hope I could help you.

How can I find a Powershell's running directory in a GPO?

I have a powershell script that runs in a GPO. It needs to open a text file, also inside that GPO. I can't get the path information for the text file because the script doesn't execute in the same directory the script is.
I need to open the text file somehow. How do I do it?
I can't fully understand what you're trying to do, but if I've guessed right then you want the path of the script while its been executed?
If that's the case then use this variable:

Files with "sh" extension on windows

Our Apache web server works in a Linux environment.
The cgi executables are called via a sh file (for example /cgi-bin/
The call "/cgi-bin/" is in an html file.
Now I want to make a development and testing environment for this web server on windows.
I do not want to change the calls in the html files from "" to "iwsblogin.bat" just for testing purposes.
Is there a way to configure windows in such a way, that files with the extension ".sh" are treated as executables the same way as ".bat" and ".exe" files?
The contents of this .sh file is for example:
- ms dos commands for setting some environment variables.
- Path of an exe file which should be called.
I know that there exist similar questions on stackoverflow where user suggest using cygwin, but this is NOT an option for me!
Thanks alot in advance
There are some ways to do this.
If the .sh file works when you rename it to .bat, you can use "run as" and select C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe as default program
Use a sh emulator. For example, msysgit includes one or you can use cygwin (possibly the same source?).
I know you don't want to use cygwin, but why not? Please explain why this isn't an option. It is hard to look for an answer if we don't know why regular answers won't work.

How to create an executable command prompt script

I usually perform actions in the 7zip command line program. I was thinking about creating a small script to do everything automatically, but I have never written any Windows shell script before and therefore don't even know where to begin.
I would like to make an executable script file which, when a user double-clicks on it, will call the 7zip command line and perform some actions.
First of all, is this possible? And if it is, what is the best way to do this?
You can create a batch script to do this.
It's basically command line commands that run one after another so you don't have to keep typing them in :)
Put the commands you would normally use for 7zip in a notepad file and save it with the extension .bat, then run it.
7z blah blah params
7z more params and args
All your commands will be executed automatically when the previous one finishes.
There are other programming languages you could do this in (or even VBScript) but batch would be perfectly suited to this, and you don't need to install anything extra.
Batch files can run a series of command line commands. Simply create a text file and name it with the .bat extension.
There are plenty of resources on the internet which will provide you with help.
