Joining to a GROUP'ed query - linq

I'm a LINQ Newb and I've got this query, which returns the pages in a survey. (These values are not materialized into a table, for whatever reason.)
//Group all of this data by page
var pages = from fq in db.FormQuestions
where (fq.FormId == id) && fq.Disabled == false
group fq by fq.PageNumber into p
select new DTOs.PageDTO { PageNumber = p.Key.Value };
And then I have this query, which projects all of the leaf-data into DTOs.
var questions = from fq in db.FormQuestions
join q in db.Questions on fq.QuestionId equals q.QuestionId
where (fq.FormId == id) && fq.Disabled == false
//where (fq.FormId == id) && fq.Disabled == false && fq.PageNumber == page
orderby fq.DisplayOrder
select new DTOs.FormQuestionDTO()
DisplayOrder = (fq.DisplayOrder.HasValue ? fq.DisplayOrder.Value : 0),
PageNumber = (fq.PageNumber.HasValue ? fq.PageNumber.Value : 0),
QuestionId = q.QuestionId,
QuestionSelectionMode = q.vts_tbQuestionSelectionMode.Description,
QuestionText = q.QuestionText,
Answers =
from answer in q.Answers
join at in db.AnswerTypes on answer.AnswerTypeId equals at.AnswerTypeID
where answer.Disabled == false
orderby answer.DisplayOrder
select new DTOs.AnswerDTO()
AnswerId = answer.AnswerId,
AnswerText = answer.AnswerText,
DisplayOrder = answer.DisplayOrder,
AnswerType = at.Description
Is there a way to join these two neatly? I.e., under each page DTO I want to see the QUestion DTOs, then inside of that Answer DTOs, and onward...
Also, even if I could do this all in one LINQ statement, is it preferable to build the LINQ statements separately and then merge them? This feels a bit like building temp variables in SQL in that it may be possible to build one giant query but it's a pain to maintain.

So why wouldn't something like this work?
//Group all of this data by page
var pages = from fq in db.FormQuestions
where (fq.FormId == id) && fq.Disabled == false
group fq by fq.PageNumber into p
select new DTOs.PageDTO {
PageNumber = p.Key.Value
questions = from fq in db.FormQuestions
join q in db.Questions on fq.QuestionId equals q.QuestionId
where (fq.FormId == id) && fq.Disabled == false
orderby fq.DisplayOrder
select new DTOs.FormQuestionDTO()
DisplayOrder = (fq.DisplayOrder.HasValue ? fq.DisplayOrder.Value : 0),
// etc as you 2nd code sample


LINQ Aggregate results with Many to Many Relationship

I am currently working with this schema
This is how my LINQ currently looks
var regionResults = (
from p in _context.Projects
from pr in p.Regions
where (data.RegionId == null || pr.RegionId == data.RegionId)
group p by pr.RegionId into g
join q in _context.Regions on g.Key equals _context.Regions.First().Id
select new Models.ViewModels.ProjectBreakdownViewModel.Regions
RegionName = q.Name,
TotalCount = g.Count(),
RejectedCount = g.Count(e => e.SubmissionStatusId == 2),
DeniedCount = g.Count(e => e.SubmissionStatusId == 3)
this is what it is currently producing, albeit incorrect
This is what I need it to be...
I know the problem is with this line, essentially
join q in _context.Regions on g.Key equals _context.Regions.First().Id
I don't know how to do this without the use of .First(), there doesn't seem to be a way to do it. I'm close I just don't know how to finish this.
If you have an collection of ProjectRegions in you Region entity, you can do this:
var result= context.Regions
.Where(r=> data.RegionId == null || r.Id == data.RegionId)
.Select(r=> new
RegionName = r.Name,
TotalCount = r.ProjectRegions.Count(),
RejectedCount = r.ProjectRegions.Count(e => e.Project.SubmissionStatusId == 2),
DeniedCount = r.ProjectRegions.Count(e => e.Project.SubmissionStatusId == 3)
ProjectRegion entity should have two nav properties, Project and Region, use them to navigate and create the corresponding conditions

Distinct keyword in linq query

my linq query returns duplicate records like below, how i have to use distinct keyword in this linq query.
var draft_recieved = from df in _DataContext.tblDrafts
from dfBody in _DataContext.DraftBodies
from sendUser in _DataContext.tblSends
where (df.DraftId == dfBody.DraftID) && (df.DraftId == sendUser.DraftId) &&
(sendUser.ToEmailId == (Guid)Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey)
select new
subject = dfBody.Subject,
draftid = df.DraftId
.Distinct() has to be applied as an extension method.
var draft_recieved = (from df in _DataContext.tblDrafts
from dfBody in _DataContext.DraftBodies
from sendUser in _DataContext.tblSends
where (df.DraftId == dfBody.DraftID) && (df.DraftId == sendUser.DraftId) &&
(sendUser.ToEmailId == (Guid)Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey)
select new
subject = dfBody.Subject,
draftid = df.DraftId

LINQ: Using a ternary ( ?: ) with LINQ let is not enough, need an "IF" but can't seem to get it to work

I am trying to include an IF within my LET in LINQ but i can't get it to work, it seems to work for the ternary operator, but this is TRUE or FALSE and i need to have more than 2 options.
I think this explains it well
Basically i have a select which selects items using joins from a DB. Then the i get the status for each record but i have to make a join on separate tables depending on the type from products.type
var tst = from p in products join i in info on equals
// if p.type = "home" then ...
let status = from s in homestatus
select new { status = s.status }
// if p.type ="offshore" then
let status = from s in offshorestatus
select new { status = s.status }
// if p.type ="internal" then
let status = from s in internalestatus
select new { status = s.status }
select new {
name =,
status = status.StatusText
Anybody have any ideas how to do a standard IF so i can select which STATUS (let) i wish to execute.
Thanks in advance
You can do that with the conditional operator (1)
var tst = from p in products join i in info on equals
let status = p.type = "home" ? homestatus.Select(s=>s.status) :
p.type = "offshore" ? offshorestatus.Select(s=>s.status) :
p.type = "internal" ? internalestatus.Select(s=>s.status) : null
select new {
name =,
status = status != null ? status.StatusText : string.Empty;
If you are not using the status for anything else than the StatusText you could also do it like this
var tst = from p in products join i in info on equals
let status = (p.type = "home" ? homestatus.Select(s=>s.status.StatusText) :
p.type = "offshore" ? offshorestatus.Select(s=>s.status.StatusText) :
p.type = "internal" ? internalestatus.Select(s=>s.status.StatusText) : null) ?? string.Empty
select new {
name =,
status = status;
(1) A ternary operator is any operator that takes three arguments, of which there at present is only one in C# called the conditional operator

linq 2 left joins

So I wanted to make a linq query out of my left join sql (refer to it below). I just don't know how to properly position the ".TournamentId = 1" condition on the joins. Currently when running this on my database I get the results that I want. which is a couple of rows from the Type table with null fields.
select typ.Id, stat.PromoterId, temp.PromoterId
from ReportTypes type
left join ReportTemplateStatus status on status.PromoterId = type.TypeId and status.TournamentId = 1
left join ReportTemplates temp on temp.ClientId = status.PromoterId and temp.TournamentId = 1
- promoterId
- promoterName
- tournamentId
- tournamentName
- TypeId
- promoterId (this is the key)
- tournamentId
- typeId
- promoterId
- tournamentId
This is currently what I have:
var report = from type in context.ReportTypes
join status in context.ReportTemplateStatus on type.TypeId equals status.TypeId
join temp in context.ReportTemplates on status.promoterId equals temp.promoterId into iReports
from reports in iReports.Where (rep => rep.promoterId == _promoterId && rep.tournamentId == _tournamentId).DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { my fields});
but it's giving me a null.
any ideas on how the linq should work? maybe separate into "itables" (iReports) or something?
This should give you what you are looking for
var report = from type in context.ReportTypes
from status in context.ReportTemplateStatus.Where(x => type.TypeId == x.TypeId)
.Where(x => x.TournamentId == 1)
from reports in context.ReportTemplates.Where(x => status.promoterId == x.promoterId)
.Where(x => x.TournamentId == 1)
select new { my fields};
You can use like this
var query = from person in people
join pet in pets on person equals pet.Owner into gj
from subpet in gj.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { person.FirstName, PetName = (subpet == null ? String.Empty : subpet.Name) };

In Linq2SQL, how do I get a record plus the previous and next in the sequence in a single query?

Given a date, what is the most efficient way to query the last record before that date, any record that equals that date, and the next one after that date.
It should be functionally equivalent to a query like this:
from asset in Assets
where asset.Id == assetId
select new {
Previous = (from a in a.Orders where a.Date < myDate orderby a.Date descending select a).FirstOrDefault(),
Current = (from a in a.Orders where a.Date == myDate select a).SingleOrDefault(),
Next = (from a in a.Orders where a.Date > myDate orderby a.Date select a).FirstOrDefault()
As is, this query runs three queries, and presumably has to sort the dataset by myDate three times to do it.
Some similar questions:
How do I get 5 records before AND after a record with a specific ID? (just uses two queries)
How do I get records before and after given one? Not in Linq, and therefore hard for me to take advantage of (my team will get annoyed).
To provide the "most efficient" query depends on what you mean by efficient.
If you want a single query to the database, a single sort of orders by date and finally fast look-ups by date then I suggest the following might be the most efficient. :-)
var orders =
(from a in Assets
where a.Id == assetId
from o in a.Orders
orderby o.Date
select o).ToArray();
var previous = orders.LastOrDefault(o => o.Date < myDate);
var current = orders.SingleOrDefault(o => o.Date == myDate);
var next = orders.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Date > myDate);
This should query the database once for the orders associated with the required asset Id, sort them by date, and return them as an array in memory. Since this is in memory it is now blindingly fast to look for the current, previous & next records for the specified date.
Does your Orders table have a sequential ID field? If so, you might be able to do it with:
from asset in Assets
where asset.Id == assetID
let current = asset.Orders.Where(x => x.Date == myDate).FirstOrDefault()
where current != null
let previous = asset.Orders.Where(x => == - 1).FirstOrDefault()
let next = asset.Orders.Where(x => == + 1).FirstOrDefault()
select new {
Previous = previous,
Current = current,
Next = next
If it doesn't, then it'd be a bit more code:
from asset in Assets
where asset.Id == assetID
let current = asset.Orders.Where(x => x.Date == myDate).FirstOrDefault()
where current != null
let previous = asset.Orders.Where(x => x.Date < current.Date).OrderByDescending(x => x.Date).FirstOrDefault()
let next = asset.Orders.Where(x => x.Date > current.Date).OrderBy(x => x.Date).FirstOrDefault()
select new {
Previous = previous,
Current = current,
Next = next
That should get compiled into a single SQL query that utilizes sub-queries. IE: the database server will execute multiple queries, but your client program is only submitting one.
Edit One other idea that would work if your Order table had sequential IDs:
var sample = (from asset in Assets
where asset.Id == assetID
let current = asset.Orders.Where(x => x.Date == myDate).FirstOrDefault()
where current != null
from order in asset.Orders
where order.Id == - 1
select order)
var Previous = sample[0];
var Current = sample[1];
var Next = sample[2];
Other Answers, for example, SkipWhile etc. very very slow. Good luck ^^
//Current Record
var query
= (from item in db.Employee
where item.UserName.Equals(_username)
select item).SingleOrDefault();
//Next Record
var query
= (from item in db.Employee
where item.UserName.CompareTo(_username) > 0
select item).FirstOrDefault();
//Previous Record
var query
= (from item in db.Employee
where item.UserName.CompareTo(_username) < 0
orderby item.UserName Descending
select item).FirstOrDefault();
Almost the same, but the SQL query plan might be different.
var q =
from asset in Assets
where asset.Id == assetID
select new
Previous = asset.Orders.where(a => a.Date == asset.Orders.Where(x => x.Date < myDate).Max(x => x.Date)).FirstOrDefault(),
Current = asset.Orders.Where(x => x.Date == myDate).FirstOrDefault(),
Next = asset.Orders.where(a => a.Date == asset.Orders.Where(x => x.Date > myDate).Min(x => x.Date)).FirstOrDefault()
