How can i mux H264 stream into MP4 file via libavformat - ffmpeg

I want to realize an application that firstly decode a multi-media file(such as test.mp4 file, video codec id is H264), get a video stream and an audio stream, then make some different in the audio stream, at last encode the video stream(use libx264) and audio stream into a result file(result.mp4). To promote the efficiency, i omitted the decode and encode of video stream, i get the video packet via function "av_read_frame", then output it directly into the result file via function "av_write_frame". But there is no picture in the output file, and the size of output file is fairly small.
I tracked the ffmpeg code and found that in the function "av_write_frame->mov_write_packet->ff_mov_write_packet", it will call function "ff_avc_parse_nal_units" to obtain the size of nal unit, but the return value is very small(such as 208 bytes).
I find that the H264 stream in the MP4 file is not stored in Annex-B format, so it can't find start code(0x000001), now my problem is how can I change the H264 stream to Annex-B format, and make it work?
I added start code at the beginning of every frame manually, but it still not work.
Anyone can give me any hint?Thanks very much.
Following is the codes similar with my:
// write the stream header, if any
* Init of Encoder and Decoder
bool KeyFlag = false;
bool KeyFlagEx = false;
// Read frames and save frames to disk
int iPts = 1;
while(av_read_frame(pFormatCtxDec, &packet)>=0)
if (packet.flags == 1)
KeyFlag = true;
if (!KeyFlag)
if (m_bStop)
// Is this a packet from the video stream?
if(packet.stream_index == videoStream)
currentframeNum ++;
if (progressCB != NULL && currentframeNum%20 == 0)
float fpercent = (float)currentframeNum/frameNum;
if (currentframeNum >= beginFrame && currentframeNum <= endFrane)
if (packet.flags == 1)
KeyFlagEx = true;
if (!KeyFlagEx)
packet.dts = iPts ++;
av_write_frame(pFormatCtxEnc, &packet);
// Free the packet that was allocated by av_read_frame
// write the trailer, if any
* Release of encoder and decoder
return true;

You might try this: libavcodec/h264_mp4toannexb_bsf.c. It converts bitstream without start codes to bitstream with start codes.
Using your source file, does ffmpeg -i src.mp4 -vcodec copy -an dst.mp4 work? Does it work if you add -bsf h264_mp4toannexb? (all using the same version/build of ffmpeg as you are trying to use programmatically of course)


How to encode audio with ffmpeg library?

I'm trying to remake the doc/examples/transcoding.c so that in encodes opus audio. How can I do that?
This is what I have right now:
encoder = avcodec_find_encoder(AV_CODEC_ID_OPUS);
if (!encoder) {
av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_FATAL, "Necessary encoder not found\n");
enc_ctx = avcodec_alloc_context3(encoder);
if (!enc_ctx) {
av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_FATAL, "Failed to allocate the encoder context\n");
enc_ctx->thread_count = 1;
/* enc_ctx->sample_rate = dec_ctx->sample_rate; */
enc_ctx->sample_rate = 48000;
/* enc_ctx->channel_layout = dec_ctx->channel_layout; */
enc_ctx->channel_layout = AV_CH_LAYOUT_MONO;
enc_ctx->channels = av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(enc_ctx->channel_layout);
/* take first format from list of supported formats */
enc_ctx->sample_fmt = encoder->sample_fmts[0];
enc_ctx->time_base = (AVRational){1, enc_ctx->sample_rate};
enc_ctx->bit_rate = 32000;
Should I convert to 48000 Hz and to mono with filters, or encoder will figure it out by itself?
How to copy audio from one packet to another? (It looks like each packet should contain exactly 20ms of audio, that's 960 samples). This page says something about AVFrame.buf, how to copy all samples from there?
[libopus # 02ec1d60] more samples than frame size (avcodec_encode_audio2)

Is it possible to decode MPEG4 frames without delay with ffmpeg?

I use ffmpeg's MPEG4 decoder. The decoder has CODEC_CAP_DELAY capability among others. It means the decoder will give me decoded frames with latency of 1 frame.
I have a set of MPEG4 (I- & P- )frames from AVI file and feed ffmpeg decoder with these frames. For the very first I-frame decoder gives me nothing, but decodes the frames successfully. I can force the decoder to get the decoded frame with the second call of avcodec_decode_video2 and providing nulls (flush it), but if I do so for each frame I get artifacts for the first group of pictures (e.g. second decoded P-frame is of gray color).
If I do not force ffmpeg decoder to give me decoded frame right now, then it works flawlessly and without artifacts.
Question: But is it possible to get decoded frame without giving the decoder next frame and without artifacts?
Small example of how decoding is implemented for each frame:
// decode
int got_frame = 0;
int err = 0;
int tries = 5;
err = avcodec_decode_video2(m_CodecContext, m_Frame, &got_frame, &m_Packet);
/* some codecs, such as MPEG, transmit the I and P frame with a
latency of one frame. You must do the following to have a
chance to get the last frame of the video */ = NULL;
m_Packet.size = 0;
while (err >= 0 && got_frame == 0 && tries > 0);
But as I said that gave me artifacts for the first gop.
Use the "-flags +low_delay" option (or in code, set AVCodecContext.flags |= CODEC_FLAG_LOW_DELAY).
I tested several options and "-flags low_delay" and "-probesize 32" is more important than others. bellow code worked for me.
AVDictionary* avDic = nullptr;
av_dict_set(&avDic, "flags", "low_delay", 0);
av_dict_set(&avDic, "probesize", "32", 0);
const int errorCode = avformat_open_input(&pFormatCtx, mUrl.c_str(), nullptr, &avDic);

Reading RTSP stream with FFMpeg library - how to use avcodec_open2?

While trying to read rtsp stream I get some problems, with code and documentation alike. Short description: whatever I do, avcodec_open2 either fails (saying "codec type or id mismatches") or width and height of codec context after the call are 0 (thus making further code useless). Stream itself can be opened normally by VLC player and av_dump_format() displays correct info. My code is based on technique answer to this question.
Long description: my code is in C#, but here is C++-equivalent of FFMpeg calls (I actually reduced my code to this minimum and problem persists):
avformat_network_init(); //return code ignored
AVFormatContext* formatContext = avformat_alloc_context();
if (avformat_open_input(&formatContext, stream_path, null, null) != 0) {
if (avformat_find_stream_info(formatContext, null) < 0) {
int videoStreamIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < formatContext->nb_streams; ++i) {
AVStream* s = formatContext->streams[i];
if (s->codec == null) continue;
AVCodecContext c = *(s->codec);
if (c.codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) videoStreamIndex = i;
//start reading packets from stream and write them to file
//av_read_play(formatContext); //return code ignored
//this call would print "method PLAY failed: 455 Method Not Valid in This State"
//seems to be the case that for rtsp stream it isn't needed
AVCodec* codec = null;
codec = avcodec_find_decoder(AV_CODEC_ID_H264);
if (codec == null) {
AVCodecContext* codecContext = avcodec_alloc_context3(null);
avcodec_get_context_defaults3(codecContext, codec);//return code ignored
avcodec_copy_context(codecContext, formatContext->streams[videoStreamIndex]->codec); //return code ignored
av_dump_format(formatContext, videoStreamIndex, stream_path, 0);
if (avcodec_open2(codecContext, codec, null) < 0) {
The code actually uses DLL version of FFMpeg library; avcodec-55.dll and avformat-55.dll are used.
Documentation says something weird about which calls can be made in which succession (that copy_context should be called before get_context_defaults), current code is left close as possible to technique version. As written, it results in non-zero return from avcodec_open2 with "codec type or id mismatches" message. Changing the order does little good: now avcodec_open2 executes successfully, but both codecContext->width and codecContext->height are 0 afterwards.
Also documentation doesn't mention which is default value for the third argument of avcodec_open2 should be, but source code seems to taking into account that options can be NULL.
Output of av_dump_format is as follows:
Input #0, rtsp, from 'rtsp://xx.xx.xx.xx:xx/video.pro1':
title : QStream
comment : QStreaming Media
Duration: N/A, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 64 kb/s
Stream #0:0: Video: h264 (Baseline), yuvj420p(pc), 1920x1080, 30 fps, 25 tbr, 90k tbn, 60 tbc
Stream #0:1: Audio: pcm_mulaw, 8000 Hz, 1 channels, s16, 64 kb/s
First, what does the av_dump_format shows? Are you sure your video stream codec is h264, because you try to open the codec as if it were H264.
In order to open any codec, change your avcodec_find_decoder to pass it the source codec id:
codec = avcodec_find_decoder(formatContext->streams[videoStreamIndex]->codec->codec_id);
By the way, (forget this one if you do not use the c++ code but stick with c#): you do not need to make a copy of the initial AVCodecContext when you are looking for the video stream. You can do: (note that you may want to keep a pointer to the inital codec context, see below).
AVCodecContext* c = s->codec;
if (c->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) {
videoStreamIndex = i;
initialVideoCodecCtx = c;
Next point, not really relevant in this case: instead of looping through all the steams, FFmpeg has a helper function for it:
int videoStreamIndex = av_find_best_stream(formatContext, AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, -1, -1, NULL, 0);
Last point: I think only the first point should do the trick to make avcodec_open2 work, but you might not be able to decode your stream. You opened the codec for the new codec context, but no codec is opened for the inital context. Why did you make a copy of the initial codec context? It is usefull if you want to record your stream in another file (i.e. transcode), but if you only want to decode your stream, it is much easier to use the initial context, and use it instead of the new one as a parameter for avcodec_decode_video2.
To sum it up, replace your code after avformat_find_stream_info by (warning: no error check):
int videoStreamIndex = av_find_best_stream(formatContext, AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, -1, -1, NULL, 0);
AVCodecContext* codecCtx = formatContext->streams[videoStreamIndex]->codec;
AVCodec* codec = avcodec_find_decoder(codecCtx->codec_id);
// tune codecCtx if you want special decoding options. See FFmpeg docs for a list of members
if (avcodec_open2(codecCtx, codec, null) < 0) {
// use av_read_frame(formatContext, ...) to read packets
// use avcodec_decode_video2(codecCtx, ...) to decode packets
If avcodec_open2 does not fail, and you still see width and height being 0 this might be expected. Notice that the stream (frame) dimensions are not always known until you actually start decoding.
You should use the AVFrame values in order to initialize your decoding buffers, after your first avcodec_decode_video2 decoding call.

Parsing FFMpeg AVPackets into h264 nal units

I am using FFMpeg To decode live video and stream it using Live555.i am able to decode video and getting the output AVPackets.
1. Convert the BGR Image to YUV422P format using FFMpeg's SWScale
// initilize a BGR To RGB converter using FFMpeg
ctx = sws_getContext(codecContext->width, codecContext->height, AV_PIX_FMT_BGR24, codecContext->width, codecContext->height, AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P, SWS_BICUBIC, 0, 0, 0);
tempFrame = av_frame_alloc();
int num_bytes = avpicture_get_size(PIX_FMT_BGR24, codecContext->width, codecContext->height);
uint8_t* frame2_buffer = (uint8_t*)av_malloc(num_bytes*sizeof(uint8_t));
avpicture_fill((AVPicture*)tempFrame, frame2_buffer, PIX_FMT_BGR24, codecContext->width, codecContext->height);
// inside the loop of where frames are being encoded where rawFrame is a BGR image
tempFrame->data[0] = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(rawFrame->_data);
sws_scale(ctx, tempFrame->data, tempFrame->linesize, 0, frame->height, frame->data, frame->linesize);
For decoding each Frame
ret = avcodec_encode_video2(codecContext, &packet, frame, &got_output);
if(ret < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Error in encoding frame\n");
//printf("Received frame! pushing to queue\n");
OutputFrame *outFrame = new OutputFrame();
outFrame->_data = packet.buf->data;
outFrame->_bufferSize = packet.buf->size;
Till here it works fine. i am able to write these frames to file and play it using VLC. after this i have to pass the output frame to Live555.i think AVPackets i am getting here doesn't need to be a single H264 Nal unit which is required by Live555.
How to break a AVPacket into Nal units which can be passed to Live555?
H264VideoStreamDiscreateFramer expect data without the start code '\x00\x00\x00\x01'.
It is needed to remove the 4 first bytes either in your LiveDeviceSource or inserting a FramedFilter to do this job.
Perhaps you can tried to use an H264VideoStreamFramer, like the testH264VideoStreamer test program.
If it could help, you can find one of my tries with live555 implementing an RTSP server feed from V4L2 capture

Converting 3gp (amr) to mp3 using ffmpeg api calls

Converting 3gp (amr) to mp3 using ffmpeg api calls
I try to use libavformat (ffmpeg) to build my own function that converts 3gp audio files (recorded with an android mobile device) into mp3 files.
I use av_read_frame() to read a frame from the input file and use avcodec_decode_audio3() to decode the data
into a buffer and use this buffer to encode the data into mp3 with avcodec_encode_audio.
This seems to give me a correct result for converting wav to mp3 and mp3 to wav (Or decode one mp3 and encode to another mp3) but not for amr to mp3.
My resulting mp3 file seems to has the right length but only consists of noise.
In another post I read that amr-decoder does not use the same sample format than mp3 does.
AMR uses FLT and mp3 S16 or S32 und that I have to do resampling.
So I call av_audio_resample_init() and audio_resample for each frame that has been decoded.
But that does not solve my problem completely. Now I can hear my recorded voice and unsterstand what I was saying, but the quality is very low and there is still a lot of noise.
I am not sure if I set the parameters of av_audio_resample correctly, especially the last 4 parameters (I think not) or if I miss something else.
ReSampleContext* reSampleContext = av_audio_resample_init(1, 1, 44100, 8000, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, 0, 0, 0, 0.0);
if(av_read_frame(ic, &avpkt) < 0)
int count;
count = avcodec_decode_audio3(audio_stream->codec, (short *)decodedBuffer, &out_size, &avpkt);
if(count < 0)
if((audio_resample(reSampleContext, (short *)resampledBuffer, (short *)decodedBuffer, out_size / 4)) < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Error\n");
pktOut.size = avcodec_encode_audio(c, outbuf, out_size, (short *)resampledBuffer);
if(c->coded_frame && c->coded_frame->pts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE)
pktOut.pts = av_rescale_q(c->coded_frame->pts, c->time_base, outStream->time_base);
pktOut.pts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
pktOut.dts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
pktOut.flags |= AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY;
pktOut.stream_index = audio_stream->index; = outbuf;
if(av_write_frame(oc, &pktOut) != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Error while writing audio frame\n");
