record session for user not logged - session

I am using Symfony2.0 and I wonder if there is a way to "record" visitors through a kind of session.
The idea is: I have a website about questions. And you need to be logged for some questions, but I want to create a trial mode. The idea is that a visitor who comes, try the trial, and when she/he comes back later, still has the questions she/he played, saved. Her/his score will be saved as for other users.
Except that if we lost the session, it is not a problem. (Like if she/he resets the cookies, or we clean the trial database records)
The ideal situation is to store a session number in the database, and when a user come back, I check if he matches in the records.

The only solution I see here is cookies, but if the user enters from a different pc then you have nothing, you can provide a "user-like" experience but with limitations.
Save a cookie in the user browser, then create a session object but be sure to save it in a non-volatile way. It seems you would be fine implementing a session class specially for this, sounds fun.


Express.js + Passport.js : How to restrict multiple login by the same user?

Passport by default allows the same user to login from multiple browsers and have unique sessions created. How can I configure it to destroy the first session when the user tries to create a second session?
Currently I'm using the 'Sessions' model to add the username to the record and upon subsequent login check by username if the sessions exists. But this increases traffic to the db. I'm thinking express must be doing it already or made to, keep the 'logged in users' information in memory so that the process can be simplified. I'd be thankful for ideas around how to achieve tweak with express for this purpose or any other workaround/suggestion.
Much thanks!
I saw that at least 4 users upvote this question, so I decided to create passport-strategy for that. The new strategy called passport-one-session-per-user. It's open source strategy you can access here:
How to use it? add it right after session. For example:
var passportOneSessionPerUser=require('passport-one-session-per-user')
passport.use(new passportOneSessionPerUser())
Not need for settings, or configuration.
How it is works?
The strategy, created an array that contain serializaed user objects, and sessionID.
Every time user logged in, the strategy check if the user already logged in. If so, it's flag the other session. The next time the user in the other session make a request, the strategy see the flag, and log the user out.
I'm thinking express must be doing it already or made to, keep the 'logged in users' information in memory so that the process can be simplified.
I believe the session model loggs the user in, and saves only that logged-in-ness in the session cookie. The server itself has no clue about who is logged in, but just checks this state in the (signed) session cookie provided by the browser.
You can write your own Passport.js strategy to handle it differently.

Using Cookies versus Sessions for login

I'm building a basic login script from a book that uses sessions to manage wether a user is logged in or not.
This is great, but when I close my browser, and then reopen it, I have to log back in.
Whereas, with Facebook for example, I remained logged in, even if I have closed my browser. I'm guessing this is done using cookies. Is it safe to use cookies? How long should this cookie last? Sometimes websites explicitly say, "please remember to log out at the end of your visit". Why would this be necessary?
Currently my script is kinda like this:
if (is_set($_POST["login_button_pressed"])){
if (form_verified_successfully()){
$user_details = get_user_details_from_database();
$_SESSION['username'] = $user_details['username'];
Would it be easy to modify the above to work with cookies? And if so, how?
A cookie is a small text file that is saved to a temporary directory on the user's harddrive. This cookie can be accessed by the browser that placed it there. It can hold data such as previously visited URLs (posts the user read vs hasn't read), the user's credentials or even the contents of the users cart or a post they didn't finish writing in a forum. You will choose how long the cookie is valid for that system, most common that I have seen are 24 hours, 7 days, 14 days and 30 days.
A session is attached to the actual piece of software interacting with the web server, ie, a browser, command prompt or other application. Once the browser is closed or the application is shutdown the session data will be lost.
Reasons you might want to have the user login again, the data you have granted access to is very private information that another user who grabs the computer 15 minutes later shouldn't have access to (banking, account settings) or the data you have given to the user is time sensitive and you want to force the user to sign in again and be given fresh data when they come back.
Most social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter and several other forums and blogs will give you a cookie to let you stay logged in for up to a month or longer so you can easily come back and look through the site and post to your profile. However, if you go to change your account settings they will prompt you to login again and will only give you access to those pieces of the site during your current session. This is for security reasons.
I hope this helps out. For a quick reference, run a Google search on sessions vs cookies. You should be able to find a relevant article to whatever language/platform you are using. There are great articles out there for PHP, Java, .net and others that discuss advantages, disadvantages and best practices.
Changing to a cookie:
As for your last question, it shouldn't be very hard to change to using a cookie. Most likely it will be referenced via _COOKIE instead of _SESSION, but you will have to tell the cookie what information to hold and how long to stay active. A quick Google search for setting cookie [language] should provide plenty of tutorials. Replace [language] with either PHP, Java, Spring, .net, etc.

Managing DB and Session operations BEFORE login

When a user comes to our webset/webapp, we would like the user to be able to go around the site and do things as normal (currently the site consists of almost exclusively CRUD operations). That way the user can see what the site has to offer by DOING, before logging in.
We want to store all these operations in a session or temporarily in SQLAlchemy operations but not commited to the database.
Then, we'd like it if when the user creates an account or logs in, all those operations are done under that account name.
What is a good way to do this? Currently all our server-side functionality automatically does a SQLAlchemy commit after successful database operations. So I'm not sure if removing that and doing commits manually would be a good idea.
On the other hand, saving database operations in a session/cookie seems bad as well. Then we need to fake the database in cookies, which is ugly and a lot of work.
Note that we are using postgreSQL.
I think the best way would be to assign a temporary username to every user that visits the site & store that information in a SESSION cookie along with everything else they do while there. Then when they signup, you can move all those SESSION var's into the DB under their new username.
BTW, there's nothing wrong with saving anything in SESSION cookies, as long as you're using HTTPS (and it sounds like you should be using that for the site you've got). Anytime you're doing login stuff over HTTP, it's never safe/secure to store anything in cookies.

Allow the user to stay signed in forever - Different implementation methods

I am developing an application and I'd like to offer the user a possibility to stay signed in forever. If he checks a box, his session should never end, unless he manually logs out or deletes the cookie. If he doesn't, his session cookie will expire on closing the browser.
I considered three ways to realise this, but all of them contain pros and cons:
Saving a cookie with the user name and his hashed password:
Pro: The user can have multiple active sessions on different devices.
Con: If the cookie gets leaked by third parties, they can regenerate his session at any time unless he changes his password.
Generating a token which will be stored in the database and in the user's cookies. Then compare them:
Pro: As soon as the user logs out, the token will be randomized and all of his sessions will be destroyed. He will definitely be logged of.
Con: The user can only log in forever with one device. As soon as he logs in from another device, accepting to be logged in forever, his other token will be overwritten.
Only hypothetically: Save sessions forever on the server and give non-expiring cookies to the user.
Con: This is probably not realistic, because you can't store that much data in an efficient way.
I currently prefer the second way, because it does not seem to be as insecure as the first one and it's easily implementable. But I am still not convinced of it and I have seen that there are proven frameworks which do it another way.
Could you imagine another way which is maybe even better? What's your favorite and why?
Never save the password in a cookie. The second method is fine, and is how I think you'll find most apps implement this feature. Note that the session storage doesn't need to be a database. The cookie contains some unique (unguessable!) id, and this id points to some unique storage. It could be a text file in a directory somewhere, a database row, a JSON string in memcached, whatever.
Pro: As soon as the user logs out, the token will be randomized and
all of his sessions will be destroyed. He will definitely be logged
Con: The user can only log in forever with one device. As soon as
he logs in from another device, accepting to be logged in forever,
his other token will be overwritten.
Don't store the token id as a column in the user table. Instead create a new cross table that allows more than one session per user. So, each device will have its own separate token, and thus, its own separate session which can be managed individually.
When a user logs out, you destroy only that one cookie and its associated session store. Any other sessions that the user has outstanding will remain untouched.

Can anonymous and authenticated profiles coexist together in ASP.NET?

I'm trying to figure out exactly when the event Profile_MigrateAnonymous fires.
My best guess from just tracing through my code is that it fires when it detects BOTH an anonymous membership cookie AND an authenticated membership cookie. Can anyone confirm this? I'm looking for real in depth answer here. Not just it gets called 'when a user logs in'.
Now - why do I care?
I was trying to keep the anonymous profile hanging around after a user had authenticated so that once they log out I'd still be able to tell who they were, and certain settings that may have been set.
The problem I'm seeing is that Profile_MigrateAnonymous is getting fired on EVERY request. Not just when a user has logged in. This makes me believe it to be a bad practice to keep the anonymous cookie hanging around - and that I should always call ClearAnonymousIdentifier();
For instance I have a new store and an old store. I want users that have access to the 'new store' to never be put back on the old store. Obviously - as with most shopping carts you don't need to autenticate to begin a session. Therefore I think the only way is to call 'ClearAnonymousIdentifier' as designed but keep a secondary cookie 'UseNewStore' to track which store they should go to.
is this a good interpretation. Or should I just not care that Profile_MigrateAnonymous is being called all the time?
Don't bother with it. There is a simpler way
Migrating Profile Properties During Log On
