Ajax Codeigniter form doesn't work in IE? - ajax

This is the ajax code for the form submission:
$('form[class^="ajaxsubmit_"]').live('submit', function(e){
var classname = $(this).attr('class');
var classnamesplit = classname.split("_");
var container = classnamesplit[1];
if (container == 'parent'){
container = $(this).parent();
$(container).html('<img src="public/images/web/ajax.gif"/>');
jQuery.fn.ajaxSubmit =
function(container) {
var url = $(this).attr('action');
url: url,
type: "POST",
data: $(this).serialize(),
dataType: "html",
success: function(msg) {
return this;
This is like a general function for all forms, it reads the action and sends the data to it. Then outputs in the parent or the specified div. It works perfectly fine in Chrome, Firefox and Opera. How can I solve this?


How submit captcha to the controller using ajax and form data

I have a form with some fields and file upload, rendering as a partial view using ajax in asp.net MVC. when submitting the form, I want to pass all the data to the controller. But if I use $("form").serialize(), it is not passing the selected file to the controller. So I am using formData() to pass the data to the controller. Till this point, everything works fine.
But after adding captcha using CaptchaMvc, it not reaching the controller. Even if I enter valid captcha, it is invalid in the controller.
This is how I send data to the controller using the ajax and formData
var data = new FormData();
var vidFile = null;
if ($("#FileUpload")[0].files.length > 0)
vidFile = $("#FileUpload")[0].files[0];
data.append("detail", $("#detail").val());
data.append("name", $("#name").val());
data.append("FileUpload", vidFile);
url: "/home/submitData",
type: "POST",
contentType: false,
data: data,
success: function (response) {
if (response.success == true) {
} else {
Is there any way to pass the captcha as well to the controller?
Why can't you validate using different controller function, as follows:
At the time of submission, validate the captcha first, and depending on the result, call another controller function to submit data or show the error.
var submitData = function(){
var data = new FormData();
var vidFile = null;
if ($("#FileUpload")[0].files.length > 0)
vidFile = $("#FileUpload")[0].files[0];
data.append("detail", $("#detail").val());
data.append("name", $("#name").val());
data.append("FileUpload", vidFile);
url: "/home/submitData",
type: "POST",
contentType: false,
data: data,
success: function (response) {
if (response.success == true) {
} else {
//Submission failed
var validateCaptcha = function(){
url: "/home/validateCaptcha",
type: "POST",
data: $("form").serialize(),
success: function (response) {
if (response.success == true) {
} else {
alert("Invalid Captcha entry");

Button click submit ajax form

$(".verify").click(function () {
var ID = $(this).attr('id');
var dataString = 'verify=' + ID;
type: "POST",
url: "",
data: dataString,
cache: false,
success: function () {
I have tried using my own server and is not working too
I'm not sure what is the problem, sorry Im quite near to jquery
Edited: The .code(input) is not showing. Because if submit successfully the input will be shown.
you can try like
var dataString = {verify:ID};

Can't post ajax value

Still stack in these code. On any browser desktop working fine, but when try use chrome on my android, can't post value from ajax datastring.
var product = jQuery(".products").val().split('|')[0];
var nomortujuan = jQuery(".nomortujuan").val();
var pn = parseFloat(document.getElementById("val[pin]").value);
var dataString = 'method=sendMessage&message='+product+'.'+ nomortujuan+'.'+pn;
var web = 'ajax.php';
jQuery.ajax ({
type: "POST",
url: web,
data: dataString,
cache: true,
beforeSend: function(html) {
document.getElementById("hasil").innerHTML = '';
jQuery(".flash").html('<div style="float:left;"></div>');
success: function(html){
jQuery("#js_process_request input, #js_process_request select").attr('disabled',false);
jQuery ("#hasil").append(html);
return false;
Maybe this problem
jQuery ("#hasil").append(html);
remove spacing to fix it

How to animate AJAX post?

sorry for this request but I'm an AJAX beginner.
I have the following script and I'm trying to animate it (something like "fade").
$(document).on("click",".ratingemo", function(){
var rating = $(this).attr("id").substr(0, 1);
var id = $(this).attr("id").substr(1);
var data = "id="+id+"&rating="+rating;
type: "POST",
url: "/ldplug/rate.php",
data: data,
success: function(e){
How can I do that?
Many thanks!
First of all live is deprecated, check out on instead. But that being said, why not:
success: function(e){
It would be better to just have $("#r"+id) hidden to start, I just hid it to illustrate the point.
Without seeing your HTML, I have to assume that something like this will work for you. Hide the element, populate it, then fade it in.
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
$(".ratings").live("click", function () {
var rating = $(this).attr("id").substr(0, 1);
var id = $(this).attr("id").substr(1);
var data = "id=" + id + "&rating=" + rating;
$("#r" + id).hide();
type: "POST",
url: "/ratings/rate.php",
data: data,
success: function (e) {
$("#r" + id).html(e);
$("#r" + id).fadeIn();

how to make ajax call in Jquery's delegate()

I have a delegate function of JQuery to remove a row of a grid which is anchor tagged remove, as below
$('#MyGrid').delegate('a.remove', 'click', function() {
// e.preventDefault();
var tr = $(this).closest('tr');
var htmlstring = tr.find("td").eq(0).html();
jQuery.ajax( //$.ajax( also not working
type: "POST",
url: "UploadDocuments/Removefile",
data: "removefile=" + htmlstring,
success: function(){
this is where i am making delegate call in success function of JQuery
success: function(result) {
var htmlString = [result];
for (i = 0; i < htmlString.length; i++) {
$('#MyGrid tbody').append('<tr><td>Remove</td></tr>');
Now i want to make ajax call as shown but it is not hitting once i click remove ,but is loading initially.Also i need to pass the data i.e the name of the deleted row.How can i get that value?
could any of you guys help me out! got stucked !! ;)
thanking you,
Try this where IndexOfNameColumn points to the name column index.
$('#MyGrid').delegate('a.remove', 'click', function() {
// e.preventDefault();
var tr = $(this).closest('tr'); //line#3
var htmlstring = tr.find("td").eq(IndexOfNameColumn).html();
jQuery.ajax( //$.ajax( also not working
type: "POST",
url: "UploadDocuments/Removefile",
data: "removefile=" + htmlstring //file name from line#3
try this code-
$('#MyGrid').delegate('a.remove', 'click', function() {
// e.preventDefault();
var tr = $(this).closest('tr').find("td").eq(0).find('a').text().replace(/"/g,"").trim(); //line#3
var $this = $(this);
type: "POST",
url: "UploadDocuments/Removefile",
data: "removefile=" + tr //file name from line#3
success: function(){
